Hotfix release available: 2024-02-06b "Kaos".
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Hotfix release available: 2024-02-06a "Kaos".
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New release available: 2024-02-06 "Kaos".
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Hotfix release available: 2023-04-04b "Jack Jackrum".
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Player Name: Shaddow
Status: Active
Personal Details
Aliases: Aunty Location: Somewhere with lots of Sand Family: Undisclosed Occupation: Undisclosed Favorite Non-Pen & Paper Game(s): Minecraft & Mario Kart Favorite Pen & Paper/Table Top System: Betrayal at House on the Hill Characters Played:
- Animal (Pathfinder)
- Valanthe Amastacia (5e)
- Katilyn (Pathfinder)
Hobbies: Watching Critical Role
Volunteer Activities: Surrogate parent of a Kitty-Dragon.
players/shaddow.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/08 02:28 by