[19:43] <ToA_DM> As we open this episode of “Tomb of Annhilation” – our clutch of adventurers have travelled to far and exotic Chult to save others from what can be righteously called a fate worse than death. Having experienced the horrors of the blood-thirsty jungles, they have found the long lost city of Omu. Now, the collect puzzle trinkets to further their quest. We join our explorers – having survived
[19:43] <ToA_DM> another series of traps. Will they prosper or perish? We'll find out as this episode of “Tomb of Annihilation” begins!
[19:43] * Magestar is now known as Ash
[19:44] * Shaddow is now known as Miri
[19:46] <@Ryu> (alright, ya'll have fun… I'm going ot go to bed, as I have to be up at 0300, good night, and don't do anything I wouldn't do)
[19:44] <Miri> (back)
[19:44] <Ash> (So no diplomancy, caution, and planning?)
[19:44] * Sentagur is now known as Terres
[19:45] <ToA_DM> (How's that any different than what we're doing now?)
[19:45] <Ash> (Well I did try diplomancy)
[19:48] <@Ryu> (Diplomacy is the equivilent of surrendering, and surrender isn't an option)
[19:47] <Terres> (so where were we last time?)
[19:47] <ToA_DM> (right outside the shrine)
[19:47] <Terres> (oh yeah i was giving moral support)
[19:47] * May (maymagic16@sorcery-tcuf3n.hr.cox.net) has joined #grovewood
[19:47] Miri slides down into the grass “do we have all three cubes?”
[19:47] <ToA_DM> (Hey there – just started)
[19:48] <Terres> (howdy)
[19:48] <May> (hello)
[19:49] <ToA_DM> Xanthos looks at you. “There wasn't just three. There's nine, and we need them to get into the temple…or that's what the Red Wizards were trying to do before they were killed.”
[19:50] <Terres> (weren there 3 cubes in this shirne of which i assume 2 were fake)
[19:50] <Miri> “We have others from other shrines, but there were three different ones here. Either two are fake, or we need all three?”
[19:51] <ToA_DM> (Yeah)
[19:51] <ToA_DM> Xanthos grumbles about the difficulties of Common and lays down.
[19:51] <Miri> (ryu said icould jager him if needed)
[19:52] <Marr> “So we need to go through all of these cubes together to get into the temple? We so far have 3?”
[19:52] <ToA_DM> Two of the cubes puff away into green smoke.
[19:52] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[19:52] Miri blinks “well, that answers that.”
[19:52] * Marr blinks
[19:52] <Marr> “Ok, so how many cubes do we have, how many do we need, and have we not pick up any on the way here?”
[19:52] * Marr is now known as Dylan}
[19:52] <Terres> “Well i hope the other cubes are easier to retrieve”
[19:52] <Ash> (oh that's right, I missed last week. I should probably get caught up on what happened)
[19:53] <Dylan}> (we fought some thingies got a cube and thats where we left off I think)
[19:54] <Terres> (some of us(meaning them) need healing because they were trying a new carrier as a archery targets)
[19:54] <ToA_DM> (traps were tripped, cleverness ensued and dang it, no one died)
[19:55] <Terres> (what i still dont get is how Dylan poofed through a wall)
[19:55] <ToA_DM> (He didn't poof through a wall – there was a hidden door he found)
[19:55] * May is now known as Kayalia
[19:55] <Kayalia> “Cubes…. cubes… sugar cubes… sweetened cold tea sure would be nice on a hot day like this one…“
[19:56] <Dylan}> “Ok, so where are we going from here?”
[19:56] <Terres> “I would like to take a rest before we leave this shrine if possible”
[19:56] <Dylan}> “Just on to the next shrine?”
[19:57] <Dylan}> (short rest or long rest?)
[19:57] <Miri> (long is prefered, but short is ok)
[19:57] <Terres> (short for me, not sure if the others need longer)
[19:58] <Dylan}> (ok lets take a short rest)
[19:58] <Kayalia> “I think I need more than a rest, honestly,” Kaya mutters while finding a place to recline and poking at her open cuts.
[19:58] * Dylan} nods
[19:58] <ToA_DM> (everyone gets a short rest.
[19:58] <ToA_DM> 1d20
[19:59] <ToA_DM> (oop)
[19:59] <Ash> (hold on)
[19:59] <Miri> (*stares longingly at her dice box two feet away*)
[19:59] * PK (Overlord@sorcery-6c7og2.cpe.metrocast.net) has joined #grovewood
[20:00] * PK stares hatefully at Miri's dice box.
[20:00] <Miri> 1d12+3
[20:00] <PK> Miri throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d12+3) and gets 4.
[20:00] <Miri> :P
[20:00] <Miri> 1d12+3
[20:00] <PK> Miri throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d12+3) and gets 5.
[20:00] <Miri> 1d12+3
[20:00] <PK> Miri throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d12+3) and gets 13.
[20:00] <Kayalia> 2d8+2
[20:00] <PK> Kayalia throws the numbered heads of dead players (2d8+2) and gets 13.
[20:02] <ToA_DM> (everyone takes a short rest – regain spells, heal, question your life choices, etc.)
[20:02] <Miri> 1d12+3
[20:02] <PK> Miri throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d12+3) and gets 12.
[20:02] <Miri> (yay almost back to full now)
[20:03] <ToA_DM> The sun takes pity on you and ducks behind some clouds for a few minutes. Even the lava bubbling a few yards away seems a little less hot.
[20:03] Ash questions his life choices of coming to this jungle hell.
[20:03] <Terres> 2#1d8+2
[20:03] <PK> 2#1 is not a valid number Terres..
[20:03] <Terres> 1d8+2
[20:03] <PK> Terres throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d8+2) and gets 4.
[20:03] <Terres> 1d8+2
[20:03] <PK> Terres throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d8+2) and gets 9.
[20:04] <Kayalia> (I was noticing last week I apparently have 'below average' HP for my level. I hope I roll well next time x_x)
[20:04] <Ash> (Sorry, put a space before the number you want to roll. 2 1d8+2)
[20:04] <Miri> “Who has the cube now?”
[20:06] <Terres> (i had it one, not sure if was the real one)
[20:06] <Miri> (we have 3 cubes now, right?)
[20:06] * Terres gives the cube to Ash
[20:07] <Miri> (so, according to my notes, terres has two and ash has one)
[20:07] <Terres> (i just pass them to Ash he is the brain of this operation anywho)
[20:07] <Dylan}> (Thank you for keeping notes, i … have not been doing that XD)
[20:08] <Miri> (wait, dylan has one)
[20:08] <Ash> “Um, thanks”
[20:08] <Miri> (so ash has two and dylan has one?)
[20:09] <Miri> “What i wouldnt give for a portable hole or a bag of holding right now.”
[20:11] <Ash> “What's a portable hole?”
[20:11] Ash looks quizzical.
[20:12] <Dylan}> “What's a bag of holding?”
[20:12] <Miri> “A hole that is portable?”
[20:12] <Miri> “am i the only one that listened to the people when they came into the pub back home?”
[20:12] <Ash> “I wasn't welcome in the pub.”
[20:12] <Dylan}> “Can't you just make new holes? They seem pretty easy..”
[20:13] <Dylan}> “No, we never really had enough money for pubs. They were also pretty far away from the farm, so I never really had a chance to go..”
[20:13] <Miri> “they are magic items. i don't know for sure how they work but they carry a lot of things. I remember watching a guy empty stuff from one once.”
[20:14] <Ash> “Huh.”
[20:14] <Ash> “Magic is such an odd thing, but so useful I'm finding.”
[20:14] <Miri> “as useful as it is dangerous”
[20:16] * Kayalia stares at the clouds. Oh, how that tea would be nice right about now.
[20:17] <Miri> “anyone ready to cross the lava pit yet?”
[20:17] * Dylan} looks at the map
[20:17] <Ash> “So where's our next stop, so we can get out of here and get some tea… wait can this jug thing make tea?”
[20:17] <Dylan}> “Yes, which temple are we moving on to?”
[20:17] <Terres> “Can that jug make cold tea or only water”
[20:17] * Kayalia looks sidelong at that ridiculous lava flow.
[20:18] * Dylan} looks around at the people
[20:18] <Miri> “ask the jug and find out.”
[20:18] <Dylan}> “Lot's of tea requests suddenly…“
[20:18] Ash holds up the jug, sloshes it around and says “Tea”
[20:18] Ash opens it and peers inside, and finds no tea.
[20:18] * Kayalia taps her fist in her palm. “I forgot about that jug.”
[20:19] <Terres> (did we already break the jug)
[20:19] <Ash> (Tea isn't on the list of things it can make)
[20:19] <ToA_DM> (no – the jug is fine)
[20:19] * Kayalia stands up, stretches. “Well… I'd rather not be surrounded by this heat. Let's move our respite to better ground?”
[20:20] <Dylan}> “Do you have tea bags?”
[20:20] <Miri> “try wine? you all seem to like that.”
[20:20] <Dylan}> “Or leaves?”
[20:20] <Ash> “Um…wine?”
[20:20] Ash looks inside to find the jug filling with wine.
[20:20] <Terres> “better than tea”
[20:20] <Dylan}> “Yes, lets get moving, as much as I want to get drinking, i'd also like to get out of this… place”
[20:21] Miri nudges Xan awake so he can lead us back.
[20:21] Ash takes a small swig before offering it up to the others.
[20:22] * Kayalia considers the jug, despite having about a half bottle of wine in her own pack.
[20:22] * Terres takes a long swig then fills his waterskin
[20:22] * Dylan} passes
[20:22] Miri passes but xan takes some.
[20:22] <Ash> (only makes 1 gallon, so Terres probably just emptied it)
[20:22] * Kayalia accepts a little dose of the drink and then gathers up her things and surveys the way back.
[20:23] <Miri> Xan starts leading the way back
[20:24] <ToA_DM> (map of the city if you need it: https://media-waterdeep.cursecdn.com/attachments/2/897/304a.jpg)
[20:24] * Terres backs up and follows
[20:24] Miri follows as well.
[20:24] <ToA_DM> (you make it across the lava – not going to make you roll for that)
[20:25] <Kayalia> (THANK YOU .___.)
[20:26] <Terres> (whew)
[20:27] <Dylan}> (ok, does anyone know how to read that map to be able to tell where we have been and which temples are left?)
[20:27] <Terres> (whats that platform in the southwest corner of lava lake, have we been there before?)
[20:27] <ToA_DM> 1d20
[20:27] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20) and gets 6.
[20:28] <ToA_DM> (You have not been there before)
[20:29] <ToA_DM> (If you look on the map where the river is, and you see that fallen tree? That's where you ran into Bag-of-Nails.)
[20:30] <Dylan}> “Ok, so we are going on to the next shrine?”
[20:31] <Miri> “yes, from what Xan said back there we need all nine of those cubes to achieve our objective”
[20:32] <Miri> Xanthos looks at you. “There wasn't just three. There's nine, and we need them to get into the temple…or that's what the Red Wizards were trying to do before they were killed.” ←- for anyone that needs the repost)
[20:32] <Kayalia> “Who are the red wizards, again?”
[20:32] <Miri> (dm…make xan talk!)
[20:33] <Ash> “They were the wizards he was with before they got killed.”
[20:33] <Terres> (we found the red wizard expedition slaughtered when we got here just before we found the giant frog shrine)
[20:33] <ToA_DM> “They're a group of wizards from a place called Thay…not really the 'have a pint at the pub' type.
[20:34] <Dylan}> (ugh … Red Wizards of Thay…)
[20:34] <ToA_DM> “They came here to look for some staff. Also mentioned something about people wasting away after being resurrected.”
[20:34] * Dylan} shrugs at Thay
[20:34] <ToA_DM> (ugh…Forgotten Realms properties)
[20:34] <Kayalia> “Is their purpose so different than ours? Stopping the world curse?”
[20:35] <Dylan}> “Oh, that's what we are investigating I think, people wasting way after being resurrected”
[20:35] <ToA_DM> Xanthos looks at you oddly. “World?”
[20:35] <Ash> That is what we are investigating.”
[20:35] <Dylan}> “doesn't sound like it, sounds like a similar objective. Too bad they are dead”
[20:36] <Dylan}> “Unless they have been resurrected and are wasting away too?”
[20:36] <Kayalia> “I was wondering why we aren't just cooperating if there's no profit to share. Its ultruistic, ya know?”
[20:36] <ToA_DM> Xan shakes his head. “Dead to a man.”
[20:36] <Miri> “we get to keep any treasure we come across.”
[20:37] <Terres> “I vote that too”
[20:38] <Kayalia> “I wouldn't come to this murder jungle for treasure. Seriously. I just want to do this deed and be done with it. Treasure is nice and all, but I'm not about to risk dying for it at this point.”
[20:38] <Miri> “what do you think it is adventurers do? We risk our lives for money and or glory.”
[20:38] <Ash> “I'm with Kayalia Perhaps I'll try to start a nice life somewhere in my own home after all of this.”
[20:39] <Dylan}> “Oh… I'm not super interested in treasure. I mean enough to survive is good enough for me. Mostly, I am here to fight for justice and the vanquish evil and stuff.”
[20:39] <Kayalia> “I'm no adventurer. That woman chose me for some reason, but it wasn't because I had the reflection of jewels in my eyes, you know?”
[20:40] <Miri> “What ever…i'd rather be doing this than what awaited me back home.” she shrugs. “so onward and upward, as they say?”
[20:40] <Dylan}> “Reflection of jewels? So poetic”
[20:40] * Dylan} agrees
[20:40] <Kayalia> “I'm just saying, if we run into any other groups pursuing these temples, I'd want to explore the idea of cooperating rather than simply competing with them.”
[20:41] <Dylan}> “Agreed”
[20:41] <Terres> “But if we in pursuit of justice or whatever we are doing here we happen to run into treasure, we keep it”
[20:41] <Kayalia> “I would suppose there is nothing wrong with finding a new home for some dusty, neglected bauble.”
[20:42] Miri motions for everyone to get moving.
[20:42] * Dylan} continues moving towards the temple
[20:42] <Dylan}> (i didnt know we stopped)
[20:42] <Ash> “Well let's move to the next shrine, so we can find more baubles so we can then get out of here and save the day…again.”
[20:42] <Kayalia> “Where are we headed, dear adventurer Miri?”
[20:42] <Terres> “And who is tknow other groups of adventures share our goal of destroying this soul monger thing!”
[20:42] <ToA_DM> As you ascend the steps, you see the fallen tree where you were attacked by the unfortunate Bag-of-Nails…not too far, you see what looks like another temple complex.
[20:43] * Kayalia leers scornfully at the nostalgic scene where they met bag-o-nails-or-whatever.
[20:43] <Terres> (so if the nail bag didn distract us we would have been 2 cubes richer now)
[20:44] * Dylan} heads towards the other temple complex
[20:44] * Terres refreshes Mage Armor on himself and follows
[20:44] Miri takes up the rear as usual, as she follows along.
[20:46] Ash positions himself somewhere in the middle.
[20:46] <ToA_DM> (map of the shrine – https://imgur.com/a/dj1EAnq)
[20:47] <ToA_DM> Swirly carvings decorate two obelisks at the entrance to this compound. An overgrown courtyard lies under the shade of tall palms. Stone doors seal the entrance to a windowless shrine, with a smaller ruin standing nearby.
[20:47] Miri moves over to the smaller ruin to take a look.
[20:48] <Dylan}> (phone)
[20:49] <ToA_DM> The roof of this workshop collapsed long ago, and now a thick mass of plants grows from the rubble. Through the moss, you see hundreds of iron keys hanging from hooks on the wall. Some are bent and broken, while others are rusted beyond repair. The rest look serviceable.
[20:49] <Terres> “Look there above the door… it says: �Unkh urges us to contrast all options before acting.�”
[20:50] <Miri> “hey…there are a bunch of keys in here, you think we'll need them?”
[20:50] <Terres> “At least one of them i would say”
[20:50] <Ash> “Probably, but which one?”
[20:50] Miri shrugs and moves inside to grab all the keys that look servicable.
[20:51] <Ash> “Hold on Miri.”
[20:51] * Terres walks outside to the main building door and looks for a keyhole
[20:51] <ToA_DM> (There is no key hole, but the doors look to be hanging on the hinge)
[20:51] <ToA_DM> Terres make an Investigation check)
[20:52] <Terres> 1d20+3
[20:52] <PK> Terres throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+3) and gets 20.
[20:52] <ToA_DM> (dang)
[20:52] * Kayalia looks over the keys that are not damaged and compares the differences between them.
[20:52] <ToA_DM> (make an Investigation roll)
[20:53] <Terres> “We might be able to lift this door a bit and open it”
[20:53] <Kayalia> 1d20 investigation
[20:53] <Kayalia> 1d20
[20:53] <PK> Kayalia throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20) and gets 7.
[20:53] <Kayalia> ._.
[20:53] <Kayalia> (The one rogue-like thing I suck at is investigation…)
[20:53] <Terres> (and trap finding :)
[20:54] Miri hands the keys over to kay and then moves to the door.
[20:54] <Kayalia> (technically I can do that)
[20:54] <ToA_DM> (but you're good at stabbing)
[20:54] <Terres> “could you guys help , the door is hanging on the hinge , we might be able to lift and open it”
[20:54] <ToA_DM> (who's lifting and what's your strength?)
[20:54] <Miri> (me and 16)
[20:54] * Kayalia looks at the rusted keyes and wonders if there is any way to restore them.
[20:54] <Terres> (i am gonna spot miri)
[20:55] <Ash> “I can help.” (12)
[20:55] <Terres> (with my 10str)
[20:55] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[20:55] <Terres> (but i know about law of levers so i will try to assist with my staff)
[20:55] <ToA_DM> The three of you – with Miri taking the most of the weight – manage to swing one of the doors open.
[20:56] <Terres> “Hmm, i didnt know i could do that… Thanks for helpig me”
[20:56] <Miri> “welcome.”
[20:57] * Terres takes a peak inside
[20:57] <Kayalia> “You know, I think these keys that aren't rusted are still fine because they're made of something different than the other ones. I wonder if there is any significance to that?”
[20:58] <ToA_DM> (you all walk into the chamber?)
[20:58] <Miri> “i don't know, but i'd hang on to them.”
[20:58] Miri will step inside.
[20:58] <Terres> “We should first find a keyhole and then we figure out if we need one of those keys.”
[20:58] * Kayalia pockets the non-rusty keys. “Any of the magician-types got magic that can de-rust metal? haha.”
[20:58] <ToA_DM> A statue of a giant snail looms before you. In place of antennae, it has five pseudopods ending in rocky clubs. Along the walls, six iron keys hang in small niches above stone plinths. Behind the statue, a carved pedestal in a wide alcove has a keyhole set into its base.
[20:58] <Ash> “Yeah, I'm thinking that warning requires us to carefully determine something before blindly walking in.
[20:59] * Kayalia skips forward to catch up.
[20:59] <Terres> “Any of they keys you picked up look like the keys in here?”
[20:59] <Kayalia> (/me googles “pseudopods”)
[21:00] <Terres> (like tide pods, jsut bigger)
[21:00] <Miri> Xan steps upto the door as well, staying close incase needed.
[21:01] <ToA_DM> As you step into the chamber…you hear a wet, growling hiss. Coming from behind the statue are three men of Chult, with grey skin, vacant stares and a blue triangle tattooed on their foreheads.
[21:01] <ToA_DM> (Initiative!)
[21:01] <Terres> (hmm five pseudo pods and six keys, are the pods pointing to any of the keys on the walls)
[21:01] <Miri> 1d20
[21:01] <PK> Miri throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20) and gets 9.
[21:01] <Miri> for me
[21:01] <Ash> 1d20
[21:01] <PK> Ash throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20) and gets 13.
[21:01] <Terres> (drats)
[21:02] <Miri> 1d20
[21:02] <PK> Miri throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20) and gets 8.
[21:02] <Ash> “How did they get in here?”
[21:02] <Miri> for xan
[21:02] <Terres> 1d20+1
[21:02] <PK> Terres throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+1) and gets 14.
[21:02] <ToA_DM> 1d20+3 -init 1
[21:02] <ToA_DM> 1d20+3 init 1
[21:02] <ToA_DM> 1d20+3
[21:02] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+3) and gets 19.
[21:02] <Dylan}> 1s20+3 init
[21:02] <Kayalia> 1d20+4
[21:02] <PK> Kayalia throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+4) and gets 8.
[21:02] <Dylan}> 1d20+3 init
[21:02] <Miri> (you can't put words after)
[21:02] <Miri> (ash's bot doesn't work that way)
[21:03] <Kayalia> (also you really gotta take out that decapitation reference from your die roller…)
[21:03] <ToA_DM> 1d20+3
[21:03] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+3) and gets 4.
[21:03] <ToA_DM> 1d20+3
[21:03] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+3) and gets 10.
[21:04] <ToA_DM> Dylan and Ash init please)
[21:04] <Ash> ~initload Chul (1) 19, Terres 14, Ash 13, Chul (3) 10, Miri 9, Xan & kayalia 8, Chul (2) 4
[21:05] <Ash> (You can message PK ~init to have him report the init order to you)
[21:05] <Miri> (dylan had a phone call i think)
[21:05] <Ash> (I can add him in later)
[21:05] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[21:05] <Dylan}> 1d20+3 init
[21:05] <Dylan}> (on phone with mom)
[21:05] <Miri> (drop the word after dylan)
[21:05] <ToA_DM> 1d20+3
[21:05] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+3) and gets 13.
[21:05] <Terres> (no words on PK, its illiterate)
[21:05] <Dylan}> 1 d20+3
[21:05] <PK> Dylan} throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1 d20+3) and gets 5.
[21:06] <Ash> ~initload Chul (1) 19, Terres 14, Ash & Dylan 13, Chul (3) 10, Miri 9, Xan & kayalia 8, Chul (2) 4
[21:06] <PK> To see current initative /msg me the text ~init or ~initative
[21:06] <ToA_DM> (Round one)
[21:07] <Terres> (is there battlemap)
[21:07] <ToA_DM> One of the creatures scampers towards Ash slobbering and reaching with it's claws…
[21:07] <ToA_DM> (hang on)
[21:12] <Kayalia> “Oh. My. GODS! Whatarethoseandhowdidtheysurviveinthissealedtemplewithoutfoodorwater!!!”
[21:13] <Terres> (there were 6 of them when they first came in would be my first guess)
[21:14] <Kayalia> (how long ago?? That'd only make sense for a month not dozens por hundreds of years!)
[21:14] <ToA_DM> (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19M9vk5owwQfsmuvcrzGW22O_bEbFE6WVfHVwgpj38Oo/edit#gid=1263296435)
[21:14] <ToA_DM> (place youselves on the map…and I can get to killin')
[21:17] <Miri> (i'm playing two people that have two attacks each….*did NOT think this through*)
[21:18] <Terres> (you said one Chul is going after Ash?)
[21:18] <ToA_DM> (i can always tell how the football game is going by the sounds nancy makes)
[21:19] <ToA_DM> (Yes, as soon as Ash appears on the map)
[21:19] <Miri> (well if she's rooting for chicago it's going great)
[21:19] <Kayalia> (dats my dads team)
[21:19] <ToA_DM> (All I hear is “Oh! Bless!” Gaahh!”)
[21:20] <Ash> (I put myself on the map)
[21:20] <ToA_DM> 1d20+3
[21:20] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+3) and gets 11.
[21:21] <ToA_DM> The creature swipes at Ash but can't manage to get him in reach.
[21:21] <ToA_DM> (Terres)
[21:22] * Terres focuses on the attacker and casts frostbite (DC 14 Con save )
[21:22] <Terres> 2d6
[21:22] <PK> Terres throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2d6) and gets 5.
[21:22] <ToA_DM> 1d20
[21:22] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20) and gets 20.
[21:22] <ToA_DM> (Ha!)
[21:22] <Terres> (dang it, half dmg to 2)
[21:23] <Terres> (as bonus action i cast Shillelagh on my staff)
[21:23] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[21:24] <Terres> (thats it from me)
[21:24] <ToA_DM> Ash and Dylan)
[21:24] Ash also casts Shillelagh and proceeds to try to club the lizardman to death with it.
[21:25] <Ash> 1d20+5
[21:25] <PK> Ash throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+5) and gets 17.
[21:25] <Ash> 1d8+2
[21:25] <PK> Ash throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d8+2) and gets 9.
[21:25] <ToA_DM> Ash – roll CON save)
[21:25] <ToA_DM> Dylan – roll CON save)
[21:25] <Dylan}> 1d20+2
[21:25] <PK> Dylan} throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+2) and gets 11.
[21:26] <Ash> 1d20-1
[21:26] <PK> Ash throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20-1) and gets 8.
[21:27] Ash gags
[21:27] <ToA_DM> Dylan , gonna attack?)
[21:29] <ToA_DM> (rolling for Dylan's attack)
[21:29] <ToA_DM> 1d20+9
[21:29] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+9) and gets 24.
[21:29] <ToA_DM> roll 2d6+6
[21:29] <ToA_DM> 2d6+6
[21:29] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2d6+6) and gets 15.
[21:30] <ToA_DM> Dylan winds up and slashes across the creature's midriff, sending black ichor flying.
[21:30] <Dylan}> (sorry still on phone with mom)
[21:30] <Terres> (tell her youa re being attacked and will call her back)
[21:31] <ToA_DM> (“Not now, Mom! The fate of world is upon my noble shoulders!”)
[21:31] <Dylan}> (back)
[21:32] <ToA_DM> One of the creatures scrambles towards Miri its tongue lolling out of its mouth in hunger.
[21:32] <Dylan}> (sorry i was on the phone longer than anticipated)
[21:32] <ToA_DM> 1d20+3
[21:32] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+3) and gets 15.
[21:32] <Dylan}> (mom was asking about the fires and stuff)
[21:32] <Miri> (hits)
[21:32] <ToA_DM> (“I told you, Mom – I have an alibi.”)
[21:32] <ToA_DM> 2d8+3
[21:32] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2d8+3) and gets 9.
[21:33] <ToA_DM> (take nine piercing damage)
[21:33] <Miri> (i did :P )
[21:33] <ToA_DM> (Now make a CON save)
[21:33] <Dylan}> 1d20+2
[21:33] <PK> Dylan} throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+2) and gets 18.
[21:33] <Miri> 1d20+6
[21:33] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+6) and gets 8.
[21:34] <ToA_DM> Miri – you feel your muscles lock painfully (you are paralyzed for 10 rounds).
[21:34] <Miri> (no other chances to save?)
[21:34] <ToA_DM> (You can make a saving throw on your round to end the paralysis)
[21:35] <ToA_DM> (the end of your round)
[21:35] <Miri> (so the end of my turn then?)
[21:35] <ToA_DM> Xanthos and Kayalia)
[21:35] <ToA_DM> (yes)
[21:36] <Miri> (you skipped my turn :P )
[21:36] <Miri> Xanthos will attack chul1 twice
[21:36] <ToA_DM> (Sorry – you're right…you can roll your save)
[21:36] <Miri> 1d20+6
[21:36] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+6) and gets 16.
[21:36] <ToA_DM> (ok, Xanthos – roll)
[21:36] <Miri> 1d20+7
[21:36] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+7) and gets 12.
[21:36] <Miri> 1d20+7
[21:36] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+7) and gets 18.
[21:36] <ToA_DM> (the 16 was your save?)
[21:36] <Miri> (the first was my save, the two after were xan's hits)
[21:36] <Miri> (yes)
[21:37] <ToA_DM> (ok – you saved)
[21:37] <ToA_DM> (Xan gets one hit and one miss)
[21:37] <Miri> (thank goodness)
[21:37] <Miri> 1d12+4
[21:37] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d12+4) and gets 13.
[21:37] <ToA_DM> Xanthos needs to make a CON save, DC 10)
[21:38] <Miri> 1d20+5
[21:38] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+5) and gets 14.
[21:38] * Kayalia flips out her fan and slashes at the distracted uggothing.
[21:38] <Kayalia> 1d20+8
[21:38] <PK> Kayalia throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+8) and gets 12.
[21:38] <ToA_DM> The creature looks up in time to see the edge of Xanthos's axe bearing down on it
[21:38] <ToA_DM> (miss)
[21:38] <Kayalia> (Lets see… my 3 rolls tonight… 3, 4, 4. Lovely.)
[21:39] <Kayalia> (So glad volcano didn't need a roll)
[21:39] <ToA_DM> Kayalia – make a CON check, DC 10)
[21:39] <Kayalia> 1d20+1
[21:39] <PK> Kayalia throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+1) and gets 13.
[21:39] <ToA_DM> (never mind – you're not in range…save that roll for later)
[21:40] <ToA_DM> The creature (#3) tries to leap onto the recovering Miri…
[21:41] <Miri> (i'm gonna end up using all my turns to get out of paralization)
[21:41] <ToA_DM> 1d20+5
[21:41] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+5) and gets 24.
[21:41] <Miri> (that hits)
[21:41] <ToA_DM> 2d6+3
[21:41] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2d6+3) and gets 8.
[21:41] <ToA_DM> (make a CON save, DC 10)
[21:41] <Terres> (ohmergawd Chull 3 is multiplying)
[21:41] <Dylan}> (uhmm)
[21:41] <Miri> 1d20+6
[21:41] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+6) and gets 25.
[21:42] <ToA_DM> (you're not paralyzed for now)
[21:42] <Miri> (yay)
[21:42] <ToA_DM> (Round 2)
[21:42] <ToA_DM> (Terres)
[21:43] * Terres pints his hand at Chul3 and unleashes two Eldritch blasts at the creature
[21:43] <Terres> 2 1d20+7
[21:43] <PK> Terres throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d20+7) and gets 25 15.
[21:43] <Dylan}> (have you guys been remember to add the bonus for my paladin auta?)
[21:43] <Dylan}> (aura)
[21:43] <ToA_DM> (both hit)
[21:43] <Dylan}> (+3 to saves)
[21:43] <Miri> (no)
[21:43] <Terres> 2 1d10+2
[21:43] <PK> Terres throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d10+2) and gets 5 7.
[21:43] <ToA_DM> (2 or 3?)
[21:44] <Dylan}> (charisma modifier +1 i think, lemme check)
[21:44] <ToA_DM> (which creature?)
[21:44] <Dylan}> (+2 you're right)
[21:44] <Terres> (chul3)
[21:44] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[21:44] <Miri> (i would have saved last round had i remembered that, oh well)
[21:44] <Dylan}> (is dylan paralyzed?)
[21:45] <ToA_DM> The creature snarls as the bolts blow through his arms.
[21:45] <ToA_DM> (No, but he does have to make a CON save now)
[21:45] <ToA_DM> Ash and Dylan)
[21:46] <Terres> (so did i disarm the thing)
[21:46] <ToA_DM> Ash – remember you're still Poisoned…disavantage on rolls or checks)
[21:46] <ToA_DM> Dylan – no don't need to make a CON save)
[21:46] <Ash> Miri still look paralyzed?)
[21:46] <Miri> (no)
[21:46] <ToA_DM> (She's moving)
[21:47] <Dylan}> 2#1d20+9
[21:47] <PK> 2#1 is not a valid number Dylan}..
[21:47] <Dylan}> 1d20+9
[21:47] <PK> Dylan} throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+9) and gets 28.
[21:47] <Dylan}> 1d20+9
[21:47] <PK> Dylan} throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+9) and gets 14.
[21:47] <ToA_DM> (what you're fighting: https://media-waterdeep.cursecdn.com/avatars/thumbnails/0/411/1000/1000/636252786516023032.jpeg)
[21:47] Ash invokes cursing words against his foes (Bane, Cha 13 save)
[21:47] <ToA_DM> (both hit)
[21:47] <ToA_DM> 1d20-1
[21:47] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20-1) and gets 9.
[21:47] <ToA_DM> 1d20-1
[21:47] <PK> ToA_DM throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20-1) and gets 0.
[21:48] <ToA_DM> (ouch)
[21:48] <Terres> (if i knew this i would have fireballed the whole place)
[21:48] <Dylan}> 4d6+12
[21:48] <PK> Dylan} throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (4d6+12) and gets 29.
[21:48] <ToA_DM> The second one is split in half by Dylan's furious attacks.
[21:48] <Ash> (Bane means they take 1d4 off all their D20 rolls for 1 minute)
[21:48] <ToA_DM> (ok)
[21:49] <ToA_DM> (Miri)
[21:49] <Dylan}> (who is poisoned?)
[21:49] <Miri> (are two of them dead now?)
[21:49] <Ash> (I was, probably not anymore)
[21:50] <ToA_DM> (yes, two are dead)
[21:50] <Miri> Miri would like to rage, and then attack Chul2 twice with reckless attack.
[21:50] <Miri> 1d20+6
[21:50] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+6) and gets 25.
[21:50] <Miri> 1d20+6
[21:50] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+6) and gets 11.
[21:50] <Miri> 1d20+6
[21:50] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+6) and gets 17.
[21:50] <Miri> 1d20+6
[21:50] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+6) and gets 26.
[21:50] <Miri> (so a 25 and a 26)
[21:50] <Miri> (ooh one was a crit)
[21:50] <ToA_DM> (both hits – now CON save)
[21:51] <Miri> 1d20+8
[21:51] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+8) and gets 10.
[21:51] <Miri> (thank dylan's aura!)
[21:51] <Miri> 2d6+5
[21:51] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2d6+5) and gets 11.
[21:51] <ToA_DM> A wave of nausea hits you, Miri – it serves to fuel your anger…
[21:51] <Miri> 4d6+5
[21:51] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (4d6+5) and gets 21.
[21:51] <Miri> (32 points of slashing damage in total)
[21:52] <ToA_DM> Intestines poke out fro the wounds…
[21:52] <ToA_DM> Xanthos and Kayalia)
[21:52] <Miri> Xanthos will move and attack chul2 twice
[21:52] <Miri> 1d20+7
[21:52] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+7) and gets 18.
[21:52] <Miri> 1d20+7
[21:52] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+7) and gets 14.
[21:52] <ToA_DM> (Roll CON save)
[21:53] <ToA_DM> (two hits)
[21:53] <Miri> 1d20+7
[21:53] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+7) and gets 12.
[21:53] <Miri> (con save)
[21:53] <ToA_DM> (roll damage)
[21:53] <Miri> 2 1d12+4
[21:53] <PK> Miri throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (2 1d12+4) and gets 8 10.
[21:53] <Miri> (18 total)
[21:54] <ToA_DM> Two hard blows wrnech the spine back and the creature flops over with a groan.
[21:55] * Kayalia closes her fan, as she didn't seem to need to get her hands dirty here.
[21:56] <Ash> “Well, I don't know what those things were, but they look a lot better now.”
[21:56] <Miri> “so…back to these keys and such…“
[21:57] <Terres> “lets hope there is not any more of those things around”
[21:57] * Terres takes a look around the shrine to see where those things came from and then looks around the shrine
[21:57] <ToA_DM> A quick look around shows that there are no more of those foul smelling creatures.
[21:58] <Dylan}> “uhmmmm”
[21:58] * Dylan} looks pensive
[21:58] <Dylan}> “Ghasts I believe they are called Ghasts”
[21:59] * Kayalia frowns heavily at the corpses.
[21:59] <Dylan}> (what is everyone at HP wise?)
[21:59] <Terres> (full up)
[22:00] <Miri> (i'm ok)
[22:00] <Ash> (full)
[22:00] * Kayalia managed to escape that conflict virtually uninvolved.
[22:00] <Terres> “Lets take a better look at the kyehole and those 6 keys”
[22:02] * Kayalia starts doing side-by-side comparisons of her keys with the ones hanging here.
[22:03] <ToA_DM> A statue of a giant snail looms before you. In place of antennae, it has five pseudopods ending in rocky clubs. Along the walls, six iron keys hang in small niches above stone plinths. Behind the statue, a carved pedestal in a wide alcove has a keyhole set into its base.
[22:03] <Ash> “Before we handle any of the keys in here, we should see if any of them match the ones from outside.”
[22:03] <Ash> “Otherwise I suspect that snail will bash our heads in.
[22:03] <Terres> “And let me use my Mage hand to work they key in case there is a trap”
[22:04] <ToA_DM> Ash – make an investigation roll – and by now, you are over the poisoned condition)
[22:04] <ToA_DM> (anyone wanting to help him?)
[22:04] <Ash> 1d20+2
[22:04] <PK> Ash throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+2) and gets 5.
[22:04] <Terres> (i can help)
[22:04] <Terres> 1d20+3
[22:04] <PK> Terres throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20+3) and gets 4.
[22:04] <Ash> (I'll need lots of help)
[22:05] <Terres> (looks like a key.. posibly)
[22:05] <ToA_DM> (No – I don't think you can help)
[22:06] <ToA_DM> Ash and Terres – you look and realize that for a primitive civilization…these are some fancy keys.
[22:07] <Kayalia> [23:02] * Kayalia starts doing side-by-side comparisons of her keys with the ones hanging here.
[22:08] <ToA_DM> Kayalia – roll Investigation with adv)
[22:08] <Kayalia> 1d20
[22:08] <PK> Kayalia throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20) and gets 15.
[22:09] <Kayalia> 1d20
[22:09] <PK> Kayalia throws the numbered skulls of lizardmen (1d20) and gets 17.
[22:09] <Ash> “Well these are fancy, but I can't make heads or tails of them yet.”
[22:09] * Terres just nods sagely
[22:10] * Kayalia muses over the keys, literally holding up side-by-side contrasts of the keys outside and the ones inside the temple.
[22:14] * Kayalia does something by arranging the keys, including one from outside that looks like it belongs with the ones found inside, which the DM will explain, because her dumb player isn't able to comprehend it. xD
[22:17] <ToA_DM> Kayalia holds up a couple of the keys… then sets them down…then takes another couple of keys and sets them down…she stacks the keys with some effort. “Oh,” she stacks the last two keys, with the teeth forming a pattern. “Oh! I see!” She reaches into her pocket and takes out a single key from the other, little building – the pattern of the teeth on the single key matches the teeth
[22:17] <ToA_DM> pattern on the other keys. “Here.” She holds up the single key. “This should unlock the pedistal.”
[22:18] * Kayalia Voltrons a key!
[22:19] <ToA_DM> (*cue Voltron theme*)
[22:19] <Kayalia> (I am defender of THIS universe!)
[22:19] <Ash> (That makes you the Black lion, I'm going to call dibs on the Green lion)
[22:20] * Terres offers to unlock the pedastal with magehand
[22:20] <Terres> (I thought voltron was a bunch of robats)
[22:21] <Kayalia> ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0enSyVHY-28 )
[22:22] <ToA_DM> A floating hand reaches for the key.
[22:24] <ToA_DM> The key in Terres's mage hand, floats over to the pedistal.
[22:24] <ToA_DM> (Which way and how far do you turn the key? Clock or counter clock?)
[22:25] <Terres> (lets say full turn counterclock)
[22:26] <ToA_DM> (It doesn't move)
[22:26] * Kayalia steps back and finds a meat-shield.
[22:26] <ToA_DM> (In the distance, you hear a roar)
[22:27] * Dylan} blinks
[22:27] * Terres makes the mage hand pullt eh key and return it then looks for what made the sound
[22:27] <Terres> “What was that”
[22:27] Miri moves over to the door of the temple and lights her sword, standing at the ready.
[22:27] <Dylan}> (did we actually hear a noise, or was that a joke?)
[22:28] <ToA_DM> You hear a second roar and what sounds like a clap of thunder.
[22:28] <Ash> “Um…“
[22:28] <ToA_DM> (No – you all heard the roars. They are a distance aways…but still…roars, dude.)
[22:29] <Miri> “Try a quarter turn clockwise”
[22:29] * Terres listens to Miri and tries that
[22:29] <Dylan}> “That sounds intimidating”
[22:30] <ToA_DM> The pedestal grinds around on the spot. As it turns, an ornate stone cube corkscrews up from a concealed hatch in its surface.
[22:30] <ToA_DM> (ta-da! another cube!)
[22:30] <Miri> (*makes note of who takes it*)
[22:30] * Terres makes the mage hand grab the cube and take it to Ash
[22:32] <Ash> “I'm going to suggest we give this to somebody else. Having too many in one person's possession makes them a more likely target.”
[22:33] <Miri> “don't all vulnteer at once.”
[22:33] <Terres> Miri it is”
[22:33] <Ash> “Yup”
[22:34] <Kayalia> “Am I allowed to say 'not it' to these?”
[22:34] * Terres ' magehand hovers over to Miri and drops the cube in her hand
[22:34] <Miri> “i almost die in every fight but sure.” she looks to kay “there are 9 of these things in total, so no.”
[22:34] <Miri> (ash2, dylan1, miri1)
[22:35] <ToA_DM> As Miri takes the weighty responsibility of a new cube…we end this session of “Tomb of Annihilation” (Sorry – I'm starting to get tired, and I gotta get up early for tomorrow.)