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[20:06] <@GWRD> It is the 24th day on the Smuggler's Shiv, and our castaways managed to successfully rescue their friends from captivity in the cannibal camp, a small camp at the base of an old lighthouse. 03[20:07] * Tolman is now known as Ptolamir [20:07] <@GWRD> Licking their wounds, they safely made their way back to their makeshift shelter in the woods, where they rest and recouperate… and plan their next assault. 03[20:08] * Ryu is now known as Theon_Tokko [20:08] <@GWRD> As this session begins as the mid-day heat breaks. 06[20:10] * Valio checks on the others to the best of his abilities. 06[20:10] * @Ptolamir stands beside a tree, stairing out into the hot air for any sign of being followed. [20:11] <@GWRD> The jungle is quiet, but not silent. There does not seem to be any sign of pursuers at the moment, though it's possible they haven't learned of the daring escape yet. 06[20:12] * Orzady sits down, putting his head between his knees. 06[20:13] * Janken rests against a tree [20:13] <Valio> “We need to heal up and either put more distance between us and the camp, or go back and finish them off.” [20:13] <Orzady> “Heal up and put more distance.” [20:14] <@Ptolamir> “What is our purpose for… finishing them off.“ [20:14] <@Ptolamir> “They’ve nothing we want.” [20:14] <Valio> “We also need to resupply. If we travel another day or two away and set up a base camp, we can hunt for a day or two.” [20:14] <Darenel> (need to take a phone call will be afk a few minutes i hope) [20:15] <@Ptolamir> (there are no phone calls in the jungle!) [20:15] <Valio> “We would finish them off to prevent others being in the same position.” [20:16] <Janken> “The only others on the island want to kill us as well.” [20:18] <@GWRD> (Food stores: 52 1/2 days worth of food for 1 person. Your group eats 8 1/2 a day) [20:18] <@GWRD> (You have just under a week's worth of food) [20:18] <@Ptolamir> “I’m not concerned about others, as much as our own safety.” [20:19] <Orzady> (but we have tupperware, making our leftovers stretch out) 06[20:19] * Valio nods. “We should always be wary of them tracking us if we do not destroy them.” 11[20:19] <@Theon_Tokko> “If they come strung out, they'd be easier to deal with than all of them massed together in camp.” [20:20] <Valio> “I am only considering options. I am not saying we should charge in there again.” 06[20:23] * @Ptolamir nods. [20:26] <@GWRD> (When you are ready to proceed, let me know what you have decided and if you want to skip ahead in time) [20:27] <Orzady> (kill them one at a time…slowly…intimately…) 06[20:28] * Valio shrugs and rests. 06[20:29] * Orzady lays down on the ground. [20:29] <Orzady> “We need to rest. Let them look around and go back to normal…or whatever passes for normal.” [20:30] <Valio> “Double watches until we're at least 3 days from here.” 06[20:30] * Janken nods [20:31] <Orzady> “I'll take an early watch.” [20:32] <@GWRD> 2#1d100 Encounter checks [20:32] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d100(66)]: 66 Encounter checks [20:32] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d100(24)]: 24 Encounter checks [20:33] <Orzady> (let them be small creatures… let them be small creatures…) [20:34] <@GWRD> The day slowly turns to night, as the jungle gives you the merciful peace you wish for. [20:34] <@GWRD> 1d100 Encounter check [20:34] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d100(45)]: 45 Encounter check [20:36] <@GWRD> You evening too is quiet and uneventful. As the morning comes, the camp is looking far more rested than before. (+1 lost attribute, +2 hps, Orzady roll a save for your current disease) [20:37] <@GWRD> (Oh and Valio needs a saving throw too, DC 12 Fort) [20:38] <Orzady> 1d20! [20:38] <TolBot> [Orzady's 1d20(4)]: 4 [20:38] <Orzady> 1d20+1 [20:38] <TolBot> [Orzady's 1d20(16)+1]: 17 [20:38] <Valio> 1d20 [20:38] <TolBot> [Valio's 1d20(3)]: 3 [20:39] <@GWRD> Valio is looking a little worse for wear in the morning, and it looks like he picked up the head burning fever that Orzady has been fighting off. [20:39] <@GWRD> 1d4 int loss [20:39] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d4(1)]: 1 int loss [20:41] <@GWRD> (Plans for the day?) [20:41] <Orzady> (not die) [20:41] <Valio> ^^ [20:41] <@GWRD> (Plans that I can play out story wise?) [20:41] <Janken> [i second Orzady's plan] 06[20:42] * Valio feels the oncoming sickness and groans before placing a cool rag on his head. [20:43] <Valio> “Are we moving on to a more secure location? Perhaps the old abandoned hut we saw a while back.” [20:44] <@GWRD> (Area map: ) [20:44] <@Ptolamir> “If that is what you htink best) [20:44] <Orzady> “That's a good idea.” [20:44] <@GWRD> (The abandoned hut is several days travel from your location.) [20:45] <@Ptolamir> (we’ve not explored the southern beach have we?) [20:46] <@GWRD> (Correct) [20:49] <Valio> “Just an option.” 06[20:49] * Valio makes coffee to try alleviating the fog in his head. 06[20:49] * Orzady closes his eyes [20:54] <@GWRD> The jungle is still quiet, but not silent. The cannibals have not come after you, that you can tell, and things are for once peaceful… except the occasional buzzing gnat. [20:56] <Darenel> (sorry guys, been longer then i anticipated, one of my friends got himself into a car crash) 11[20:56] <@Theon_Tokko> (ouch) [20:56] <@GWRD> (Ouch, hopefully (s)he is ok?) [20:56] <Janken> [yikes,he ok?] [20:57] <Darenel> (yeah he is fine more or less but his car not so much) [20:58] <Orzady> (good to hear he's ok) 06[20:59] * Orzady waves away a gnat. [20:59] <@GWRD> (More rest, or travel towards/away from the lighthouse?) [21:00] <Orzady> (travel) 06[21:00] * Orzady looks around. 06[21:01] * Valio heals himself a bit before packing up. [21:01] <@GWRD> (That's half an answer) [21:01] <Valio> 1d8+2 [21:01] <TolBot> [Valio's 1d8(7)+2]: 9 [21:02] <Orzady> (away from the light house) [21:03] <@Ptolamir> (sorry, i have no clear sense of purpose to make a suggestion) 11[21:03] * @Theon_Tokko packs up as well [21:03] <@Ptolamir> (confession: I’ve no inkling of what our current purpose is, other than survive.) 11[21:03] <@Theon_Tokko> (Sorry had a bit of a mess in the kitchen, youngest decided she wanted to play with Momma's pans) [21:04] <@GWRD> (Did she smack you with one?) [21:04] <@Ptolamir> (other than perhaps xplore more area we haven’t yet.) [21:04] <@GWRD> (I think your goal is to get off the isle… and survive.) 11[21:04] <@Theon_Tokko> (nah, she drug them all out of the cabinent into a noisey messy pile) [21:04] <Orzady> “Let's check the southern coat. We haven't explored it and we might find a way off this rock.” [21:05] <Valio> (I thought we were going to build a permanent settlement and prevent the cannibals from eating the women that wash ashore?) [21:06] <@GWRD> (Well perhaps you should decide what your goals are.) [21:07] <Orzady> (have you seen the women that wash ashore? They're thrown off hte boat for a reason) [21:07] <Valio> (we have magic. We'll study up on +cha spells that are permanent…) [21:07] <Orzady> (or just learn blindness) [21:08] <Valio> (/me casts dark in the room) 06[21:09] * Orzady gathers up what little is looks to the south. [21:10] <@GWRD> To the south is jungle, though you suspect not a lot of jungle until you reach a shoreline. [21:10] <@Ptolamir> “I agree, Orzadus. We should continue to search out the areas we’ve not seen, to discover what may.“ 06[21:11] * Orzady looks at him oddly for a second. [21:11] <Orzady> “Orzady.” [21:11] <@Ptolamir> “So, let’s make to teh shorelie, and continue it along.' 06[21:11] * @Ptolamir nods. 06[21:11] * Orzady shrugs his shoulders and starts to walk to the shoreline. 06[21:12] * Darenel gathers whats left of his belongings and follows 06[21:12] * Valio follows the others. [21:12] <@GWRD> As you begin to walk away from your make shift camp, you hear a bit of a commotion from the west, and lots of yelling. [21:13] <Janken> “I think they discovered we're not there.” [21:14] <Darenel> “Are they on our tail? [21:15] <Orzady> “No time to wait.” 06[21:15] * Orzady looks for some place ot hide [21:16] <Valio> “Keep moving. Travel is better than sitting still.” [21:17] <@Ptolamir> “Yes, through the jungle to the beach.” 06[21:17] * Orzady picks a way down, making sure that he can find a good place to hide and give up Gelik to the cannibals [21:20] <@GWRD> You move with greater determination towards the shoreline. In a few minutes you manage to reach not the beach you were expecting, but a bluff overlooking the sea. [21:21] <Valio> “Fight, move along the coast, or jump?” [21:21] <@GWRD> The way however is mostly clear to the west and to the east, and slopes downward slightly as it gets closer to the lighthouse, and inclines slightly as it moves away. [21:23] <Orzady> “Move along the coast. There's no way we can fight fair here.” 06[21:24] * Valio nods. [21:24] <@GWRD> (East or west?) [21:24] <Orzady> (east – away from the cannibals) [21:26] <@GWRD> (Correct) 06[21:28] * Orzady quickens his pace, looking ove rhis shoulder nervously. [21:31] <@GWRD> You travel along, and eventually the bluff starts to decline, until you reach the shoreline. [21:31] <Orzady> (fleeing the evil – brb) 06[21:32] * @Ptolamir nods. 06[21:32] * @Ptolamir looks warily at the sea. 11[21:32] * @Theon_Tokko follows along quietly [21:32] <@GWRD> As you make your way along the shore, you spot a crab the size of an adult man walking on the beach, it's pincers about the size of a man's leg bent at the knee with the ball of the foot touching his rump. [21:33] <@Ptolamir> (did we explore the lighthouse already?) [21:33] <@GWRD> (No, that was the cannibal camp) [21:33] <@Ptolamir> “Wait til tht goes away.” 11[21:33] <@Theon_Tokko> “Mmm, that'd feed us for a month…” [21:33] <@Ptolamir> (the lighthouse IS the cannibal camp?) [21:33] <Darenel> (is that the same undead crab we saw before?) [21:34] <@GWRD> (No, that crab was bigger) [21:34] <Orzady> “You can get it.” [21:34] <Valio> “Let's go around. It may slow our followers down.” [21:34] <@GWRD> The giant crab seems to slowly be meandering towards your group. 11[21:34] <@Theon_Tokko> (well shit.. I'm still equipmentless ain't I lol) [21:35] <@GWRD> (Yup) [21:35] <@GWRD> (You left that all behind at the cannibal camp) [21:35] <Darenel> (anyone has any butter? its a crabs mortal enemy) 06[21:38] * @Ptolamir prepares for the crab’s arrival. [21:38] <Valio> “We need to resupply more than just food. Once we find a safe place to camp for a few days…” [21:38] <@GWRD> The crab continues to meander closer, it's claws twitching. 06[21:39] * Valio moves away from the shore, trying to add distance from the cab. [21:39] <Valio> (crab. why!!!) 11[21:40] <@Theon_Tokko> (The DM wants to give us crabs, run away!) [21:40] <Darenel> (armored enemy and no weapons and also cannibals hunting us, i say we try to dodge this one if we can) [21:41] <Darenel> (unless Ptol can cook it in one swift move) [21:43] <Valio> “This way. Around the crab.” 06[21:43] * Orzady follows along [21:44] <@GWRD> The crab starts chasing after you, it's claws snapping. [21:44] <@GWRD> `init rolls please [21:44] <TolBot> Please make an initiative roll (1d20+modifier). [21:45] <Valio> 1d20+4 [21:45] <TolBot> [Valio's 1d20(9)+4]: 13 [21:45] <@GWRD> 1d20 for Crab [21:45] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(11)]: 11 for Crab 11[21:45] <@Theon_Tokko> 1d20+3 [21:45] <TolBot> [Theon_Tokko's 1d20(17)+3]: 20 [21:45] <@GWRD> 1d20+2 for Aerys [21:45] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(14)+2]: 16 for Aerys [21:45] <Darenel> 1d20+1 [21:45] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d20(4)+1]: 5 [21:45] <Orzady> 1d20+6 [21:45] <TolBot> [Orzady's 1d20(8)+6]: 14 [21:45] <Orzady> (I thought it was 1d10) [21:46] <@GWRD> (For you, it certainly is, for everybody else it's a D20) [21:46] <@Ptolamir> 1d20+2 [21:46] <TolBot> [Ptolamir's 1d20(2)+2]: 4 [21:46] <@GWRD> `init report [21:46] <TolBot> Initiative Order: Theon_Tokko, 20, Aerys, 16, Orzady, 14, Valio, 13, Crab, 11, Darenel, 5, Ptolamir, 4 [21:47] <@GWRD> (Theon, Aerys, Orzady) 11[21:47] * @Theon_Tokko holds his ground now having a weapon to attack with [21:47] <@GWRD> 1d20+3 for Aerys [21:47] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(19)+3]: 22 for Aerys [21:47] <@GWRD> 1d3+2 [21:47] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d3(1)+2]: 3 [21:48] <@GWRD> Aerys interposes herself between the crab and the group and punches it in the head. [21:48] <@GWRD> (Orzady, Valio, Crab… holding: Theon) 06[21:48] * Orzady takes out his dagger and tries to stab it [21:48] <@GWRD> (No dagger) [21:49] <@GWRD> (Your gear is at the cannibal camp) [21:49] <Valio> (he took mine) [21:49] <@GWRD> (Nevermind then) [21:49] <Valio> (someone else took my sling) [21:49] <Orzady> (Gaaah!) [21:49] <Darenel> (i think i have the sling) 06[21:49] * Orzady tries to stomp on one of the crab legs [21:50] <Orzady> 1d20+1 [21:50] <TolBot> [Orzady's 1d20(11)+1]: 12 [21:50] <@GWRD> (Dagger or leg stomp?) 11[21:50] <@Theon_Tokko> (did they take everything from me including armor, or do I still have that?) [21:51] <@GWRD> (Armor is gone too.) 11[21:51] <@Theon_Tokko> (jus' updating my sheet lol) [21:51] <Orzady> (leg stomp as I have no dagger, I guess) [21:51] <@GWRD> 1d20+4 attack of opportunity for Crab [21:51] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(6)+4]: 10 attack of opportunity for Crab [21:51] <@GWRD> The crab snaps at Orzady as he connects with the thick shell of the crab, causing it no harm. [21:51] <@GWRD> (Valio, Crab… holding: Theon) 06[21:51] * Valio draws his longsword and moves in for a swing. [21:52] <Valio> 1d20+2 [21:52] <TolBot> [Valio's 1d20(3)+2]: 5 [21:52] <@GWRD> Swoosh) [21:52] <@GWRD> 2#1d3 for targets [21:52] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d3(1)]: 1 for targets [21:52] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d3(2)]: 2 for targets [21:52] <@GWRD> 1d20+4 vs Orzady [21:52] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(20)+4]: 24 vs Orzady (Booyeah) [21:52] <@GWRD> 1d20+4 vs Orzady corfirm [21:52] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(14)+4]: 18 vs Orzady corfirm [21:53] <@GWRD> 2d4+4 [21:53] <TolBot> [GWRD's 2d4(6)+4]: 10 [21:53] <@GWRD> 1d20+8 grapple check vs. Orzady's CMD [21:53] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(3)+8]: 11 grapple check vs. Orzady's CMD [21:53] <Orzady> (my CMD is…what my CMD?) [21:54] <@GWRD> (Your CMD is 14) [21:54] <Orzady> (oh – is that based off of AC?) [21:54] <@GWRD> The giant crab snatches at Orzady with blinding speed and you hear what might be ribs popping in Orzady's chest (10 damage) [21:55] <@GWRD> (CMD = 10 + str + dex +/- size + misc) [21:55] <@GWRD> 1d20+4 vs Valio [21:55] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(19)+4]: 23 vs Valio [21:55] <@GWRD> 1d4+2 damage [21:55] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d4(2)+2]: 4 damage 06[21:55] * @Ptolamir gasps to see Orzady grabbed. [21:55] <@GWRD> 1d20+8 grapple check [21:55] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(2)+8]: 10 grapple check 06[21:55] * Orzady gasps once and collapses [21:56] <@GWRD> The crab divides it's attacks effectively against its potential meals. [21:56] <@GWRD> (Darenel, Ptolamir, Theon) [21:56] <Orzady> (I'm down to one) 11[21:56] * @Theon_Tokko decides he's going to have to crack this hard shell with his bare hands and moves in 11[21:56] <@Theon_Tokko> 1d20+5 [21:56] <TolBot> [Theon_Tokko's 1d20(16)+5]: 21 [21:57] <Valio> (so you're still alive/conscious?) [21:57] <@GWRD> 1d20+4 AoO [21:57] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(14)+4]: 18 AoO 11[21:57] <@Theon_Tokko> (AC is 11 right now) [21:57] <@GWRD> 1d4+2 damage [21:57] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d4(1)+2]: 3 damage [21:57] <@GWRD> 1d20+8 grab [21:57] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(12)+8]: 20 grab 11[21:57] <@Theon_Tokko> (CMD is 16) 06[21:57] * Darenel summons an eagle to fight the crab [21:57] <@GWRD> The giant crab snaps at Theon as he rushes in and snatches him off the ground. [21:58] <@GWRD> 1d4+2 constrict damage [21:58] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d4(3)+2]: 5 constrict damage [21:59] <@GWRD> The crab then begins to squeeze tightly on Theon's body. 11[21:59] <@Theon_Tokko> (at -2) [21:59] <@GWRD> (If you are still above 0 hps, you can roll da…nevermind) [21:59] <@Ptolamir> (why did it get an OA on Theon? That a special ability?) [21:59] <Valio> (he attacked without a weapon…) [21:59] <@GWRD> (He's making an unarmed attack untrained) [21:59] <@Ptolamir> (ah) [21:59] <@GWRD> (You need the unarmed fighting feat to make unarmed attacks without provoking) [22:00] <@Ptolamir> (melee? doofus, you shoulda thrown a rock) [22:00] <@GWRD> (A feat Aerys has) [22:00] <@GWRD> (Darenel, Ptolamir, Aerys) [22:00] <Darenel> (i sumoned an eagle to fight) [22:00] <@GWRD> (Did you roll it's attacks?) [22:00] <Valio> (did we lose the other bard again?) [22:00] <Darenel> 3#1d20 [22:00] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d20(10)]: 10 [22:00] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d20(12)]: 12 [22:00] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d20(17)]: 17 [22:00] <@GWRD> (Of course you did, he's hiding in the way back) [22:01] <Valio> (okay, just making sure) [22:01] <@GWRD> (Last one hit, Crab AC = 16) [22:01] <Darenel> 1d4 [22:01] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d4(1)]: 1 [22:01] <@GWRD> The eagle scratches and pecks, and takes off a small piece of flesh. [22:01] <@GWRD> (Ptolamir, Aerys, Orzady) [22:02] <@Ptolamir> (can I burn hands without threatening a friendly?) [22:02] <@GWRD> (Sure) 06[22:02] * @Ptolamir spreads his fingers. [22:03] <@GWRD> 1d20+2 reflex [22:03] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(2)+2]: 4 reflex [22:03] <@Ptolamir> 4d4 [22:03] <TolBot> [Ptolamir's 4d4(8)]: 8 [22:03] <@GWRD> The air is filled with the smell of burnt crab, as the creature lets out a wail. [22:03] <@GWRD> (Aerys, Orzady, Valio) [22:03] <@GWRD> 1d20+3 [22:03] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(10)+3]: 13 [22:04] <@GWRD> Aerys tries to punch the crab in the face again, but it's the shell instead. [22:04] <@GWRD> (Orzady, Valio, Crab) 06[22:04] * Orzady tries to get away for now. [22:04] <@GWRD> (Valio, Crab) [22:04] <Orzady> (I'm too pretty to die!) 06[22:05] * Valio swipes again at the crab, thinking to reach Theon fast if he had a chance to save him. [22:05] <Valio> 1d20+2 [22:05] <TolBot> [Valio's 1d20(1)+2]: 3 (Ugh.) [22:05] <@GWRD> Your sword rings and vibrates violently as you smack the top of the crab's shell. [22:05] <@GWRD> 1d4+2 damage to Theon. [22:05] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d4(2)+2]: 4 damage to Theon. 06[22:05] * Valio drops the sword from the shock. [22:06] <@GWRD> (AoO's for anybody that is in melee with the crab) [22:06] <@GWRD> 1d20+3 for Aerys [22:06] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(12)+3]: 15 for Aerys [22:07] <Darenel> (any bonuses for flanking and such) [22:07] <@GWRD> The crab scurries for the water with its meal as Aerys ineffectively smacks it again. [22:07] <@GWRD> (You're welcome to move into a flanking position, but for now your eagle gets it's AoO) [22:07] <Valio> (crud, I missed my chance…) [22:07] <Darenel> 3#1d20 [22:07] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d20(8)]: 8 [22:07] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d20(3)]: 3 [22:07] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d20(1)]: 1 (*cough*) [22:07] <@GWRD> (Only 1, not 3) [22:08] <Darenel> (its a miss anyway) [22:08] <@GWRD> The crab seems to be running for the water, and is moving fast for a crab. It's reached the shoreline rapidly and in a few more seconds (1 round) will be in the water) [22:08] <@GWRD> (Darenel, Ptolamir, Theon, Aerys) 11[22:09] <@Theon_Tokko> 1d20 check [22:09] <TolBot> [Theon_Tokko's 1d20(14)]: 14 check 06[22:09] * Darenel uses the sling to attack the crab [22:09] <@GWRD> (Darenel, Ptolamir, Aerys) [22:09] <Darenel> 1d20+2 ranged [22:09] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d20(13)+2]: 15 ranged [22:09] <@GWRD> (miss by 1) [22:10] <@GWRD> (Eagle, Ptolamir, Aerys, Orzady, Valio) [22:10] <Darenel> 3#1d20 [22:10] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d20(11)]: 11 [22:10] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d20(13)]: 13 [22:10] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d20(10)]: 10 [22:10] <@GWRD> Scratch, scratch, peck. [22:11] <@GWRD> (Ptolamir, Aerys, Orzady, Valio) [22:11] <@Ptolamir> (the crab bloodied?) [22:11] <Darenel> (someone tie a rope to this beast or something) [22:11] <@GWRD> (yes) [22:11] <@Ptolamir> (can we tell how bad off 06[22:11] * @Ptolamir spreads his fingers once more. [22:11] <@Ptolamir> 4d4 burning hands [22:11] <TolBot> [Ptolamir's 4d4(12)]: 12 burning hands [22:11] <@GWRD> 1d20+2 reflex [22:11] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(14)+2]: 16 reflex [22:11] <@Ptolamir> (saved) [22:12] <@GWRD> 1d20+3 [22:12] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(20)+3]: 23 (Yes!) [22:12] <@GWRD> 1d20+3 confirm for Aerys [22:12] <TolBot> [GWRD's 1d20(18)+3]: 21 confirm for Aerys [22:12] <@GWRD> 2d3=4 [22:12] <TolBot> [GWRD's 2d3(4)]: 4 [22:12] <Darenel> (afk a minute) [22:13] <@GWRD> Just after Ptolamir lights up the crab once more, the flames deflecting off its shell, Aerys runs up behind it, steps off the back of its shell and as she comes down slams her fist into the back of its head. The crab slumps to the ground, releasing it's snack into the surf. [22:13] <Orzady> (ew…I think) 06[22:14] * Valio runs to Theon's slumped body and tries to heal him. 11[22:14] <@Theon_Tokko> (I swear, Theon has 9 lives) [22:14] <Valio> 1d8+2 11[22:14] <@Theon_Tokko> (Think he's down to 1 now though XD) [22:14] <TolBot> [Valio's 1d8(3)+2]: 5 [22:15] <@GWRD> His wounds stop bleeding, but the healing doesn't seem to be enough to awaken him. [22:15] <Orzady> (I'm down to one…) 11[22:15] <@Theon_Tokko> (was at -2 unless I took additional I missed) [22:15] <@GWRD> (So many cats, so little deaths) [22:16] <Valio> “I think he will survive, but we need to help him and get out of here before the cannibals catch us.” [22:16] <@GWRD> (you missed an additional 4) 11[22:16] <@Theon_Tokko> (aight, updated lol) [22:17] <@GWRD> (Anybody with the healing skill or high wisdom could try to treat deadly wounds) [22:17] <@GWRD> (DC 24 without a healer's kit to restore LEVEL in hps per 24 hours) [22:18] <@GWRD> (Or you could use a CLW to heal him a little more) 06[22:19] * Orzady stands up, holding hte wound in his chest 03[22:19] * Arvaler (Mibbit@14055ad8.6ca5ecc3.173.217.imsk) has joined #grovewood [22:19] <Orzady> “We need to go fast.” 03[22:20] * Arvaler (Mibbit@14055ad8.6ca5ecc3.173.217.imsk) has left #grovewood [22:20] <@Ptolamir> “If we can.“ [22:20] <@GWRD> (Arvaler did go fast) [22:20] <Darenel> (back) 06[22:21] * Valio looks at Theon and decides to spend his last spell on him. [22:21] <Valio> 1d8+2 [22:21] <TolBot> [Valio's 1d8(4)+2]: 6 [22:21] <Darenel> 1d8+2 [22:21] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d8(4)+2]: 6 [22:21] <Valio> “Wake up. I can't carry you.” [22:21] <Valio> “And someone grab my sword!” 11[22:21] <@Theon_Tokko> ( Darenel using that on me too?) [22:22] <Darenel> (yes i guess you needed it) [22:22] <Darenel> (anyone else, i have 1 left) 11[22:22] <@Theon_Tokko> (That brings me up to 11 HP) [22:23] <Orzady> (I could use a bit of healing) [22:23] <Darenel> (i have high healing too if you need me to treat deadly wounds but it takes an day or something like that) 06[22:23] * Valio sighs and goes back for his sword. [22:23] <Darenel> 1d8+2 on Orz [22:23] <TolBot> [Darenel's 1d8(8)+2]: 10 on Orz [22:24] <Orzady> (better) [22:24] <Valio> “Oy, Theon, wake up!” [22:24] <Orzady> (back to where I started) 06[22:24] * Orzady grunts once and looks up at Valio. [22:25] <Orzady> “I'm getting too old for this.” 11[22:25] * @Theon_Tokko grumbles something about fried crab for dinner [22:25] <Darenel> (never mind treat deadly wounds is just one hour but i would still like to do it somewhere that is not so exposed) [22:25] <Darenel> (that is if its still needed) [22:27] <Valio> “Are we all able to continue?” 11[22:27] * @Theon_Tokko gets up on his feet 06[22:27] * Orzady stands up on shaky feet 11[22:27] <@Theon_Tokko> “By the gods, they do not wish me to join them at their gates yet.” [22:28] <Orzady> “We're going to need to sneak back and get our gear.” [22:28] <Valio> “We need to continue this way and make new gear as we are able.” [22:29] <Valio> “Theon, take my sword for now. You seem better able to wield one than I.” 11[22:29] <@Theon_Tokko> (what is it?) “Thanks” [22:29] <Valio> (long sword) [22:29] <@Ptolamir> “We will have to.” [22:30] <@GWRD> (Make sure to note your old equipment, as you will be able to recover it… eventually) [22:30] <Darenel> “ we also need to get some food, is that crab cooked yet or should Ptolamir give it one more blast?” 06[22:30] * @Ptolamir smiles. 11[22:31] <@Theon_Tokko> (Yea, I haven't deleted it from my sheet, I jus' unequipted it) 06[22:31] * Darenel tries to smile but the events of last few days manage to turn it into a grimace 06[22:31] * Orzady sighs and looks arond. [22:32] <Orzady> (do I see anything?) [22:32] <Valio> (so, I'm down to a magical shield, armor, and a wand I don't know how to use. Go bard!) [22:32] <@GWRD> The beach is calm, though the surf is high. Nothing appears to be pursuing you, or blocking your way at the moment. [22:32] <Valio> “When we get a chance, I need a spear made.” [22:33] <Darenel> (we should go to that old witches hut so i can “ Alchmise” our way off this island) [22:33] <Valio> “and maybe some throwing spears.” [22:33] <Darenel> “a Staff would be useful too” 06[22:33] * Valio shifts his remaining belongings and continues down the beach. 06[22:34] * Darenel examines the crab more closely after making sure its dead 06[22:35] * @Ptolamir follows in turn. [22:35] <@GWRD> The crab definitely appears to be dead. [22:35] <Valio> (I need to help someone… biab) [22:35] <Darenel> (eddible parts or anything else interesting?) [22:37] <@GWRD> (It's a giant crab, you tell me what's edible on a crab.) [22:37] <Darenel> (legs?) [22:37] <Orzady> (stomach? sea haggis?) [22:39] <@GWRD> Darenel, the crab does appear to be edible, and likely there is enough crab meat to feed everybody comfortably for a day. [22:39] <Darenel> (or Orzady could hollow out one of the pincers and make awesome staby staby weapon) 06[22:40] * @Ptolamir assists stripping the crab. [22:40] <Valio> “Do we have time for this?” 06[22:40] * Valio keeps watch. [22:41] <Darenel> “we should try to cook it as soon as we have a chance some of us have not eaten in a while” 06[22:42] * Orzady looks at the claw and considers it. [22:42] <Orzady> (how large is the claw at the biggest pincer?) [22:43] <@GWRD> (About the size of an adult leg) [22:45] <Orzady> (jeez…does that count as a vorpal weapon?) [22:46] <Valio> (mmm, bacon.) [22:46] <@GWRD> The group proceeds to break down the crab for it's meat, as a few seagulls begin to circle overhead in hopes for scraps; as this session comes to a close. [22:46] <@GWRD> Game over

campaigns/sfss/session_32_-_9-14-2014_-_untitled.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/05 02:28 by