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[20:39] <@ GWRD> A door stands before Tindai, it's wood worn smooth by time but its timbers still solid like an veteran solider in his dinged armor. Around the door, equally weather smoothened stones hug the frame of the doorway, their age suggesting an ancientness to this tower. Nearby a woman catcalls from a building, as Tindai's hand outstretches…
[20:39] <@ GWRD> Knock, Knock, Knock…
[20:39] <@ GWRD> Game on.
[20:40] * Dragoon_Kevoyan gets his bayonetted musket ready…
[20:40] <@ GWRD> The tower stands before you silently, like a sentry on watch, unresponsive to the touch of your fist upon its frame.
[20:40] <Garun_Degiron> (can i see anything unusual about stonework?)
[20:41] <@ GWRD> Another catcall from a different building, directed towards the group, breaks up the silence, followed by a man shouting “Hey you”
[20:41] * Dragoon_Kevoyan looks around
[20:41] <@ GWRD> (Do you have Knowledge: Engineering, or something related to stonework?)
[20:41] <Garun_Degiron> (i have perception for unusual stonework as dwarf)
[20:41] * DABot ( has joined #grovewood
[20:41] * Crichton is now known as Aldric
[20:42] <@ GWRD> From the largest building, a man stands in the door way looking in the direction of your group. He shouts again “Yeah you.”
[20:42] <@Tindai_Edo> (noticed we didn't have a bot lol)
[20:42] * @Tindai_Edo knocks hard upon the door once again
[20:42] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (does it have all its shots?)
[20:42] <@Tindai_Edo> (not sure, It isn't here… but it is STD free as of last checkup)
[20:43] <@ GWRD> The stonework looks old and worn, but definitely not of dwarven make, that's for sure.
[20:43] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (oh, good – I was so worried…)
[20:44] <@ GWRD> (Perception, dwarves only)
[20:44] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Who's there?”
[20:44] <Garun_Degiron> 1d20+5
[20:44] <DABot> Garun_Degiron's 1d20(18)+5]: 23 [RollID: jh20y]
[20:44] <Garun_Degiron> (if its not related to stone its -2)
[20:45] <@ GWRD> Something feels odd about the tower, unnatural and out of place, yet you can't place your finger on what exactly.
[20:45] * Garun_Degiron looks around to see who is calling to us
[20:45] <@ GWRD> “Garron's the name. Why don't you come over here, and perhaps we can chat strangers.”
[20:46] <Garun_Degiron> “Greetings”
[20:46] * @Tindai_Edo glances back, then back at the tower. . .
[20:47] * Dragoon_Kevoyan turns in the direction of the voice.
[20:48] <Garun_Degiron> (so where is this guy in ralation to the tower?)
[20:50] <@ GWRD> “Come come” He gestures you all to come over to the building, a spacious looking building of 3 floors and fresh whitewash. Several ladies in golds and black silks and satins, with sensuous fashions await behind him in the open doorway.
[20:50] <@ GWRD> (This building is next to the tower, about 20 feet or so.)
[20:51] <@Tindai_Edo> “Not interested in your house of pleasure, unless it can get us in this tower.”
[20:51] * Dragoon_Kevoyan walks up, looking left to right to see if anyone is taking an agressive stance.
[20:51] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Can I roll preception to see if we're getting an ambush in our honor?)
[20:52] <Garun_Degiron> (there is a brothel next to the tower?)
[20:52] * +Aldric only nodded in agreement as he looked around as well, just taking in the sights right now.
[20:52] <@ GWRD> Nobody here appears to be taking any sort of aggressive stance. The ladies however appear to be quite welcoming, and coo and play coy as you approach.
[20:52] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Speak for yourself, Ronin Tindai.”
[20:52] <@ GWRD> (You may roll perception if you want Kevoyan)
[20:53] * @Tindai_Edo laughs quietly, “Well I'm not saying I wouldn't partake, but one must put the mission first sometimes.”
[20:54] <@ GWRD> Garron: “The man here appears to be of more agreable mind.” As he gestures to Kevoyan. “You should not be so quick to turn away the kindness of a stranger.”
[20:54] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (where is my sheet?)
[20:54] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> 1d20+9 perception versus getting shot up
[20:54] <DABot> Dragoon_Kevoyan's 1d20(9)+9]: 18 [RollID: 13uv3]
[20:55] * +Animal sighs and just waits.
[20:55] * @Tindai_Edo sighs, “This is getting us no where… Guess we talk to this man.”
[20:55] <Garun_Degiron> ( can i do sense motives on this guy?)
[20:55] <@ GWRD> You don't see any immediate sign of threats or ambush, though the man has a look about him of somebody who could easily be concealing a dagger, though you don't see one.
[20:55] <@ GWRD> (If you like)
[20:55] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “The kindness of a stranger can sometimes itch.”
[20:55] <Garun_Degiron> 1d20+9 sense motives
[20:55] <DABot> Garun_Degiron's 1d20(10)+9]: 19 [RollID: dc4cj]
[20:56] * Dragoon_Kevoyan shoulders his musket, but keeps his dagger ready.
[20:57] <@ GWRD> You get the feeling this one is slick, like a used car saleman, but also very cunning and dangerous if need be. He seems to want to get you through the door, but that's probably more for his benefit or the establishment's.
[20:58] <@ GWRD> Garron: “So do crabs and body lice, but we don't have those here.”
[20:59] * Dragoon_Kevoyan touches the side of his nose.
[21:00] * Garun_Degiron leans over to Dragoon and whispers “ This is a slick one”
[21:00] * Dragoon_Kevoyan nods slightly.
[21:00] <Garun_Degiron> “What can you tell us about the tower
[21:00] <Garun_Degiron> “
[21:00] * @Tindai_Edo walks over to the man, taking his time, “So, will you tell us about this tower, or do we have to partake in your wares?”
[21:01] <@ GWRD> A scented perfume lingers in the air near this establishment, and the man who calls himself Garron beckons you inside.
[21:01] <@ GWRD> Garron: “Come, let us sit and drink, and we can discuss the tower you are so interested in.”
[21:01] <+Animal> “If you are going in there, leave ALL of your stuff with me.” Her voice was oddly forceful.
[21:02] * Dragoon_Kevoyan looks to Garron, then to Animal.
[21:02] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Fair enough.”
[21:02] * Dragoon_Kevoyan leans in close to Animal.
[21:03] <Garun_Degiron> “I will stay out too”
[21:03] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> He whispers in her ear. “If you're under duress, tell me how wonderful I look.”
[21:04] * @Tindai_Edo enters slowly, “An honest man shall be rewarded, but a dishonest one shall be met with blood and blade, oh how I remember those words,” he whispers under his breath, “words one should live by.”
[21:05] * +Animal laughs and pats DRagoon's cheek. “noat at all, whores will lift anything they can sell however.”
[21:06] <+Animal> (*Dragoon's and *not)
[21:07] * Dragoon_Kevoyan frowns comically.
[21:07] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “That almost hurt.”
[21:07] * Dragoon_Kevoyan hands her everything except a dagger.
[21:08] * Garun_Degiron makes himself comfortable next to the cart
[21:08] <@ GWRD> Garron slowly makes his way towards an empty table near the door, as a few of the ladies flit over to the edges of the table to see who catches their eyes.
[21:08] * +Animal gave a small chuckle then stored his gear before setting on top of her cart, keeping an eye out in general
[21:09] <@ GWRD> Animal, you and your wagon has attracted a fair amount of attention, though most people keep a fair distance from the tower and the establishment you have parked by.
[21:11] <@Tindai_Edo> “So Sir, What can you tell us about this Tower.”
[21:11] * Pakras hums a tune while digging
[21:11] * Dragoon_Kevoyan follows Tindai
[21:11] * +Animal will look as intimidating as she can to help keep them away from her wagon.
[21:12] <@Tindai_Edo> ( Sorry, this is how I picture Animal right now… )
[21:13] <+Animal> (more animal from the muppets, but close enough to that)
[21:14] <@ GWRD> Flaggons of drink are brought to the table by a man and a woman dressed sensuously, as Garron takes a seat and gets comfortable.
[21:14] <@ GWRD> Garron: “What is your interest in the tower?”
[21:15] <@Tindai_Edo> “It appeared then the troubles of this place began. So Mild Curosity.”
[21:16] <@ GWRD> Garron: “Who filled your head with such rubbish?”
[21:16] <@ GWRD> He lets out a laugh.
[21:16] <@Tindai_Edo> “Plus I would like to meet the occupant, perhaps, establish a trade arrangement.”
[21:17] <@ GWRD> He draws in close. Garron: “She sees no-one… ever in the history of that tower being here.”
[21:18] <@Tindai_Edo> “Well, perhaps she will make an exception for us, as we are not your ordinary travellers.”
[21:18] <@ GWRD> Garron: “However, perhaps I could assist in brokering a deal between you and the local merchants.”
[21:18] <@Tindai_Edo> “No offense sir, but not really interested in local business, only the tower directly.”
[21:18] <@ GWRD> Garron: “Does something make you more special than the other residents here?”
[21:19] <Garun_Degiron> ( i am getting a “From dusk till dawn” wibe here)
[21:19] <@ GWRD> Garron: “Why trade with somebody who you don't even know?”
[21:19] * Dragoon_Kevoyan tilts his head at some of the women,
[21:19] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Other than them, of course.”
[21:20] <@ GWRD> One of them gives you a wink and a coy smile.
[21:20] <@Tindai_Edo> “Lets just say that we arrived much like the tower, from another place, perhaps another time. For example I hail from the Xenui empire, in the lands of the East.”
[21:21] <@ GWRD> A smile purses his lips slightly as you mention you've arrived here.
[21:21] <@ GWRD> Garron: “So then, it is true then that new travelers are arriving once more. How wonderful for trade.”
[21:21] <@ GWRD> (Perception checks)
[21:22] <@Tindai_Edo> 1d20+2
[21:22] <DABot> Tindai_Edo's 1d20(18)+2]: 20 [RollID: tx1d0]
[21:22] <+Animal> (me too?)
[21:22] <@ GWRD> (Indoors)
[21:22] <Garun_Degiron> (i am outside too)
[21:22] <+Animal> (k)
[21:23] <@Tindai_Edo> “So they've came before?”
[21:23] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Inside)
[21:23] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> 1d20+9
[21:23] <DABot> Dragoon_Kevoyan's 1d20(15)+9]: 24 [RollID: 5330g]
[21:23] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (:D)
[21:24] <Garun_Degiron> (5330 gold? you rich)
[21:24] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (I don't like to brag…I love it!)
[21:25] <@ GWRD> Garron: “You are hardly the first. This place was created from the decendents who came before you.”
[21:26] <@Tindai_Edo> “I see, there is a reason we have been brought here, I intend to find it, and I feel it has something to do with that tower.”
[21:27] <@ GWRD> Garron: “You would be hard pressed to gain entrance.
[21:28] <@Tindai_Edo> “Has anybody really tried to just walk through the door?”
[21:28] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “That makes too much sense.”
[21:30] <@ GWRD> Garron: “A few have tried…“
[21:30] <@ GWRD> He dwells on that for a bit.
[21:30] <@Tindai_Edo> “And what happened to them?”
[21:32] <@ GWRD> Garron: “I think only one escaped about a century ago. Spoke of things that should not be living, and the darkness that enveloped him and took over his body… and the evil cat.”
[21:32] <@ GWRD> Garron: “Mad ramblings, all of it.”
[21:33] * @Tindai_Edo laughs a little, “Sounds like a place that needs cleansed.”
[21:33] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Evil cat?”
[21:35] <@ GWRD> He shrugs, as the two servers offer more flaggons of ale.
[21:35] * @Tindai_Edo watches Garron intently, still having not touched his first flaggon.
[21:36] * Dragoon_Kevoyan takes a flaggon of ale and gives it a delicate sniff.
[21:37] <@ GWRD> The ale has a good headdy smell to it, rich and flavorful.
[21:38] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (No moose urine, I hope?)
[21:38] * Dragoon_Kevoyan takes a swig.
[21:38] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (brb for poisoning)
[21:39] <@ GWRD> The ale is good, rather good in fact, and goes down smoothly.
[21:39] <@ GWRD>
[21:40] * @Tindai_Edo thinks for a moment.. “Who is this, 'Cassandra'?”
[21:40] <@ GWRD> Garron: “So, you will be needing a place to rest your weary heads while you are trapped here like the rest of us. You are of course welcome to partake of the pleasures of this establishment, should you desire.”
[21:40] <@ GWRD> His brow shifts ever so slightly.
[21:41] <@ GWRD> Garron: “She is the madam of this house.”
[21:41] <@Tindai_Edo> “I see, and how long has this establishment existed?”
[21:42] <Garun_Degiron> ( did Garron imply he is hundreds of years old?)
[21:44] <@ GWRD> (He did not. He appears human)
[21:45] <@ GWRD> Garron: “I believe it has been passed down for generations.”
[21:45] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (You mean this is moose urine free ale? Ale lite?)
[21:46] <@ GWRD> (Very urine free)
[21:46] <@Tindai_Edo> “Is there a way to get an meeting with the Madam? A civil meeting.”
[21:47] <@ GWRD> Garron: “It is very rare for her to meet with clients and strangers. If she wants to meet with you, she will make it known.”
[21:47] * Dragoon_Kevoyan tries to hold back his enthusiam for drinking down clean ale for a change.
[21:48] <@Tindai_Edo> “So, much like the lady of the Tower.”
[21:48] <@ GWRD> “People of power do not like to upset their hold on their power.”
[21:49] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “All we wish is to return to our respective homes. No one needs to lose their power over that.”
[21:50] * @Tindai_Edo looks at the man, “Power corrupts my friend. I have seen this first hand, as they cut the head off of my father,” he shakes his head, “but, there is also justice in power, and that I can respect.”
[21:51] <@ GWRD> Garron: “You haven't figured that out yet, there's no way for you to go home. You are trapped here like the rest of us.”
[21:51] <@Tindai_Edo> “Three paths await us, and thus three challenges, should we clear them the way home shall be found.”
[21:52] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I hated these sorts of problems in school.”
[21:52] <@ GWRD> (Six challenges)
[21:52] <@Tindai_Edo> (Spoilers :P we only had 3 paths correct?)
[21:52] <@ GWRD> (Yup, and each had 2 challenges)
[21:53] <@Tindai_Edo> “You know, this place reminds me fo the last… except this one is orgies and a tower, the last was undead and a temple…” he chuckles, “I think I like this one a little more.”
[21:54] * Dragoon_Kevoyan smiles
[21:54] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Who said we had to leave immediately?”
[21:54] <@ GWRD> Garron: “Most people do like this place more than stiff temples.”
[21:55] <+Animal> (this whole thing is reminding me of some greek mythology or something)
[21:55] <@Tindai_Edo> “They where fat and well fed in that one.. While children cowered and hid, while they starved in their sleep. We should have bled them dry before we left, those insolent assholes in the temple that is.”
[21:55] * @Tindai_Edo he shakes his head
[21:55] <@Tindai_Edo> “Alas, now we are here, and we will meet these challenges head on, and clear them.”
[21:56] <@ GWRD> He laughs, and the ladies nearby politely chuckle.
[21:56] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Did you say 'stiff nipples'?”
[21:57] <@ GWRD> One of the ladies smiles.
[21:57] <@Tindai_Edo> “Kevoyan, go releive your. . . desires and your clouded mind.”
[21:57] <@ GWRD> Lady: “I can help you with that handsome.”
[21:58] * Dragoon_Kevoyan smiles
[21:59] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “I appreciate the offer, but I am…betrothed. However, a little more ale would be nice.”
[21:59] * @Tindai_Edo grins, “I won't tell if you don't…“
[21:59] <@ GWRD> Another flaggon is brought for Kevoyan.
[22:00] * @Tindai_Edo slides his flaggon over to Dragoon as well, “I appoligize for any offense, but my mind must remain clear.”
[22:00] * Dragoon_Kevoyan snorts at Tindai's insinuation. “I thank you for your discretion, but a Dragoon is honest.”
[22:03] * @Tindai_Edo flips Garron a gold, “Thank you for the information.” (Time of day?)
[22:03] * Dragoon_Kevoyan takes the other flaggon and drinks it.
[22:04] <@ GWRD> (Mid-Late day)
[22:04] <@ GWRD> He cleanly catches the coin and quickly makes it disappear into his tunic in a smooth quick motion.
[22:05] <@Tindai_Edo> “The cost of a room would be, unaccompanied of course.”
[22:07] <@ GWRD> Garron: “I can certainly assist you in getting rooms, though they come at a cost.”
[22:07] <@Tindai_Edo> “And this cost would be?”
[22:09] <@ GWRD> Garron: “This is not an inexpensive establishment, and giving you a room takes a room away from another paying customer.”
[22:10] * @Tindai_Edo looks at the man, waiting patiently.
[22:11] <@ GWRD> Garron: “Certainly 5 gold coins a room, would not be a burden on your coffers.”
[22:12] * @Tindai_Edo hands over 10 gold, “For the room, and the ale.”
[22:13] <@ GWRD> He slides the coins across the table and places them in a front pocket, then turns to snap his fingers to have one of the first rooms prepared.
[22:15] <@ GWRD> A woman rushes off to have a room prepared for Tindai.
[22:16] * Garun_Degiron looks over to Animal and says “I wish they get out of that place soon so we can continue on our journey.”
[22:17] * +Animal looks back to Garun. “They probably won't be out before morning.”
[22:17] <@Tindai_Edo> “Excuse me for a moment,” he steps out, “Make camp or find lodging, we should get a rest, and do our questioning of a morning.”
[22:18] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Should I tell the others that…never mind. More drinking for me.”
[22:19] <@Tindai_Edo> “Not to mention, a resupply.”
[22:19] <Garun_Degiron> ( so what else is around here beside the tower and the brothel?)
[22:20] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (You mean there is something else?)
[22:20] * @Tindai_Edo turns and heads back in
[22:21] * Garun_Degiron gets back to the tower and looks around it and inspects the stonework closely
[22:22] <@ GWRD> There are a number of brothels, questionable taverns, gambling halls, and the occasional seedy looking store / pawn shop.
[22:22] <Garun_Degiron> (looking for any hidden entrances or signs of who built it)
[22:22] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (…and we're in Vegas)
[22:23] <@Tindai_Edo> (I was jus' thinking the same lol)
[22:23] <@ GWRD> (Medieval Vegas)
[22:23] <@Tindai_Edo> (so, Rome? lol)
[22:23] <@ GWRD> (No arena though, or gladitorial games)
[22:24] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (yet)
[22:25] <@ GWRD> The tower is smooth and definitely old. A few large pock marks cover the upper levels of the tower, but you find nothing resembling an owner or secret entrance.
[22:27] <@ GWRD> (Anybody else seeking rooms for the night, or doing other activities?)
[22:27] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (I'll split a room with someone.)
[22:27] <@ GWRD> (Kevoyan, DC 13 Fort save)
[22:27] <+Animal> (animal is just gonna stand watch)
[22:27] <Garun_Degiron> ( i will look for a room but not in the brothel)
[22:27] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> 1d20+8 (I *knew* it was too good to be true)
[22:27] <DABot> Dragoon_Kevoyan's 1d20(1[Nat1])+8]: 9 [RollID: 1970j]
[22:28] <@ GWRD> (Noted)
[22:29] <@ GWRD> Kevoyan, you are brought another drink… your fifth now, and are starting to feel the effects of the ale.
[22:30] <@ GWRD> (Where would you like to look Garun?)
[22:30] * Dragoon_Kevoyan snorts, giggles and sways in his seat.
[22:30] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “IiShud come back here. Ha!”
[22:30] <Garun_Degiron> (if its all seedy places then i stay with Animal)
[22:30] * @Tindai_Edo slaps Dragoon on the back of the head
[22:31] * Dragoon_Kevoyan rocks forward, then tries to jump to his feet.
[22:31] <@ GWRD> (The area seems generally scummy and seedy. You would probably have been luck sleeping in one of the abandoned farms outside of town.)
[22:32] <@ GWRD> You jump to your feet, as several people back off.
[22:33] <@Tindai_Edo> “Sit back down before you hurt yourself”
[22:33] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> “Do that again, swine…and I'll a blade in your ribs. Ally or not.”
[22:35] * @Tindai_Edo whispers, “You are bethroved, you need your head about you or you really will end up in bed with one of the lovely ladies of this establishment, and for me atleast, a slap to the head usually snaps me out of it.”
[22:35] * Dragoon_Kevoyan 's eyes start to flutter and his rocking becomes more pronounced before he collapses.
[22:36] * @Tindai_Edo sighs
[22:36] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (No! Don't catch me!)
[22:36] * @Tindai_Edo just steps back as he drops
[22:37] <@ GWRD> Garron: “Oh my, the young man can't hold his ale.”
[22:37] <@ GWRD> Two ladies rush to Kevoyan's aid.
[22:38] * @Tindai_Edo laughs heartedly, “I'm sorry ladies, let me take this one to the others, would not want him defiled before his choosen bride gets to do the deed.”
[22:38] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Having had ale…I would assume I'm passing out from the taste)
[22:38] * @Tindai_Edo hefts Dragoon to his feet and drags him to the street to Animal's cart
[22:38] <@ GWRD> (It's strong ale, it went to your head fast)
[22:39] <@ GWRD> They back off, letting you take the body.
[22:40] <@Tindai_Edo> (the body…)
[22:42] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (I think the next character is going to be a tee-totaler)
[22:42] <@ GWRD> Animal and Garun, you see Tindai bring Kevoyan out to the wagon.
[22:44] <@Tindai_Edo> “He drank a bit much…“
[22:44] <Garun_Degiron> “Is that all he did?”
[22:44] * +Animal sighed “put him in the back of the wagon”
[22:44] <@Tindai_Edo> “Indeed he did.”
[22:44] * @Tindai_Edo tempts to load Kevoyan into the wagon
[22:46] * Garun_Degiron shakes his head
[22:47] <@Tindai_Edo> “The ladies would probably eat him alive if I had left them to their devices.”
[22:47] <@ GWRD> Kevoyan feels like dead weight, and splays into the back of the wagon with the elegance of an octopus out of water.
[22:47] <+Animal> “thankfully, he gave me all of his stuff, or he'd be poor too.”
[22:48] <@ GWRD> (Anybody else getting a room for the night?)
[22:49] * @Tindai_Edo once Mr. Octo-Kevoyan is loaded, he heads back inside, “I will be staying here for the eve, hope to get a meeting with the Madam of the establishment.”
[22:49] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (“I feel happy…Happy…”)
[22:51] <@Tindai_Edo> (Did you take your happy today?)
[22:51] <Dragoon_Kevoyan> (Just had it)
[22:51] <+Animal> (ok, i can pay attention now)
[22:54] <@ GWRD> The rest of you stay with Animal and her wagon, as Tindai gets a room for the night on the first floor. The floor is very comfortable, though the air is scented with the smell of perfume, and occasionally there are pained moans coming from neighboring rooms. Occasionally somebody stops by the room and suggestively asks if “You need anything else?”
[22:55] <@Tindai_Edo> “A nights sleep, is all I ask,” he smiles, and rests.
[22:55] * Dragoon_Kevoyan snores softly.
[22:56] <+Animal> (pained moans?)
[22:56] <@ GWRD> (and the other kinds of moans)
[22:57] <Garun_Degiron> (if we need to guard, i will take the first)
[22:57] <@ GWRD> As the evening goes on, the group outside takes turns keeping guard over Animal's abundantly packed wagon, while Tindai enjoys a private room to himself…
[22:57] <@ GWRD> As this session comes to an end.

campaigns/stota/session_11_-_9-4-2016_-_brothel_chat.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/15 14:41 by