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[19:45] <ToA_DM> (
[19:45] * May is now known as Kayalia
[19:45] * PK ( has joined #grovewood
[19:46] <PK> Prepare your souls for my arrival has come.
[19:46] <ToA_DM> When last we left our adventurers, plunging into the Lost City of Omu, they have overcome fiendish traps and serpent men on the course to discover or overcome the disease that's afflicting otherwise hardy adventurers. Coming out of the latest temple…our characters have found themselves ahead of an ambush. This promises to be a bloody affair as this episode of The Tomb of Annihilation
[19:46] <ToA_DM> begins!
[19:46] <ToA_DM> (Also, everyone gets one free action because you see the ambush being set up)
[19:47] <Terres> (muahaha fireball)
[19:47] <Ash> (So in the last two games has there been a long rest?)
[19:47] <ToA_DM> (Yes.)
[19:47] <Miri> (yes)
[19:47] <Terres> (pretty sure we did)
[19:47] * Kayalia did scream out 'Ambush!' moments ago.
[19:48] <Marr> (what do the ambushers look like?)
[19:48] <Terres> (on fire pretty soon)
[19:48] <Marr> (also where do we start?)
[19:49] <ToA_DM> two of htem look like this:
[19:49] <ToA_DM> the other six look very human.
[19:49] <ToA_DM> place youselves on the map.
[19:50] <Terres> (that grey is the shrine outter wall?)
[19:50] <Terres> (also whats is light grey stuff)
[19:50] <ToA_DM> Yes – the dark grey. The light grey is the gateway you went through
[19:50] <Miri> (we coming in from the left side of the map or the right side?)
[19:51] <ToA_DM> The top. You just came out of the temple a few minutes ago when you saw them setting up the ambush.
[19:51] <Miri> (ok)
[19:52] <ToA_DM> (once everyone is placed, take your free action, then we'll start initative)
[19:52] * Marr thinks that these humanoids are the ones who left that nasty note about savages and uses he free action to make a full dash at them
[19:52] * Marr is now known as Dylan
[19:52] <Terres> (each square is 5x5feet?)
[19:52] <ToA_DM> (yes)
[19:52] * Kayalia attempts to invoke a spell of slumber upon the yet unknown foes directly ahead, drawing forth a tarot card depicting 'The Moon' and chanting a few arcane words to invoke the divine power of the card.
[19:53] * Miri will make sure her sword is lit for her free action.
[19:53] <Dylan> (full run is …)
[19:53] <Kayalia> 5d8
[19:53] <PK> Kayalia throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (5d8) and gets 27.
[19:53] * Ash casts BEACON OF HOPE (For 1 minute, you all get Advantage on Wisdom saves, Death saves, and any healing is at max)
[19:53] <Kayalia> (27 hp worth of monsters are targetted starting with the monster that has the lowest HP)
[19:53] * Terres panicks as he sees the creature setting up an ambush and casts a fireball in the middle of them
[19:53] <Kayalia> (welllllll I suspect Terres invalidated my move)
[19:54] <Dylan> (looking up how far i can move on a run)
[19:54] <Terres> (depending on who goes first they might fall asleep while burning)
[19:54] <Dylan> (right 60 feet)
[19:57] * Kayalia noticed the ambush first so maybe she reacts first??
[19:57] <Miri> (brb)
[19:57] <Ash> (Or we could just roll init?)
[19:58] <ToA_DM> (everyone gets a free action – everyone except Kayalia please tell me what you're doing)
[19:59] <Terres> (fireball close to center of the group)
[19:59] <Terres> (their group not ours :)
[20:00] <Dylan> (taking that sprint/movement)
[20:01] <ToA_DM> (Miri?)
[20:01] <Miri> (i just lit my sword, i wasn't sure if going into a rage first would work or not)
[20:01] <Miri> (back btw)
[20:04] <ToA_DM> (you can rage as a bonus action. I think lighting is a free action)
[20:05] <Miri> (eeh, i'm good.)
[20:05] <ToA_DM> (Who hasn't annouced actions? Ash?)
[20:05] <ToA_DM> (This might be over before it starts…dammit)
[20:05] <Terres> Ash was beaconing i think)
[20:05] <Miri> (yes, ash did beacon of hope)
[20:06] * Ash casts BEACON OF HOPE (For 1 minute, you all get Advantage on Wisdom saves, Death saves, and any healing is at max)
[20:07] <Kayalia> (dat max healing)
[20:07] <Dylan> (if we are all acting at the same time, can dylan outrun a fireball?)
[20:08] <Terres> (add to that i was itching to let this one fly for 4 weeks now so it be pretty damn quick too)
[20:08] <ToA_DM> (dylan, get advantage on save for fireball)
[20:08] <Dylan> (dex?)
[20:08] <Terres> (yea 14dc dex)
[20:09] <Dylan> 1d20+5
[20:09] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+5) and gets 21.
[20:09] <Dylan> (made it)
[20:09] <Terres> 9d6
[20:09] <PK> Terres throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (9d6) and gets 26.
[20:09] <Terres> (fireball damage is halved on save)
[20:09] <ToA_DM> (Now – let me make some saves here…then write the text and then we can really cut loose)
[20:10] <ToA_DM> Creature 1:
[20:10] <ToA_DM> 1d20+2 (ad)
[20:11] <Miri> (can't do advantage on mage's bot)
[20:11] <Miri> (have to roll it manually)
[20:11] <Terres> (dont think PK handls flavor text)
[20:11] <ToA_DM> 1d20
[20:11] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20) and gets 19.
[20:11] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[20:11] <ToA_DM> Creature 2:
[20:11] <ToA_DM> 1d20+2
[20:11] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+2) and gets 12.
[20:11] <Ash> Just do 2 1d20
[20:11] <ToA_DM> 1d20+2
[20:11] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+2) and gets 5.
[20:12] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[20:12] <ToA_DM> 2 1d20+2
[20:12] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20+2) and gets 9 15.
[20:12] <ToA_DM> 2 1d20+3
[20:12] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20+3) and gets 22 4.
[20:13] <ToA_DM> 2 1d20+4
[20:13] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20+4) and gets 10 7.
[20:13] <ToA_DM> 2 1d20+2
[20:13] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20+2) and gets 12 10.
[20:14] <ToA_DM> 2 1d20+2
[20:14] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20+2) and gets 20 3.
[20:15] <ToA_DM> 2 1d20+6
[20:15] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20+6) and gets 23 14.
[20:15] <ToA_DM> 2 1d20+6
[20:15] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20+6) and gets 9 21.
[20:15] <ToA_DM> (OK)
[20:16] <ToA_DM> Kaylaia's spell…seems to do nothing. Several of the humanoids and the two creatures wobble on their feet, but shake off the worse effects.
[20:16] <ToA_DM> However…you can't shake off a fireball.
[20:17] <ToA_DM> Dylan – sensing something amiss, throws himself to the ground before the field blossoms into flames. Several of the people are swathed in flames. Several of them come out of it, looking harmed…and very angry.
[20:18] <ToA_DM> (Dylan?)
[20:18] <Dylan> (can i make attacks?)
[20:18] <ToA_DM> (yes – I'll say your ran as a bonus action)
[20:19] * Dylan attacks twice with his sword
[20:19] <ToA_DM> (both on one, or one each?)
[20:19] <Dylan> (one on 4 and one on 5)
[20:20] <Kayalia> (I guess every single enemy has > 28 HP. yikes.)
[20:20] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:20] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+9) and gets 17.
[20:20] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:20] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+9) and gets 15.
[20:20] <ToA_DM> (#4 declares dodge)
[20:20] <Dylan> (hits?)
[20:21] <ToA_DM> (hit on both)
[20:21] <Dylan> 2d6+6
[20:21] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2d6+6) and gets 13.
[20:21] <Dylan> 2d6+6
[20:21] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2d6+6) and gets 13.
[20:22] <ToA_DM> Both of them grunt as the blade bites through the armor. They look very surprised…
[20:23] <ToA_DM> one of them shouts: O Ras Nsi tous th�lei zontan�! Apagor�vetai i afa�resi!
[20:23] <ToA_DM> (anyone speak Abyssal?)
[20:23] <Ash> (Let me check)
[20:23] <Ash> (no)
[20:23] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[20:23] <Dylan> (nope)
[20:24] <Terres> (no)
[20:24] <Miri> (no)
[20:24] <Terres> (unless they write it down or there are closed captions)
[20:24] <ToA_DM> (sorry – cc is turned off on this channel)
[20:24] <ToA_DM> (anyone else making an action? If not – we turn to initiative)
[20:25] <Dylan> (stol?)
[20:25] <Terres> (he turns into a mongoose)
[20:25] <Dylan> (Xan?)
[20:25] <Miri> (he's good)
[20:25] <Miri> (don't make me jaeger more than i have to :P)
[20:25] <ToA_DM> You see Stol shiver and buck – his form sprouting fur and fangs like quicksilver. He roars through dagger long fangs.
[20:26] <ToA_DM> (ok – init it is)
[20:26] <ToA_DM> (Y'all roll first, then I'll take care of mine)
[20:26] <Kayalia> 1d20+4
[20:26] <PK> Kayalia throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+4) and gets 20.
[20:26] <Terres> 1d20+1
[20:26] <PK> Terres throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+1) and gets 8.
[20:26] <Dylan> 1d20+3
[20:26] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+3) and gets 22.
[20:26] <Miri> 2 1d20
[20:26] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20) and gets 1 8.
[20:26] <Miri> 1d20+2
[20:26] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+2) and gets 17.
[20:26] <Miri> (so 8 for me and 17 for Xan)
[20:26] <Ash> 1d20
[20:26] <PK> Ash throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20) and gets 16.
[20:27] <ToA_DM> (rolling for Stol)
[20:27] * Sentagur ( has joined #grovewood
[20:28] <Sentagur> (hmm, did i DC)
[20:28] <Ash> (Maybe)
[20:28] <ToA_DM> 1d20+2
[20:28] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+2) and gets 6.
[20:28] <ToA_DM> (ok – now for the others)
[20:29] * Sentagur is now known as Terres-
[20:29] <ToA_DM> 1d20+2
[20:29] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+2) and gets 4.
[20:29] <ToA_DM> 1d20+2
[20:29] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+2) and gets 18.
[20:30] <ToA_DM> 2 1d20+3
[20:30] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20+3) and gets 9 22.
[20:30] <ToA_DM> 1d20+4
[20:30] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+4) and gets 13.
[20:30] * Terres ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[20:31] <ToA_DM> 1d20+2
[20:31] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+2) and gets 20.
[20:31] <ToA_DM> 1d20+2
[20:31] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+2) and gets 17.
[20:31] <ToA_DM> 1d20+3
[20:31] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+3) and gets 9.
[20:32] <ToA_DM> 1d20+4
[20:32] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+4) and gets 14.
[20:32] <Ash> (That's 9 foes thus far)
[20:33] <Terres→ (he really is trying to kill us)
[20:33] <Ash> (Considering I see 8 foes on the map, I agree)
[20:33] <Kayalia> (and all > 27 hp~)
[20:34] <ToA_DM> (order of attack: Dylan and Humanoid 1, Kaylaia and Humanoid 3, Yuan-ti 2, Xanthos and Humanoid #4, Ash Humanoid 6, Humanoid 2, Humanoid 5, Miri and Terres Stol-toothed Tiger, Yuan-Ti 1.)
[20:34] <ToA_DM> (Learn it, live it, love it)
[20:34] <Ash> ~init Dylan & Foe(4) 22, Kayalia & Foe(6) 20, Foe(2) 18, Xan & Foe(7) 17, Ash 16, Foe(9) 14, Foe (5) 13, Foe(3 & 8) 9, Terres & Miri 8, Stol 6, Foe(1) 4
[20:34] <Ash> ~initload Dylan & Foe(4) 22, Kayalia & Foe(6) 20, Foe(2) 18, Xan & Foe(7) 17, Ash 16, Foe(9) 14, Foe (5) 13, Foe(3 & 8) 9, Terres & Miri 8, Stol 6, Foe(1) 4
[20:34] <PK> To see current initative /msg me the text ~init or ~initative
[20:34] <Dylan> (fancy)
[20:35] <ToA_DM> The bigger humanoid unsheathes a great sword and bellows: “Miz�ria!”
[20:35] <Kayalia> (ZzZ)
[20:36] <ToA_DM> …and foam comes out of his mouth as he scrambles towards Terres.
[20:37] <ToA_DM> (Dylan)
[20:37] <Dylan> (bonus action thunderous smite, actions : attack attack)
[20:37] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:37] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+9) and gets 17.
[20:37] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:37] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+9) and gets 14.
[20:37] <Dylan> (how many hits?)
[20:38] <Terres→ (me claps Ash on the back and says that was a nice fireball there chief and tries to push him a bit forward)
[20:38] <ToA_DM> (dodge, so roll disad on the first attack roll)
[20:38] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:38] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+9) and gets 14.
[20:38] <ToA_DM> (both miss)
[20:39] <ToA_DM> The fourth one nimbly hops over hte swinging blade, while the other simply sidesteps.
[20:39] <ToA_DM> (Kaylaia)
[20:40] <Kayalia> (What is humanoid 1 ?)
[20:40] <Kayalia> (the berserker?)
[20:40] <ToA_DM> Miri – make a wisdom saving throw, DC 16)
[20:40] <ToA_DM> (Yes)
[20:40] <ToA_DM> (Kay)
[20:41] <Ash> (Wisdom saves are at advantage)
[20:41] <Miri> 2 1d20
[20:41] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20) and gets 20 1.
[20:41] <Miri> (nat 20!)
[20:41] <Miri> (thanks ash!)
[20:41] * Kayalia zooms forward to evade the berserker and attempt to 'asassinate' the Yaun-Ti who hasn't acted yet.
[20:42] <ToA_DM> Miri you feel anger – an unnatural anger welling up inside you for a second, before it's quickly doused by magical energy.
[20:42] <Kayalia> 2 1d20+8
[20:42] <PK> Kayalia throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20+8) and gets 10 12.
[20:42] <Kayalia> (wow.)
[20:42] <ToA_DM> (wow – no.)
[20:43] <ToA_DM> The other yuan-ti flicks his arm out and two sickly green bolts fly out towards Kayalia.
[20:43] <Kayalia> (wat)
[20:43] <ToA_DM> 1d20+5
[20:43] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+5) and gets 22.
[20:43] <ToA_DM> 1d20+5
[20:43] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+5) and gets 25.
[20:43] <Kayalia> (sigh.)
[20:44] <ToA_DM> (sorry – did you want to do something else?)
[20:44] <Kayalia> (No, I'm just ready to be disinterested for the rest of the night is all)
[20:46] <ToA_DM> 2 1d10+3
[20:46] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d10+3) and gets 4 7.
[20:46] <ToA_DM> 11 points of damage.
[20:47] <ToA_DM> Xanthos and Humanoid #4)
[20:47] <Miri> Xanth will take two attacks at humanoid #1.
[20:48] <Miri> 2 1d20+7
[20:48] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20+7) and gets 11 17.
[20:48] <Miri> (do either hit?)
[20:48] <ToA_DM> (second hits)
[20:48] <Miri> 1d12+4
[20:48] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d12+4) and gets 10.
[20:49] <Miri> (10 points of damage)
[20:49] <ToA_DM> Dylan – make a Con save DC 14)
[20:49] * Dylan ( Quit (Quit: )
[20:49] <ToA_DM> The humanoid beside Dylan makes a coughing breath, sending a greenish spray at him.
[20:50] * Dylan ( has joined #grovewood
[20:50] <Terres→ (omg they have disconnecting attacks)
[20:51] <ToA_DM> (That is a serious poison spray…corroding the cables and everything)
[20:51] <ToA_DM> The humanoid beside Dylan makes a coughing breath, sending a greenish spray at him.
[20:52] <Dylan> (dont forget to add +2 to saves if you are within range)
[20:52] <ToA_DM> (and I think advantage from Beaconing Hope)
[20:52] <Dylan> (save?)
[20:52] <Miri> (adavantage on wis saves and death saves for beacon of hope)
[20:52] <Ash> (Advantage for Wisdom saves only)
[20:52] <ToA_DM> (yeah, CON save)
[20:52] <Terres→ (yeah con save dc 14)
[20:52] <Ash> (And death)
[20:52] <Dylan> 1d20+5
[20:52] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+5) and gets 16.
[20:53] <ToA_DM> The air stings, and your eyes water…but nothing else happens.
[20:53] <Terres→ (i think we might be fighting undead verizon support people)
[20:55] <ToA_DM> (Xanthos?)
[20:55] <Miri> (he already went…)
[20:56] <Miri> (or did i miss a save he has to make?)
[20:56] <ToA_DM> (no – he made his attack)
[20:56] <ToA_DM> (Xan – bonus action?)
[20:56] <Miri> (no bonus action)
[20:57] <ToA_DM> (Ash)
[20:58] * Ash surveys the battle field and uses Sacred Flame on Humanoid 1
[20:59] <Ash> (Dex 13 save)
[20:59] * Ash then casts Shillelagh on his club. just in case.
[20:59] <ToA_DM> 2 1d20+3
[20:59] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20+3) and gets 12 20.
[21:00] <ToA_DM> The humanoid leaps aside in time for silverly flame strike where he was standing.
[21:00] <Ash> (end action)
[21:02] <ToA_DM> The humanoid to the right of Dylan says something in his strange language…and it makes Dylan's blood burn (Wis save, DC 16)
[21:03] <ToA_DM> (Dylan?)
[21:03] <Dylan> (looking up bonus)
[21:04] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[21:04] <Dylan> 1d20+7
[21:04] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+7) and gets 15.
[21:04] <Dylan> 1d20+7
[21:04] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+7) and gets 20.
[21:04] <ToA_DM> The burning in your blood quickly dies down. The humanoid's expression turns from politely miffed to angry…
[21:05] <ToA_DM> Humanoid #2 turns to Humanoid #1 as he strings his bow and yells something. (Commander's Strike)
[21:06] <ToA_DM> 1d20+8
[21:06] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+8) and gets 9.
[21:06] <ToA_DM> (*BLEEP*)
[21:06] <Terres→ (i thought you disabled cc)
[21:06] <ToA_DM> The humanoid swings hard…right into the dirt, churning grass and earth.
[21:07] <ToA_DM> (sorry, meant SAP)
[21:07] <ToA_DM> Humanoid #2 groans and rolls his eyes. “VLAKAS!”
[21:08] <ToA_DM> Dylan what's your passive perception?)
[21:08] <ToA_DM> (nm – got it here)
[21:09] <ToA_DM> 1d20+9
[21:09] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+9) and gets 10.
[21:09] <ToA_DM> (Do what?)
[21:11] <Dylan> (uhm)
[21:11] <Dylan> (sorry i got distracted)
[21:11] <Dylan> (lemme message you)
[21:11] <ToA_DM> (you can take an attack of opprounity…)
[21:11] * Dylan takes the AOO
[21:11] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[21:11] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+9) and gets 21.
[21:12] <ToA_DM> (hit)
[21:12] <Dylan> 2d6+6
[21:12] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2d6+6) and gets 14.
[21:12] <Dylan> 2d6
[21:12] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2d6) and gets 6.
[21:12] <Dylan> (20 damage + str check or gets knocked back)
[21:12] <ToA_DM> 1d20+3
[21:12] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+3) and gets 19.
[21:13] <ToA_DM> Dylan out of the corner of your eye, you see one of the humanoids trying to manuver around to your flank…swinging fast, you catch him in the thigh.
[21:13] <ToA_DM> Miri and Terres)
[21:14] * Terres- gets a crazed look in his eyes and yells “VLAKAS Miz�ria!” then fires off 2 Eldritch blasts at Humanoid 1
[21:14] <Terres→ 2 1d20+7
[21:14] <PK> Terres- throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20+7) and gets 19 11.
[21:14] <ToA_DM> (one hits)
[21:14] <Terres→ 1d10+2
[21:14] <PK> Terres- throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d10+2) and gets 7.
[21:14] <ToA_DM> All the humanoids look at Terres oddly.
[21:15] * Miri will go into a rage and then use the dash action to get near dylan.
[21:15] * Terres- casts Shilleligh on his staff as well (bonus action)
[21:16] <Ash> (You'll need it, you just said “Sex Goat!” in their native language)
[21:16] <Terres→ (maybe i too much chaotic neutral in my coffee this morning)
[21:16] <ToA_DM> (Anything else, Terres?)
[21:16] <Terres→ (done)
[21:17] <Miri> (i done as well)
[21:19] <ToA_DM> Xan sees Stol charge towards the humanoid in front of him, snarling and swiping with it's claws. (Pounce)
[21:20] <ToA_DM> 1d20+4
[21:20] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+4) and gets 18.
[21:20] <ToA_DM> 1d20+5
[21:20] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+5) and gets 11.
[21:20] <ToA_DM> The claws catch only empty air.
[21:21] <ToA_DM> The yuan-ti in front of Kayalia hisses and slashes with his scimitar and lunges in for a bite.
[21:21] <ToA_DM> 1d20+5
[21:21] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+5) and gets 14.
[21:21] <ToA_DM> 1d20+5
[21:21] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+5) and gets 22.
[21:22] <ToA_DM> The scimitar whistles overhead, but the bite catches her on the shoulder.
[21:22] <ToA_DM> 1d4+3
[21:22] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d4+3) and gets 7.
[21:22] <ToA_DM> 2d6
[21:22] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2d6) and gets 8.
[21:23] <ToA_DM> (15 total)
[21:23] <ToA_DM> (Top of the init… Dylan and Humanoid 1)
[21:24] * Dylan makes two attacks
[21:24] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[21:24] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+9) and gets 20.
[21:24] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[21:24] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+9) and gets 17.
[21:24] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[21:24] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+9) and gets 24.
[21:24] <Kayalia> (huh?)
[21:24] <Dylan> (im guessing two hits?)
[21:24] <Dylan> (4 and 5)
[21:24] <ToA_DM> (Yeah – one each?)
[21:24] <Dylan> (yup)
[21:24] <Dylan> 2d6+6
[21:24] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2d6+6) and gets 16.
[21:24] <Dylan> 2d6+6
[21:24] <PK> Dylan throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2d6+6) and gets 14.
[21:24] * Kayalia evades that thing the DM said for half damage.
[21:25] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[21:25] * Tolman ( has joined #grovewood
[21:25] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Tolman
[21:25] * TolBot ( has joined #grovewood
[21:25] <Dylan> (16 on 4 14 on 5)
[21:25] <Miri> (wb tol)
[21:25] <Terres→ (welcome to the slaughter)
[21:25] <@Tolman> (so sorry so late)
[21:25] <@Tolman> (I played in a band as a favor to my son)
[21:26] <@Tolman> -dice off
[21:26] <TolBot> Dice function turned off. Use the command 'on' to resume dice functions.
[21:26] <Dylan> (no worries, tis the season)
[21:26] <ToA_DM> (uncanny dodge)
[21:26] <Ash> (Welcome Tol, sending PK into the shadows. You'll still be able to message him ~init for the current init order)
[21:26] * PK ( has left #grovewood
[21:26] <@Tolman> -dice on
[21:26] <TolBot> Dice functions turned on. Use the command 'off' to cease dice functions.
[21:26] <Terres→ (with all the advantages and disadvantages flying around might be better to continue on tolbot)
[21:27] <ToA_DM> (brb…sorry)
[21:29] <Terres→ (so humanoid 1 is the larger berserker guy qith AC 18ish?)
[21:31] <ToA_DM> (yes)
[21:31] <ToA_DM> Humanoid #1 takes a frothing swing at Xanthos…
[21:32] <ToA_DM> 1d20+8
[21:32] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)+8]: 17
[21:32] <Miri> (hits)
[21:32] <ToA_DM> 2d6+5
[21:32] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 2d6(??)+5]: 13
[21:32] <ToA_DM> 1d6
[21:32] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d6(?)]: 4
[21:32] <ToA_DM> (13 points reg, 6 points psychic)
[21:32] <Miri> (k)
[21:33] <ToA_DM> Kayalia and Humanoid #3)
[21:33] <Terres→ (ok why do i think that Tol had some pack feat?)
[21:34] <@Tolman> (that�s another form)
[21:34] <@Tolman> (Dire wolf has pack tactics)
[21:35] <Terres→ (i guess you are stuck using combat furballs until you shift again)
[21:36] <ToA_DM> Humanoid #3 disappears and reappears with a crack of thunder. Dylan and Miri make a Con saving throw, DC 16)
[21:36] <Miri> 1d20+6 vs dc16
[21:36] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(?)+6 'vs dc16']: 25 (Success)
[21:36] <Kayalia> 1d20+8
[21:36] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d20(?)+8]: 28 (Perfect!)
[21:36] <ToA_DM> 3d10
[21:36] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 3d10(???)]: 14
[21:37] <ToA_DM> Miri take 7 points of thunder damage)
[21:37] <Miri> (k)
[21:37] <Miri> (is that halved again cause of rage?)
[21:37] <ToA_DM> (Yes)
[21:37] <Terres→ ( i vote yes)
[21:37] <Miri> (so 4?)
[21:37] <@Tolman> (hehe)
[21:37] <ToA_DM> (No – it's seven. I rolled 14 points)
[21:38] * Kayalia attacks with a flourish, dancing to the rhythm of her attack, and ringing the bells on her hips with that movement, inspiring any one onlooker with her dance as well.
[21:38] * Tolman is now known as Stolanimus
[21:38] <Miri> (ok i'm confused…it was half damage cause i passed right? and then raging halves damage again? or no?)
[21:38] <Kayalia> (Who wants bardic inspiration 1d6? Have to be within 60ft of me.)
[21:38] * Stolanimus is now known as Stolber-Tooth_Tiger
[21:38] <Miri> (eeh i just took the 7)
[21:39] <ToA_DM> (roll to hit, Kay. Dylan save CON DC 16. Miri – rolled 14, you saved, so you took half. and you would half that agin from raging, you're right. 4 damage)
[21:39] <Kayalia> (I already did. It was a crit.)
[21:39] <Miri> (ok)
[21:39] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (me?)
[21:39] <ToA_DM> (Yuan-Ti would like bardic advantage…)
[21:40] <ToA_DM> (Kay – did you roll damage?)
[21:40] <Kayalia> Dylan take it then)
[21:40] <ToA_DM> 1d20+3 DC 16
[21:40] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)+3 'DC 16']: 4
[21:40] <Kayalia> 8d6+8
[21:40] <TolBot> Kayalia's 8d6(????????)+8]: 41
[21:40] <Kayalia> (41 damage I think)
[21:40] <ToA_DM> (yikes…)
[21:40] <Dylan> (ooh bardic advantage)
[21:41] <Kayalia> (wait no
[21:41] <Kayalia> (no sneak attack)
[21:41] <Kayalia> 2d6+5
[21:41] <TolBot> Kayalia's 2d6(??)+5]: 16
[21:41] <ToA_DM> Dylan DC 16, CON save with inspiration)
[21:41] <Kayalia> (16 damage)
[21:41] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (I�m cnfused on order. I though Miri just went)
[21:41] <Miri> (i'm jaegering Xan, and i just made a save roll)
[21:41] <Dylan> 1d20+5
[21:41] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+5]: 25 (Wow)
[21:41] <Miri> (i'm near the end of the init order)
[21:41] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (okee)
[21:42] <ToA_DM> Dylan 7 points of thunder damage)
[21:42] <Terres→ (miri and dylan just had con saves because of teleporting humanoid)
[21:42] <Kayalia> (looks like he hasn't needed that inspiration yet)
[21:42] <Kayalia> (it lasts 10 mins so you can save it)
[21:43] <ToA_DM> The appearing humanoid spits at Dylan (Con save, DC 16)
[21:43] <Terres→ (so wait, Kaya just did a “those hips dont lie” and gave inspiration?)
[21:43] <Dylan> 1d20+5
[21:43] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+5]: 20
[21:44] <ToA_DM> (yes)
[21:44] <Kayalia> Terres - yes)
[21:44] <Miri> (yep)
[21:44] <ToA_DM> Dylan wipes off the sizzling sputum…
[21:44] <Dylan> “Gross”
[21:45] <Terres→ (now hit him like a salvation army drum)
[21:46] <ToA_DM> Yuan-Ti 2 casts his hands at Kaylaia… (WIS save, DC 13)
[21:46] <Kayalia> 1d20+1
[21:46] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d20(?)+1]: 8
[21:46] <Ash> (Advantage)
[21:46] <Terres→ (How long does that beacon last? 10 rounds?)
[21:46] <Miri> (10 rounds)
[21:46] <Ash> (correct)
[21:47] <Miri> (she has advantage)
[21:47] <Kayalia> 1d20+1
[21:47] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d20(?)+1]: 21 (Perfect!)
[21:47] <Kayalia> (thank you beacon ._.)
[21:47] <ToA_DM> Kayalia feels her brain pulse to a maddening beat, then it dies down…
[21:47] <ToA_DM> (dang, y'all have been really lucky against the good spells)
[21:48] <ToA_DM> Xanthos Humanoid #4)
[21:48] <Terres→ (did you load up on mindcontrol for this fight)
[21:48] <Miri> Xanth will move into flanking with stol for advantage and whack at #1 twice.
[21:48] <Miri> 1d20+7 adv
[21:48] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(5, 20)+7 'adv']: 27 (Sweet!)
[21:48] <Miri> 1d20+7 adv
[21:48] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(2, 10)+7 'adv']: 17
[21:49] <ToA_DM> The humanoid chants and holds her fists up…
[21:49] <Miri> 2d12+4 for the crit
[21:49] <TolBot> Miri's critical damage: 4d12(????)+4 'for the crit']: 31
[21:49] <Miri> (does the other hit?)
[21:49] <ToA_DM> 4d8+2
[21:49] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 4d8(????)+2]: 15
[21:49] <Terres→ (i think 1 has ac of 18 or 19)
[21:50] <Terres→ (based on previous rolls)
[21:50] <Miri> (so the second miss then prolly, ok)
[21:50] <ToA_DM> (AC 17 for human #1)
[21:50] <Miri> (oh it hit!)
[21:50] <Miri> 1d12+4
[21:50] <TolBot> Miri's 1d12(?)+4]: 11
[21:50] <Miri> (so 42 points total)
[21:51] <Miri> (*waits to see what the dm's roll was for*)
[21:51] <ToA_DM> (42?)
[21:51] <Miri> (first attack was a crit)
[21:52] <Terres→ (if ac is 17 then both attacks hit)
[21:52] <ToA_DM> The humanoid grunts once as the blade bites into flesh…
[21:52] <ToA_DM> meanwhile – the other humanoids look *much* healthier now…
[21:53] <Miri> (so we are fighting the cast of CR? :P)
[21:53] <ToA_DM> (Ash)
[21:53] * Ash steps up his game and uses a Guiding Bolt against Humanoid 1
[21:53] <Ash> 1d20+5
[21:53] <TolBot> Ash's 1d20(?)+5]: 25 (Excellent)
[21:53] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (BOOM!)
[21:53] <ToA_DM> (when all of this is over, I'll put the stats on hte campaign sheet)
[21:53] <Ash> 8d6
[21:53] <TolBot> Ash's 8d6(????????)]: 20
[21:53] <ToA_DM> (dang)
[21:53] <Ash> (Well it's a crit, so 4d6 rolled twice)
[21:54] <Ash> (If he's still standing, then next person to attack him has advantage.)
[21:54] <ToA_DM> The bolt smashes into his chest, staggering him back a step – his eyes still remain brimming with rage.
[21:54] <ToA_DM> (that would be Stol)
[21:54] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (me next? I�m looking at the wrong order list them)
[21:55] <ToA_DM> (no, you're not next, but when you attack, you get adv)
[21:55] <Ash> (You'd be the next player to attack him…probably)\
[21:55] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (ah, ok)
[21:55] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (sorry I missed that line)
[21:55] <Ash> (It should be Humanoid 6,2,5 next)
[21:55] <Miri> (msged you the init)
[21:55] <ToA_DM> The humanoid next to Miri says something and claps his hands together…and thunder splits the grass.
[21:55] <Terres→ (did i notice the heal from #4?)
[21:56] <ToA_DM> Miri and Dylan roll Con saves, DC 16)
[21:56] <Dylan> 1d20+5
[21:56] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+5]: 22
[21:56] <Miri> 1d20+6 vs dc16
[21:56] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(?)+6 'vs dc16']: 25 (Success)
[21:56] <Dylan> (success)
[21:57] <ToA_DM> 1d20+1 adv
[21:57] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(15, 2)+1 'adv']: 16
[21:57] <ToA_DM> 1d20+6 adv
[21:57] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(15, 9)+6 'adv']: 21
[21:57] <ToA_DM> 2d8
[21:57] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 2d8(??)]: 14
[21:58] <ToA_DM> Miri take 4. Dylan take 7)
[21:58] <Miri> (k)
[21:58] <ToA_DM> The thunder rolls… and the other humanoids grimace and mutter under their breath.
[22:00] <ToA_DM> Humanoid #2 aims his bow at Dylan.
[22:00] <ToA_DM> 1d20+10 (disarming attack)
[22:00] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)+10 '(disarming attack)']: 19
[22:01] <ToA_DM> 1d8+5
[22:01] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d8(?)+5]: 8
[22:01] <ToA_DM> 1d8
[22:01] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d8(?)]: 6
[22:01] <ToA_DM> (take 14 points of damage, Dylan and make a Str saving throw, DC 15)
[22:02] <ToA_DM> (bonus action, rally #5)
[22:03] <ToA_DM> 1d8+4
[22:03] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d8(?)+4]: 9
[22:03] <Dylan> (er)
[22:03] <Dylan> 1d20+8
[22:03] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+8]: 12
[22:03] <Dylan> (miss)
[22:03] <Dylan> (oh wait)
[22:03] <Dylan> 1d4
[22:03] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d4(?)]: 4
[22:03] <Dylan> (hit)
[22:03] <Dylan> (sucess)
[22:04] <ToA_DM> The arrow smacks into Dylan's wrist. The pain makes him yelp, but his hand doesn't drop the weapon.
[22:05] <ToA_DM> (#5)
[22:05] <Kayalia> (does dylan need another bardic inspiration die?)
[22:05] <ToA_DM> 1d20+9 to Hide
[22:05] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)+9 'to Hide']: 25
[22:06] <Dylan> (no its 10 mins and we have probably gone through 1 min of combat, we are in i think.. round 2?)
[22:06] <ToA_DM> (in round 2)
[22:06] <ToA_DM> Miri and Terres)
[22:07] <Terres→ (did i see who healed the enemies?)
[22:07] * Miri will reckless attack #3 once and #6 once.
[22:07] <ToA_DM> (humanoid 4)
[22:07] <ToA_DM> (roll, Miri)
[22:07] <Miri> 1d20+6 adv against #3
[22:07] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(9, 19)+6 'adv against #3']: 25
[22:07] <Miri> 1d20+6 adv against #6
[22:07] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(10, 11)+6 'adv against #6']: 17
[22:08] * Terres- casts his Eldritch blasts are the Humanoid 4
[22:08] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing #3
[22:08] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'slashing #3']: 15
[22:08] <ToA_DM> (hit both)
[22:08] <Miri> 2d6 fire #3
[22:08] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire #3']: 6
[22:08] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing #6
[22:08] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'slashing #6']: 15
[22:08] <Miri> 2d6 fire #6
[22:08] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire #6']: 5
[22:08] <Terres→ 2#1d20+7
[22:08] <TolBot> Terres-'s 1d20(?)+7]: 23
[22:08] <TolBot> Terres-'s 1d20(?)+7]: 10
[22:08] <Miri> (21 points to number 3 and 20 points to #6)
[22:08] <Dylan> (is #5 dead or did they hide in the grass?)
[22:08] <Terres→ (stealth i think)
[22:08] <ToA_DM> (#6 is looking ragged)
[22:09] <ToA_DM> (one bolt hit, Terres)
[22:09] <Terres→ 1d10+2 to #4
[22:09] <TolBot> Terres-'s 1d10(?)+2 'to #4']: 7
[22:10] <Terres→ (done)
[22:10] <ToA_DM> The humanoid with the bow yells: “P�rte ti sk�la pr�ta, tr�chei!”
[22:10] <ToA_DM> (Stol – you have adv)
[22:10] <Miri> (reminder to the dm, attacks against me have advantage atm)
[22:11] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (me now?)
[22:11] <ToA_DM> (thanks)
[22:11] <ToA_DM> (yep, ZStol – be a good kitty)
[22:11] * @Stolber-Tooth_Tiger swipes at Human1
[22:11] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> 1d20+7 adv
[22:11] <TolBot> [Stolber-Tooth_Tiger's 1d20(16, 17)+7 'adv']: 24
[22:11] <ToA_DM> (hit)
[22:11] <Ash> (Your first attack has adv)
[22:12] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> 2d6+6 slashing claw attack
[22:12] <TolBot> [Stolber-Tooth_Tiger's 2d6(??)+6 'slashing claw attack']: 15
[22:12] <ToA_DM> The humanoid grunts and eyes you with ophidian, lidless orbs. “You die.”
[22:13] * @Stolber-Tooth_Tiger roars
[22:13] <ToA_DM> The yuan-ti swings and snaps at Kayalia.
[22:13] <ToA_DM> 1d20+5 scimitar
[22:13] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)+5 'scimitar']: 19
[22:13] <ToA_DM> 1d20+5 bite
[22:13] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)+5 'bite']: 10
[22:14] <ToA_DM> 1d6+3 scimitar damage
[22:14] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d6(?)+3 'scimitar damage']: 6
[22:14] * Kayalia uncanny dodges, of course
[22:14] <ToA_DM> 3d10 psychic damage
[22:14] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 3d10(???) 'psychic damage']: 12
[22:15] <Kayalia> (??)
[22:16] <Terres→ (to whom?)
[22:16] <ToA_DM> (take half of the psychic as well)
[22:16] <ToA_DM> (Kayalia)
[22:16] <Kayalia> (what why)
[22:16] <Miri> (brb)
[22:16] <ToA_DM> (Mind Fangs (2/Day). The first time the yuan-ti hits with a melee attack on its turn, it can deal an extra 16 (3d10) psychic damage to the target.)
[22:17] <ToA_DM> (are you at zero?)
[22:17] <Kayalia> (no I have 16/44)
[22:17] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[22:17] <Terres→ (those are some very hard hitting mobs)
[22:17] <ToA_DM> (Round 3)
[22:18] <Kayalia> (they literally are stronger than me and outnumber us… this is bad for me at least…)
[22:18] <ToA_DM> Dylan and Humanoid 1)
[22:18] * Dylan takes enimnity to the healer #4 and turns all of his attacks on him using his divine smite
[22:18] <Miri> (back)
[22:18] <ToA_DM> (Humanoid 1 attacks twice at Stol)
[22:19] <Dylan> 2 1d20+9 adv
[22:19] <ToA_DM> 2 1d20+8
[22:19] <ToA_DM> 1d20+8
[22:19] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)+8]: 22
[22:19] <ToA_DM> 1d20+8
[22:19] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)+8]: 9 (Better luck next time.)
[22:19] <Terres→ (2#1d20…)
[22:19] <Dylan> 1d20+9 adv
[22:19] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(15, 7)+9 'adv']: 24
[22:19] <Dylan> 1d4
[22:19] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d4(?)]: 2
[22:19] <ToA_DM> (Stol takes one hit)
[22:19] <Dylan> (26)
[22:19] <ToA_DM> 2d6+5
[22:19] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 2d6(??)+5]: 10
[22:19] <Dylan> 1d20+9 adv
[22:19] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(2, 4)+9 'adv']: 13
[22:20] <ToA_DM> 1d6
[22:20] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d6(?)]: 6
[22:20] <Dylan> 1d4
[22:20] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d4(?)]: 4
[22:20] <ToA_DM> (take 10 reg, and 6 psychic, Stol)
[22:20] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (ouch)
[22:20] <Dylan> (17?)
[22:20] <Dylan> (so two hits?)
[22:20] <ToA_DM> (17 hits)
[22:20] <Dylan> 2d6+6
[22:20] <TolBot> Dylan's 2d6(??)+6]: 13
[22:20] <Dylan> 2d6+6
[22:20] <TolBot> Dylan's 2d6(??)+6]: 10
[22:21] <ToA_DM> (23 total?)
[22:21] <Dylan> 3d8
[22:21] <TolBot> Dylan's 3d8(???)]: 13
[22:21] <Dylan> (36)
[22:21] <ToA_DM> (oh…screw me…)
[22:21] <ToA_DM> 1d20
[22:21] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)]: 9
[22:21] <Dylan> (radiant damage)
[22:22] <Terres→ (you go girl)
[22:22] <ToA_DM> The humanoid lets out a screech and crumples to the ground.
[22:22] <ToA_DM> (failed 1 death save)
[22:22] <Terres→ (who failed , i didnt know one of us went down)
[22:22] <Miri> (that was #4 who went down?)
[22:23] <ToA_DM> (Kaylaia and Humanoid #3)
[22:23] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (the npc�s are getting death saves? wow)
[22:24] <Kayalia> (one day he'll spell my name right.. one day..)
[22:24] <Terres→ (he wants to kill us, i knew it)
[22:24] <ToA_DM> The humanoid #3 says “Gam�! GAMO!”
[22:24] * Kayalia disengage, move, switch to bow, shoot human1
[22:24] <Kayalia> 1d20+7
[22:24] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d20(?)+7]: 10
[22:25] * Kayalia miss, waste turn.
[22:25] <ToA_DM> The humanoid makes a pass and touches #4 with a small hop. She disappears…
[22:26] <Terres→ (wiat who disapears?)
[22:26] <Miri> (3 and 4 do)
[22:26] <ToA_DM> … and a blast of thunder cracks in the wake. Dylan Miri – make a CON saving throw DC 16
[22:27] <Miri> 1d20+6 vs dc16
[22:27] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(?)+6 'vs dc16']: 22 (Success)
[22:27] <ToA_DM> 1d20+3
[22:27] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)+3]: 6
[22:27] <Dylan> 1d20+3
[22:27] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(?)+3]: 8
[22:27] <Dylan> 1d4
[22:27] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d4(?)]: 2
[22:27] <Dylan> (miss)
[22:27] <ToA_DM> 3d10
[22:27] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 3d10(???)]: 22
[22:27] <Miri> (i'm really getting tired of thunderwave :P)
[22:27] <ToA_DM> Miri take 11. Dylan take 22)
[22:28] <ToA_DM> (it would be worse if it were thunderwave…but it's not)
[22:28] <Dylan> (1/51)
[22:28] <Miri> (aah ok)
[22:29] <ToA_DM> The Humanoid #6 screams and clutches his ears – watery blood seeps out of them and his nose.
[22:30] <ToA_DM> YUan-Ti two waves his hands and a swirling pattern of colors appear in front of Dylan and Miri (WIS save DC 13)
[22:30] <Miri> 1d20 adv
[22:30] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(1, 13) 'adv']: 13
[22:30] <ToA_DM> Xanthos and Humanoid #4)
[22:30] <Dylan> 1d20+7 adv
[22:30] <Miri> (oooo barely)
[22:30] <TolBot> Dylan's 1d20(8, 12)+7 'adv']: 19
[22:31] <Dylan> (dont forget to add +2 for aura)
[22:31] <Miri> Xanth will use flanking to have advantage and attack #1 twice.
[22:31] <ToA_DM> You feel your eyes burn and roll back into your heads for a second, but shake it off…
[22:31] <ToA_DM> (go for it.)
[22:31] <Miri> 1d20+7 adv
[22:31] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(4, 1)+7 'adv']: 11
[22:31] <Miri> 1d20+7 adv
[22:31] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(6, 19)+7 'adv']: 26
[22:32] <Miri> 1d12+4
[22:32] <TolBot> Miri's 1d12(?)+4]: 6
[22:32] <Miri> (6 whole points to #1)
[22:33] <ToA_DM> (and he takes it and likes it)
[22:33] <ToA_DM> 4d4+4
[22:33] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 4d4(????)+4]: 13
[22:33] <Terres→ (that smells like a potion to me!)
[22:33] <ToA_DM> You see the humanoid pour something into the other's throat.
[22:34] <ToA_DM> (Ash)
[22:34] <Terres→ (umm didnt they disapear and #4 was about to roll a death save?)
[22:35] <ToA_DM> Ash You there?)
[22:35] <Ash> (sorry yes)
[22:35] * Ash advances and casts Mass Healing Word followed by another Guiding Bolt on Humanoid 1
[22:36] <Ash> 1d20+5
[22:36] <TolBot> Ash's 1d20(?)+5]: 19
[22:36] <Ash> 4d6 radiant damage
[22:36] <TolBot> Ash's 4d6(????) 'radiant damage']: 14
[22:36] <Ash> (All allies heal 10)
[22:37] <Kayalia> (yay some hp)
[22:37] <ToA_DM> (except for Humanoid #1…)
[22:37] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (woot)
[22:37] <ToA_DM> (is that it, Ash?)
[22:37] <Ash> (Do you want to let me do more?)
[22:39] <ToA_DM> (up to you. Personally – no. I think you've ruined my plans enough for tonight.)
[22:39] <Ash> (Ok then, next)
[22:39] <ToA_DM> Humanoid #6 stabs at Miri “Fine! The old ways are still the best!”
[22:40] <Miri> (adv)
[22:40] <ToA_DM> 1d20+6 adv
[22:40] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(6, 11)+6 'adv']: 17
[22:40] <ToA_DM> 1d4+3
[22:40] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d4(?)+3]: 5
[22:41] <ToA_DM> 3d6 psychic
[22:41] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 3d6(???) 'psychic']: 11
[22:41] <Miri> (not resistant to the psychic. so 14 in total?)
[22:41] <ToA_DM> (yes)
[22:41] <Miri> (k)
[22:42] <ToA_DM> Humanoid #2 fires two arrows at Miri
[22:42] <Miri> (adv)
[22:42] <ToA_DM> 1d20+10 adv
[22:42] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(9, 1)+10 'adv']: 19
[22:42] <ToA_DM> 1d20+10 adv
[22:42] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(16, 3)+10 'adv']: 26
[22:42] <ToA_DM> 1d8+5
[22:42] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d8(?)+5]: 8
[22:42] <ToA_DM> 1d8+5
[22:42] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d8(?)+5]: 13
[22:43] <ToA_DM> He shouts something to the humanoid next to Miri…he straightens up a little bit…
[22:43] <ToA_DM> 1d8+4
[22:43] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d8(?)+4]: 6
[22:43] <Miri> (so 11?)
[22:44] <ToA_DM> (9)
[22:44] <ToA_DM> (11 you're right)
[22:44] <Miri> (ok)
[22:45] <ToA_DM> The fifth humanoid springs up from the tall grass…
[22:45] <ToA_DM> 1d20+6 adv
[22:45] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(19, 3)+6 'adv']: 25
[22:46] <ToA_DM> … and thrusts his blade into Dylan's kidney…
[22:46] <ToA_DM> 1d4+3
[22:46] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d4(?)+3]: 7
[22:46] <ToA_DM> 4d6 sneak attack damage
[22:46] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 4d6(????) 'sneak attack damage']: 18
[22:47] <ToA_DM> Miri and Terres)
[22:47] <Dylan> (so 25?)
[22:47] <ToA_DM> (yes)
[22:47] <Dylan> (down)
[22:47] <Miri> (is dylan down?)
[22:47] <ToA_DM> (how far down?)
[22:48] <Dylan> (you only go to zero in 5e)
[22:48] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (you went down after Ash�s +10hp?)
[22:48] <Miri> (unless it takes you to negative your max hp, correct)
[22:48] <Dylan> (-14)
[22:48] <ToA_DM> 4d4+4
[22:48] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 4d4(????)+4]: 14
[22:49] <Terres→ (miri you go first, i am trying to figure something out)
[22:49] <ToA_DM> You all see the humanoid that stabbed Dylan slap some manacles on his wrist, then pour a potion down his throat.
[22:50] <ToA_DM> Miri and Terres)
[22:50] * Miri takes two reckless attacks against #6
[22:50] <Miri> 1d20+6 adv
[22:50] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(4, 14)+6 'adv']: 20
[22:50] <Miri> 1d20+6 adv
[22:50] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(10, 10)+6 'adv']: 16
[22:50] <ToA_DM> (both hit)
[22:51] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing first attack
[22:51] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'slashing first attack']: 12
[22:51] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[22:51] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire']: 8
[22:51] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing second attack
[22:51] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'slashing second attack']: 7
[22:51] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[22:51] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire']: 5
[22:51] <Miri> (so 32 total if i mathed right)
[22:51] <ToA_DM> (32 total…)
[22:51] <ToA_DM> 1d20 death save
[22:51] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?) 'death save']: 20 (Awesome.)
[22:52] * Miri will then move over next to dylan.
[22:52] <Terres→ ( do any of the enemies look hurt badly?)
[22:52] <ToA_DM> The humanoid gurgles once and falls flat on his back…
[22:52] <Miri> (nat 20 means they have 1 hp, right?)
[22:52] <ToA_DM> (yeah – one of them is lying in the grass bleeding out)
[22:52] <ToA_DM> (I don't think so)
[22:53] * Terres- casts Scorching ray sending 3 rays (2 at #1 and 1 at yt2)
[22:53] <ToA_DM> (roll)
[22:54] <Terres→ 3#1d20+6
[22:54] <TolBot> Terres-'s 1d20(?)+6]: 16
[22:54] <TolBot> Terres-'s 1d20(?)+6]: 15
[22:54] <TolBot> Terres-'s 1d20(?)+6]: 11
[22:54] <Terres→ (bah)
[22:54] <ToA_DM> (first two hit)
[22:54] <Terres→ 4d6
[22:54] <TolBot> Terres-'s 4d6(????)]: 10
[22:55] <Terres→ (utterly underwhelming)
[22:55] <ToA_DM> The yuan-ti struck lets out a thin keen. the second ducks.
[22:55] <ToA_DM> (Stol)
[22:56] * @Stolber-Tooth_Tiger moves back for attack.
[22:56] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (may provoke OA)
[22:56] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[22:57] * @Stolber-Tooth_Tiger pounces on Humanoid1
[22:57] <ToA_DM> (roll)
[22:57] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> 1d20+7 adv
[22:57] <TolBot> [Stolber-Tooth_Tiger's 1d20(6, 9)+7 'adv']: 16
[22:57] <ToA_DM> (misses)
[22:57] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (that�s the extent of my fantastical turn)
[22:58] <ToA_DM> (you all are holding out longer than I thought)
[22:58] <Kayalia> (you did remove some of the enemies…)
[22:58] <ToA_DM> Yuan-Ti 2 fires off two elddritch blasts as Miri
[22:58] <ToA_DM> 1d20+5
[22:58] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)+5]: 22
[22:59] <ToA_DM> 1d20+5
[22:59] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)+5]: 19
[22:59] <Miri> (adv)
[22:59] <ToA_DM> 1d20+5 adv
[22:59] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(15, 19)+5 'adv']: 24
[22:59] <Miri> (sorry forgot to remind you)
[22:59] <ToA_DM> (that's ok – both hit)
[22:59] <Miri> (bring on the pain)
[22:59] <ToA_DM> 1d10
[22:59] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d10(?)]: 5
[22:59] <ToA_DM> 1d10
[22:59] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d10(?)]: 5
[22:59] <ToA_DM> (10 points force damage)
[22:59] <Miri> (halved to 5, yay!)
[23:00] <ToA_DM> (Round 4)
[23:00] * Dylan at unconcious
[23:01] <Kayalia> (thought you got a nat 20 on death save and frebounded?)
[23:01] <Miri> (also…dylan is cuffed, but is he chained to anything?)
[23:01] <ToA_DM> Humanoid #1 – frenzy
[23:02] <ToA_DM> (no, he is not, but the humanoid is still standing over him)
[23:02] <Miri> (k)
[23:02] <ToA_DM> 1d20+8 at Xanthos
[23:02] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)+8 'at Xanthos']: 18
[23:02] <ToA_DM> 1d20+8 at Xanthos bonus action
[23:02] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(?)+8 'at Xanthos bonus action']: 17
[23:03] <ToA_DM> 2d6+5
[23:03] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 2d6(??)+5]: 12
[23:03] <ToA_DM> 1d6 psychic
[23:03] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d6(?) 'psychic']: 1
[23:03] <ToA_DM> (yeah…)
[23:03] <ToA_DM> 2d6+5
[23:03] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 2d6(??)+5]: 14
[23:03] <ToA_DM> 1d6 psychic
[23:03] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d6(?) 'psychic']: 5
[23:03] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (Did humanoid 1 attack Xanthos?)
[23:03] <ToA_DM> (yep)
[23:03] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (Then I get a free swipt at him for Sentinel. )
[23:03] <ToA_DM> (go for it)
[23:03] <Miri> (32 damage total?)
[23:03] <ToA_DM> (yes)
[23:04] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (Does his frenzy grant advantage?)
[23:04] <ToA_DM> (no – only reckless does that)
[23:04] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (nm, that�s reckless)
[23:04] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> 1d20+7
[23:04] <TolBot> [Stolber-Tooth_Tiger's 1d20(?)+7]: 25
[23:04] <Miri> (xan is still standing)
[23:04] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> 2d6+5
[23:04] <TolBot> [Stolber-Tooth_Tiger's 2d6(??)+5]: 10
[23:04] <ToA_DM> (gah! Bad Kitty!)
[23:05] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (that�s not an interrupt� just a hit)
[23:05] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (oops, +1 so 11 total)
[23:05] <ToA_DM> The humanoid staggers under the blow and looks over his shoulder at you and sneers.
[23:05] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[23:05] <ToA_DM> Kayalia and Humanoid #3)
[23:07] * Kayalia joins the fray against humanoid #1, mixing her battle dancing with a flourish of her bladed fan against that guy.
[23:07] <ToA_DM> Ash – make a Wisdom save, DC 16)
[23:07] <Ash> 1d20+5 adv
[23:07] <TolBot> Ash's 1d20(10, 12)+5 'adv']: 17
[23:07] <ToA_DM> (run up and hit)
[23:07] <Kayalia> (Giving bardic inspiration die to Xanthos)
[23:08] <Kayalia> 1d20+8 melee
[23:08] <TolBot> Kayalia's 1d20(?)+8 'melee']: 25
[23:08] <ToA_DM> Ash – you feel something like iron tips put into your brain…but they withdraw as soon as they appear…
[23:08] <Miri> (that a d4?)
[23:08] <Kayalia> (d6)
[23:08] <Miri> (k)
[23:08] <ToA_DM> (hit Kay – please move your character up)
[23:08] <Kayalia> (25 to hit vs humanoid 1)
[23:09] <Kayalia> 4d6+5 slashing/sneak attack
[23:09] <TolBot> Kayalia's 4d6(????)+5 'slashing/sneak attack']: 20
[23:09] <ToA_DM> The humanoid is bleeding profusely from cuts…but is still standing…
[23:10] <ToA_DM> Yuan-Ti two fires two eldritch bolts at Miri
[23:10] <Miri> (adv)
[23:10] <ToA_DM> 2#1d20+5 adv
[23:10] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(10, 7)+5 'adv']: 15
[23:10] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(4, 1)+5 'adv']: 9
[23:10] <Miri> (one hit)
[23:10] <ToA_DM> 1d10
[23:10] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d10(?)]: 10
[23:10] <Miri> (halved to 5 yay)
[23:10] <ToA_DM> Xanthos and Humanoid #4)
[23:11] <Miri> Xanth will use his flanking with stol to get adv with two attacks against #1.
[23:11] <Miri> 1d20+7 adv
[23:11] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(19, 17)+7 'adv']: 26
[23:11] <Miri> 1d20+7 adv
[23:11] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(16, 5)+7 'adv']: 23
[23:11] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[23:11] <Miri> 1d12+4
[23:11] <TolBot> Miri's 1d12(?)+4]: 13
[23:11] <Miri> 1d12+4
[23:11] <TolBot> Miri's 1d12(?)+4]: 9
[23:12] <Miri> (22 total)
[23:12] <ToA_DM> Humanoid #4 will fire Guiding bolt at Miri
[23:13] <Miri> (adv)
[23:13] <ToA_DM> 1d20+5 adv
[23:13] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 1d20(13, 13)+5 'adv']: 18
[23:13] <ToA_DM> 4d6
[23:13] <TolBot> [ToA_DM's 4d6(????)]: 13
[23:13] <Miri> (so 7?)
[23:15] <Ash> (Harl's circuit breaker popped, he's not here even though you see him)
[23:16] <Miri> (that's ok, i could use a break from being a magical pin cushion lol)
[23:16] <Terres→ (did we even down one of them yet?)
[23:17] <Miri> ( downed #6 but he's making death saves…and one more i think went down but is also making deaht saves)
[23:17] * <DM_ToA ( has joined #grovewood
[23:17] <Miri> (wb)
[23:17] * ToA_DM ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[23:17] <DM_ToA> (worst possible time)
[23:17] <Terres→ (the healer was teleported away and healed with a potion, he just hit you miri)
[23:18] <Miri> (right…got hit so many times now, i've lost track lol)
[23:18] <Terres→ (welcome back)
[23:18] <DM_ToA> Ash – your turn)
[23:18] <Terres→ ( i think its Ash's turn now, save the day!)
[23:19] * Ash heals all allies for 6 HP, and follows up with a guiding bolt at humanoid #1
[23:19] <Ash> 1d20+5
[23:19] <TolBot> Ash's 1d20(?)+5]: 19
[23:19] <Ash> 4d6
[23:19] <TolBot> Ash's 4d6(????)]: 21
[23:19] <DM_ToA> (hits)
[23:19] <Ash> (Enjoy your 6 HP everybody, except Harl who takes 21)
[23:19] <DM_ToA> 1d20
[23:19] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)]: 11
[23:20] <Terres→ (how is 1 still up )
[23:20] <DM_ToA> (I haven't typed the reaction)
[23:21] <DM_ToA> The Humanoid clutches his chest, where a burn mark appears near a clutch of scales. He keels over onto his side, muscles flailing to stand…
[23:21] <Terres→ (no i mean in general)
[23:21] <Miri> (lots of half damage is my guess)
[23:21] <DM_ToA> (I'll post the sheets when this is done…but Miri is right.)
[23:22] <DM_ToA> (bard)
[23:22] <DM_ToA> 1d20
[23:22] <Kayalia> (what did you expect terres! he's an npc miri! ;P)
[23:22] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)]: 11
[23:23] * @Stolber-Tooth_Tiger roars loudly.
[23:23] <@Stolber-Tooth_Tiger> (wow. so late)
[23:23] <DM_ToA> Humanoid number 2 fires two arrows at Miri.
[23:24] <Miri> (adv)
[23:24] <DM_ToA> 1d20+10
[23:24] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+10]: 15
[23:24] <DM_ToA> 1d20+10 (disarm)
[23:24] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(?)+10 '(disarm)']: 17
[23:24] <DM_ToA> 1d8+5
[23:24] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(?)+5]: 13
[23:25] <DM_ToA> 1d8
[23:25] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(?)]: 8
[23:25] <DM_ToA> 1d8+5 (disarm)
[23:25] <TolBot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(?)+5 '(disarm)']: 12
[23:25] <DM_ToA> Roll Strength save to keep your weapon.
[23:25] <Miri> 1d20+6
[23:25] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(?)+6]: 22
[23:25] <DM_ToA> DC 15
[23:25] <DM_ToA> (yeah)
[23:25] <Miri> (fuck you bitch, my weapon)
[23:26] <DM_ToA> Terres – did you do anything?)
[23:26] <Miri> (also 17 points of damage in total? (after the halfing?)
[23:26] <Dylan> (where are we in init?)
[23:26] <Terres→ (not my turn yet waiting for humanoid #5 and miri)
[23:26] <DM_ToA> (yes)
[23:26] <Kayalia> (I think miri needs healz)
[23:27] <Ash> (I can only do so much healz a round :P You all need more ACs)
[23:27] <DM_ToA> Miri you get an attack of opprotunity)
[23:28] <Terres→ (aim for the neck)
[23:28] <Miri> 1d20+6
[23:28] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(?)+6]: 20
[23:28] <DM_ToA> (yep)
[23:28] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing
[23:28] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 'slashing']: 17
[23:28] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[23:28] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire']: 6
[23:28] <DM_ToA> (dang)
[23:28] <Miri> (please tell me i dropped em)
[23:29] <Terres→ (if not you will get a chance soon)
[23:29] <DM_ToA> Miri lashes out and catches the humanoid on the side, he staggers but continues his run to slide next to the other one.
[23:29] <DM_ToA> (Aww…dang! Dang! Forgot something…*sigh* oh, well)
[23:29] <Miri> (what?)
[23:30] <DM_ToA> (I'll say it later)
[23:30] <DM_ToA> Miri and Terres go)
[23:30] * Miri will take a reckless attack against #6 and one against #5
[23:30] * Terres- takes a few steps forward and looks at the enemies looking for someone close to death before casting
[23:30] <Miri> 1d20+6 adv #6
[23:30] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(2, 7)+6 'adv #6']: 13
[23:31] <Miri> 1d20+6 adv #5
[23:31] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(17, 1)+6 'adv #5']: 23
[23:31] <DM_ToA> (both hit)
[23:31] <Miri> 2d2+5 slashing #6
[23:31] <TolBot> Miri's 2d2(??)+5 'slashing #6']: 7
[23:31] <Miri> 2d5 fire
[23:31] <TolBot> Miri's 2d5(??) 'fire']: 5
[23:31] <Miri> 2d6 slashing #5
[23:31] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'slashing #5']: 8
[23:31] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[23:31] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??) 'fire']: 2
[23:32] <Terres→ (you did 2d2, was that a mistake)
[23:32] <Miri> 2d6+5 #6 (sorry)
[23:32] <TolBot> Miri's 2d6(??)+5 '#6 (sorry)']: 11
[23:32] <Miri> (thanks terres)
[23:32] <DM_ToA> (total for second blow)
[23:32] <Miri> 1d20 adv
[23:32] <TolBot> Miri's 1d20(3, 11) 'adv']: 11
[23:33] <Terres→ (which one of them looks almost dead?)
[23:33] <DM_ToA> (what was the damage for the second blow?)
[23:33] <Miri> (10 points to #5 and 16 to #6)
[23:33] <DM_ToA> (right now, they both do)
[23:33] <DM_ToA> The one on the ground dies in a gurgle as Miri stabs him through the chest. The second one is cut from crotch to crown…
[23:34] <Terres→ (so #5 is still standing?)
[23:34] * Miri grabs a healing potion from one of them and holds it out to Dylan.
[23:34] <DM_ToA> …and amazingly enough… we come to the end of what I was hoping would be a quick melee.
[23:34] <DM_ToA> (nope, #5 anf #6 are heading to that great terrarium in the sky.)
[23:34] <Kayalia> (??)
[23:35] <Terres→ 2#1d20+7 against #4
[23:35] <TolBot> Terres-'s 1d20(?)+7 'against #4']: 21
[23:35] <TolBot> Terres-'s 1d20(?)+7 'against #4']: 20
[23:35] <Terres→ 2d10+4
[23:35] <TolBot> Terres-'s 2d10(??)+4]: 23
[23:35] <Kayalia> (I am so confused? end? quick?)
[23:35] <DM_ToA> (two hits)
[23:35] <DM_ToA> (23 total?)
[23:35] <Terres→ (23 to #4)
[23:36] <Terres→ (finally some decent rolls)
[23:36] <Dylan> (my turn?)
[23:36] <DM_ToA> And the fourth one falls down as bolts course through it's chest.
[23:36] <DM_ToA> (No – it's after midnight here…so I ma going to have to call it an evening.)
[23:36] <Miri> (so we end the combat next year? *chuckles*)
[23:36] <DM_ToA> (Sorry – I really thought this would have been done by now.)
[23:37] <DM_ToA> (Yes – you all get the ultimate in long rests…)
[23:37] <Terres→ (dont worry we can clean up here on our own, we will tell you tomorrow how quickly they all died)
[23:37] <DM_ToA> (I will go on ahead and award monster xp for the dead and put their sheets up so you can see how badly I mismanaged this combat.)
[23:37] <Kayalia> (this is like a CR 16 fight why would you think it'd be done by now… we're only halfway done with the # of enemies…)
[23:38] <Terres→ (did you try to capture us and steal our fuzzy dice?)

campaigns/harl_s_mad_temple_delight/session_34_-_12-16-2018.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/13 23:07 by