[20:13] <GWRD> Our journey takes us to the base of a tower in a run down town of lecherous individuals. After the brief abduction of their friend, the band of travelers attempted to siege the tower, only to be slowed down by 4 suits of armor that moved of their own voilition.
[20:13] <GWRD> (Correction: 5 suits) Battered and bruised, they withdrew after destroying two of the suits, and now plan their next move…
[20:13] * TolBot (TolBot@sorcery-2unmot.dyn.grandenetworks.net) Quit (Client exited)
[20:13] * @Tolman (Tol@sorcery-2unmot.dyn.grandenetworks.net) Quit (Client exited)
[20:14] <GWRD> … as this game begins.
[20:15] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “There has to be a better way to get the attention of the lady of the tower.”
[20:15] <GWRD> There is a mix of amusement, surprise, and horror in the streets, as your attack ends.
[20:16] <Tindai_Edo> “Do you not remember anything from your little trip?”
[20:17] <+Crichton-afk> ( Dont think I'll be here for this game. I've had a headache since last night and its killing me. )
[20:17] <Animal> (feel better gizzy!)
[20:17] <Lady_Dolphin> (*hugs*)
[20:18] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Sorry to hear that)
[20:19] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I was trapped. That's all I remember.”
[20:20] <Animal> “What should we do now?”
[20:20] <+Crichton-afk> ( If it gets better I'll make an appearence. For now I'll idle )
[20:20] <Tindai_Edo> “Heres our options… One, we raid the tower. Two, we go back and deal with the undead and/or druid and/or morons in the temple…“
[20:22] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I'm for morons. They seem to have the courtesy to bleed for us.”
[20:23] <Animal> “well then, lets go.” begins turning her wagon back towards that direction.
[20:23] <GWRD> (Three: Kobolds)
[20:23] <Tindai_Edo> (we where told to avoid those from the get go ;) )
[20:24] <Tindai_Edo> “I'd like to make a few of the preists bleed for letting those children stay outside the gates to starve…“
[20:25] <Animal> “Well we should spend some time obvserving anyways to see the best way to go in, no?”
[20:25] <GWRD> (You were, but they are an option… from hell)
[20:25] * Tolman (Tol@sorcery-2unmot.dyn.grandenetworks.net) has joined #grovewood
[20:25] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Tolman
[20:25] * TolBot (TolBot@sorcery-2unmot.dyn.grandenetworks.net) has joined #grovewood
[20:25] <GWRD> (WB)
[20:26] <@Tolman> (sorry, DC)
[20:27] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I agree, we should study our enemy first, find the best way to deal with them.”
[20:27] <Tindai_Edo> “Observe and kill them all it is then.”
[20:27] Tindai_Edo grins wickedly
[20:30] Dragoon_Kevoyan walks to his horse.
[20:30] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I hope you missed me, old man.”
[20:30] <GWRD> So the group decides the best course of action is to return to the temple.
[20:30] Tindai_Edo mounts Rhykir and looks to the others
[20:31] Dragoon_Kevoyan mounts his horse and makes sure he has everything.
[20:32] <GWRD> (AFK a moment)
[20:33] * @Tolman shakes his head, “We nearly burned that bridge.”
[20:33] * Tolman is now known as Ptolamir
[20:34] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “As long as what's left can bear our weight, we should be fine.”
[20:35] <Tindai_Edo> “I'll see that temple burnt to the ground if need be. Something still does not sit right with me, as I have yet seen a druid conjure the undead yet, undead there is.”
[20:36] Dragoon_Kevoyan pats his musket. “We can deal with a few skeletons and zombie.”
[20:37] <GWRD> (Back)
[20:37] Animal mutters about loosing two of her knives.
[20:38] Dragoon_Kevoyan looks over his shoulder at Animal.
[20:38] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Need something?”
[20:38] <Animal> “Just wished I had been able to get my knives back that's all.”
[20:39] <Tindai_Edo> “Theres the door, open it and run really fast.”
[20:39] Dragoon_Kevoyan guides his horse back to the bazaar and looks for someone selling knives.
[20:39] Animal glares at Tindai “Keep it up funny man and i'll quit looking after your horse.”
[20:39] Tindai_Edo pulls a dagger out o fhis bag of holding, and hands it over to Animal (the dagger that is)
[20:40] <GWRD> The dagger is akin to a small sword in Animal's hands (unless you have small sized daggers)
[20:40] Animal shakes her head. “No thanks Tindai it's not the same, i made all my weapons.”
[20:42] Tindai_Edo drops it back in his bag of holding, “Can't say i didn't try”
[20:43] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Looking for throwing knives…preferably ones that aren't being thrown at me.”
[20:43] <GWRD> There are a few stalls selling blades of various sizes, though a few of them give you the stink eye as you draw near their stalls, while a few do not.
[20:44] Dragoon_Kevoyan appraoches one that doesn't give me a (highly unwaranted) bad look.
[20:45] <GWRD> Shopkeeper: “How may I be of assistance to you?”
[20:46] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Looking for two knives, balanced for throwing.”
[20:47] <GWRD> Shopkeeper: “Certainly.” He presents you two knives sized well for you.
[20:48] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Excellent – how much?”
[20:48] <GWRD> Shopkeeper: “5 golden coins each.”
[20:50] Dragoon_Kevoyan hands him 10 gold and tucks the daggers into his belt.
[20:50] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Good morrow to you, sir.”
[20:51] Dragoon_Kevoyan walks back to his horse, mounts it and guides it back to the group.
[20:51] <GWRD> Shopkeeper: “Enjoy” He smiles as he quickly secures the coins.
[20:54] Dragoon_Kevoyan waves
[20:54] Dragoon_Kevoyan takes out the knives and hands them to Animal “This should help you stay upright.”
[20:55] <GWRD> Kevoyan hands you two knives about the size of short swords.
[20:55] Animal smiles as she takes them “thank you Kevoyan and she sucks them away.
[20:56] Ptolamir follsows behind in the bazaar.
[20:57] Dragoon_Kevoyan nods in salute to Animal.
[20:57] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “So? Are we ready to spread more good cheer?”
[20:58] <GWRD> The group makes their way from the bazaar outside of the tower and the large building that Tindai spent the night in. As you begin to leave, you spot what looks like an abandoned theater that you either missed or ignored on your way in.
[20:59] <Lady_Dolphin> (be back in a sec)
[21:00] Dragoon_Kevoyan looks at the theatre…and rolls his eyes.
[21:00] <GWRD> Passing the theater, you make your way along the dusty road, past the run down abandoned farms towards the mountain in the distance.
[21:00] Dragoon_Kevoyan keeps an eye out for snipers and ambushes
[21:00] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (brb)
[21:01] Tindai_Edo looks around and alert for the beggers that tried to molest them on the way into town
[21:01] Ptolamir examines the sky over the mountain.
[21:02] <GWRD> The sky over the mountain looks like a regular landscape… a few white puffy clouds lazily crossing the sky.
[21:02] <GWRD> There appear to be no sign of the beggars or anything that looks like they want to snipe or ambush you as you leave.
[21:04] Tindai_Edo continues to head out of the city
[21:06] <GWRD> The dust kicks up a bit as you continue, and soon you are back climbing the shallow road up the mountain that leads to where you came from.
[21:07] <Lady_Dolphin> (back)
[21:07] <Animal> (wb)
[21:08] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (back)
[21:08] <Animal> (wb)
[21:08] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Are we still alive?)
[21:08] <GWRD> In time you arrive at the crest of the mountain, where a familiar greasy haired old elf sits stoking a campfire, as if time just loops here.
[21:09] <GWRD> Old elf: “I see you have returned in one piece. Did you find the city not as lovable as you hoped?”
[21:12] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “The natives were…charming…to say the least.”
[21:13] Ptolamir sighs, tired.
[21:14] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Their choice of entertainment left little to the imagination.”
[21:14] <Ptolamir> “We did not gain the, er, affections of the tower as planned.”
[21:14] <GWRD> Old elf: “No, I suspect you would not.”
[21:15] <Tindai_Edo> “An avenue to be pursued again in the future.”
[21:18] <GWRD> Old elf: “Perhaps if you have something to offer, or are stronger you can take the owner of the tower, though the brothel leader may be an easier pushover for people of your talents.
[21:19] <Tindai_Edo> “Cassandra”
[21:21] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I would prefer not to harm the working girls.”
[21:21] <Tindai_Edo> “I agree, Cassandra if I recall is the name of the Brothel's mistress.”
[21:21] <Lady_Dolphin> (Suddenly picturing a gnome in Slave Leia bikini)
[21:22] <Tindai_Edo> (nice… now its stuck in my head)
[21:23] <GWRD> Old elf: “Yes, I suspect that was her name.”
[21:24] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Someone photoshop that up!)
[21:27] <GWRD> Old elf: “So what is it you plan on doing next?”
[21:28] <GWRD> The old elf jabs at the fire, kicking up a few embers.
[21:28] Tindai_Edo looks for some wood to toss on the fire
[21:29] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Do you have any suggestions?”
[21:30] <GWRD> There are a few sticks for the fire, but not much here to add to the fire.
[21:31] <GWRD> Old elf: “Well you have tasted from the city and from the temple, which tasted sweeter?”
[21:32] Ptolamir moves closer to the fire.
[21:35] <GWRD> The old elf gives you a brief cautious look, but doesn't act on your getting closer to the fire. The sun has begun to set, and a faint chill is starting to roll in.
[21:35] Animal gets into her wagon and brings out several logs for the fire and places them on.
[21:36] <Tindai_Edo> “Well, we could go back and investigate the temple more… I have a feeling that they're the primary problem there. The Druid, an annoyance he may be, but they do not call forth undead.”
[21:37] <GWRD> Old elf: “Well are you kind to an old man.” He cracks a smile that feels creepy in a way.
[21:41] Animal looks at the old elf “If it turns out we have to kill you later to get out of here, I wouldn't want the elements to have done the job for me.” She gives him a smile that's even creepier in return.
[21:42] Ptolamir looks at Animal then back at the old elf.
[21:43] Dragoon_Kevoyan 's respect for Animal grows by leaps and bounds.
[21:43] <GWRD> The old elf busts out laughing, a chilling laugh.
[21:44] <GWRD> In a cold voice he replies very low. “Many have tried.”
[21:45] <Animal> “First time for everything. And it only takes one well placed blow.”
[21:45] <Tindai_Edo> “So that answers that… but now is not the time for brutality,” he looks around, “first we need to deal with this temple, the tower, and the kobolds.”
[21:48] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Again, elder – any hints to help us beyond 'molest the help'?”
[21:49] <GWRD> Old elf: “Who said anything about molesting. You have sharp pointy weapons, shove them into the soft parts of the scum in these places and take what you need to escape.”
[21:50] <Animal> “Would you kill the monks or would you kill the druid?”
[21:50] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Now we're gettign somewhere. What do we need to escape?”
[21:50] <Tindai_Edo> “Got the feeling he'd kill both just for the blood and gore involved.”
[21:50] <GWRD> Old elf: “Both.”
[21:50] <Animal> “Then lets kill both.”
[21:51] <GWRD> Old elf: “And as limber as I was in my youth, I wouldn't kill them just for the blood and gore involved.”
[21:51] <Tindai_Edo> “Find, the pretties in their pockets.”
[21:52] <Tindai_Edo> (find == fine)
[21:52] <GWRD> Old elf: “Pretty things in pockets don't typically have much worth here, though you probably haven't learned that yet.”
[21:52] <Tindai_Edo> “Then what does have use here”
[21:53] <GWRD> Old elf: “Things from the outside that aren't readily available here. Food, ore, manufactured items, skilled labor, information.”
[21:54] <Ptolamir> (afk a minute)
[21:56] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Information?”
[21:56] Dragoon_Kevoyan looks to his musket
[21:58] <Tindai_Edo> “Only thing I'm good at is blood and gore…“
[22:00] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “What sort of information?”
[22:01] <GWRD> Old elf: “That depends on the information sought and known.”
[22:03] <Tindai_Edo> (OK, I have to call it.. I just got a call, they need me in the office by 0400 so i have to be up by 0230.. :\ ttyl)
[22:03] <Lady_Dolphin> (Barf. Sleep well, Tin)
[22:03] <Animal> (night ryu)
[22:03] Tindai_Edo is now known as Ryu
[22:04] <Ptolamir> (back)
[22:04] <Animal> (wb)
[22:04] <GWRD> (If people like, we can call it here for the night, since people keep coming and going, and we're now down 2)
[22:04] <Animal> (yes please)
[22:04] <@Ryu> (Sorry Mage :( )
[22:04] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Please?)
[22:05] <Lady_Dolphin> (I dunno. I could keep going :p ^.^)
[22:05] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (I should get some sleep, too – gymming @ 4:30 AM)
[22:05] <GWRD> As the group once more makes camp with the strange old elf, we wonder where the future will take them…
[22:05] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (night all)
[22:05] <GWRD> Game over.