[20:21] <GWRD> We last left our party standing outside of the tower of the Maiden. Having made their way into the tower, after being mostly ignored by the hooded fanged person and its wooden man guardian.
[20:23] <GWRD> There they entered a room with several suits of full armor along the walls, a large gong in the center of the room, and a dead man lying on the ground with a charred body. The suits of armor, more than just for show, moved of their own volition to attack.
[20:24] <GWRD> The group quickly made their way out of the tower, but not before shooting the gong and making it ring out throughout the tower.
[20:24] <GWRD> The suits of armor, satisifed that the intruders had left, closed the door, leaving them pondering as to what had just happened.
[20:26] <GWRD> It was then that Kevoyan spoke in a voice not of his own, angered at the intrusion into his tower. He then used magic to vanish…
[20:26] <GWRD> As this session begins.
[20:27] <Tindai_Edo> “DRAGOON!!”
[20:28] Tindai_Edo draws his blades and looks to the others
[20:28] <Aldric> ( could I do a spell craft check to identify the spell that made Kevoyan poof? )
[20:29] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (be a good fellow and grab my musket, would you?)
[20:29] <GWRD> (Somebody had identified it as Dimension Door)
[20:30] <Animal> (does the door look big enough for animal's cart to fit inside?)
[20:30] <GWRD> (It's a 10' wide door.)
[20:31] Aldric eyes were going from where Dragoon_Kevoyan had lats been, do the door of the tower and back down again to where the man stood. “I feel that maybe we've got only one options at this point” he looked around to the others to see if they aggreed that going back in was their only option, unless someone suggested they leave Kevoyan to his fate….
[20:31] <Animal> (k)
[20:31] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (“Nah…screw him.”)
[20:31] Tindai_Edo grins an evil grin, “I guess its time to go play with some suits of armor,” he moves towards the doors once again, his blades drawn and at the ready
[20:33] Animal opened the doors wide enough for her wagon to fit and would wait for the others to enter before she followed.
[20:34] Aldric retrieves the fallen musket and packs it away with this things for now. When they rescued Kevoyan the extra firepower would likely be useful.
[20:36] Tindai_Edo heads in
[20:37] <GWRD> (Assuming I have this right… https://app.roll20.net/join/1576018/olYIPg is where you'll find the interactive map on roll20.net)
[20:37] <Aldric> ( and its asking for a username/password )
[20:38] <GWRD> (You may have to make an account there if you don't have one.)
[20:39] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (brb again)
[20:41] <GWRD> 7The first floor of the tower opens up into a large circular room with a flat wall on the opposite end. Several suits of well crafted armor line the walls, like a museum. In the center of the room stands a solitary gong with a small hammer leaning against one of the posts that supports it.
[20:41] <GWRD> The first floor of the tower opens up into a large circular room with a flat wall on the opposite end. Several suits of well crafted armor line the walls, like a museum. In the center of the room stands a solitary gong with a small hammer leaning against one of the posts that supports it.
[20:41] <GWRD> (There that looks better)
[20:44] <GWRD> (FYI, I don't know how to do player tokens yet. Still learning this)
[20:45] <Aldric> ( mine just closed randomly )
[20:45] <GWRD> Tindai enters the tower, and the armor starts to react to his presence.
[20:48] Aldric stands in the door way, looking around at the metal statues that give Tindai their attention and readies a Hex of Misfortune on one.
[20:49] * Garun (ThEeYe@sorcery-e1esk2.cable.rogers.com) has joined #grovewood
[20:49] * TolBot eyes Garun
[20:50] <Garun> (hi, sorry i am late got stuck at work)
[20:50] Tindai_Edo grins, “Maiden of the Tower! You took my friend, I will get him back,” he lunges at the nearest suit or armor, throwing his all behind it. (3 attacks. Primary Offhand Primary)
[20:50] <GWRD> `Init please
[20:50] <TolBot> Please make an initiative roll: 1d20+modifier. (You can make a roll 'for AnotherCharacter')
[20:50] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+3
[20:50] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(6)+3]: 9
[20:51] <GWRD> 1d20 for Suits of Armor
[20:51] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(16) 'for Suits of Armor']: 16
[20:51] <Aldric> 1d20 Init
[20:51] <TolBot> Aldric's 1d20(8) 'Init']: 8
[20:51] <Garun> 1d20+5 init
[20:51] <TolBot> [Garun's 1d20(1)+5 'init']: 6 (Tsk, tsk)
[20:52] <Animal> 1d20+1 init
[20:52] <TolBot> Animal's 1d20(11)+1 'init']: 12
[20:53] <Ptolamir> 1d20+2
[20:53] <TolBot> Ptolamir's 1d20(2)+2]: 4
[20:53] <GWRD> `init report
[20:54] <TolBot> Initiative Order: Suits of Armor, 16, Animal 12, Tindai_Edo, 9, Aldric 8, Garun 6, Ptolamir 4
[20:56] <GWRD> Four of the suits of armor advance on the group at the door, moving slowly and methodically. The last suit in the back moves to the gong and picks up the mallet.
[20:56] <GWRD> Animal Tindai Aldric Garun Ptolamir)
[20:56] <Tindai_Edo> (attacking the one to my immediate right, 3 attacks)
[20:56] <Tindai_Edo> (roll hits first)
[20:56] <GWRD> (OK)
[20:56] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+10
[20:56] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(3)+10]: 13
[20:57] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+9
[20:57] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(4)+9]: 13
[20:57] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+5
[20:57] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(14)+5]: 19
[20:57] <GWRD> (last hit, AC 16)
[20:58] Animal will throw two daggers at the mallet to try to get it away from the gong.
[20:58] <Tindai_Edo> 1d8+6 (not sure if the armor needs to make a check for its armor, its a living steel katana)
[20:58] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d8(3)+6 '(not sure if the armor needs to make a check for its armor, its a living steel katana)']: 9
[20:58] <Ptolamir> (they come out the door and attack us?)
[20:58] <Aldric> ( tindai and I went in )
[20:58] <GWRD> (Nope, they are in the tower. See the map at: https://app.roll20.net/join/1576018/olYIPg )
[20:59] <Ptolamir> (right, but we’re outside, so I’m confused why I’m rolling a hit)
[20:59] <Animal> (i'm at the door if everyone else went in, otherwise will have to scratch my last action)
[20:59] <GWRD> Tindai went in, Aldric is in the doorway, everybody else is outside at the moment. 4 suits of armor advanced on the two at the door)
[21:00] Animal is waiting to see if the others go in or not then.
[21:02] Ptolamir waits outside waiting for the rest to leave.
[21:03] <GWRD> Your blade strikes true on the 3rd hit, however does not manage to pierce the steel frame of the armor.
[21:04] <GWRD> Animal Aldric Garun Ptolamir)
[21:05] <Animal> (can i see over the others what's going on or am i blind from outside behind the others?)
[21:05] <GWRD> (Sure you can see just fine)
[21:06] Animal will stand on her wagon, and aim two daggers at the mallet for the gong to try and get it away from the gong.
[21:06] <Ptolamir> (are the tokens assigned? I can’t tell who’s who)
[21:06] <GWRD> (I don't know how to assign them, so I picked token that at least kinda resemble your classes)
[21:07] <Animal> 1d20+9
[21:07] <TolBot> Animal's 1d20(19)+9]: 28
[21:07] <Animal> 1d20+4
[21:07] <TolBot> Animal's 1d20(14)+4]: 18
[21:09] <GWRD> (There, figured out token assignment)
[21:11] Aldric casts Spiritual Weapon and places it on the other side of Tindai's target 9see yellow dot)
[21:11] <Aldric> ( also i dont recall if 5ft steps exist in pf. )
[21:11] <GWRD> (They do)
[21:12] <GWRD> (2 hits Animal)
[21:12] <Animal> 1d6+2
[21:12] <TolBot> Animal's 1d6(4)+2]: 6
[21:12] <Animal> 1d6+2
[21:12] <TolBot> Animal's 1d6(2)+2]: 4
[21:13] <GWRD> Tink, Ping! Animal's daggers bounce off their intended target.
[21:14] <GWRD> (Aldric's spiritual weapon, Garun Ptolamir)
[21:15] <Aldric> 1d20+8 Spiritual Weapon Attack
[21:15] <TolBot> Aldric's 1d20(13)+8 'Spiritual Weapon Attack']: 21
[21:15] * Garun seeing the commotion rushes up to the fighting
[21:15] <Aldric> 1d8+2 Force Damage
[21:15] <TolBot> Aldric's 1d8(7)+2 'Force Damage']: 9
[21:16] Aldric takes a 5ft step back out of the doorway
[21:17] Ptolamir does nothing, not reallly knowing what’s going on inside
[21:17] <Garun> (can i take the double movement this turn?)
[21:17] <GWRD> (You can)
[21:18] * Garun yells at the others, dont fight them on the inside, make the door a choke point!
[21:19] <GWRD> The spiritual weapon slices through the back of the armor, leaving a decent cut in the back of the armor.
[21:20] <GWRD> (Round 2)
[21:20] <GWRD> `init report
[21:20] <TolBot> Initiative Order: Suits of Armor, 16, Animal 12, Tindai_Edo, 9, Aldric 8, Garun 6, Ptolamir 4
[21:21] <Tindai_Edo> (I'm surrounded, I'm dead.. XD)
[21:22] <Aldric> ( I can heal you up )
[21:22] <GWRD> BBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG! The gong rings out through the tower, as the suit of armor that was in the back strikes it, then lays the mallet back down.
[21:22] <Animal> (damn i didn't manage to get the mallet away from him? shoot )
[21:23] <GWRD> The other 4 suits surround Tindai and begin to strike at him in unison.
[21:23] <GWRD> 2#1d20+7
[21:23] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(1)+7]: 8 (Ouch!)
[21:23] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(9)+7]: 16
[21:23] <GWRD> 2#1d20+5
[21:23] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(20)+5]: 25 (Yahoo!)
[21:23] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(3)+5]: 8
[21:24] <GWRD> 1d20+5 confirmation roll
[21:24] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(20)+5 'confirmation roll']: 25 (Fabulous)
[21:24] <GWRD> 2d6+6 critical damage to Tindai
[21:24] <TolBot> <[GWRD's critical damage: 4d6(13)+6 'critical damage to Tindai']: 19
[21:24] <Ptolamir> (so, I’m confused maybe? the armor men all came at us so we all ran back out except Tindai stayed inside?)
[21:25] <Garun> (nope, tindai ran inside after they poofed the whatshisname)
[21:25] <Tindai_Edo> (No, we shot in, they closed the door, dragoon failed a check, and the maiden took him over. and Stole him away, now we're going back in to get him back)
[21:25] <GWRD> Tindai deftly dodges three of the blows, but in the process of dodging the last blow, another suit strikes him in an exposed area, opening a serious wound.
[21:25] <Ptolamir> (ah, right)
[21:25] <Tindai_Edo> (See PM mage)
[21:26] <Ptolamir> (We are? I missed that collective decision)
[21:26] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (*snicker*)
[21:26] <Garun> (you didnt get the memo?)
[21:26] <Aldric> ( two of us decided to and no one stopped us )
[21:26] <Garun> (thats what happens when you dot use the proper cover sheets)
[21:26] <Aldric> ( something about DMG reports? )
[21:28] <GWRD> Animal Tindai Aldric Garun Ptolamir)
[21:29] Animal will get as close to the door as she can without blocking it completely, and then hold her action until she can get inside.
[21:30] Tindai_Edo growls as he's slammed and returns the favor to the attacker with 3 strikes.
[21:31] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+10
[21:31] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(2)+10]: 12
[21:31] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+9
[21:31] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(11)+9]: 20
[21:31] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+5
[21:31] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(4)+5]: 9
[21:31] <GWRD> (1 hit)
[21:31] <Tindai_Edo> 1d6+5
[21:31] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d6(4)+5]: 9
[21:31] <Tindai_Edo> 1d6 (bleed damage, if applicable)
[21:31] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d6(6) '(bleed damage, if applicable)']: 6
[21:31] <GWRD> Your weapon once more scrapes against the armor, dealing no damage.
[21:32] <GWRD> Aldric Garun Ptolamir)
[21:32] <Garun> (thats whats called a hint)
[21:32] <Aldric> ( the spiritual weapon is going to attack the same target )
[21:32] <GWRD> (ok)
[21:32] <Aldric> 1d20+8 Spiritual Weapon
[21:33] <TolBot> Aldric's 1d20(10)+8 'Spiritual Weapon']: 18
[21:33] <Aldric> 1d8+2 Force Damage
[21:33] <TolBot> Aldric's 1d8(2)+2 'Force Damage']: 4
[21:33] <Garun> (can i occupy the same square as the door?)
[21:33] <GWRD> The weapon of force slices through the back of the suit of armor again, a little more shallow than last time, but effective.
[21:34] <GWRD> (Yes you may)
[21:34] Aldric uses his channel energy to heal those around him except for those 4 armor things
[21:34] <Aldric> 3d6 Heals for everyone in 30ft
[21:34] <TolBot> Aldric's 3d6(11) 'Heals for everyone in 30ft']: 11
[21:34] Ptolamir moves to where he can see into the doorway and casts Flamin Sphere
[21:34] * Garun moves into the door and attacks one of the suits
[21:35] <Garun> 1d20+11
[21:35] <TolBot> [Garun's 1d20(15)+11]: 26
[21:35] <Garun> 1d10+5 dmg
[21:35] <TolBot> [Garun's 1d10(2)+5 'dmg']: 7
[21:35] <Ptolamir> 3d6 on bottom left armor, Refl DC17 negates
[21:35] <TolBot> Ptolamir's 3d6(13) 'on bottom left armor, Refl DC17 negates']: 13
[21:36] <GWRD> Garun's waraxe hits the armor, denting it slightly, but leaving no lasting marks upon it.
[21:36] <GWRD> 1d20+1 reflex
[21:36] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(6)+1 'reflex']: 7
[21:37] * Garun swears in dwarven
[21:37] <GWRD> While Ptolamir's rolling ball of fire melts part of the armor to Tindai's left into slag.
[21:37] <GWRD> (Round 3)
[21:37] <Garun> (hey maybe we can trade in the ore for some goodies later on)
[21:38] <GWRD> 2#1d20+5 to Garun
[21:38] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(4)+5 'to Garun']: 9
[21:38] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(8)+5 'to Garun']: 13
[21:38] <GWRD> 2#1d20+5 to Tindai
[21:38] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(9)+5 'to Tindai']: 14
[21:38] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(11)+5 'to Tindai']: 16
[21:38] <Tindai_Edo> (AC21)
[21:38] <Garun> (AC20)
[21:38] <GWRD> The suits of armor split their attacks between Tindai and the newest target in the door Garun Both do not manage to connect with their gauntleted arms.
[21:39] <GWRD> Animal Tindai Aldric Garun Ptolamir)
[21:39] <Garun> (so i know my weapon connected, just didnt do any damage right?)
[21:39] <GWRD> (Correct)
[21:39] Animal will continue to hold.
[21:40] <Garun> (can i roll anything to try and figure out why?)
[21:40] Tindai_Edo lunges forward, slamming his shoulder into the one in front of him, in attempt to knock its from its feet.
[21:40] <Tindai_Edo> (not sure to roll for this)
[21:40] <GWRD> (Sure. Craft, Profession detailing with metals, Knowledge: Engineering, Arcana,)
[21:41] <Tindai_Edo> (I have craft armor lol… but I'm not looking into this right now XD)
[21:41] <GWRD> (That would be a trip attempt, and if you do not have the Feat: Improved Trip, would provoke an attack of opportunity)
[21:41] <Garun> (dont have any of that)
[21:41] <GWRD> (Roll a D20+int)
[21:42] <Garun> 1d20+1
[21:42] <TolBot> [Garun's 1d20(7)+1]: 8
[21:42] <GWRD> (Nope, no clue)
[21:42] <Tindai_Edo> (ok, retcon that then.. I don't have that feat lol, guess I'll jus' attack it again)
[21:42] <Garun> (so they maybe made of some sort of metal)
[21:42] <GWRD> (They are metal suits of armor)
[21:42] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+10
[21:42] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(14)+10]: 24
[21:42] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+9
[21:42] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(20)+9]: 29 (Yes!)
[21:42] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+5
[21:42] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(18)+5]: 23
[21:42] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+9 Crit Confirm
[21:42] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(15)+9 'Crit Confirm']: 24
[21:43] <Tindai_Edo> (Is crit 2x damage eg: 2d6 or 1d6x2?)
[21:43] <GWRD> (2d6)
[21:43] <Tindai_Edo> 1d8+6
[21:43] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d8(5)+6]: 11
[21:43] <Tindai_Edo> 2d6+5
[21:43] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 2d6(9)+5]: 14
[21:43] <Tindai_Edo> 1d8+6
[21:43] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d8(7)+6]: 13
[21:44] <GWRD> (Which target?)
[21:44] <Tindai_Edo> (same one i've been failing to hurt lol)
[21:44] <GWRD> (The one to your left?)
[21:44] <Tindai_Edo> (sure)
[21:45] <Tindai_Edo> (actually thats 2 crits)
[21:45] <Tindai_Edo> (my Katana crits on 18-20)
[21:45] <GWRD> (Did you double the strength damage on your 2d6 roll?)
[21:45] <GWRD> (Roll to confirm that crit)
[21:45] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+5
[21:45] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(7)+5]: 12
[21:45] <Tindai_Edo> (I did not)
[21:46] <GWRD> Tindai hacks and slashes into the armor to his left. Perhaps the fire from Ptolamir's sphere softened the metal, but he manages several times to pierce the hollow armor, and cause it damage.
[21:47] <GWRD> Animal Aldric Garun Ptolamir)
[21:47] Animal will try to do what garun tried to see why weapons don't hit right.
[21:47] <Animal> (i can use craft weapons ya?)
[21:47] <GWRD> (Roll, it's a free action you can do at anytime)
[21:48] <Animal> 1d20+15
[21:48] <TolBot> Animal's 1d20(10)+15]: 25
[21:48] <GWRD> (You suspect that the metal acts as a natural hardness, which reduces the damage the suits of armor take)
[21:48] Animal will relay that information to the others and that will be her action.
[21:48] <GWRD> (Hardness 10. Reduces damage taken by 10)
[21:49] <GWRD> Aldric Garun Ptolamir)
[21:50] <Aldric> ( SPiritual Weapon keeps hitting the one on Tindai's Right )
[21:50] <GWRD> (OK)
[21:50] <Aldric> 1d20+8 As a long Spear
[21:50] <TolBot> Aldric's 1d20(7)+8 'As a long Spear']: 15
[21:51] Aldric Caststhe Hex of Misfortue on the Armor infront of him.
[21:51] <Aldric> ( Will Save DC 17 )
[21:52] <GWRD> 1d20-4
[21:52] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(18)-4]: 14
[21:52] <GWRD> (Success)
[21:52] <Aldric> ( The shaman causes a creature within 30 feet to suffer grave misfortune for 1 rounds. Anytime the creature makes an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, it must roll twice and take the worse result. A successful Will saving throw (DC 17) negates this hex. This hex affects all rolls the target must make while it lasts. Whether or not the save is successful, the creature
[21:52] <Aldric> cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours. )
[21:53] <Aldric> ( in short that sucker has Disadvantage for 1 round :) )
[21:54] <GWRD> Garun Ptolamir)
[21:54] * Garun takes another swing at the same armor, mouthing “Damn orcspawn” while he swings
[21:54] <Garun> 1d20+11
[21:54] <TolBot> [Garun's 1d20(6)+11]: 17
[21:55] <Garun> (AC was 16?)
[21:55] <GWRD> (Yes, hit)
[21:55] <Garun> 1d10+5
[21:55] <TolBot> [Garun's 1d10(4)+5]: 9
[21:56] <Ptolamir> (Is Armor left of Tindai still standing?)
[21:56] <GWRD> (All the armor is still standing)
[21:56] Ptolamir continues to point at the Flaming Sphere, directing it to continue to burn the same armor figure.
[21:56] <GWRD> (The one to the left is the most damaged though)
[21:56] <Ptolamir> 3d6 DC17 REfl
[21:56] <TolBot> Ptolamir's 3d6(7) 'DC17 REfl']: 7
[21:56] <GWRD> Garun once again smacks the armor, but fails to cause any lasting damage.
[21:57] <GWRD> 1d20+1 reflex
[21:57] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(12)+1 'reflex']: 13
[21:57] <Garun> (does it at least make a satisfying “DING”)
[21:57] <GWRD> It is barely is capable of standing at this point, as most of its backside as melted into slag.
[21:58] <GWRD> Round 4, Dragoon Kevoyan appears in the middle of the doorway almost where you left him.
[21:59] <GWRD> He gasps as his eyes roll back into his head, and his body collapses into a heap on the ground.
[21:59] <GWRD> 2#1d20+5 vs Garun
[21:59] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(15)+5 'vs Garun']: 20
[21:59] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(7)+5 'vs Garun']: 12
[21:59] <GWRD> 2#1d20+5 vs Tindai
[21:59] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(10)+5 'vs Tindai']: 15
[21:59] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(9)+5 'vs Tindai']: 14
[21:59] <GWRD> 1d6+3
[21:59] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d6(6)+3]: 9
[21:59] <GWRD> (9 damage to Garun if his AC is 20)
[22:00] <Aldric> ( did the one I Hexed roll twice for his attacks, taking the worse )
[22:00] Dragoon_Kevoyan mumbles and twitches once.
[22:00] <GWRD> 1d20+5 reroll vs Garun
[22:00] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(16)+5 'reroll vs Garun']: 21
[22:01] <GWRD> (Yes, it still hit :( )
[22:01] * Garun flashes and angry look at the armor and then loks over at Dragoon
[22:01] <Aldric> ( rats )
[22:02] Dragoon_Kevoyan looks up, then around, then back up at Garun.
[22:02] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Been busy, I see? Where's my musket?”
[22:02] <Garun> (so he is at my feet or close to?)
[22:02] <GWRD> Animal Tindai Aldric Garun Ptolamir Kevoyan)
[22:03] <GWRD> (I moved him a square so he wouldn't provoke AoOs)
[22:03] <Animal> (aldric picked up the musket?)
[22:03] <Garun> “We have or friend! Time to make a hasty retreat!”
[22:04] <Tindai_Edo> (haha, I step back I get 4x AoOs lol)
[22:05] <Aldric> ( 5ft step )
[22:06] <Aldric> ( Aldric did pick up the gun )
[22:07] <GWRD> Animal Tindai Aldric Garun Ptolamir Kevoyan)
[22:09] Animal looks to Kevoyan “I think Aldric got it. Come back to my wagon.” She then will pull out her great axe and wait.
[22:09] <GWRD> Tindai Aldric Garun Ptolamir Kevoyan)
[22:09] Tindai_Edo growls, as he takes a 5-foot step and slams his blades into the armor again, “YOU WILL DIE!”
[22:10] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+10
[22:10] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(11)+10]: 21
[22:10] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+9
[22:10] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(19)+9]: 28
[22:10] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+5
[22:10] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(7)+5]: 12
[22:10] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+9 crit confirm
[22:10] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(11)+9 'crit confirm']: 20
[22:10] <Tindai_Edo> 1d8+6
[22:10] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d8(8)+6]: 14
[22:10] <Tindai_Edo> 2d6+5
[22:10] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 2d6(4)+5]: 9
[22:11] <GWRD> Tindai destroys the suit of armor, leaving what remains of it as a pile of slag and pieces on the floor.
[22:11] <GWRD> Aldric Garun Ptolamir Kevoyan)
[22:11] Tindai_Edo spits into its remains
[22:12] <Aldric> ( spiritual weapon attacks again )
[22:12] <Aldric> 1d20+8
[22:12] <TolBot> Aldric's 1d20(8)+8]: 16
[22:12] <Aldric> 1d20+2
[22:12] <TolBot> Aldric's 1d20(18)+2]: 20
[22:12] <Aldric> ( oops ignore 2nd roll )
[22:12] <Ptolamir> (note, my flaming sphere occupies same square as the armor (you could give light opacity and move it on top)
[22:12] <Aldric> 1d8+2 Force Damage
[22:12] <TolBot> Aldric's 1d8(3)+2 'Force Damage']: 5
[22:13] Aldric reached out and places his hand on Tindai for Cure Mod Wounds
[22:13] <Aldric> 2d8+6 Healing
[22:13] <TolBot> Aldric's 2d8(2)+6 'Healing']: 8
[22:14] <Aldric> “Someone Get Keyovan and drag him away!”
[22:14] <GWRD> The spiritual spear continues to make holes in the suit of armor, which mostly ignores it.
[22:15] <Garun> Dragoon is conscious?)
[22:15] <Animal> (yes)
[22:16] <GWRD> Garun Ptolamir Kevoyan)
[22:16] * Garun takes a wide swing at the armor to his right
[22:17] <Garun> 1d20+11
[22:17] <TolBot> [Garun's 1d20(13)+11]: 24
[22:17] <GWRD> (hit)
[22:17] <Garun> 1d10+5
[22:17] <TolBot> [Garun's 1d10(2)+5]: 7
[22:18] <Garun> ( can i now make a step outside the door?)
[22:18] <GWRD> (yes)
[22:18] <GWRD> CLANG!
[22:18] Ptolamir points and moves his sphere on to the next most wonded armor.
[22:18] <Ptolamir> 3d6 (DC17 Refl)
[22:18] <TolBot> Ptolamir's 3d6(6) '(DC17 Refl)']: 6
[22:19] <Ptolamir> (man I’m getting crappy dam rolls)
[22:19] <GWRD> 1d20+1
[22:19] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(13)+1]: 14
[22:19] <Ptolamir> (not to be confused with damn crappy rolls)
[22:19] <GWRD> The ball bounces off the front of the armor, dealing a little damage, but nothing spectacular.
[22:19] <Garun> (is Tolbot upset with you and taking it out on the group?)
[22:20] * TolBot looks at Garun quizically.
[22:20] <GWRD> (Kevoyan)
[22:20] Dragoon_Kevoyan scrambles to his feet and sprints for the wagon.
[22:20] <Aldric> ( if Keyovan is looking for his gun Aldric has it on him on his bakcpack )
[22:20] <Garun> (quickly, close the door and put an out of business sign up)
[22:21] <GWRD> Three of the suits of armor advance on Tindai in the doorway.
[22:21] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (yell, hold it out for me next round. Thanks)
[22:22] <GWRD> 3#1d20+5 (no rerolls, because that one died)
[22:22] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(19)+5 '(no rerolls, because that one died)']: 24
[22:22] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(6)+5 '(no rerolls, because that one died)']: 11
[22:22] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(19)+5 '(no rerolls, because that one died)']: 24
[22:22] <GWRD> 2#1d6+3
[22:22] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d6(4)+3]: 7
[22:22] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d6(2)+3]: 5
[22:22] <GWRD> (12 damage)
[22:22] <GWRD> Two connect with solid hits, wounding Tindai slightly.
[22:22] <GWRD> Animal Tindai Aldric Garun Ptolamir Kevoyan)
[22:24] <Animal> “Are we leaving or what?” She calls to everyone.
[22:25] <Tindai_Edo> (is that your action? lol)
[22:25] <GWRD> Tindai Aldric Garun Ptolamir Kevoyan)
[22:25] Tindai_Edo growls and attacks right back, then takes another step back
[22:25] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+10
[22:25] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(16)+10]: 26
[22:25] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+9
[22:25] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(9)+9]: 18
[22:25] <Tindai_Edo> 1d20+5
[22:25] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(5)+5]: 10
[22:25] <Tindai_Edo> 1d8+6
[22:25] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d8(3)+6]: 9
[22:26] <Tindai_Edo> 1d6+5
[22:26] <TolBot> Tindai_Edo's 1d6(4)+5]: 9
[22:26] <Tindai_Edo> (5-foot step)
[22:26] <GWRD> Your blades scrape off the fresh suits of armor as you withdraw.
[22:26] <GWRD> Aldric Garun Ptolamir Kevoyan)
[22:27] Aldric is going to let his spirital weapon make its final attack before fading
[22:27] <Aldric> ( oh its 6 roudnds ot 5,..whoops )
[22:27] <Aldric> 1d20+8 Spiritual Weapon
[22:27] <TolBot> Aldric's 1d20(9)+8 'Spiritual Weapon']: 17
[22:27] <Aldric> 1d8+2
[22:27] <TolBot> Aldric's 1d8(4)+2]: 6
[22:28] <Garun> (I want to give Kevoyan a once over to make sure he is not just a cheap replica!)
[22:28] <GWRD> (He appears cheap, but the real deal)
[22:28] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Hey!)
[22:28] <GWRD> Garun Ptolamir Kevoyan)
[22:28] Aldric holds the line at the door while using Channel Energy again to his his companions and not the enemy
[22:29] * Garun holds his attack in case one of the armor suits steps out
[22:29] <Aldric> 3d6 Channel Energy healing
[22:29] <TolBot> Aldric's 3d6(14) 'Channel Energy healing']: 14
[22:29] <Aldric> ( 14 HP healing to anyone that needs it )
[22:29] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Who's really bad?)
[22:29] <GWRD> Ptolamir Kevoyan)
[22:30] <Tindai_Edo> (I'm back at full again, I'm starting to feel like a partial Yoyo.. wait that was Shalanda or whatever… XD)
[22:30] Ptolamir points and keeps his sphere on the armor.
[22:30] <Ptolamir> 3d6
[22:30] <TolBot> Ptolamir's 3d6(8)]: 8
[22:30] <GWRD> 1d20+1
[22:30] <TolBot> <[GWRD's 1d20(8)+1]: 9
[22:31] <Garun> ( hehe you keep rolling sub average)
[22:31] <GWRD> The armor is destroyed as it can't withstand the heat.
[22:31] <GWRD> (Kevoyan)
[22:31] <Ptolamir> (rub it in)
[22:31] Dragoon_Kevoyan looks to see who is greviously injured.
[22:31] <Garun> (well i keep doing the same, decent attacks but crappy dmg rolls)
[22:32] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Who needs healing?”
[22:32] <Garun> (im full)
[22:32] <Animal> (i'm full)
[22:33] Dragoon_Kevoyan sees no one else is injured gravely, so he runs for the cart.
[22:33] <Aldric> “Keyovan, You,..boom stick (hehehe) is on my bag!”
[22:33] <GWRD> The suits of armor close the doors.
[22:33] * Garun looks at Kevoyan “What happened to you man, you up and dissapeared on us”
[22:33] Dragoon_Kevoyan skids to a stop and runs for Aldric
[22:33] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Later!”
[22:34] Tindai_Edo growls at the doors and puts his blades away after inspecting them for damage
[22:34] <Garun> “Make sure you still have all your digits”
[22:34] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (That's me action)
[22:35] <GWRD> Combat over… unless you open the doors
[22:35] * Garun takes a step away from the doors still gripping his axe
[22:35] <Tindai_Edo> (/me opens the doors, “Peek-a-boo!”)
[22:35] <Animal> “Wehre did you go Kevoyan?”
[22:35] <Garun> (whats the worst that can happen)
[22:35] <Ptolamir> (does my sphere end? lemme lookup)
[22:36] <GWRD> (It probably doesn't end, though you can't see it)
[22:36] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I have no idea. I was here, we opened the door…now I'm here. Aldric my musket in case we have more interesting things to shoot at?”
[22:37] <Ptolamir> (doesn’t look like it ends, but right, can’t see to direct it)
[22:37] Aldric nodded and hefted the gun from his bag and handed it over to Keyovan.
[22:38] Dragoon_Kevoyan checks it out quickly making sure it's still ready to go.
[22:38] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “My thanks, sir. How is my horse Striga?”
[22:39] <Aldric> “Back with the other animals,..so safe I believe.”
[22:40] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Good. Now – the tower is clearly out of the question.”
[22:40] Tindai_Edo looks at Dragoon
[22:40] <Tindai_Edo> “And here I go into save your ass, and you re-appear…”
[22:41] <Aldric> “And you gotthe kiling blow on one of those armor suits…..I think we need a change of tactics…“
[22:42] <Aldric> “At the rate we are going we might as well resign to the fact we will live out our days here.”
[22:42] <Garun> (what were the villagers doing during this whole thing?)
[22:42] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Well, we can always be mercenaries.”
[22:43] <Animal> “To what point?”
[22:44] <GWRD> A few of the villagers are watching with mixed amusement or jaw agape horror.
[22:44] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “To live comfirtably.”
[22:44] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “To live comfortably.”
[22:44] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (brb)
[22:45] <Aldric> “I would prefer to go home honestly.”
[22:45] <Animal> “I have not yet seen comfortable. Not unless you want to go back to those monks.”
[22:47] * Garun shudders at the mention of the monks remembering the grubs
[22:48] <Ptolamir> (i missed exactly when Dragoon reappeared)
[22:48] <GWRD> (At the beginning of round 4)
[22:48] Aldric looks around at the others while crossing his arms. “So what is it to be? Are we going to try to go home or be amusement for whatever summoned us here?”
[22:48] <Ptolamir> “I’ve little to go back to”
[22:49] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I think we're already doing that.”
[22:49] <Ptolamir> “But I can’t stomach being trapped here, such that the puppetmaster wins.”
[22:49] Ptolamir glares.
[22:50] <Animal> “Then what do we do?”
[22:50] <Aldric> “The olf Elf said there were guardians correct?”
[22:52] * Garun keeps quiet and lets the others talk about the plans
[22:52] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Yes.”
[22:53] <Tindai_Edo> “Raiding the tower is something we will have to do, but those armor suits can take a beating.”
[22:54] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “How about a ball?”
[22:54] Dragoon_Kevoyan pats the butt of his musket.
[22:55] <GWRD> As the party debates their next course of action, this session comes to a close for the evening.
[22:55] * Animal is now known as Shaddow
[22:55] <GWRD> +320 XP to bring the total to 15,320