[20:00] <Harlequin_J_Goat> When last we left our group – finally plunging into the Tomb of the Dead Nine within the lost city of Omu, the intrepid adventurers have found a tomb – wondering inside, they have unwittingly awakened the undead inhabitants. Now – combat!
[20:01] * Sentagur is now known as Terres
[20:01] * Shaddow is now known as Miri
[20:02] <Dylan> (what was the url? what was init order?)
[20:02] <Dylan> (new init?)
[20:02] <Miri> (we don't have init yet :P)
[20:02] <Harlequin_J_Goat> (I don't think we even got that far)
[20:02] * Harlequin_J_Goat is now known as <DM_ToA
[20:03] <Dylan> 1d20+3 initiative
[20:03] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+3 'initiative']: 9
[20:03] <DM_ToA> 1d20+2 init
[20:03] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+2 'init']: 14
[20:04] <Terres> 1d20+1 initiative
[20:04] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+1 'initiative']: 12
[20:04] <Miri> 1d20 adv
[20:04] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(19, 17) 'adv']: 19
[20:05] <Terres> (we are fighting those 6 zombies that we stole the masks from?)
[20:05] * Tolman is now known as Stolanimus
[20:05] <May> 1d20+5 adv
[20:05] <TolBot> [May's 1d20(5, 20)+5 'adv']: 25 (Awesome.)
[20:06] <Stolanimus> 1d20+2 init
[20:06] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(?)+2 'init']: 12
[20:08] <DM_ToA> (init: Kayalia Miri Wights, Terres and Stol, Dylan.)
[20:08] <DM_ToA> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19M9vk5owwQfsmuvcrzGW22O_bEbFE6WVfHVwgpj38Oo/edit#gid=1263296435
[20:08] * May is now known as Kayalia
[20:10] <DM_ToA> (Round One! Fight!)
[20:11] <DM_ToA> (Kayalia)
[20:12] * Kayalia unsheathes her war fan and darts forward to slice up an enemy, then probably withdraws.
[20:12] <Kayalia> 1d20+8 adv
[20:12] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d20(3, 11)+8 'adv']: 19
[20:12] <Stolanimus> (do we have any sense of why they started attacking after so long?)
[20:13] <DM_ToA> (not really)
[20:13] <Terres> (because we moved across the room without masks, i think you and me made it but people behind us didnt like the mask smell)
[20:13] <DM_ToA> (Hit, Kay – roll damage)
[20:13] <Kayalia> 4d6+5
[20:13] <TolBot> Kayalia's 4d6(????)+5]: 21
[20:14] <Stolanimus> (huh, like the masks make us invisible?)
[20:14] <Terres> (thats my theory, at least invisible to the wights)
[20:14] <Kayalia> (bonus action to disengage)
[20:14] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[20:15] <DM_ToA> Kayalia slashes viciously at a wight, then dances away with a swirl of silk and metal.
[20:15] <DM_ToA> (Miri?)
[20:15] Miri would like to rage “finally something to fight!” growls out and then takes two reckless attacks on the wight just infront of her.
[20:15] <Miri> 1d20+6 adv
[20:15] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(10, 17)+6 'adv']: 23
[20:15] <DM_ToA> (what are you swinging with?)
[20:15] <Miri> 1d20+6 adv
[20:15] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(6, 20)+6 'adv']: 26 (Wow)
[20:16] <Miri> (my sword, which i believe is not lit atm)
[20:16] <Dylan> (thats gonna leave a mark)
[20:16] <Stolanimus> (no mage tonight?)
[20:16] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[20:16] <Dylan> (he'll be late)
[20:16] <DM_ToA> (might not be here until 10)
[20:16] <DM_ToA> Miri – roll damage)
[20:16] <Miri> 2d6+5
[20:16] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5]: 12
[20:16] <Miri> 4f6+5
[20:16] <Terres> (why is ash crowding on Miri?)
[20:16] <Miri> 4d6+5
[20:16] <TolBot> Miri's 4d6(????)+5]: 22
[20:17] <Miri> (so 34 all together)
[20:18] <Miri> (also, is there a chance i forgot to reset my rages? just seems like a long time that i've had the two rages previous)
[20:18] <DM_ToA> Miri – foaming at the mouth and shrieking – swings and bashes the wight to its knees
[20:18] <DM_ToA> (possibly, you've had a long rest since then)
[20:18] <Miri> (i'll wipe those two then if that's ok?)
[20:19] <DM_ToA> (sure)
[20:19] <Miri> (k, thanks)
[20:20] <DM_ToA> Wight 2 rakes its claws at Miri…
[20:21] <DM_ToA> 1d20+2
[20:21] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+2]: 11
[20:21] <DM_ToA> …and chips a talon.
[20:21] <DM_ToA> Wight 4 and 5 attacks Dylan…
[20:21] <DM_ToA> 1d20+2
[20:21] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+2]: 21
[20:21] <DM_ToA> 1d20+2
[20:21] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+2]: 10
[20:21] <Dylan> (one hit)
[20:21] <DM_ToA> Wight 4 scores a hit and another misses.
[20:22] <Dylan> (i have the sentinel feat, so wight 2 is taking an attack of opporunity from me)
[20:22] <Terres> (how long ago did we fight that shadow demon thingy?)
[20:22] <DM_ToA> 1d8+2
[20:22] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(?)+2]: 6
[20:22] <DM_ToA> (take 6 points of damage)
[20:22] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:22] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 19
[20:22] <Dylan> (on wight two, hit?)
[20:23] <DM_ToA> (are you doing a reaction?)
[20:23] <DM_ToA> Wight 3 attacks Kayalia…
[20:23] <Dylan> (i have the sentinel feat)
[20:23] <DM_ToA> (ah – yes, you hit)
[20:23] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4
[20:23] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4]: 9
[20:24] <DM_ToA> Wight 3 misses Kayalia…
[20:24] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[20:24] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 12
[20:24] <DM_ToA> Wight 2 shrieks and collapses.
[20:24] <DM_ToA> Wight One attacks Stol…
[20:24] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4
[20:24] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4]: 20
[20:24] <Stolanimus> (I get to attack wight 3 for sentinel feat)
[20:25] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[20:25] <DM_ToA> 1d6+2
[20:25] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d6(?)+2]: 3
[20:26] <DM_ToA> (Stol – take three points of necrotic damage, and make a CON save, DC 13)
[20:26] <Stolanimus> 1d20+2 CON save DC13
[20:26] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(?)+2 'CON save DC13']: 17 (Success)
[20:27] <Stolanimus> 1d20+5 Sentinel react on Wight 3
[20:27] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(?)+5 'Sentinel react on Wight 3']: 7
[20:27] <Stolanimus> (I hit Kaya. oops)
[20:28] <Stolanimus> �Maybe they just guard this crypt� how about we get out of here?�
[20:28] <DM_ToA> (*Wham* “Oh! Sorry! So sorry!”)
[20:28] <Stolanimus> �oonfh�
[20:28] <DM_ToA> Terres and Stol – go for it)
[20:29] <Kayalia> (..? D:)
[20:29] * Terres casts Shillelagh on hist staff (bonus action)
[20:29] <Kayalia> (Which wight did I hit last time? 1 or 3?)
[20:29] * Terres points his fingers at Wight1 and casts Eldritch blast
[20:30] <DM_ToA> (it was 3, and it's gone)
[20:30] <DM_ToA> (roll Terres)
[20:30] <Terres> 2#1d20+8
[20:30] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+8]: 11
[20:30] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+8]: 24
[20:30] <DM_ToA> (one hit)
[20:30] <Terres> 1d10+3
[20:30] <TolBot> Terres's 1d10(?)+3]: 7
[20:31] <Stolanimus> 1d20+7 flame on whichever W is injured most, otherwise W1.
[20:31] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(?)+7 'flame on whichever W is injured most, otherwise W1.']: 10
[20:31] <Kayalia> (its gone ?)
[20:32] <Terres> (w2 is gone boss not W1 or W3)
[20:32] <DM_ToA> A gout of flame blazes out, but bursts overhead.
[20:32] <DM_ToA> (sorry – Wight 2)
[20:32] <Stolanimus> (I�m having performance issues.)
[20:32] <DM_ToA> (There are herbs for that)
[20:32] <DM_ToA> (You should know – you're a druid.)
[20:33] <DM_ToA> (Dylan)
[20:33] * Dylan holds up his sword which is glowing and condemns the undead
[20:33] <Dylan> (abjure enemy every undead on the map needs to make a DC 15 Wisdon save at disadvantage or immediately start fleeing)
[20:34] <DM_ToA> (“Those shoes with that jacket? Thou art condemned!”)
[20:34] <DM_ToA> (jeez)
[20:34] <Dylan> (thats my bonus action)
[20:34] <DM_ToA> 1d20+1 DC 15
[20:34] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+1 'DC 15']: 3
[20:34] <DM_ToA> 1d20+1 DC 15
[20:34] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+1 'DC 15']: 3
[20:34] <DM_ToA> 1d20+1 DC 15
[20:34] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+1 'DC 15']: 10
[20:34] <DM_ToA> 1d20+1 DC 15
[20:34] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+1 'DC 15']: 17
[20:35] <Dylan> two attacks on on remaining wight main action)
[20:35] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:35] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 15
[20:35] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:35] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 12
[20:36] <DM_ToA> All but one wight scriek and rush for protectin…
[20:36] <Dylan> (im gonna use a divine smite at lvl two)
[20:36] <DM_ToA> (one hit)
[20:36] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[20:36] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 14
[20:36] <Dylan> 2d8
[20:36] <TolBot> Dylan's 2d8(??)]: 5
[20:37] <Dylan> (19 damage to the remaining wight)
[20:37] <DM_ToA> It dips down from the blow and the flesh bubbles from righteous power…
[20:37] <DM_ToA> (Round 2)
[20:37] <DM_ToA> (Kayalia)
[20:38] <Kayalia> (they move as a reaction? and don't trigger aoo??)
[20:39] <DM_ToA> (oop – sorry – feel free to attack)
[20:39] <Kayalia> (uhh… so they do or don't much as a reaction instead of on their turns?)
[20:40] <Dylan> (oh i'll take an aoo on the on the one that fled from next to me)
[20:40] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:40] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 19
[20:40] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[20:40] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 15
[20:40] <Kayalia> 1d20+8
[20:40] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d20(?)+8]: 12
[20:40] <Miri> (i'll take an aoo on it as well)
[20:40] <Miri> 1d20+6
[20:40] <Kayalia> ( :/ )
[20:40] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(?)+6]: 18
[20:41] <Miri> 2d6+5 if it hits
[20:41] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'if it hits']: 11
[20:41] <DM_ToA> Miri and Dylan hit)
[20:41] <Dylan> (26 damage to fleeing wight)
[20:41] <Terres> (and i will watch the others take the attacks while im just chillin and looking good)
[20:43] <DM_ToA> One wight stumbles under Miri's blow and glares back at her.
[20:44] <Kayalia> (still baffled about what happened… and I guess I missed my AoO. My proper turn, now…?)
[20:45] <DM_ToA> (yes)
[20:45] <Stolanimus> (me too)
[20:45] * Kayalia jogges south and attacks wight #4, since she no longer has a flanking advantage on the fleeing wights.
[20:45] <DM_ToA> (roll)
[20:45] <Kayalia> 1d20+8
[20:45] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d20(?)+8]: 12
[20:45] <Kayalia> ._.
[20:46] * Kayalia draws a dagger and slashes with it.
[20:46] <Kayalia> 1d20+7
[20:46] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d20(?)+7]: 16
[20:46] <DM_ToA> (what was the first attack?)
[20:46] <Kayalia> (warfan)
[20:46] <DM_ToA> (ok – dagger of warning?)
[20:47] <Kayalia> (I have a fan in one hand, dagger of blindsight in the other)
[20:47] <DM_ToA> (ok – yeah – roll damage with the dagger)
[20:47] <Kayalia> (Dagger of warning is tucked away somewhere)
[20:47] <Kayalia> 1d4+4
[20:47] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d4(?)+4]: 8
[20:47] <Kayalia> 3d6
[20:47] <TolBot> Kayalia's 3d6(???)]: 14
[20:48] <Kayalia> (only did that to get the sneak attack die ._.)
[20:48] <DM_ToA> The wight groans and drops to his knees, before folding over onto the ground.
[20:49] <DM_ToA> (Miri)
[20:49] Miri will move, lighting her sword as she moves, and then take two reckless attacks against 1.
[20:49] <Miri> 1d20+6 adv
[20:49] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(4, 14)+6 'adv']: 20
[20:49] <Miri> 1d20+6 adv
[20:49] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(11, 10)+6 'adv']: 17
[20:49] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing first attack
[20:49] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'slashing first attack']: 17
[20:49] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[20:49] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire']: 7
[20:49] <DM_ToA> (wight one? the one in the alcove?)
[20:50] <Miri> (yep)
[20:50] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[20:50] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing second attack
[20:50] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'slashing second attack']: 12
[20:50] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[20:50] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire']: 9
[20:51] <DM_ToA> Rotten cloth gutters and catches on fire as Miri whales on the one in the alcove.
[20:51] <DM_ToA> (Wights)
[20:52] <DM_ToA> The burning one lashes out twice – one with it's claws and once with a longsword – at Miri.
[20:52] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4 longsword
[20:52] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4 'longsword']: 18
[20:52] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4 claws
[20:52] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4 'claws']: 17
[20:52] <Miri> (advatage but they both hit)
[20:52] <Miri> (i forgot that last round, sorry about that)
[20:52] <DM_ToA> 1d8+2 damage
[20:52] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(?)+2 'damage']: 3
[20:53] <DM_ToA> 1d6+2 claws
[20:53] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d6(?)+2 'claws']: 3
[20:53] <Miri> (reduced to 2? on both those?)
[20:53] <DM_ToA> (take 6 and roll a CON save)
[20:53] <DM_ToA> (3)
[20:53] <Miri> (k)
[20:53] <Dylan> (dont forget pally bonus to con save)
[20:53] <Miri> 1d20+6 con save
[20:53] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(?)+6 'con save']: 10
[20:54] <Kayalia> (She isn't near you dylan)
[20:54] <DM_ToA> (Your permanent HP is reduced by 3)
[20:54] <Dylan> (oh just out side of the range you are right)
[20:54] <Terres> (uh oh)
[20:55] <Miri> (ok, is that an effect that resets after a long rest? I don't remember)
[20:55] <DM_ToA> Wight 5 scrambles to attack Kayalia.
[20:55] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4 longsword
[20:55] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4 'longsword']: 24 (Stunning.)
[20:55] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4 claws
[20:55] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4 'claws']: 21
[20:55] <DM_ToA> (yikes)
[20:55] <Kayalia> >.>
[20:55] <Dylan> (wight 5 would have taken an aoo when it went for kay)
[20:55] <Dylan> (from me)
[20:56] <DM_ToA> (roll Dylan)
[20:56] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:56] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 24
[20:56] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[20:56] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 14
[20:56] <DM_ToA> (hit)
[20:57] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[20:57] <DM_ToA> 2d8+2 Kay's longsword hit
[20:57] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 2d8(??)+2 'Kay's longsword hit']: 6
[20:58] <DM_ToA> 1d6+2 claws
[20:58] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d6(?)+2 'claws']: 7
[20:58] <Kayalia> (half the damage of one of them …)
[20:58] <DM_ToA> Kayalia – take 10 points and make a CON save, DC 13)
[20:58] <Dylan> (kay is in range of aura btw)
[20:59] <Kayalia> (whats the aura do?)
[20:59] <Dylan> (+3 con save)
[20:59] <Kayalia> 1d20+5
[20:59] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d20(?)+5]: 14
[20:59] <Kayalia> err +4*
[20:59] <Kayalia> (so.. 13)
[21:00] <DM_ToA> You feel a chill in your muscles…but it goes away and you only feel the pain of the blade.
[21:01] <DM_ToA> Terres and Stol)
[21:02] * Terres casts another set of Eldritch blasts at Wight5
[21:02] <Terres> 2#1d20+8
[21:02] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+8]: 26
[21:02] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+8]: 15
[21:03] <DM_ToA> (2 hits)
[21:03] <Terres> 2#1d10+3
[21:03] <TolBot> Terres's 1d10(?)+3]: 5
[21:03] <TolBot> Terres's 1d10(?)+3]: 7
[21:04] <DM_ToA> The elcritch bolts blow open a hole in his chest…and the creature falls back with a squish.
[21:04] <Terres> (which gives me some tmp hp)
[21:04] <Terres> (11)
[21:04] * Magestar (TheNighting@sorcery-5ivukf.ma.comcast.net) has joined #grovewood
[21:04] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Magestar
[21:04] <Miri> (hi mage)
[21:05] Stolanimus moves to hit W2.
[21:05] <DM_ToA> (You're in time to clean up)
[21:05] <Stolanimus> 1d20+7
[21:05] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(?)+7]: 12
[21:05] <Stolanimus> (flame0
[21:05] <DM_ToA> (Miss-o)
[21:06] <@Magestar> (hi, been recruited to trim cat nails, be involved shortly)
[21:06] <DM_ToA> The flame burst out…and licks greedily at the stone wall on the right side of the alcove)
[21:06] <DM_ToA> (Dylan)
[21:07] <Terres> (just turn a orbital sander upside down and let the cat run on it while its on)
[21:07] <Dylan> (ok)
[21:07] <Dylan> (bonus action dash)
[21:08] <Dylan> (2 attacks on 2)
[21:08] <DM_ToA> (roll)
[21:08] <Dylan> 2#1d20+9
[21:08] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 13
[21:08] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 27
[21:08] <DM_ToA> (one hit)
[21:08] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[21:08] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 15
[21:08] <@Magestar> (Ah the wight fight)
[21:09] <DM_ToA> The wight looks confused as you slash at it…then it snarls and draws a blade…
[21:09] <DM_ToA> (Round 3)
[21:09] <DM_ToA> (Kayalia)
[21:09] * Kayalia joins Miri in melee.
[21:10] <Kayalia> 1d20+8
[21:10] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d20(?)+8]: 27
[21:10] <Kayalia> 4d6+5
[21:10] <TolBot> Kayalia's 4d6(????)+5]: 16
[21:10] <Kayalia> 1d20+7
[21:10] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d20(?)+7]: 24
[21:10] <Kayalia> 1d4+4
[21:10] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d4(?)+4]: 5
[21:10] <Kayalia> (21 damages)
[21:11] * Magestar is now known as Ash
[21:11] <DM_ToA> (Miri)
[21:11] * Ash is now known as Ash-
[21:11] <Miri> (is 1 dead yet?)
[21:11] * Kayalia slashes with the war fan, then plants one with the magical dagger in a one-two combo.
[21:11] <DM_ToA> (not yet)
[21:11] <Miri> (k)
[21:11] Miri wil take two reckless attacks at 1.
[21:11] <Miri> 2#1d20+6 adv
[21:11] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(6, 4)+6 'adv']: 12
[21:11] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(7, 17)+6 'adv']: 23
[21:20] * Disconnected
[21:13] * Rejoined channel #grovewood
[21:13] * Topic is 'Grovewood - D&D5e Harl's Temple - Current DM: Harlequin-J-Goat- 8:30 PM EST Sundays. - Logs available here: http://grovewoodsaga.com/doku.php?id=campaigns:harl_s_mad_temple_delight'
[21:13] * Set by ChanServ on Fri Mar 15 16:11:06 2019
[21:11] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing
[21:11] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'slashing']: 13
[21:11] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[21:11] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire']: 10
[21:12] <Miri> (23 total)
[21:12] <DM_ToA> The wight catches light and falls down, trying to put itself out but being reduced to a pile of smelly, birning rags
[21:13] <Miri> (if one dies, i will move to be next to dylan.)
[21:13] <DM_ToA> Wight 2 tries to swipe at Dylan with sword and claw
[21:13] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4 sword
[21:13] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4 'sword']: 13
[21:13] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4 claw
[21:13] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4 'claw']: 17
[21:13] <Dylan> (double miss)
[21:13] <DM_ToA> The wight growls in frustration…
[21:13] <DM_ToA> Terres and Stol)
[21:14] <Stolanimus> 1d20+7 flame
[21:14] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(?)+7 'flame']: 13
[21:14] * Terres moves a few steps to get a better view then casts another set of blasts
[21:14] <Terres> 2#1d20+8
[21:14] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+8]: 10
[21:14] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+8]: 14
[21:14] <DM_ToA> The flames char the stone…
[21:15] <DM_ToA> (one hit, Terres)
[21:15] <Terres> 1d10+3
[21:15] <TolBot> Terres's 1d10(?)+3]: 7
[21:15] <DM_ToA> (take that back – Stol hit with the flames)
[21:15] <Stolanimus> (I finally hit?!?!?!?!)
[21:16] <DM_ToA> (yes!)
[21:16] <Stolanimus> 2d8+1
[21:16] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 2d8(??)+1]: 6
[21:17] <DM_ToA> Consumed with frustratedly burning flames – the last wight dies.
[21:18] * Dylan kicks the dying wight
[21:18] <Dylan> “Whoever wrought this abomination must pay”
[21:18] * Ash- looks confused. Why didn't you guys give me a chance to urn the wights?“
[21:18] <@Ash→ (urn = turn)
[21:19] * Dylan shrugs
[21:19] <Miri> “because fighting is more fun.”
[21:19] <Terres> (more exp this way :)
[21:19] <Dylan> “Justice waits for no man”
[21:19] <DM_ToA> (you can feel the wights roll their eyes from beyond the grave)
[21:21] <Terres> (/me wonders where those guys pulled the swords out of)
[21:22] Miri goes back to examining the bears and the disc between them.
[21:22] * Terres pokes around the remains of one of the fallen wights checking for anything out of the ordinary
[21:22] Stolanimus looks around and removes a mask.
[21:23] * Kayalia tosses the mask, since its pointless now.
[21:23] * Kayalia is now known as May
[21:23] <May> (goodnight!)
[21:23] <DM_ToA> (night! Have fun…I guess?)
[21:23] <Miri> (night may!)
[21:23] <May> (sweet dreams etc. all )
[21:23] * May (maymagic16@sorcery-tcuf3n.hr.cox.net) Quit (Quit: sleepings.)
[21:24] <Dylan> (uh random)
[21:24] <Miri> “hey look these eyes are moving. I guess we know why the wights attacked.”
[21:25] * Dylan nods
[21:25] <Dylan> “Move onwards?”
[21:26] <Miri> “which way is onwards?”
[21:26] <DM_ToA> (brb)
[21:27] <Terres> “The second secret passage we found”
[21:27] <Dylan> “Right”
[21:28] <Dylan> “Can you use that hand thing to open that door for us please?”
[21:28] * Dylan says pointing to the southern door
[21:31] <DM_ToA> (That's the door you came in from)
[21:32] * Dylan points to the northern door
[21:32] <Dylan> “I mean that one”
[21:32] <@Ash→ “I think one of those undead things hit you in the head a little hard.”
[21:32] <Dylan> “I was never that bright to begin with”
[21:33] <Stolanimus> �I think we would do well to go through this regular door and back to this dark room you described.”
[21:33] <Dylan> “Ok”
[21:33] * Dylan heads in that direction
[21:33] <DM_ToA> (opening the door?)
[21:35] <Stolanimus> �or this second secret door.“
[21:35] <Stolanimus> (I forgot we found another one on the map)
[21:36] <Dylan> “Or that one”
[21:36] <DM_ToA> (yep)
[21:36] <Stolanimus> �Back out into the main hall, or through this new secret door?�
[21:36] <Stolanimus> �I went downt the grate because it seems to me we need to get down to another level.�
[21:36] <Dylan> “Secret door”
[21:37] Stolanimus nods at Dylan and moves through it.
[21:37] Miri will follow the group at the back.
[21:37] <DM_ToA> As you pull open the secret door – you hear a pop and see a spark of flint fly out across the room…
[21:38] <Terres> “not another trap”
[21:38] <Stolanimus> (i thought I had already gone through this door.)
[21:38] <Stolanimus> (it�s across the room from the secret door we came through up out of the sewer, right?)
[21:38] <DM_ToA> (right)
[21:39] Stolanimus moves on.
[21:39] <DM_ToA> It's a short passage that opens into a room – maybe forty feet ahead.
[21:39] Stolanimus searches carefully moving forward.
[21:40] <DM_ToA> (roll perception, Stol)
[21:41] <Stolanimus> 1d20+7
[21:41] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(?)+7]: 23
[21:41] <Stolanimus> (can�t walk half a hall without a trap)
[21:41] <Miri> (brb)
[21:42] <Stolanimus> �Stop.”
[21:43] Stolanimus bneds low. A trap here on the right.�
[21:43] <@Ash→ “There's too many of the damn things here.”
[21:43] * Dylan nods
[21:43] Stolanimus checks the coarse stone on the right, running my hand over it looking for triggers.
[21:44] * Dylan has May disarm the trap
[21:45] <DM_ToA> (roll perception, Stol – anyone want to help?)
[21:45] <Dylan> (i will give him aid)
[21:45] <Dylan> “Guidance?”
[21:45] <Stolanimus> (I did)
[21:45] <DM_ToA> (Stol, roll with ad)
[21:45] <Stolanimus> 1d20+7 adv
[21:45] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(19, 5)+7 'adv']: 26
[21:46] <Stolanimus> (/me dies instantly having found the poison darts up close)
[21:46] <DM_ToA> Stol – you touch one of the coarser stones…
[21:46] <DM_ToA> …and it sinks into the wall with a click…
[21:46] <DM_ToA> …and part of the wall opens up to reveal a staircase leading down.
[21:46] <Stolanimus> �huh�
[21:47] <Miri> (back)
[21:47] Stolanimus listens for running muddy water down there.
[21:47] <DM_ToA> (You don't hear any)
[21:48] <Terres> “Nice Stolan found another shortcut”
[21:48] <Dylan> “Very nice”
[21:48] <Dylan> “Onwards?”
[21:48] * Dylan points down
[21:50] <@Ash→ (Anybody need healing?)
[21:50] <Dylan> (yea light healing)
[21:50] <@Ash→ 1d4+3
[21:50] <TolBot> Ash-'s 1d4(?)+3]: 5
[21:50] <Miri> (i got a tiny scratch, i'm good, kay might need healing tho)
[21:51] Stolanimus moves downward.
[21:51] <@Ash→ (actually make that 5 hp to everybody. I'll use one of my mass healing words)
[21:52] <Stolanimus> (woo hoo)
[21:53] * Terres follows Stolanimus
[21:54] <DM_ToA> (Yaa! Less close to death!)
[21:54] <Miri> (cause the dm NEVER lies :P)
[21:54] <DM_ToA> As you walk down the steps, the air grows more humid – a feat you didn't think was possible in Omu.
[21:55] <DM_ToA> The landing of the steps opens up to reveal…
[21:55] <DM_ToA> Old wooden benches and shelves along the walls of this chamber are covered with gears, chains, trap components, and cages filled with rats. Lit iron braziers hang by chains from the ceiling. Along the north wall, a stepped dais is set with a bulky contraption: an iron maiden of sorts, attached to a network of steaming pistons, tubes, and bubbling vats of blood. Five masked dwarves operate
[21:55] <DM_ToA> the contraption.
[21:56] <Stolanimus> (how far down� as in, like a new level?)
[21:57] <Terres> (fireball?)
[21:57] Miri will unlight her sword as she nears the base of the steps.
[21:57] <DM_ToA> (yes, like a new level)
[21:58] <Dylan> (yes fireball)
[21:59] <DM_ToA> (https://imgur.com/QnJqAot)
[21:59] <Terres> ( i couldt, they are dwarves)
[22:00] <DM_ToA> Dylan – don't you want to know the size of the room?)
[22:00] <Miri> (25 by 60?)
[22:00] * Dylan uses divine sense
[22:00] <Dylan> (are they undead? dwarves?)
[22:01] <DM_ToA> (undead dwarves)
[22:01] * Dylan leaves over to terres
[22:01] * Dylan whispers
[22:01] <Dylan> “Undead dwarves, lay them to rest”
[22:02] <Terres> (they didnt notice us walk down?)
[22:02] <DM_ToA> (They are too entranced at what they're doing to notice you)
[22:02] <DM_ToA> The iron contraption shudders as it opens, releasing a hissing cloud of steam. Through the roiling vapor, an armored figure wearing a bucket helm stomps into view.
[22:03] * Ash- raises a brow.
[22:03] <DM_ToA> (https://media-waterdeep.cursecdn.com/attachments/2/914/507.png)
[22:03] <@Ash→ (yuck)
[22:04] * Terres seeing the new creature unleashes a fireball in the midst of them all
[22:04] <Terres> 9d6
[22:04] <TolBot> Terres's 9d6(?????????)]: 35
[22:04] <DM_ToA> (ok…)
[22:04] <Terres> (dc 15 dex save for hal famage)
[22:05] <Terres> (half too)
[22:05] <Dylan> (at disadvantage because of suprise)
[22:06] <Terres> (its a 20foot raduis sphere, will aim it so it can hit most of them if possible)
[22:06] <DM_ToA> 1d20-1 dis
[22:06] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)-1 'dis']: 0 (Tsk, tsk)
[22:06] <DM_ToA> 1d20-1 dis
[22:07] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)-1 'dis']: 12
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20-1 dis
[22:07] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)-1 'dis']: 2
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20-1 dis
[22:07] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)-1 'dis']: 15
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20-1 dis
[22:07] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)-1 'dis']: 15
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20-1 dis
[22:07] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)-1 'dis']: 18
[22:07] <DM_ToA> (what's your DC?)
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20-1 dis
[22:07] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)-1 'dis']: 15
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20-1 dis
[22:07] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)-1 'dis']: 9
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20-1 dis
[22:07] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)-1 'dis']: 14
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20-1 dis
[22:07] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)-1 'dis']: 4
[22:08] <Terres> (15)
[22:09] <Terres> (too bad there was nothing combustable )
[22:10] <DM_ToA> A small bead of light shoots out of Terres's hand floating down the steps…
[22:11] <DM_ToA> …then explodes like thunder brought to earth. The smell of cooking meat and buring leather fills your nose.
[22:11] <Terres> (me whispers “heeeers Johnny)
[22:12] * Dylan waits until its clear and picks up his sword and charges downwards to finish off any remaining dwarves
[22:12] <Dylan> (do you want to theater of the mind the last dwarves to save you time?)
[22:12] <DM_ToA> (Yes, please)
[22:13] <Dylan> (how many are left up?)
[22:13] <Terres> (so the ones who made the save take only 17 dmg)
[22:13] <DM_ToA> The four dwarves and the tomb guardian look at you with malice. he iron glows dimly.
[22:13] <DM_ToA> (All four are still standing)
[22:14] Miri lights her sword back up.
[22:14] * Dylan motions Miri to follow as moves to the first one at attacks it
[22:14] <Dylan> 1d20+3
[22:14] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+3]: 16
[22:14] <Dylan> (init)
[22:14] <DM_ToA> 1d20 init
[22:14] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?) 'init']: 17
[22:14] <Terres> 1d20+1 init
[22:14] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+1 'init']: 3
[22:14] <Miri> 1d20 adv
[22:14] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(15, 9) 'adv']: 15
[22:14] <@Ash→ 1d20 init
[22:14] <TolBot> Ash-'s 1d20(?) 'init']: 20 (You da man.)
[22:14] <Stolanimus> 1d20+2
[22:14] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(?)+2]: 4
[22:15] <DM_ToA> (init: Ash Tomb Guardians and Tomb Dwarves, Dylan Miri Stol, Terres)
[22:16] <DM_ToA> (Round One – Die!)
[22:16] <DM_ToA> (Ash)
[22:16] * Ash- attempts to Turn/Destroy the undead by Channeling Divinity.
[22:17] <@Ash→ (Which I believe is a DC 14 Wisdom save. CR1 or less are destroyed)
[22:17] <DM_ToA> 1d20+1 DC 14
[22:17] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+1 'DC 14']: 14
[22:17] <DM_ToA> 1d20+1 DC 14
[22:17] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+1 'DC 14']: 11
[22:17] <DM_ToA> 1d20+1 DC 14
[22:17] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+1 'DC 14']: 11
[22:18] <DM_ToA> 1d20+1 DC 14
[22:18] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+1 'DC 14']: 6
[22:18] <DM_ToA> Three of the dwarves scatter back away, hiding behind the machine. One looks at them, then back to Ash and growls…
[22:19] <DM_ToA> (Anything else Ash?)
[22:19] <@Ash→ (nope)
[22:19] <@Ash→ (Dwarves are over CR1 folks.)
[22:20] <DM_ToA> The growling one slashes at you with it's battle axe…
[22:20] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4
[22:20] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4]: 19
[22:20] <@Ash→ (Miss)
[22:21] <DM_ToA> The blade bites deep into the ground…and another growl rolls out from the dwarf.
[22:22] <DM_ToA> The tomb guardian stomps towards Dylan…raising a spiked gauntet to punch…
[22:22] <DM_ToA> 1d20+7
[22:22] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+7]: 12
[22:22] <DM_ToA> (Dylan)
[22:23] <Dylan> 2#1d20+9
[22:23] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 12
[22:23] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 14
[22:23] <Dylan> (any hits?)
[22:23] <DM_ToA> (none)
[22:23] <Dylan> (end of turn)
[22:23] <DM_ToA> (Sorry – both)
[22:24] <Dylan> (oh k)
[22:24] <Dylan> 3d6+10
[22:24] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+10]: 19
[22:24] <Dylan> (er no)
[22:24] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[22:24] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 16
[22:24] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[22:24] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 12
[22:24] <Dylan> (28 damage to whatever i hit)
[22:25] <DM_ToA> (sorry again – neiether hit. Friggin' editor fell asleep at the (censored wheel)
[22:25] <Dylan> (no worries, end of turn)
[22:25] <DM_ToA> (Miri)
[22:25] Miri will rage and then take two reckless attacks against the Tomb Guardian.
[22:25] <Miri> 2#1d20+6 adv
[22:25] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[22:25] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(7, 15)+6 'adv']: 21
[22:25] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(11, 6)+6 'adv']: 17
[22:25] <DM_ToA> (both hit)
[22:25] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing first hit
[22:25] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'slashing first hit']: 13
[22:25] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[22:25] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire']: 8
[22:26] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing second hit
[22:26] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'slashing second hit']: 16
[22:26] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[22:26] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire']: 10
[22:26] <Miri> (47 total points of damage)
[22:26] <DM_ToA> The tomb guardian howls at the sight of fire…
[22:27] <DM_ToA> (Stol)
[22:27] <Stolanimus> (what�s left?)
[22:28] <Dylan> (4 dwarves)
[22:28] <Dylan> (and a guardian?)
[22:28] <DM_ToA> (There are still four standing tomb dwarves, and a very bad looking tomb guardian that's freaking out)
[22:30] <Miri> (frankenstein's monster doesn't like fire, go figure :P)
[22:30] <@Ash→ (Most of the dwarves are under the effect of Turn Undead, except the one trying to hit me)
[22:30] Stolanimus summons an animal.
[22:31] <Stolanimus> (conjure animal)
[22:32] <DM_ToA> (what are you conjuring?)
[22:32] <Stolanimus> Two Dire Wolves appears on each side.
[22:32] <DM_ToA> (oh)
[22:32] <Terres> (one of them plays minecraft)
[22:33] <Dylan> (if we pick up the pace a bit, we can probably get through this combat…)
[22:33] <DM_ToA> (Stol – roll init for animals)
[22:34] <Stolanimus> 1d20+2
[22:34] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(?)+2]: 7
[22:36] <DM_ToA> (they go after Miri)
[22:36] <DM_ToA> (anything else, Stol?)
[22:37] <Stolanimus> (no, sorry)(
[22:37] * Terres points at one of the dwarves and says “To the void with you”, then fires off his eldritch blasts
[22:37] <Terres> (Bonus action to cast Hex on it then eldrithc basts)
[22:38] <Terres> 2#1d20+8
[22:38] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+8]: 18
[22:38] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+8]: 17
[22:38] <DM_ToA> (Which dwarf? 1,2,3,4?)
[22:38] <Terres> 1d4
[22:38] <TolBot> Terres's 1d4(?)]: 4
[22:39] <DM_ToA> (hits, roll damage)
[22:40] <Terres> 1d10+3+1d6
[22:40] <TolBot> Terres's 1d10(?)+3+1d6(3)]: 7
[22:40] <Terres> 1d10+3+1d6
[22:40] <TolBot> Terres's 1d10(?)+3+1d6(6)]: 19
[22:41] <Terres> (17 forece dmg and 9 necrotic)
[22:42] <DM_ToA> The dwarf looks at you, Terres and hisses – the fear melting away in it's eyes and replaced by bright hate.
[22:42] <DM_ToA> (Round 2!)
[22:42] <DM_ToA> (Ash)
[22:42] <Terres> (and he has disadvantage on one ability)
[22:42] * Ash- attempts to beat on the only non-turned dwarf in his face trying to kill him.
[22:42] <DM_ToA> (Do you determine it?)
[22:42] <@Ash→ 1d20+5
[22:42] <TolBot> Ash-'s 1d20(?)+5]: 22
[22:42] <Terres> (yep)
[22:42] <DM_ToA> (hit)
[22:42] <@Ash→ 1d6+2+1d8 fire
[22:42] <TolBot> Ash-'s 1d6(?)+2+1d8(2) 'fire']: 8
[22:42] <Dylan> (yea chose one thing)
[22:43] <Dylan> (just remember its not for saving throws, it's for ability checks)
[22:43] <@Ash→ (6 magical mace damage, 2 fire damage to the dwarf in my face)
[22:43] <DM_ToA> (WIS)
[22:43] <Terres> (wis)
[22:43] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[22:44] <Terres> (well it was a close call between that and animal handling)
[22:44] <DM_ToA> The Tomb Guardian roars and swings at Miri while the dwarf throws another axe blow at Ash)
[22:44] <Miri> (advantage on any attacks against me dm)
[22:45] <DM_ToA> 1d20+7
[22:45] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+7]: 16
[22:45] <DM_ToA> 1d20+7
[22:45] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+7]: 10
[22:45] <DM_ToA> (one hit?)
[22:45] <Miri> (yes)
[22:45] <Miri> (my ac is 13)
[22:46] <DM_ToA> 2d8+4 bludgeoning
[22:46] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 2d8(??)+4 'bludgeoning']: 13
[22:46] <DM_ToA> 2d6 piercing
[22:46] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 2d6(??) 'piercing']: 8
[22:46] <DM_ToA> 21 total damage
[22:46] <Miri> (halved to 11?)
[22:46] <DM_ToA> (yes)
[22:46] <Miri> (k)
[22:47] <DM_ToA> The Guardian rears back and *hammers* Miri…
[22:47] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4 Dwarf
[22:47] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4 'Dwarf']: 18
[22:47] <DM_ToA> (hit?)
[22:47] <DM_ToA> (Ash?)
[22:47] <@Ash→ (No hit on me)
[22:48] <Dylan> (can i use sentinel for the one that attacked ash?)
[22:48] * Ash- is very thankful that he invested in platemail and a shield.
[22:49] <DM_ToA> The dwarf pulls his axe, trying to turn it into an attack, but the chipped blade whistles overhead.
[22:49] <DM_ToA> Dylan – sure)
[22:49] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[22:49] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 27
[22:49] <DM_ToA> (Hit – roll damage)
[22:49] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[22:49] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 13
[22:50] <DM_ToA> Dylan's blow crashes into the dwarf's shoulder…
[22:51] <DM_ToA> A dwarf scrambles and swings at Terres…
[22:51] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4
[22:51] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4]: 8
[22:51] <DM_ToA> (Yeah…)
[22:51] <Terres> (miss)
[22:51] <Dylan> (another attack of opportunity?)
[22:51] <DM_ToA> but misses out of desperation
[22:51] <DM_ToA> (Dylan)
[22:51] * Dylan swings at the one that Terres attacked
[22:52] <Dylan> 2#1d20+9
[22:52] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 23
[22:52] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 16
[22:52] <DM_ToA> (one hit)
[22:52] <Dylan> (im gonna smite him)
[22:52] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[22:52] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[22:52] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 11
[22:52] <Dylan> 2d8
[22:52] <TolBot> Dylan's 2d8(??)]: 15
[22:52] <Dylan> (15 radiant)
[22:52] <Dylan> (11 slashing)
[22:53] <DM_ToA> the dwarf groans and slips to the ground…ichor dripping from the wounds.
[22:53] <DM_ToA> (Miri)
[22:53] <Dylan> (does radiant seem to do more damage?)
[22:53] Miri roars and takes two more reckless attacks against the guardian.
[22:53] <DM_ToA> (not really)
[22:53] <Miri> 2#1d20+6
[22:53] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(?)+6]: 25
[22:53] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(?)+6]: 24
[22:53] <DM_ToA> (both hit)
[22:53] <Miri> (i forgot adv, but yeah ok)
[22:54] <Miri> 2#2d6+5
[22:54] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5]: 10
[22:54] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5]: 11
[22:54] <Miri> 2#2d6
[22:54] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)]: 2
[22:54] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)]: 5
[22:54] <Miri> (so 28 total)
[22:54] <DM_ToA> With a howl – Miri swings her sword. The flame guts through the armor and the guardian falls over with a sigh.
[22:55] <Miri> (i killed it?)
[22:55] <Stolanimus> (anything left for me and my pack?)
[22:55] <Dylan> (3 dwarves)
[22:55] <DM_ToA> (Yes, the dwarves)
[22:56] <DM_ToA> (four dwarves)
[22:56] Stolanimus commands the wolves to attack after he does.
[22:56] Stolanimus stays a distance and flames a dwarf.
[22:56] <Stolanimus> 1d20+7
[22:56] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(?)+7]: 9
[22:56] <DM_ToA> (one two three?)
[22:56] <Stolanimus> The two wolves attack the same dwarf.
[22:56] <Stolanimus> (is there a map?)
[22:57] <DM_ToA> (not right now – trying to get this done fast)
[22:57] <Terres> (nope we doing it old school)
[22:57] <Stolanimus> (I�ll attack whichever one I can while keeping distance.)
[22:57] <DM_ToA> (miss)
[22:58] <Stolanimus> 1d20+5 adv wolf1
[22:58] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(12, 20)+5 'adv wolf1']: 25 (Wow)
[22:58] <Stolanimus> 1d20+5 adv wolf2
[22:58] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(16, 16)+5 'adv wolf2']: 21
[22:58] <DM_ToA> The dogs snarl after Terres's dwarf – sensing weakness
[22:58] <DM_ToA> (both hit)
[22:58] <Stolanimus> 4d6+3 piercing damage
[22:58] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 4d6(????)+3 'piercing damage']: 16
[22:58] <Stolanimus> 2d6+3 piercing damage
[22:58] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 2d6(??)+3 'piercing damage']: 12
[22:59] <DM_ToA> The wolves die into the dwarf, pulling him apart
[22:59] <Terres> (who let the dogs out?)
[22:59] <DM_ToA> (two turned, one attacking Ash)
[22:59] <DM_ToA> (Round 3)
[22:59] <DM_ToA> (Ash)
[22:59] <Stolanimus> (I�ll attack the one not turned)
[22:59] <Terres> (umm you missed me boss)
[22:59] <DM_ToA> (Sorry Terres go)
[22:59] <@Ash→ 1d20+5
[22:59] <TolBot> Ash-'s 1d20(?)+5]: 21
[23:00] <@Ash→ 1d6+2+1d8 fire
[23:00] <TolBot> Ash-'s 1d6(?)+2+1d8(5) 'fire']: 11
[23:00] <@Ash→ (Done)
[23:00] <Terres> (bonus action, i move hex onto another dwarf then eldritch blast)
[23:00] <Terres> 2#1d20+8
[23:00] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+8]: 20
[23:00] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+8]: 10
[23:00] <DM_ToA> (roll, two or three)
[23:00] <Terres> 1d2+1
[23:00] <TolBot> Terres's 1d2(?)+1]: 3
[23:01] <DM_ToA> damage
[23:01] <Terres> 1d10+3+1d6
[23:01] <TolBot> Terres's 1d10(?)+3+1d6(1)]: 7
[23:01] <Terres> (i assume only one hit)
[23:01] <DM_ToA> (yes)
[23:01] <Terres> (im done)
[23:01] <DM_ToA> dwarf attacks Ash and another attacks Terres
[23:02] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4
[23:02] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4]: 21
[23:02] <@Ash→ (hit)
[23:02] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4 Terres
[23:02] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4 'Terres']: 22
[23:02] <Dylan> (aoo on the one against ash again?)
[23:02] <Terres> (barely hit me)
[23:02] <Dylan> (reaction)
[23:02] <DM_ToA> 1d8 Ash
[23:02] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(?) 'Ash']: 8
[23:02] <DM_ToA> 1d8 Terres
[23:03] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(?) 'Terres']: 3
[23:03] <DM_ToA> (Go Dylan)
[23:03] <DM_ToA> (crap - brb)
[23:03] <Dylan> (ok sentinel attack on the one against ash)
[23:03] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[23:03] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 21
[23:03] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[23:03] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 17
[23:04] <Terres> (sadly i am out of spells or i would have fried his undead ass)
[23:04] <Dylan> (it doesnt cost a spell slot to move hex)
[23:04] <Terres> (not hax, if he hit me i could have used hellish rebuke)
[23:05] <@Ash→ (Oooh good call)
[23:05] <@Ash→ HELLISH REBUKE!!!
[23:05] <Dylan> (so as soon as i know if that one i reactioned went down i will take my action)
[23:06] <@Ash→ 3d10 (And Dex 14 save)
[23:06] <TolBot> Ash-'s 3d10(???) '(And Dex 14 save)']: 14
[23:06] <Dylan> (oh ash first)
[23:08] <DM_ToA> 1d20+2 DC 14
[23:08] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+2 'DC 14']: 10
[23:08] <Dylan> (did the one i reaction attacked go down?)
[23:08] <DM_ToA> The dwarf bursts into flames, but as they gutter and dim…the dwarf still stands.
[23:09] <DM_ToA> (Dylan)
[23:09] <Miri> (so there are still 2 left?)
[23:09] <Dylan> (hit him for 14 damage)
[23:09] <Dylan> (did he go down?)
[23:09] <Dylan> (err 17 dmg)
[23:09] <DM_ToA> (3 – one turned, one on Ash and one on Terres)
[23:09] <Miri> (ok)
[23:09] <Dylan> (so the 17 damage didnt take him down?)
[23:09] <DM_ToA> (No)
[23:09] <Dylan> (ok attacks on him)
[23:10] <Dylan> 2#1d20+9
[23:10] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 25
[23:10] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 26
[23:10] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[23:10] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 18
[23:10] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[23:10] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 18
[23:10] <Dylan> (36 damage to his face end of turn)
[23:10] <DM_ToA> (one on ash or terres?)
[23:10] <Dylan> (on ash)
[23:11] <DM_ToA> You reduce him to rotted ribbons.
[23:11] <DM_ToA> (Miri)
[23:11] Miri will move and reckless attack the dwarf on terres twice.
[23:11] <Miri> 2#1d20+6 adv
[23:11] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(19, 20)+6 'adv']: 26 (You da man.)
[23:11] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(11, 2)+6 'adv']: 17
[23:11] <Terres> (you see an undead dwarf attacking your favorite living dwarf)
[23:11] <Miri> 4d6+5 slashing
[23:11] <TolBot> Miri's 4d6(????)+5 'slashing']: 14
[23:12] <Miri> 4d6 fire
[23:12] <TolBot> Miri's 4d6(????) 'fire']: 16
[23:12] <Miri> (did the second attack hit?)
[23:12] <DM_ToA> (no)
[23:12] <Miri> (k, end of turn)
[23:12] <DM_ToA> (sorry – both hit)
[23:12] <Miri> 2d6+5 second hit slashing
[23:12] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'second hit slashing']: 13
[23:12] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[23:12] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire']: 4
[23:13] <Miri> (so 47 in total?)
[23:13] <DM_ToA> (yes)
[23:13] <DM_ToA> (Wolves)
[23:14] Stolanimus casts flame.
[23:14] <Stolanimus> 1d20+7
[23:14] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(?)+7]: 19
[23:14] <DM_ToA> (hit)
[23:14] <Stolanimus> 2d8+1
[23:14] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 2d8(??)+1]: 15
[23:14] Stolanimus �s wolves attack.
[23:15] <Stolanimus> 1d20+5 Adv Wolf1
[23:15] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(9, 13)+5 'Adv Wolf1']: 18
[23:15] <Stolanimus> 1d20+5 Adv Wolf2
[23:15] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 1d20(4, 13)+5 'Adv Wolf2']: 18
[23:15] <DM_ToA> (both ht)
[23:15] <Stolanimus> 2#2d6+3
[23:15] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 2d6(??)+3]: 8
[23:15] <TolBot> Stolanimus's 2d6(??)+3]: 10
[23:16] <DM_ToA> The dwarf shrieks as the wolves burrow into the burning guts of the dwarf. Only one – still under the effect of the channeled divinity – remains.
[23:16] <Terres> (is that my dwarf?)
[23:16] <Dylan> (yup, blast em!)
[23:17] <DM_ToA> (no – your dwarf is dead.)
[23:17] <Dylan> (blast em anyway)
[23:17] * Terres concentrates and moves the hex to the last dwarf
[23:17] <DM_ToA> (Wis)
[23:17] <Terres> (then eldritch blasts)
[23:17] <DM_ToA> (rolls)
[23:17] <Terres> (yep )
[23:17] <Terres> 2#1d20+8
[23:17] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+8]: 9 (Oh, no)
[23:17] <TolBot> Terres's 1d20(?)+8]: 17
[23:18] <DM_ToA> (one barely hits)
[23:18] <Terres> 1d10+3+1d6
[23:18] <TolBot> Terres's 1d10(?)+3+1d6(5)]: 9
[23:18] <DM_ToA> (Round 4)
[23:18] <DM_ToA> (Ash)
[23:19] * Ash- launches a sacred flame
[23:19] <@Ash→ 1d20+6
[23:19] <TolBot> Ash-'s 1d20(?)+6]: 17
[23:19] <@Ash→ 2d8
[23:19] <TolBot> Ash-'s 2d8(??)]: 4
[23:20] <DM_ToA> The dwarf bolts towards Ash…
[23:20] <DM_ToA> 1d20+4
[23:20] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+4]: 9
[23:20] * Ash- side-steps
[23:20] <DM_ToA> He swings and overcompensates…
[23:20] <DM_ToA> (dylan)
[23:21] * Dylan swings his reaction attack
[23:21] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[23:21] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 20
[23:21] <DM_ToA> (hit)
[23:21] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[23:21] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 15
[23:21] <DM_ToA> (anything else, Dylan?)
[23:22] <Dylan> (main attack phase)
[23:22] <Dylan> 2#1d20+9
[23:22] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 14
[23:22] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+9]: 26
[23:22] <DM_ToA> (one hit)
[23:22] <Dylan> 3d6+5
[23:22] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d6(???)+5]: 17
[23:22] <Dylan> (end of turn)
[23:22] <DM_ToA> (Stol and the pack)
[23:22] <Dylan> (32 damage total)
[23:22] <Miri> (miri?!)
[23:22] <Dylan> (yah miri first then stol)
[23:23] <DM_ToA> (Sorry – Miri finish him)
[23:23] Miri will move and take two reckless attacks against the remaining dwarf.
[23:23] <Miri> 2#1d20+5 adv
[23:23] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(12, 13)+5 'adv']: 18
[23:23] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(18, 9)+5 'adv']: 23
[23:23] <DM_ToA> (both hit)
[23:23] <Miri> 2#2d6+5 slashing
[23:23] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'slashing ']: 12
[23:23] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'slashing ']: 13
[23:23] <Miri> 2#2d6 fire
[23:23] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire']: 9
[23:23] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire']: 8
[23:24] <Miri> (42 total)
[23:24] <Dylan> (lets short rest between sessions)
[23:24] <DM_ToA> The dwarf is eviscerated by Miri;s flaming strikes…ending both the dwarf's unlife and this session!