[20:07] <GWRD> The group in their raid of the temple ran afoul of undead creatures lurking on the other side of the wall. They brought down Tindai and imprisoned him, yet his companions located and freed him.
[20:08] <GWRD> Withdrawing back to the guest house, they planned on resting to recover, but some of the guards located them, and a new battle ensued, as Ptolamir's magical alarm alerted them to the danger.
[20:09] <GWRD> As the battle ended, the group now has to decide what to do, as their shelther has been compromised.
[20:09] <GWRD> As this session begins.
[20:09] <GWRD> (Roll D20 map: https://app.roll20.net/join/1576018/olYIPg )
[20:11] <Ptolamir> “Do we remain here?”
[20:14] <Garun_Degiron> “maybe we should go back to that house we spent a night in before and baricade up.”
[20:15] <GWRD> The courtyard at the moment rings with the sounds of Ptolamir's alarm spell.
[20:15] <Animal> “Is there no other room in here we could barricade ourselves into? Hmmm…maybe ont”
[20:16] <Animal> (*not)
[20:17] <Ptolamir> (no, it doesn’t… I spoke the silence keyword at end of the game)
[20:17] <TolBot> Na na na na, na na na na, Hey hey hey, goodbye.
[20:17] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “We'll have to make this one work, then.”
[20:17] <Ptolamir> [22:55] * Ptolamir uses the key word to silence the alarm, “NonKaboodle”
[20:17] <GWRD> (oh)
[20:18] <GWRD> (I stand corrected… carry on)
[20:18] <GWRD> The courtyard at the moment rings with the sounds of silence.
[20:19] <Ptolamir> “I’m not sure the absence of the door matters much.”
[20:19] <Ptolamir> “Otherwise, we need to fall back outside the walls.“
[20:20] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “If we fall back, we have no assurances they're not going to harry us past the walls.
[20:21] Tindai_Edo picks up Diplomacy and stows it back in his bag of holding
[20:22] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Is there another building here that's defendable?”
[20:22] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I would much rather try ot keep them contained here to kill them rather than hunt them down and kill them.:
[20:23] <Garun_Degiron> “Any idea how many are left?”
[20:24] <Tindai_Edo> (on a side note, in the previous campaign I can't remember who played who, can you please PM me with your hcaracter name so I can add it to the parser so I can get the logs uploaded)
[20:26] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “We need to go hunting and get this place secure.”
[20:26] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Ideally, it would be Hunters and not me..but…well…things are a little odd, I'll admit.
[20:28] Dragoon_Kevoyan double checks his gear.
[20:29] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I say we go back down the hallway where we found Tindai We start there and kill everything that we don't know on a first name basis. Once that's done, we clean this place up and at the least, have a secure frontier.”
[20:30] Ptolamir yawns.
[20:30] <Ptolamir> “I will need to get some rest, or I will be of little use to press further into the complex come morning.”
[20:30] <Garun_Degiron> “Do any of you need rest before we start the hunt?”
[20:31] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “We should rest.”
[20:31] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I'll take first watch.”
[20:32] <GWRD> (Note: It's early afternoon, no where close to night)
[20:32] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “At night. Obviously.”
[20:32] <Ptolamir> (huh? I thought we were attacked while sleeping. I’m confused)
[20:32] Dragoon_Kevoyan drums his fingers on the butt of his musket.
[20:33] <Ptolamir> “But, I can press on for the remainder of the day.”
[20:33] <GWRD> (You were, however you decided to rest after your short series of encounters)
[20:33] <Ptolamir> (oh, we already finished a full rest then?)
[20:33] <GWRD> (I think it was because people were low on spells. You've only been here maybe at most 3 hours since the morning, including your brief rest)
[20:34] <GWRD> (Nope, not even close to a full rest.)
[20:35] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (I know I need a full rest)
[20:36] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (I've spent my spells and you guys are going to insist on getting injured)
[20:36] <Tindai_Edo> “We should leave this place, rest, and attack it again when we're fresh.”
[20:36] <Garun_Degiron> (i still have all my spells)
[20:37] <Ptolamir> (I still pretty confused, so I’ll just accept that I missed something.)
[20:38] <Garun_Degiron> ( i think you never got over that chickenbat encounter Ptol)
[20:38] <GWRD> (Short version: You stayed at the barricade house and came here in the morning. You attacked/got attacked, rescued Tindai then rested for an hour and then got attacked)
[20:42] <Ptolamir> (so I set the alarm for a late-morning short rest?)
[20:43] <Ptolamir> (the whole time I thought that was in prep for a long overnight rest)
[20:44] <Tindai_Edo> (I think a long rest was the intention)
[20:45] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Yes)
[20:45] <GWRD> The air is warm through the broken door to the guest house, though the fresh scent of blood from your two recent kills lingers in the air.
[20:46] <Garun_Degiron> “I dont think we will get much rest here, we either get a better place or start routing those bastards!”
[20:46] Ptolamir stretches and cracks his knuckles, grinning.
[20:47] <Garun_Degiron> ( would i know of a way to make those 2 dead gards unsuitable for raising as undead against us at a later time? or would that be more of a priest question)
[20:47] <Animal> (miserable mother fucking, brb)
[20:47] Ptolamir looks down at the smoldering corpse, “I’m in the mood for routing.
[20:47] <GWRD> (Do you have Knowledge: Religion or Knowledge: Arcana to determine the ways of raising the dead?)
[20:48] <Garun_Degiron> ( this place does strange things to people…. it turned our group int a bloodthirsty savages in no time)
[20:48] <Animal> (back)
[20:48] <Ptolamir> (I thought we arleady did all that, rolls and all, last session)
[20:48] <GWRD> (I'm just addressing the question at hand)
[20:49] Garun_Degiron goes over to the dead guards and makes sure their head is separated from their necks with his axe
[20:50] <Garun_Degiron> (if this guy turns chaotic neutral its your fault mage…)
[20:51] <GWRD> Their heads are exceptionally well separated, and lie far enough apart that there will be no mistaking the intent of the person who separated them.
[20:53] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Now that that's over, let's either find a better position, or hunker down.”
[20:53] Garun_Degiron shakes the gore from his axe and gets ready to leave
[20:55] Dragoon_Kevoyan looks at the others.
[20:55] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (brb)
[20:57] <GWRD> (Where to?)
[20:58] <Garun_Degiron> (well the guy keeping us alive needs a rest he decides)
[20:58] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Yep. I need those healing spells until y'all learn to duck better)
[20:59] <Tindai_Edo> “I agree, we need to rest and better determine a plan of attack, they may have a whole village worth of undead in there.”
[21:00] <Ptolamir> “Then we should withdraw outsid ethe walls, no?”
[21:01] <Garun_Degiron> “maybe someplace with a good view of the temple compound gates”
[21:01] <Ptolamir> “If we could also somehow disable the gate so they can not shut us out once more.”
[21:01] <Garun_Degiron> 1d20+3 perc
[21:01] <TolBot> Garun_Degiron's 1d20(11)+3 'perc']: 14
[21:01] <Ptolamir> 1d20+2
[21:01] <TolBot> Ptolamir's 1d20(6)+2]: 8
[21:02] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> 1d20+9
[21:02] <TolBot> Dragoon_Kevoyan's 1d20(12)+9]: 21
[21:02] <GWRD> Kevoyan you hear sounds from the area where Tindai was imprisoned.
[21:05] Dragoon_Kevoyan rsaises his hand to his ear, then points to the hall
[21:05] Dragoon_Kevoyan puts his finger to his lips
[21:05] Garun_Degiron grips his axe tighter and looks to where Dragoon is pointing
[21:06] Tindai_Edo listens as he gets his blades ready
[21:06] Dragoon_Kevoyan creeps to the opening and peers around the corner.
[21:06] <GWRD> The doors are closed, and do not afford a view into the area with the cells.
[21:07] Dragoon_Kevoyan very, very quietly, opens the door and peers to the hallway
[21:07] <GWRD> (So you are going to that set of doors?)
[21:09] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (The ones that lead into the chambers we're in now? Yes.)
[21:10] <Garun_Degiron> (any movement towards the main entrance?)
[21:10] <GWRD> (No the sound is coming from the spot with the giant arrow. No movement at the main entrance)
[21:10] <Garun_Degiron> ( i think mage is saying the other building door is closed so we cant see what made the noise inside)
[21:11] <GWRD> (All doors are presently closed)
[21:11] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (oh, ok)
[21:11] Garun_Degiron goes outside and moves a bit closer to the other building
[21:12] <Garun_Degiron> (those things in the courtyard are training dummies ?)
[21:12] <GWRD> (They are.)
[21:12] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (they;re very patient monks)
[21:12] Ptolamir follows, rod at the ready.
[21:13] <Garun_Degiron> ( i moved behind the closest one to the door, do i hear anything now?)
[21:13] Dragoon_Kevoyan unshoulders his musket and takes aim at the door. “Who wants to open it?”
[21:13] Animal follows at the back, keeping her eyes open.
[21:13] Ptolamir casts prestidigitation and opens the door.
[21:14] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Neat trick.”
[21:14] <GWRD> You don't hear much, except what might be a dog with a sore throat barking.
[21:14] Dragoon_Kevoyan thumbs the trigger back
[21:14] <Garun_Degiron> (you can do that???? fancy)
[21:15] <Ptolamir> (actually… not sure. I know unseen servant can open a door)
[21:15] <Ptolamir> (but I don’t have Unseen serv prepared… lemme check)
[21:15] Garun_Degiron carefully moves closer to the door
[21:15] Dragoon_Kevoyan whistles once.
[21:16] <GWRD> You open the door and see 5 large hideously malformed, hairless, pustule-covered corpses that look like dogmen being released from one of the cells by a man you don't recognize with a scythe.
[21:16] Garun_Degiron whispers to Dragoon “We are not keeping it… whatever it is”
[21:16] <Ptolamir> (if it takes less than 1 pound of force to open the door)
[21:16] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I hate pets.”
[21:16] <GWRD> (Sure for simplicity)
[21:17] <GWRD> The beasts snarl and growl and prepare to attack…
[21:17] <GWRD> `init rolls please
[21:17] <TolBot> Please make an initiative roll: 1d20+modifier. (You can make a roll 'for AnotherCharacter')
[21:17] Dragoon_Kevoyan aims for the hip of one of the Dead Dog Walkers.
[21:17] <Garun_Degiron> 1d20+5 init
[21:17] <TolBot> Garun_Degiron's 1d20(8)+5 'init']: 13
[21:17] <Animal> 1d20+1
[21:17] <TolBot> Animal's 1d20(9)+1]: 10
[21:17] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> 1d20+9
[21:17] <TolBot> Dragoon_Kevoyan's 1d20(2)+9]: 11
[21:17] <GWRD> 1d20+1 for enemies
[21:17] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(10)+1 'for enemies']: 11
[21:18] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+3
[21:18] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(15)+3]: 18
[21:18] <Ptolamir> 1d20+2
[21:18] <TolBot> Ptolamir's 1d20(19)+2]: 21
[21:18] <GWRD> `init results
[21:18] <GWRD> `init report
[21:18] <TolBot> Initiative Order: Ptolamir 21, Tindai_Edo, 18, Garun_Degiron, 13, Dragoon_Kevoyan, 11, enemies, 11, Animal 10
[21:18] * Retrieving #grovewood modes…
[21:18] <Ptolamir> (animated corpses?)
[21:19] <GWRD> (Knowledge: Nature)
[21:19] <Ptolamir> (I just mean… are they moving?)
[21:19] <GWRD> (I mean religion, not nature)
[21:19] <GWRD> (Yes they are moving)
[21:19] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (I told you we shouldn't have taken Fido to that Voodoo Vet!)
[21:19] <Ptolamir> 1d20+13 Knowledge check
[21:19] <TolBot> Ptolamir's 1d20(14)+13 'Knowledge check']: 27
[21:19] <Garun_Degiron> (time to unpack that fireball you have been saving up)
[21:19] <Ptolamir> (religion is only +9)
[21:20] <Ptolamir> (so 23 result)
[21:20] <Garun_Degiron> (any more info on the man who is letting them out?)
[21:21] Ptolamir mumbles, “Festrogs… they’re undead and they bite.“
[21:21] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Of course they do. No one shakes hands any more.”
[21:21] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (brb…)
[21:21] <Ptolamir> “And careful attacking up close… they spray can spread their disease.”
[21:21] Dragoon_Kevoyan sighs and rolls his eyes
[21:22] <Tindai_Edo> “At this place, I'll never find a date.. that doesn't want to eat me first atleast.”
[21:22] <Garun_Degiron> “Great”
[21:22] <GWRD> The man appears to be dressed in chainmail that stretches over his large mid-section. He has a finely crafted scythe that looks like it would hurt if it hit you.
[21:23] <GWRD> Ptolamir Tindai Garun)
[21:24] Ptolamir steps up and sends a Fireball into the hall.
[21:24] <Ptolamir> 6d6
[21:24] <TolBot> Ptolamir's 6d6(21)]: 21
[21:25] <GWRD> 1d20 for cleric
[21:25] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(20) 'for cleric']: 20 (Yahoo!)
[21:25] <Ptolamir> (halves)
[21:26] <GWRD> The fireball explodes into the hallway, as Garun feels the hot waves of heat wash out the opening. The dog creatures drop dead, all burnt to a crisp, but the cleric remains standing, though with fair number of burns.
[21:26] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (back)
[21:27] <GWRD> Tindai Garun Kevoyan)
[21:27] Tindai_Edo moves
[21:27] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (I don't have a clear shot, do I?)
[21:27] Garun_Degiron gives Ptol a Thumbs up
[21:27] <Tindai_Edo> (double move I should say)
[21:27] <GWRD> (Not yet, but if you moved you would)
[21:28] <Garun_Degiron> ( just scootch 10 ish feet to the west)
[21:28] <GWRD> Garun Kevoyan CLERIC)
[21:29] Garun_Degiron puts away his axe and takes aim at the Cleric with his Crossbow
[21:30] <Garun_Degiron> 1d20+7
[21:30] <TolBot> Garun_Degiron's 1d20(20)+7]: 27 (Fabulous)
[21:30] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Yes!)
[21:31] <GWRD> (Roll to confirm your crit)
[21:31] <Garun_Degiron> 1d20+7
[21:31] <TolBot> Garun_Degiron's 1d20(12)+7]: 19
[21:31] <GWRD> (Confirmed)
[21:31] <Garun_Degiron> (so i double die roll or roll 2)
[21:31] <GWRD> (Double die roll)
[21:32] <Garun_Degiron> 2# 1d8
[21:32] <GWRD> (no space though)
[21:32] <Garun_Degiron> 2#1d8
[21:32] <TolBot> Garun_Degiron's 1d8(2)]: 2
[21:32] <TolBot> Garun_Degiron's 1d8(5)]: 5
[21:33] <GWRD> The bolt sticks in his gut, where you think his navel would be. He doubles over in pain briefly from the impact.
[21:33] <GWRD> (Kevoyan)
[21:33] Dragoon_Kevoyan smirks as he aims. “Chainmail – how quaint.” *BLAM*
[21:33] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> 1d20+11
[21:33] <TolBot> Dragoon_Kevoyan's 1d20(6)+11]: 17
[21:33] <GWRD> (hit)
[21:34] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> 1d12+5
[21:34] <TolBot> Dragoon_Kevoyan's 1d12(7)+5]: 12
[21:34] Garun_Degiron shudders as the bullet flies just inches from his head
[21:34] Dragoon_Kevoyan drops to his knee and starts reloading while muttering to himself.
[21:36] <GWRD> He grunts as the bullet embeds itself into his stomach. Woosy and certain his death is near, he charges forward into your fray and lifts his unholy symbol up high as waves of dark energy wash over you.
[21:36] <GWRD> 2d6 negative energy. DC 14 Will Save for 1/2 damage.
[21:36] <Garun_Degiron> “Playin with undead??? Bad cleric!”
[21:36] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 2d6(10) 'negative energy. DC 14 Will Save for 1/2 damage.']: 10
[21:36] <Tindai_Edo> (all of us?)
[21:36] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> 1d20+6
[21:36] <TolBot> Dragoon_Kevoyan's 1d20(6)+6]: 12
[21:36] <Garun_Degiron> 1d20+3 vs DC14
[21:36] <TolBot> Garun_Degiron's 1d20(19)+3 'vs DC14']: 22 (Success)
[21:37] <GWRD> (All except Animal who seems to be far enough away)
[21:37] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+2 vs dc14
[21:37] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(14)+2 'vs dc14']: 16 (Success)
[21:37] <Ptolamir> 1d20+7 will
[21:37] <TolBot> Ptolamir's 1d20(14)+7 'will']: 21
[21:37] <Garun_Degiron> (so 5 dmg for me)
[21:37] <GWRD> (Full damage = 10, 1/2 damage = 5)
[21:37] Ptolamir grimmaces at the pain of the negative energy.
[21:38] <GWRD> Animal Ptolamir Tindai)
[21:38] Dragoon_Kevoyan wobbles on his knees for a second, almost dropping his musket.
[21:38] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Stand…and…deliver…“
[21:38] <Garun_Degiron> (ooh i need a catch phrase too)
[21:38] Animal will take her full movement just to get near by.
[21:40] <GWRD> Ptolamir Tindai Garun)
[21:41] <Ptolamir> (hmm)
[21:42] <GWRD> (You can wait for one of the others)
[21:42] <Garun_Degiron> ( would recommend a step back becase that scythe looks pointy)
[21:42] Ptolamir holds action til others have gone.
[21:42] Ptolamir steps back.
[21:42] Tindai_Edo pushes forward and attacks with his Katana
[21:43] <GWRD> Tindai Garun Kevoyan Holding: Ptolamir)
[21:43] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+12
[21:43] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(7)+12]: 19
[21:43] <Tindai_Edo> (err, should have been +10, so 17)
[21:43] <GWRD> (Hit)
[21:43] <Tindai_Edo> 1d8+6
[21:43] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d8(1)+6]: 7
[21:43] <GWRD> Tindai cuts him down with ease.
[21:44] Garun_Degiron looks inside the building for any more enemies
[21:44] <GWRD> The interior looks empty at the moment.
[21:45] Tindai_Edo spits on his remains and wipes the clerics foul blood from his blade
[21:45] Garun_Degiron gets closer to the dead clearic, looks down at his corpse and says “The power of axe divides you” before he lops off his head
[21:46] Dragoon_Kevoyan looks down at the corpse. “Serves you right.”
[21:47] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Who should go in first?”
[21:47] <Garun_Degiron> (i want to search him for the keys to all those locked doors and anything else of use making sure not to touch his unholy symbol)
[21:47] <Tindai_Edo> “Not sure whats all left in here, to push forward or fall back that is the question.”
[21:48] <Garun_Degiron> Ptolamir should we destroy this symbol of his or is there a better way to neutralise it?”
[21:48] <GWRD> (The body has: chainmail, masterwork scythe, unholy symbol, 195 gp)
[21:49] <Ptolamir> “It would disarm him some.”
[21:49] <Garun_Degiron> (chainmail in need of some repairs)
[21:49] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “We could also cut off his arms.”
[21:50] <GWRD> (Note: There is no key, as all the doors had slider bars on this side of the door to keep whatever was in the cells inside)
[21:50] <Garun_Degiron> ( must have misremembered)
[21:51] <Garun_Degiron> (didnt we check those cells when we freed Tin?)
[21:51] <GWRD> (Nope, just his cell)
[21:51] <Garun_Degiron> (how silly of us)
[21:51] Garun_Degiron moves inside slowly anticipating an attack
[21:51] <GWRD> (Though the new open cell has been revealed on the map)
[21:52] <Garun_Degiron> (anything else in the cell?)
[21:53] <GWRD> The interior of the cell is grimy and smells like decay, moldy hay, and feces.
[21:53] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (…or a college dorm room)
[21:53] Garun_Degiron closes and locks the door again
[21:54] <GWRD> (Similar)
[21:54] <Garun_Degiron> (can i knock on the other doors we have not checked and listen for any response?)
[21:54] <GWRD> (Sure)
[21:55] <GWRD> (Make 1 perception check for your knock)
[21:55] <Garun_Degiron> 1d20+3 perc
[21:55] <TolBot> Garun_Degiron's 1d20(2)+3 'perc']: 5
[21:56] <Garun_Degiron> (lol, this one is clear)
[21:56] Dragoon_Kevoyan moves forward to teh corner silently and listens for enemy movement.
[21:56] <GWRD> (There is no response to your knocking.)
[21:57] <GWRD> Around the corner you see a closed door with scratch marks on it, as if at one time an animal or man tried to claw his way out.
[21:57] Garun_Degiron follows
[21:58] Ptolamir concentrates on desoiling his clothes as he stands nearby.
[21:58] Dragoon_Kevoyan pounds on the cell door with the butt of his musket. “Who's there?”
[21:58] Ptolamir looks around at whose armor/clothes are most soiled/bloodied.
[21:59] <GWRD> (Which cell door?)
[22:00] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (The one I ma in front of on the map)
[22:00] <GWRD> (Perception check Kevoyan)
[22:01] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> 1d20+9
[22:01] <TolBot> Dragoon_Kevoyan's 1d20(13)+9]: 22
[22:01] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Oh, to have a grenade…)
[22:01] <GWRD> You don't hear any noise from this cell, but it sounds like some light snarling from the cell next to it.
[22:04] Dragoon_Kevoyan looks to the cell, then to Garun
[22:04] <Garun_Degiron> “Hear something?”
[22:04] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “We have guests.”
[22:05] <Garun_Degiron> ” we kill them now or later?“
[22:05] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Now, so that way they won't be trying to kill us later.”
[22:07] Garun_Degiron readies his axe
[22:07] Dragoon_Kevoyan shoulder his musket and takes out his dagger.
[22:07] <Garun_Degiron> “Did Ptolamir say they spray poison?”
[22:07] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> Ptolamir We might need your help. There's a…critter in this cell.”
[22:08] Ptolamir moves up.
[22:08] <Ptolamir> “If you slice into one of those spores, it may splatter the disease onto you.“
[22:09] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Should I bludgeon them, then?”
[22:09] <Garun_Degiron> “That doesnt sound ideal”
[22:11] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Do you have another fire spell to use against it?'
[22:15] Ptolamir looks at Dragoon “Yes, bludgeoning should keep you safe.”
[22:16] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “About the fire spell?”
[22:16] <Ptolamir> “Any piercing or slashing, however, would put you at great risk.”
[22:16] Dragoon_Kevoyan unshoulders his musket, taking off the bayonet and sheathing his dagger.
[22:17] <Garun_Degiron> (this one time i forgot my hammer)
[22:18] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (and I wanted to shoot something)
[22:19] <GWRD> (Guns count as Piercing or Bludgeoning. You can have your shots count as bludgeoning for purposes of this combat)
[22:20] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Sweet! Now all I have to do is make this musket fully automatic)
[22:21] <Garun_Degiron> (would i be able to attack with the flat of my axe?)
[22:22] <GWRD> (Not very effectively)
[22:25] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Let's look for a club for you to use.”
[22:27] Dragoon_Kevoyan walks back to the court and looks for something to use as a club for Garun.
[22:28] <GWRD> The courtyard does not exactly offer much in the way of blunt objects of trauma. Perhaps if you broke the shaft off that masterwork scythe the cleric was carrying, he could use that as a staff.
[22:29] Dragoon_Kevoyan looks down at teh scythe.
[22:29] <Garun_Degiron> “Its ok i will handle it”
[22:29] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “It'll do.”
[22:29] <Garun_Degiron> “lets do this!”
[22:30] Dragoon_Kevoyan rests the scythe against the wall and stomps on the handle to break off something long enough to use as a club.
[22:30] Tindai_Edo watches
[22:30] <GWRD> You break the shaft off the scythe and present the remaining wood to Garun to use as a staff or club, then prepare to open the door.
[22:31] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (…and that's how I lost my foot.)
[22:31] Ptolamir steps back waiting to assist if things get out of hand.
[22:32] Garun_Degiron takes a few practice swings with the handle and gets ready
[22:32] <GWRD> A large festrog (undead dog thing) awaits on the other side of the door and prepares to charge as soon as the door is opened.
[22:32] <GWRD> `init rolls please
[22:32] <TolBot> Please make an initiative roll: 1d20+modifier. (You can make a roll 'for AnotherCharacter')
[22:32] <GWRD> 1d20+1 for Festrog
[22:32] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(18)+1 'for Festrog']: 19
[22:33] <Garun_Degiron> 1d20+5 init
[22:33] <TolBot> Garun_Degiron's 1d20(14)+5 'init']: 19
[22:33] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+3
[22:33] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(13)+3]: 16
[22:33] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> 1d20+9
[22:33] <TolBot> Dragoon_Kevoyan's 1d20(17)+9]: 26
[22:33] <GWRD> `init report
[22:33] <TolBot> Initiative Order: Dragoon_Kevoyan, 26, Festrog, 19, Garun_Degiron, 19, Tindai_Edo, 16
[22:34] <GWRD> Kevoyan Festrog, Garun)
[22:34] Dragoon_Kevoyan raises his musket and fires without thinking.
[22:34] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> 1d20+11
[22:34] <TolBot> Dragoon_Kevoyan's 1d20(5)+11]: 16
[22:34] <GWRD> (hit)
[22:34] Garun_Degiron shudders again as the bullet whizzes past his head
[22:35] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> 1d12+5
[22:35] <TolBot> Dragoon_Kevoyan's 1d12(7)+5]: 12
[22:36] <GWRD> You hit it dead in the chest, a blow that would kill any man, but somehow it manages to drop to all fours and charges…
[22:36] <GWRD> 1d20+8 vs Garun
[22:36] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(13)+8 'vs Garun']: 21
[22:36] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Gods damn it.”
[22:37] <GWRD> 1d6+5 bite damage if hit
[22:37] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d6(4)+5 'bite damage if hit']: 9
[22:37] <Garun_Degiron> (ac is 20)
[22:37] <GWRD> 1d20+8 free trip attempt vs CMD
[22:37] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(4)+8 'free trip attempt vs CMD']: 12
[22:37] <GWRD> (That should fail)
[22:38] <Garun_Degiron> (yeah cmd is 21)
[22:38] <Garun_Degiron> (or 25 against trip)
[22:38] <GWRD> The beast rushes forward and clamps down on Garun's leg, ripping a chunk out with a violent jerk that almost knocks him to the ground.
[22:38] <GWRD> (9 damage)
[22:38] Garun_Degiron swings the handle at the beast
[22:39] <Garun_Degiron> (so my general unarmed melee is +9 to hit, what do i roll with this thing?)
[22:39] <GWRD> (The same)
[22:39] <Garun_Degiron> 1d20+9
[22:39] <TolBot> Garun_Degiron's 1d20(7)+9]: 16
[22:40] <GWRD> (Hit)
[22:40] <Garun_Degiron> (and dmg?)
[22:40] <GWRD> (1D6 for a club)
[22:40] <Garun_Degiron> (is it +my str or just 1d6)
[22:40] <GWRD> (+str)
[22:40] <Garun_Degiron> 1d6+3
[22:40] <TolBot> Garun_Degiron's 1d6(5)+3]: 8
[22:41] <GWRD> Garun bashes the creature in the head, crumpling its skull in, and causing it to stop moving any more.
[22:42] <Tindai_Edo> (*drums the rythm to 'another one bites the dust' on the back of the dead cleric*)
[22:42] Garun_Degiron uses some water from his water skin to clean out the bite
[22:42] Dragoon_Kevoyan reaches out and uses a positive charge to heal him.
[22:42] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Stand and deliver.”
[22:44] Garun_Degiron does a quick check of the cell for any more undead or any signs of what the priests are doing with them
[22:44] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> 1d6
[22:44] <TolBot> Dragoon_Kevoyan's 1d6(1)]: 1
[22:44] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (“The gods don't like you.”)
[22:45] Garun_Degiron feels a little better and thanks Dragoon
[22:46] Dragoon_Kevoyan pats him on the shoulder.
[22:46] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Let's go.”
[22:46] Garun_Degiron follows
[22:47] <Garun_Degiron> (by the way , did the clerics unholy symbol look anything like the symbols those guys had when were were here first time?)
[22:48] Dragoon_Kevoyan pokes his head into the cell.
[22:49] <GWRD> (Yes they do)
[22:49] <Garun_Degiron> ( so they were evil all along)
[22:49] <GWRD> The cell is similiar to the others, though this one seems more damaged.
[22:49] <GWRD> (Yep)
[22:51] <GWRD> (Continuing on?)
[22:51] Dragoon_Kevoyan wrinkles his nose, and moves on.
[22:51] <Ptolamir> “We should clear it all, if necessary.”
[22:51] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I agree. Let's check this cell here.”
[22:51] <GWRD> (Left cell?)
[22:52] Garun_Degiron gets ready near the door
[22:52] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (yep)
[22:52] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Wait, let me reload.”
[22:53] Dragoon_Kevoyan starts to hammer in the round with the ramrod
[22:54] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Garun…don't get in front of me. I don't want to kill you.”
[22:54] <Garun_Degiron> “Aim small , miss small!”
[22:55] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Be sure to say that when I blow your face off. Now stay behind me.”
[22:55] Dragoon_Kevoyan takes a knee and aims at the door.
[22:56] Garun_Degiron moves back a few steps “fine if you want them jumping at you”
[22:57] <Garun_Degiron> (is Ptol magicing the doors open?)
[22:57] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (I hope so)
[22:57] <GWRD> (Not these doors)
[22:58] Dragoon_Kevoyan looks around for Ptolamir.
[22:58] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Fine. I'll do it.”
[22:58] <GWRD> You remove the bar keeping the door shut and open up the cell to an empty 15'x10' cell with an ornate chest in the corner.
[22:58] <GWRD> (For sake of time)
[22:59] <Ptolamir> (not cell doors)
[22:59] Dragoon_Kevoyan afixes his bayonet and stabs at the chest
[22:59] <Garun_Degiron> “Something tells me that a the chest might be trapped”
[22:59] <Tindai_Edo> (*rushes in to open the obviously trapped chest like he would on NWN*)
[22:59] Ptolamir tilts his head.
[22:59] <Ptolamir> “Did he just stab the chest?”
[23:00] <Tindai_Edo> “I think he lovingly caressed it with a knife…“
[23:00] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “At least it's not going to eat us. Where's the sapper?”
[23:01] <Garun_Degiron> “Must have had bad experineces with a chest before”
[23:01] <GWRD> As Kevoyan gets ready to stab the chest with his bayonet, it prepares to eat him in kind…
[23:01] <GWRD> As this session comes to a close.