[19:35] <DM_ToA> When last we left our group – they braved another shrine, relying more on cunning than brute force to get the cube. Alas – the trap was tripped by Stolanimus and Xanthos We begin our adventures in the “Tomb of Anihilation” with two members in danger!
[19:36] <DM_ToA> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19M9vk5owwQfsmuvcrzGW22O_bEbFE6WVfHVwgpj38Oo/edit#gid=1263296435 – the map
[19:37] <+May> (I totally called it re: pincushioning…)
[19:37] * May is now known as Kayalia
[19:38] <DM_ToA> (Anyone looking to help [or hinder] Stol and Xanthos roll init please)
[19:38] <DM_ToA> (oh…we don't have a roller)
[19:39] <Miri> (ooh *grabs her dice*)
[19:41] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (I can bring a bot in)
[19:39] <Terres> (i was just outside the front door, did i hear them tripping the traps?)
[19:39] <Kayalia> (or even invite gameserv?)
[19:39] Kayalia is outside of the temple, relaxing…
[19:40] * DABot (DABot@sorcery-4tjsm4.vctl.74b3.9a00.2604.IP) has joined #grovewood
[19:40] <Kayalia> (SWame question as Terres for me…)
[19:43] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 1d20
[19:40] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(6)+0]: 6 [RollID: 35cod]
[19:41] <DM_ToA> (thanks)
[19:41] <DM_ToA> Terres – you hear the creaking of bow strings and twangs)
[19:41] <Terres> (if i hear the commotion isnide i will poke my head into the hallways and shoot something)
[19:42] <DM_ToA> Init if you're getting in it.
[19:42] <Terres> 1d20+1
[19:42] <DABot> Terres's 1d20(1)+1]: 2 [RollID: z4tf2]
[19:42] <Miri> 1d20
[19:42] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(1)+0]: 1 [RollID: 94rzp]
[19:42] <Terres> (well that was crappy init)
[19:43] Kayalia will run in as well if Terres alerts her.
[19:45] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (rebooting the bot, turned of fthe “RollID” stuff)
[19:43] <Kayalia> 1d20+4
[19:43] <DABot> Kayalia's 1d20(20)+4]: 24 [RollID: 04p80]
[19:43] <Terres> “What is going on in there?!”
[19:43] * DABot (DABot@sorcery-4tjsm4.vctl.74b3.9a00.2604.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
[19:43] * DABot (DABot@sorcery-4tjsm4.vctl.74b3.9a00.2604.IP) has joined #grovewood
[19:46] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (there we go. :) )
[19:44] <DM_ToA> (Init order: Kayalia Archers, Xanthos Stol (jagered), Terres Miri.)
[19:44] <DM_ToA> Put yourselves on the map, please.
[19:47] <Xanthos_Beardhand> “This… Place… Hates… Me!”
[19:44] <Kayalia> (did I miss the URL of the battle map?)
[19:45] <DM_ToA> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19M9vk5owwQfsmuvcrzGW22O_bEbFE6WVfHVwgpj38Oo/edit#gid=1263296435 – the map
[19:47] <Xanthos_Beardhand> ( . . . beat me by 2 seconds)
[19:45] <DM_ToA> Miri and Terres you look down the hallway and see statues of archers moving fluidly – as if they were alive – and firing arrows at Stol and Xanthos.
[19:46] <DM_ToA> (Round one – Kayalia you're up)
[19:46] <Kayalia> (are ALL of the x's alive?)
[19:46] <DM_ToA> (all but the two white ones – they're just debris)
[19:46] <Dylan> (oh we are starting?)
[19:49] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (a couple have broken strings too if I recall)
[19:46] <Dylan> (ok ready to go)
[19:47] <Kayalia> (jeez 10 of them)
[19:47] <Dylan> 1d20+2
[19:47] <DABot> Dylan's 1d20(6)+2]: 8
[19:48] Kayalia dashes in (literally - dash action - as rogue bonus action), and slashes one of the archers' limbs/weapons with her own magic weapon.
[19:49] <Kayalia> 1d20+8
[19:49] <DABot> Kayalia's 1d20(10)+8]: 18
[19:49] <DM_ToA> (Make a DEX saving throw DC 15)
[19:49] <Kayalia> 1d20+7 dex
[19:49] <DABot> Kayalia's 1d20(13)+7]: 20
[19:50] <DM_ToA> As Kayalia sprints into the hallway – one of the tiles opens up beneath her. With skill, she glides over the open maw.
[19:50] <Kayalia> (yikes)
[19:50] <DM_ToA> (2 more times, DC check please)
[19:50] <Kayalia> (>.>)
[19:50] <Kayalia> 1d20+7 dex
[19:50] <DABot> Kayalia's 1d20(15)+7]: 22
[19:50] <Kayalia> 1d20+7 dex
[19:50] <DABot> Kayalia's 1d20(20)+7]: 27
[19:51] <DM_ToA> (show-off)
[19:51] <Kayalia> (XD)
[19:53] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (You go Kay Kay~)
[19:51] <DM_ToA> Seemingly floating over the air, Kayalia lands on the other side to attack.
[19:51] Kayalia tumbles through the traps in an almost uncharacteristic level of commitment to save her comarades.
[19:52] <Kayalia> (can has damage enemy? did 18 attack roll earlier..)
[19:52] <DM_ToA> (roll to hit)
[19:52] <DM_ToA> (oh, you did…ok)
[19:52] <Kayalia> 4d6+5
[19:52] <DABot> Kayalia's 4d6(2, 2, 4, 1)+5]: 14
[19:53] <Kayalia> (attacked bottom right statue I thinks)
[19:53] <DM_ToA> You smash your fan into the arm of a statue. The stone crumbles under the weight of the blow.
[19:53] <Kayalia> ('course now I am unsure how miri and them get in…)
[19:56] <Xanthos_Beardhand> Miri Smash Trap!)
[19:54] <DM_ToA> (Archers – 4 on Kayalia 3 on Stol and 3 on Xanthos)
[19:54] <Kayalia> (eeeeek)
[19:54] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 Archer 1 K
[19:54] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(4)+6]: 10
[19:55] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 Archer 2 K
[19:55] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(12)+6]: 18
[19:55] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 Archer 3 K
[19:55] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(10)+6]: 16
[19:55] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 Archer 4 K
[19:55] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(11)+6]: 17
[19:55] <DM_ToA> (3 hits, one miss)
[19:55] <Terres> (can i see them archers from the entrance of the hallway?)
[19:55] <Kayalia> (>.>)
[19:55] <DM_ToA> 3d8+3
[19:55] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 3d8(6, 4, 3)+3]: 16
[19:55] <Kayalia> (how much damage do these do? I can make one miss or halve the damage of one…)
[19:55] <DM_ToA> Terres you can see one)
[19:56] <DM_ToA> (1d8+1, Kay)
[19:56] <Terres> (well ill handle that one guys , you got the rest:)
[19:56] <Kayalia> (I'll add +3 to my AC for one attack with my reaction, then…)
[19:56] <Terres> (because i cant jump 15 feet over traps like some people)
[19:56] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[19:57] <DM_ToA> (so, does that counter an attack, or will it come into effect next round?)
[19:57] <DM_ToA> 3 archers on Xanthos…
[19:57] <Kayalia> (It means the result of the attack, hir or miss, is recalculated as if I had 19 AC)
[19:57] <Kayalia> (so it changes to a miss)
[19:58] <DM_ToA> (ok )
[19:58] <DM_ToA> 1d8+1
[19:58] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(2)+1]: 3
[19:58] <DM_ToA> (subtract 3 damage then)
[19:59] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 X
[19:59] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(16)+6]: 22
[19:59] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 X
[19:59] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(8)+6]: 14
[19:59] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 3 X
[19:59] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(2)+6]: 8
[19:59] <DM_ToA> (one hit, Xan)
[19:59] <DM_ToA> 1d8+1
[19:59] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(4)+1]: 5
[19:59] <DM_ToA> (take five points of damage)
[19:59] <DM_ToA> 3 archers on Stol
[19:59] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 S
[19:59] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(9)+6]: 15
[20:00] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 S
[20:00] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(18)+6]: 24
[20:00] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 3 S
[20:00] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(13)+6]: 19
[20:00] <DM_ToA> (eww…Stol got lit up)
[20:00] <DM_ToA> 3d8+3
[20:00] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 3d8(6, 6, 6)+3]: 21
[20:00] <Kayalia> (What exactly happened to the statue I hit? It “crumbled” but didn't die and continued to attack just fine? Thats confusing)
[20:01] <DM_ToA> (continues to attack – you took a chunk out of it)
[20:04] Xanthos_Beardhand glares and beats on the M8 statue
[20:04] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 2#1d20+7
[20:02] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(19)+7]: 26
[20:02] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(7)+7]: 14
[20:04] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (OO! 1crit! :D)
[20:02] <DM_ToA> (one hit, crit and one miss)
[20:02] <DM_ToA> (the one in front of you, I assume)
[20:05] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (crits are what double damage rolls? so 2d12+4 isntead of 1d12+4?)
[20:02] <DM_ToA> (correct)
[20:05] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 2d12+4
[20:03] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 2d12(4, 5)+4]: 13
[20:03] <Kayalia> (correct ryu)
[20:05] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (M8, which is the one directly to my right on the map)
[20:04] <DM_ToA> Xanthos rears back and smashes the statue…tries to catch it on the return swing, but skitters off the stone.
[20:04] <DM_ToA> Stolanimus
[20:05] <DM_ToA> Stol grabs the cube and pitches it at the open door. “TAKE IT!”
[20:05] <Dylan> (ok i am back again)
[20:05] <DM_ToA> (bonus action – dash)
[20:05] <Kayalia> (does the yellow/orange X mean wounded? Should the one Xanthos attacked be that color now?)
[20:06] <Terres> (stoll tosses the cube through the hallway?)
[20:07] <DM_ToA> (Yes, it lands on the steps and rolls down serenely.)
[20:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 AoO
[20:07] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(17)+6]: 23
[20:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 AoO
[20:07] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(17)+6]: 23
[20:07] <DM_ToA> 1d8+1
[20:07] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(6)+1]: 7
[20:07] <DM_ToA> 1d8+1
[20:07] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(7)+1]: 8
[20:08] Terres casts Eldritch blasts at the one archer he can see then rushes to pick up the cube
[20:08] <DM_ToA> (roll)
[20:08] <Terres> 2#1d20+7
[20:08] <DABot> Terres's 1d20(12)+7]: 19
[20:08] <DABot> Terres's 1d20(11)+7]: 18
[20:08] <DM_ToA> (2 hits)
[20:09] <Terres> 2#1d10+2
[20:09] <DABot> Terres's 1d10(5)+2]: 7
[20:09] <DABot> Terres's 1d10(7)+2]: 9
[20:09] <DM_ToA> (16 points – which one?)
[20:10] <Terres> (one directly across, i gues the only one i can see)
[20:10] <Terres> (K6)
[20:10] * Tolman (tolman@sorcery-tgfhgh.mycingular.net) has joined #grovewood
[20:10] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Tolman
[20:10] <Miri> (hi tol)
[20:11] <Terres> (howdy Mr. T)
[20:11] <@Tolman> (I�ll be home in 25, my wife haas the phone )
[20:13] <DM_ToA> (Hey, Tol)
[20:16] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (we might still be living when you get here…)
[20:13] <DM_ToA> (Might?)
[20:14] <DM_ToA> Dylan we skipped over you, sorry. Have a statue.)
[20:14] <Dylan> (ok)
[20:14] Dylan attacks a statue
[20:14] <Terres> (unless those statues can follw me outside, i am definitely gonna make it, not sure about the rest)
[20:14] <Dylan> (are they fiends?)
[20:14] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:14] <DABot> Dylan's 1d20(2)+9]: 11
[20:14] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:14] <DABot> Dylan's 1d20(13)+9]: 22
[20:14] <Dylan> (one hit?)
[20:15] <DM_ToA> (one hit – is your weapon magical?)
[20:16] <Dylan> (yes)
[20:16] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[20:16] <Dylan> (its that swordy magical thingy we got at the begining of the game)
[20:16] <Dylan> 2d6+6
[20:16] <DABot> Dylan's 2d6(3, 3)+6]: 12
[20:16] <DM_ToA> (which archer are you attacking?)
[20:17] <Dylan> (uhmm …)
[20:17] <Dylan> (i dont have the map up, so i am going to say the left one)
[20:17] <Dylan> (while i pull up the map)
[20:18] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[20:18] <DM_ToA> (need the link?)
[20:18] <Dylan> (yea)
[20:18] <DM_ToA> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19M9vk5owwQfsmuvcrzGW22O_bEbFE6WVfHVwgpj38Oo/edit#gid=1263296435 – the map
[20:18] <Terres> (I9 is the only one that makes sense according to his old position)
[20:18] <Kayalia> (how'd dylan get to the room? is there an easy way between those rooms I missed?)
[20:19] <Terres> (that was the fuzzy bit last session i didnt get)
[20:19] <DM_ToA> Xanthos – you watch in horror as the damage you caused knits itself…missing stone filling in the missing gaps.
[20:19] <DM_ToA> (There were secret doors inside the main chamber)
[20:20] <DM_ToA> (I'm changing hte color of the wounded statues – I cna barely see them)
[20:21] <DM_ToA> Miri – you're next)
[20:22] <Miri> (*wakes up* yay)
[20:22] <Kayalia> (if I smash this statmue can I go through the secret door for cover at least?)
[20:22] <DM_ToA> (yes)
[20:22] Miri rages as she goes to jump over traps and into the fray.
[20:23] <DM_ToA> (What's your jump?)
[20:23] <Miri> (how do you calculate jump distance?)
[20:24] <Kayalia> (is it based off str? )
[20:24] <DM_ToA> (When you make a long jump, you cover a number of feet up to your Strength score if you move at least 10 feet on foot immediately)
[20:24] <Miri> (str is 16)
[20:25] <Kayalia> (you can move 16 ft in a jump as long as you have a 10 ft headstart running)
[20:25] <Kayalia> (thats the rule)
[20:25] Miri will run and jump then (:P)
[20:25] <Terres> (i will helpfull step out of the way)
[20:25] <Kayalia> (Kaya on the other hand, would only be able to jump 8 ft…)
[20:26] <DM_ToA> Miri leaps over the pits, her blade's fire trailing like a comet's tail.
[20:26] <Kayalia> (unfortunately thats 25 ft of her move…so all she can attack is I9 or something)
[20:26] <DM_ToA> (I think you have enough movement to engage)
[20:27] Miri will use the rest of her movement to get adjacent to i7 and take two attacks.
[20:27] <Kayalia> (actually no a bartb gets extra move so she's prolly good)
[20:27] <Miri> (40 feet of movement so i should have)
[20:27] <DM_ToA> (roll)
[20:27] <DM_ToA> (if an x is white, that means it's non-functioning)
[20:27] <Miri> 1d20+6
[20:27] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(16)+6]: 22
[20:27] <Miri> 1d20+6
[20:27] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(13)+6]: 19
[20:28] <DM_ToA> (two hits)
[20:28] <Miri> (I7 is black, that's the one i'm hitting)
[20:28] <Miri> 4d6+5 slashing
[20:28] <DABot> Miri's 4d6(5, 3, 3, 3)+5]: 19
[20:28] <Miri> 4d6 fire
[20:28] <DABot> Miri's 4d6(6, 4, 6, 5)+0]: 21
[20:28] <DM_ToA> oO
[20:28] <Miri> (i just rolled both hits together, is that not ok?)
[20:29] <Miri> (oh plus another 5, i forgot to add that in)
[20:29] <Kayalia> (you normally shouldn't)
[20:29] <DM_ToA> (yeah…it's dead. You killed it. Good job. Have a cookie.)
[20:29] <Dylan> (lol)
[20:29] <Miri> (considering it took an hour to get to me….i figured i'd air on the side of saving a lil time :P)
[20:30] <DM_ToA> Miri – screaming obscenities that even Xanthos would take umbrage on – completely pulverizes a statue.
[20:30] <DM_ToA> (Round 2 – Kayalia)
[20:30] <Dylan> (which statue?)
[20:30] <Kayalia> 1d20+8
[20:30] <DABot> Kayalia's 1d20(4)+8]: 12
[20:30] <DM_ToA> (Miss)
[20:30] <Kayalia> (~_~)
[20:31] Kayalia attempts to attack the statue, but her weapon glances off the stone.
[20:31] <Kayalia> (and that's all she wrote… or could write…)
[20:32] <DM_ToA> Archers – 9 remaining, 3 on Miri 3 on Xanthos and 3 on Kayalia.
[20:32] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 M
[20:32] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(19)+6]: 25
[20:32] <Kayalia> (:)
[20:32] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 M
[20:32] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(13)+6]: 19
[20:32] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 3 M
[20:32] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(4)+6]: 10
[20:32] <Miri> (one miss)
[20:32] <DM_ToA> (2 hits)
[20:32] <DM_ToA> 2d8+2
[20:33] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 2d8(5, 6)+2]: 13
[20:33] <DM_ToA> One arrow smacks you in the side, and the other grazes your calf. The third spirals into the side room and clatters.
[20:33] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 X
[20:33] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(2)+6]: 8
[20:33] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 X
[20:33] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(19)+6]: 25
[20:33] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 3 X
[20:33] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(4)+6]: 10
[20:34] <DM_ToA> (1 hit to Xan)
[20:34] <DM_ToA> 1d8+1
[20:34] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(5)+1]: 6
[20:34] <DM_ToA> One arrow strikes you in the flank – as you bend over, the other two go sailing overhead.
[20:34] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 K
[20:34] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(14)+6]: 20
[20:34] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 K
[20:34] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(20)+6]: 26
[20:34] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 3 K
[20:34] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(6)+6]: 12
[20:35] <Kayalia> (Crimeney)
[20:35] <DM_ToA> 1d8+1
[20:35] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(2)+1]: 3
[20:35] <DM_ToA> 2d8+1 Crit
[20:35] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 2d8(1, 8)+1]: 10
[20:35] <Kayalia> (I'll halve the damage of the 2nd one with my reaction )
[20:35] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[20:38] Xanthos_Beardhand glares at the statue that recovered from his previous strike and attempts to seperate its head from its body permantly
[20:38] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 2#1d20+7
[20:36] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(17)+7]: 24
[20:36] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(10)+7]: 17
[20:36] <Kayalia> (I'd already be dead if not for my feat and class feature -_-)
[20:36] <DM_ToA> The first arrow strikes your shoulder – a trifle. The second, however, strikes you in the chest. If it weren't for a sudden twist to the side…it would have struck your heart.
[20:36] <Miri> (do we need to put all three cubes on the altar?)
[20:37] <DM_ToA> (roll damage, Xan – two hits)
[20:39] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 2#1d12+4
[20:37] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d12(1)+4]: 5
[20:37] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d12(7)+4]: 11
[20:37] <Kayalia> (I doubt it did that since a night of sleeping heals it… more like my luck shield is getting near gone before I get a fatal hit…)
[20:38] <DM_ToA> (Stol is in the spare room, I'll wait for him to come up)
[20:38] <DM_ToA> (Dylan)
[20:38] <Dylan> (back at hacking at that statue)
[20:38] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:38] <DABot> Dylan's 1d20(5)+9]: 14
[20:38] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[20:38] <DABot> Dylan's 1d20(13)+9]: 22
[20:38] <Dylan> (one or two hits?)
[20:38] <DM_ToA> (one hit)
[20:39] <Dylan> 2d6+6
[20:39] <DABot> Dylan's 2d6(5, 1)+6]: 12
[20:39] <DM_ToA> (which one?)
[20:39] <Dylan> (the one i am immediately adjacent to on the map)
[20:39] * @Tolman (tolman@sorcery-tgfhgh.mycingular.net) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - http://colloquy.mobi)
[20:41] <DM_ToA> (did you change your position on the map – you're still in the secret room, correct?)
[20:41] <DM_ToA> (here…let me…)
[20:41] <Dylan> ( i didnt change the position, i saw myself next to a statue and just kept it there)
[20:42] <Dylan> (i think i was confused lol)
[20:42] <Dylan> (I-&)
[20:42] <DM_ToA> (fixed it)
[20:42] <Dylan> (I-7)
[20:42] <DM_ToA> (Terres)
[20:42] <Terres> (if the guy on K6 is still moving i unleash 2 more blasts at his face)
[20:42] <Dylan> (hopefully i will sink this battle ship)
[20:42] <DM_ToA> (yes – fire away)
[20:42] Terres lounces another set of Eldritch blasts
[20:43] <Terres> 2#1d20+7
[20:43] <DABot> Terres's 1d20(20)+7]: 27
[20:43] <DABot> Terres's 1d20(8)+7]: 15
[20:43] <DM_ToA> (one hit)
[20:43] <Terres> 1d20+2
[20:43] <DABot> Terres's 1d20(19)+2]: 21
[20:43] <DM_ToA> (?)
[20:43] <Terres> (oops)
[20:43] <Terres> 1d10+2
[20:43] <DABot> Terres's 1d10(7)+2]: 9
[20:43] <DM_ToA> (No – you're not that good.)
[20:43] <Miri> (lol)
[20:44] <Terres> (but i will throw an insult his way and it will feel like a 1d20 worth of damage)
[20:44] <DM_ToA> (immune to psychic damage)
[20:44] * Tolman (Tol@sorcery-ei0la5.dyn.grandenetworks.net) has joined #grovewood
[20:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Tolman
[20:44] * TolBot (TolBot@sorcery-ei0la5.dyn.grandenetworks.net) has joined #grovewood
[20:45] <Miri> (wb)
[20:45] <DM_ToA> (check your pm please)
[20:45] <@Tolman> -dice off
[20:45] <TolBot> Dice function turned off. Use the command 'on' to resume dice functions.
[20:45] <@Tolman> (if i got a PM, it was lost in transition)
[20:46] <DM_ToA> (resent)
[20:46] <DM_ToA> Miri – you're up)
[20:46] <Miri> (is j7 still alive?)
[20:47] <DM_ToA> (yes…ish)
[20:47] Miri will put one attack to j7 then move and smack j6 with an attack.
[20:47] <Miri> 1d20+6
[20:47] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(1)+6]: 7
[20:47] <Miri> 1d20+6
[20:47] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(16)+6]: 22
[20:47] <Miri> (or you know, i could miss the first one)
[20:47] <Terres> (i will pick up the cube Stol tosed my way next )
[20:48] <DM_ToA> (Missed with J7, hit with J6)
[20:48] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing
[20:48] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(2, 1)+5]: 8
[20:48] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[20:48] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(5, 4)+0]: 9
[20:48] <Miri> (not sure how to move myself on the map, but that's my turn)
[20:49] <Miri> (not without messing up your x's that is)
[20:49] <DM_ToA> (got it)
[20:50] <Miri> (thanks)
[20:50] <DM_ToA> (Round 3 – Kayalia)
[20:50] Kayalia takes a defensive stance.
[20:50] <Kayalia> [Dodge…]
[20:52] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[20:53] <@Tolman> (miri, you can just type your name in a new box. and delete the old
[20:53] <Miri> (i know that much, but i'm standing in the same space as a statue, and i didn't want to mess up harl's color coding :P)
[20:53] <DM_ToA> Archers fire – 4 on Miri 2 on Kayalia 2 on Xanthos
[20:53] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 M
[20:53] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(4)+6]: 10
[20:53] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 M
[20:53] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(8)+6]: 14
[20:54] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 3 M
[20:54] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(8)+6]: 14
[20:54] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 4 M
[20:54] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(10)+6]: 16
[20:54] <DM_ToA> (3 hits)
[20:54] <Miri> (i forgot to half damage last time… *recalculates her hp*)
[20:54] <DM_ToA> 3d8+3
[20:54] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 3d8(8, 4, 1)+3]: 16
[20:54] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 K
[20:54] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(6)+6]: 12
[20:54] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 Dis K
[20:54] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(5)+6]: 11
[20:54] <Miri> (*make sure she halves it this time!*)
[20:54] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 Dis K
[20:54] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(20)+6]: 26
[20:54] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 Dis K
[20:55] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(17)+6]: 23
[20:55] <DM_ToA> (one hit)
[20:55] <DM_ToA> 1d8+1
[20:55] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(1)+1]: 2
[20:55] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 X
[20:55] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(11)+6]: 17
[20:55] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 X
[20:55] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(6)+6]: 12
[20:55] <DM_ToA> (one hit Xan)
[20:55] <Kayalia> (huh? how is that with disadvantage?)
[20:56] <DM_ToA> Three arrows stick Miri , only egging her on. One arrow strikes Kayalia and one works itself through Xan's armor.
[20:58] <Kayalia> (oh miri's comment broke it in two so I missed the first ones…)
[20:58] <Kayalia> (react for half.. so 1 dmg..)
[20:58] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[20:58] <DM_ToA> (Xanthos)
[21:01] Xanthos_Beardhand continues trying to kill the statue thats refusing to yield (also how much damage did I take?)
[20:59] <DM_ToA> (I took out the dead ones)
[21:01] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 2#1d20+7
[20:59] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(10)+7]: 17
[20:59] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(4)+7]: 11
[20:59] <DM_ToA> 1d8+1
[20:59] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(1)+1]: 2
[20:59] <DM_ToA> (two points)
[21:02] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 1d12+4
[20:59] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d12(1)+4]: 5
[20:59] <DM_ToA> (roll damage)
[20:59] Kayalia looks like she is struggling to keep up with all of the arrows flying around. like, if she had three lives to live, she already lost jsut over two of them. Something like that.
[21:00] <DM_ToA> You crack the stone…but the crack seals itself almost as soon as it's formed.
[21:00] <DM_ToA> (Stol - if you're ready)
[21:00] * Tolman is now known as StolbreTooth
[21:00] * @StolbreTooth attacks the Statue in front of him.
[21:01] <Kayalia> (perhaps Xanthos can use the 'help other' acgtion to impose disadvantage on an ememy's attack roll vs. an ally or whatever.)
[21:01] <@StolbreTooth> 1d20+7 (counts as magic)
[21:01] <DABot> [StolbreTooth's 1d20(10)+7]: 17
[21:01] <DM_ToA> (hit)
[21:01] <@StolbreTooth> 2d6+6
[21:01] <DABot> [StolbreTooth's 2d6(3, 5)+6]: 14
[21:02] <@StolbreTooth> (it is attacking me, right?)
[21:02] <DM_ToA> Claws and fangs score the stone…
[21:02] <DM_ToA> (no, but it's been attacking Kayalia)
[21:02] <Kayalia> (rather you give the ally advantage when distracting an enemy with the help action)
[21:02] <@StolbreTooth> (ok, right, that�s fine. I just wanting to make sure I didn�t just attack a plain statue, hehe)
[21:03] <DM_ToA> (as you're finding out – there is no such thing as a “plain” statue)
[21:03] <DM_ToA> (also – no pigeons)
[21:03] <@StolbreTooth> (heehe)
[21:03] <DM_ToA> (any other actions?)
[21:04] <DM_ToA> (Dylan)
[21:04] <Dylan> (uhm)
[21:04] <Miri> (brb)
[21:04] <Dylan> (everything seems to be dead?)
[21:05] <Dylan> (move then attack)
[21:05] <DM_ToA> ok
[21:05] <Dylan> (one square, two attacks
[21:05] <Dylan> 1d20+6
[21:05] <DABot> Dylan's 1d20(5)+6]: 11
[21:05] <Dylan> 1d20+6
[21:05] <DABot> Dylan's 1d20(12)+6]: 18
[21:05] <DM_ToA> (one hit)
[21:05] <Dylan> (sharing square with miri)
[21:05] <Dylan> 2d6+6
[21:05] <DABot> Dylan's 2d6(3, 5)+6]: 14
[21:06] <Miri> (back)
[21:06] <DM_ToA> (ok – you can fix that if you want – are you attacking that one ahead of Miri?)
[21:07] <Dylan> (theres one which is next to me sharing a square with miri i am killing that one)
[21:07] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[21:07] <Dylan> (since it is just wounded)
[21:07] <@StolbreTooth> (I don�t have any other actions I can take)
[21:08] <DM_ToA> You rear back and drive the blade into the chest of the statue. It crumbles into dust… it;s face showning surprise…
[21:09] <DM_ToA> Terres – you've gotten the cube.)
[21:09] Terres leans into the hallway to check if he can hit any other status
[21:09] <Terres> (statues too)
[21:09] <DM_ToA> (not without getting closer somehow)
[21:10] <DM_ToA> (brb)
[21:10] <Terres> (well there is a fireball…)
[21:11] Terres calls out to the group “ Got the cube, stop lollygaging around and lets pack it up”
[21:12] <Kayalia> “TERRRRES, My ghost WILL haunt you!!!”
[21:13] <Terres> (yeah… but can it do it from OUTSIDE the shrine)
[21:14] Dylan meets up with the group and looks over everyone
[21:14] <Dylan> (how is everyone doing wrt hp?)
[21:14] <Kayalia> (thats how ghosts do)
[21:14] <Kayalia> (12/34)
[21:14] <Miri> (there are three cubes….we need to find out if any of them are the right one)
[21:15] <Miri> (i'm fine with hp)
[21:15] Dylan casts cure wounds on Kayalia
[21:15] <Dylan> 2d8+2
[21:15] <DABot> Dylan's 2d8(7, 2)+2]: 11
[21:15] <Kayalia> (thankyou!)
[21:15] <Miri> (also….waiting on dm to get back)
[21:16] <DM_ToA> (back)
[21:16] <Kayalia> (was dying here ;_;)
[21:16] <DM_ToA> Miri – you're up)
[21:16] Miri takes one attack at I6 and one at J6.
[21:16] <Miri> 1d20+6
[21:16] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(7)+6]: 13
[21:16] <Miri> 1d20+6
[21:16] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(12)+6]: 18
[21:16] <DM_ToA> (J6 gets hit)
[21:16] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing
[21:16] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(4, 6)+5]: 15
[21:16] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[21:16] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(5, 4)+0]: 9
[21:17] <DM_ToA> The statue staggers agains the blows, slamming against the wall and crumbling.
[21:17] <Dylan> (oh i thought we were done combat, i will do that on my turn)
[21:18] <DM_ToA> (Round 4 – Kayalia)
[21:18] Kayalia goes on the offense again, thanks to healing magic from Dylan restoring some of her vigor.
[21:18] <Kayalia> 1d20+8
[21:18] <DABot> Kayalia's 1d20(16)+8]: 24
[21:19] <DM_ToA> (hit!)
[21:19] <Kayalia> 4d6+5
[21:19] <DABot> Kayalia's 4d6(5, 3, 6, 4)+5]: 23
[21:19] <Kayalia> (M9)
[21:19] <DM_ToA> The staute watches as Kayalia's blow snaps off it's arm…then the rest of it crumbles into stone shards.
[21:21] <Kayalia> “This thing gave me too much trouble… and there's a bunch more… thank the gods Miri's whomping them good…,” She sighs, still weaving to dodge flying arrows.
[21:21] <DM_ToA> (Archers – one on Dylan two on Miri one on Kayalia one on Xanthos)
[21:22] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 D
[21:22] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(19)+6]: 25
[21:22] <DM_ToA> 1d8+1
[21:22] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(7)+1]: 8
[21:22] <DM_ToA> One arrow plants itself in Dylan's knee. So much for the adventuring career.
[21:22] <Terres> (so the trap hallway is just a 15foot hole in the ground without a way to get across?)
[21:22] <DM_ToA> (three seperate pits)
[21:23] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 Adv
[21:23] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(15)+6]: 21
[21:23] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 Adv
[21:23] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(11)+6]: 17
[21:23] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 Adv 2 M
[21:23] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(4)+6]: 10
[21:23] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 Adv 2 M
[21:23] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(12)+6]: 18
[21:23] <DM_ToA> (two hits)
[21:23] <DM_ToA> 2d8+2
[21:23] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 2d8(2, 7)+2]: 11
[21:23] <DM_ToA> (eleven total)
[21:23] <Miri> (donno where the advantage is coming in at but cool)
[21:23] <Miri> (so 5 halved?)
[21:24] <DM_ToA> (You've been using reckless attack, right?)
[21:24] <Miri> (nope)
[21:24] <DM_ToA> (Oh – then one hit)
[21:24] <DM_ToA> (half the damage again to 2)
[21:24] <Miri> (ok, cool. Thanks :) )
[21:24] <Dylan> (damage noted)
[21:24] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 K
[21:24] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(20)+6]: 26
[21:25] <DM_ToA> 2d8+1
[21:25] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 2d8(8, 2)+1]: 11
[21:25] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 X
[21:25] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(9)+6]: 15
[21:25] <Kayalia> (why are all the 20+ die rolls and high damage dies coming my way? -.-)
[21:25] <DM_ToA> (missed)
[21:25] <DM_ToA> (DABot has it out for you, apparently)
[21:26] <Kayalia> (uncanny dodge reaction for half…)
[21:26] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[21:26] <Terres> (see Stol was smart and ran into the secret room and closed the door behind him so you guys cant follow)
[21:26] <Kayalia> (that rounds up or down normally?)
[21:26] <DM_ToA> (down)
[21:26] <Kayalia> (1/2 = 5.5 ⇒ 5 then?)
[21:26] <DM_ToA> “I wonder what's going on outside…sure is quiet.” Stol thinks to himself.
[21:26] <DM_ToA> (yes)
[21:26] <Kayalia> (thank god for uncanny dodge)
[21:26] <DM_ToA> Xanthos – you're up)
[21:30] Xanthos_Beardhand grumbles and keeps hacking away
[21:30] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 2#1d20+7
[21:27] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(5)+7]: 12
[21:27] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(9)+7]: 16
[21:30] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 1d12+4
[21:28] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d12(12)+4]: 16
[21:28] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[21:28] <DM_ToA> (StolbreTooth)
[21:29] * @StolbreTooth rears to attack.
[21:29] <@StolbreTooth> (the one I attacked Kaya destroyed?)
[21:29] <@StolbreTooth> (what�s the yellow x?)
[21:30] <DM_ToA> (A wounded statue)
[21:30] <@StolbreTooth> (and first ?
[21:30] <@StolbreTooth> (the one I attacked Kaya destroyed?)
[21:31] <DM_ToA> (yes)
[21:31] <DM_ToA> (all the x's are archer statues that have not been attacked)
[21:31] * @StolbreTooth races through the doorway and across the room to pounce on yellow x.
[21:32] <@StolbreTooth> (the x I run by might get a melee OA)
[21:32] <@StolbreTooth> (this all good?)
[21:33] <DM_ToA> (I don't see a yellow x. All the x's should be black)
[21:33] <Miri> (I9)
[21:33] <@StolbreTooth> (I�m now beside an X that is yellow.)
[21:33] <DM_ToA> (ok – I seeit)
[21:33] <@StolbreTooth> (I�m confused. Why did you first respond that it�s a wounded one?)
[21:34] <@StolbreTooth> (am I misunderstanding something, or can I attack it/?)
[21:34] <DM_ToA> (no – you can attack it)
[21:34] <DM_ToA> (it was one I forgot about and didn't brighten the yellow so I could see it)
[21:35] <@StolbreTooth> 1d20+7 clawing
[21:35] <DABot> [StolbreTooth's 1d20(17)+7]: 24
[21:35] <DM_ToA> (hit)
[21:35] <@StolbreTooth> 2d6+6 slashing damage
[21:35] <DABot> [StolbreTooth's 2d6(2, 1)+6]: 9
[21:35] <@StolbreTooth> (must make STR save DC14 or knocked prone)
[21:36] <DM_ToA> Your claws peck away at the stone.
[21:37] <@StolbreTooth> (must make STR save DC14 or knocked prone)
[21:37] <DM_ToA> 1d20+2 DC 14
[21:37] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(19)+2]: 21
[21:37] <@StolbreTooth> (turn over)
[21:37] <DM_ToA> (Dylan)
[21:37] Dylan casts cure wounds on Kayalia
[21:37] <Dylan> 2d8+2
[21:37] <DABot> Dylan's 2d8(7, 4)+2]: 13
[21:38] <Kayalia> “Thank you!”
[21:38] <DM_ToA> (Terres)
[21:38] <Kayalia> (31/24 now thanks)
[21:38] <Kayalia> (31/34*)
[21:39] <DM_ToA> (Terres)
[21:39] Terres looks around the shrine for any other way to see inside
[21:40] <DM_ToA> (You don't find another way other than over the pits.
[21:40] <DM_ToA> (Miri)
[21:40] Miri will take an AoO as she moves from where she's at to next to Xan and will attack once at M8 and once at M7.
[21:40] <Terres> (in that case i provide moral supprt)
[21:40] <Miri> 1d20+6
[21:40] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(11)+6]: 17
[21:40] <Miri> 1d20+6
[21:40] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(4)+6]: 10
[21:41] <DM_ToA> (one hit)
[21:41] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing
[21:41] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(1, 2)+5]: 8
[21:41] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[21:41] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(6, 4)+0]: 10
[21:42] <Kayalia> (mimri!)
[21:42] <Miri> (shut it)
[21:42] <DM_ToA> You knock one about, shattering terra cotta armor…
[21:42] <DM_ToA> Round 5
[21:42] <DM_ToA> (Kayalia)
[21:42] Kayalia attacks m8
[21:42] <Kayalia> 1d20+8
[21:42] <DABot> Kayalia's 1d20(15)+8]: 23
[21:42] <DM_ToA> (hit!)
[21:43] <Kayalia> 4d6+5
[21:43] <DABot> Kayalia's 4d6(4, 1, 1, 6)+5]: 17
[21:43] Kayalia furiously attacks the statue the party is beginning to corner.
[21:43] <DM_ToA> Kayalia whips her fan across – and the wounds remain this time.
[21:44] <DM_ToA> Archers: 2 on Kayalia 2 on Miri 2 on StolbreTooth
[21:44] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 K
[21:44] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(9)+6]: 15
[21:44] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 K
[21:44] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(13)+6]: 19
[21:44] <DM_ToA> 1d8+1 1 K
[21:44] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(1)+1]: 2
[21:44] <DM_ToA> 1d8+1 2 K
[21:44] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(4)+1]: 5
[21:45] <Kayalia> (2nd one would hit even with a parry so I'll uncanny dodge instead)
[21:45] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[21:45] <Kayalia> (why'd you roll damage twice?)
[21:45] <DM_ToA> (two hits, is your AC 14?)
[21:45] <Kayalia> (I have ac 16)
[21:45] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 M
[21:46] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(5)+6]: 11
[21:46] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[21:46] <Kayalia> (19 if I add my proficiency to it as a react)
[21:46] <DM_ToA> (updated the tab)
[21:46] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 M
[21:46] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(6)+6]: 12
[21:46] <Miri> (miss)
[21:46] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 St
[21:46] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(6)+6]: 12
[21:46] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 St
[21:46] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(20)+6]: 26
[21:47] <DM_ToA> (ouch)
[21:47] <Miri> (also i thought it was two attacks on me)
[21:47] <DM_ToA> 2b8+1
[21:47] <DM_ToA> 2d8+1
[21:47] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 2d8(2, 6)+1]: 9
[21:47] <DM_ToA> (yes, Miri – rolled twice: 12 and 11)
[21:47] <DM_ToA> (Stol – take 9 damage)
[21:48] <Miri> (ooh missed the 11, ok)
[21:48] <Miri> (sorry about that)
[21:48] <DM_ToA> (no problem)
[21:48] <DM_ToA> (Xanthos)
[21:51] Xanthos_Beardhand tempts to murderate this statues bow if nothing else
[21:51] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 2#1d20+7
[21:48] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(12)+7]: 19
[21:48] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(11)+7]: 18
[21:51] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 2#1d12+4
[21:48] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d12(8)+4]: 12
[21:48] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d12(3)+4]: 7
[21:49] <DM_ToA> (called shot to the bow itself?)
[21:52] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (why not, I can't damage the thing anyways xD)
[21:49] <Kayalia> (not that called shots really exist in 5e)
[21:49] <Kayalia> (ryu why dont you use the help action?)
[21:52] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (Because I'm a Man! I don't ask for help! :P)
[21:50] <Kayalia> (help acgtion is to feint/distract/otherwise harass an enemy to grant an ally adv on next attack roll)
[21:50] <Kayalia> (since you can't do damage to them with your current wep and all)
[21:50] <DM_ToA> (I'll say you can roll disadvantage for called shots. So, if you want to do a second called shot, you may do so)
[21:53] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 2#1d20+7 (dis)
[21:51] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(2)+7]: 9
[21:51] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(17)+7]: 24
[21:54] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (even with both attacks at disadvantage… Atk1 would be an 18, atk2 would be a 9.. so atk 1 would probably hit then unless its AC is getting bumped up as well)
[21:52] <DM_ToA> (one called shot, roll damage)
[21:54] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 1d10+4
[21:52] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d10(7)+4]: 11
[21:55] <Xanthos_Beardhand> err
[21:55] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 1d12+4
[21:52] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d12(12)+4]: 16
[21:55] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (d12 not d10 v.v)
[21:52] <DM_ToA> 1d20 DC 16
[21:52] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(9)+0]: 9
[21:53] <DM_ToA> The bow shatters into fragments. The statue looks quizzically at its empty hand.
[21:56] <Xanthos_Beardhand> “About,” he huffs, “Bloody time something worked…“
[21:53] <DM_ToA> (Stol)
[21:55] <Kayalia> “Good going, I say, master dwarf. I'm not faring so well despite running to your aid. Kinda feel a a bit flustered, myself.”
[21:55] <DM_ToA> (Stol?)
[21:55] <@StolbreTooth> (sorry)
[21:55] * @StolbreTooth attacks again.
[21:56] <@StolbreTooth> 1d20+7 claw
[21:56] <DABot> [StolbreTooth's 1d20(6)+7]: 13
[21:56] <DM_ToA> (Miss)
[21:56] <@StolbreTooth> (done)\
[21:56] <DM_ToA> (Dylan)
[21:56] <@StolbreTooth> (so excting. :)
[21:57] <Dylan> (one archer remianing?)
[21:57] <DM_ToA> (I wish I could look through the 2nd Ed version of this…)
[21:57] <Miri> (6)
[21:57] <Dylan> (move, attack)
[21:57] <DM_ToA> (3 wounded, 3 unwounded)
[21:57] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[21:57] <DABot> Dylan's 1d20(4)+9]: 13
[21:57] <Dylan> 1d20+9
[21:57] <DABot> Dylan's 1d20(14)+9]: 23
[21:58] <Dylan> 2d6+6
[21:58] <DABot> Dylan's 2d6(6, 3)+6]: 15
[21:58] <Dylan> (done)
[21:58] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[21:59] <DM_ToA> Terres moral support?)
[21:59] <Terres> (i cant jump across the traps, is there no other way to get closer?)
[22:00] <Terres> (yeah pretty much stuck on this side )
[22:00] <DM_ToA> (You would have to jump unless you have a spell to fly)
[22:00] <DM_ToA> (Miri)
[22:00] Miri will take two reckless attacks, one at m8 and one at m7.
[22:00] <Kayalia> (if there is space between the traps could't acrobatics get across or something?)
[22:00] <Miri> 2#1d20+6 adv with recless
[22:00] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(4)+6]: 10
[22:00] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(3)+6]: 9
[22:00] <Miri> 2#1d20+6 adv with recless
[22:00] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(6)+6]: 12
[22:00] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(11)+6]: 17
[22:00] <Terres> (yeah jumping would get me nowhere)
[22:00] <DM_ToA> (one miss, one hit)
[22:01] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing
[22:01] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(4, 4)+5]: 13
[22:01] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[22:01] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(4, 5)+0]: 9
[22:01] <DM_ToA> (Round 6)
[22:01] <Miri> (now advantage on attacks against me)
[22:01] <DM_ToA> (Kaylaia)
[22:03] <Kayalia> 1d20+8
[22:03] <DABot> Kayalia's 1d20(9)+8]: 17
[22:04] Kayalia brings her blades down on m8 again.
[22:04] <DM_ToA> (hit – roll damage)
[22:04] <Kayalia> 4d6+5
[22:04] <DABot> Kayalia's 4d6(1, 1, 1, 4)+5]: 12
[22:04] <Kayalia> (ew.)
[22:07] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (those ones hurt..)
[22:04] <DM_ToA> This statue looks like a hard wind would send it scattering.
[22:05] <Kayalia> (dis bot hates me)
[22:05] <DM_ToA> Archers: 2 on Stol, 2 on Kayalia and 2 on Miri
[22:05] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 S
[22:05] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(9)+6]: 15
[22:05] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 S
[22:05] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(9)+6]: 15
[22:05] <@StolbreTooth> (ac is 16)
[22:05] <DM_ToA> (two misses)
[22:06] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 K
[22:06] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(20)+6]: 26
[22:06] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 K
[22:06] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(2)+6]: 8
[22:06] <Kayalia> (~_~)
[22:06] <Miri> (adv. against me.)
[22:06] <DM_ToA> (one hit, crit and one miss)
[22:06] <DM_ToA> 2d8+1
[22:06] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 2d8(4, 7)+1]: 12
[22:06] <Kayalia> (uncanny dodging for half…)
[22:07] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 M Adv
[22:07] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(13)+6]: 19
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 M Adv
[22:07] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(13)+6]: 19
[22:07] <@StolbreTooth> (Does anyone have log from last week. I took some damage at the beginning of th eattack, and don�t think I wrote it down right)
[22:07] <DM_ToA> (one hit)
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 M Adv
[22:07] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(13)+6]: 19
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 M Adv
[22:07] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(20)+6]: 26
[22:07] <Miri> (nice)
[22:07] <@StolbreTooth> (It was like 8 archers on me and 8 on someone else)
[22:07] <DM_ToA> (one crit hit)
[22:10] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (ouch…)
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 1d8+1
[22:07] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d8(6)+1]: 7
[22:07] <DM_ToA> 2d8+1
[22:08] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 2d8(2, 8)+1]: 11
[22:08] <DM_ToA> (halved to 9)
[22:08] <Miri> (k)
[22:10] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (I haven't uploaded it yet)
[22:08] <Kayalia> (whats miri at?)
[22:08] <DM_ToA> (Xanthos)
[22:08] <Miri> (miri is fine, but you should get out of here :P)
[22:08] <Kayalia> (she must be indestructible ~_~)
[22:09] <Kayalia> (Dylan's healing helped me rebound at least)
[22:09] <DM_ToA> (barbarians are friggin damage sponges)
[22:09] <DM_ToA> (Xanthos)
[22:13] Xanthos_Beardhand makes another called shot aiming for the neck this time
[22:13] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 2#1d20+7 (atk1, dis)
[22:10] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(6)+7]: 13
[22:10] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(8)+7]: 15
[22:10] <DM_ToA> (roll)
[22:13] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 2#1d20+7 (atk2, dis)
[22:10] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(2)+7]: 9
[22:10] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(15)+7]: 22
[22:10] <DM_ToA> (miss)
[22:11] <DM_ToA> (miss again)
[22:11] <DM_ToA> (Squinty)
[22:11] <DM_ToA> (StolbreTooth)
[22:11] * @StolbreTooth attacks again.
[22:11] <@StolbreTooth> 1d20+7 claw
[22:11] <DABot> [StolbreTooth's 1d20(18)+7]: 25
[22:12] <DM_ToA> (hit!)
[22:12] <@StolbreTooth> 2d6+5
[22:12] <DABot> [StolbreTooth's 2d6(6, 3)+5]: 14
[22:13] <DM_ToA> The blow from the tiger's massive paw is enough to send it flying into the wall, where it shatters.
[22:13] <DM_ToA> (Dylan)
[22:13] Dylan attacks
[22:13] <Dylan> 2#1d20+9
[22:13] <DABot> Dylan's 1d20(11)+9]: 20
[22:13] <DABot> Dylan's 1d20(10)+9]: 19
[22:13] <DM_ToA> (two hits)
[22:13] <Dylan> 2#2d6+6
[22:13] <DABot> Dylan's 2d6(1, 5)+6]: 12
[22:13] <DABot> Dylan's 2d6(3, 2)+6]: 11
[22:14] <DM_ToA> Dylan bats this one aside, breaking it in half before the rest of it crmbles away.
[22:14] <DM_ToA> Terres – want to do anything?)
[22:15] <@StolbreTooth> (I moved to beside another one)
[22:16] <Terres> (can i jump it in 3 actions or i cant do it because missing 10ft runnig start
[22:16] <Terres> )
[22:18] <DM_ToA> (I'll say you can do it as one running jump and two standing jumps – meaning your second set of jumps will be as long as 1/2 your strength)
[22:18] <DM_ToA> (but yes, it would be three seperate actions)
[22:18] <Terres> (my str is 10)
[22:19] <Terres> (so chances of me just going face first into the pit are 90%)
[22:19] <DM_ToA> (… looking at it… it might be a gamble on the other two, because the pits are about 5 feet wide)
[22:19] <Terres> (moral support it is)
[22:19] <Kayalia> (shouldn't the jumps be part of movement?)
[22:19] <DM_ToA> (after the first one, yes. To make it fair (?), you opt to roll Athletics)
[22:21] <DM_ToA> (Miri)
[22:21] Miri will take two reckless attacks. One on M8 and one at M6.
[22:21] <Miri> 2#1d20+5 adv with reckless
[22:21] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(16)+5]: 21
[22:21] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(3)+5]: 8
[22:21] <Miri> 2#1d20+5 adv with reckless
[22:21] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(16)+5]: 21
[22:21] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(7)+5]: 12
[22:21] <DM_ToA> (two hits)
[22:21] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing to M8
[22:21] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(3, 4)+5]: 12
[22:21] <Miri> 2d6 fire M8
[22:22] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(5, 1)+0]: 6
[22:22] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing to M6
[22:22] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(6, 5)+5]: 16
[22:22] <Miri> 2d6 fire M6
[22:22] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(2, 3)+0]: 5
[22:23] <DM_ToA> The staute crumbles, with the bow catching fire.
[22:23] <Terres> (yeah sorry my brain is handling my cold at the moment cant think much)
[22:23] <DM_ToA> Round 7
[22:23] <DM_ToA> Kayalia
[22:24] Kayalia tries to finish off her second statue….
[22:24] <Kayalia> 1d20+8
[22:24] <DABot> Kayalia's 1d20(8)+8]: 16
[22:24] <DM_ToA> (miss)
[22:24] <Kayalia> ( : ( )
[22:25] <DM_ToA> Archers: 3 on Miri
[22:25] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 M Adv
[22:25] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(5)+6]: 11
[22:25] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 1 M Adv
[22:25] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(13)+6]: 19
[22:25] <Miri> (that's one)
[22:25] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 M Adv
[22:25] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(9)+6]: 15
[22:25] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 2 M Adv
[22:25] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(4)+6]: 10
[22:25] <Miri> (that's two)
[22:25] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 3 M Adv
[22:25] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(18)+6]: 24
[22:25] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6 3 M Adv
[22:25] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(2)+6]: 8
[22:25] <Miri> (all three hit :D )
[22:25] <DM_ToA> 3d8+3
[22:25] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 3d8(7, 7, 6)+3]: 23
[22:26] <Miri> (halved to 11?)
[22:26] <DM_ToA> (yes)
[22:26] <Miri> (k)
[22:26] <DM_ToA> (Xanthos)
[22:29] Xanthos_Beardhand tries to take out M7's bow
[22:29] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 2#1d20+7
[22:27] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(1)+7]: 8
[22:27] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(7)+7]: 14
[22:29] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 2#1d20+7
[22:27] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(14)+7]: 21
[22:27] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d20(17)+7]: 24
[22:29] <Xanthos_Beardhand> 1d12+4
[22:27] <DABot> Xanthos_Beardhand's 1d12(2)+4]: 6
[22:27] <DM_ToA> (one hit)
[22:27] <DM_ToA> 1d20 DC 6
[22:27] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(6)+0]: 6
[22:27] <DM_ToA> (Pfffft…)
[22:27] <DM_ToA> Xanthos swings for the bow – the blade connects, but turns at the last second.
[22:28] <DM_ToA> (Stol)
[22:28] * @StolbreTooth pounces the archer.
[22:28] <@StolbreTooth> 1d20+7
[22:28] <DABot> [StolbreTooth's 1d20(4)+7]: 11
[22:30] <DM_ToA> (missed)
[22:30] <DM_ToA> (Dylan)
[22:32] <Dylan> (uhm)
[22:32] <Dylan> (move)
[22:32] <Dylan> (each square is five feet?)
[22:32] <DM_ToA> (yes)
[22:32] <Dylan> (the final creature is too surrounded for me to get at)
[22:33] <Dylan> (i dont think i can move through occupied squares unless i am a halfling)
[22:36] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (theres 3, M7, M6, and L6, and you can move through allied squares)
[22:34] <DM_ToA> (correct)
[22:34] <Dylan> (attack on final creature)
[22:34] <Dylan> 2#1d20+9
[22:34] <DABot> Dylan's 1d20(18)+9]: 27
[22:34] <DABot> Dylan's 1d20(3)+9]: 12
[22:34] <Dylan> 2d6+6
[22:34] <DABot> Dylan's 2d6(6, 4)+6]: 16
[22:36] <DM_ToA> (Terres)
[22:36] <DM_ToA> (more moral support?)
[22:36] Terres pulls a piece of jerky from his pack and waits for the other to finish the fight
[22:36] <@StolbreTooth> (You can move through friendly occypied squares. You just can end in one)
[22:37] <DM_ToA> (“Mmm…this is good jerky. I wonder how everyone else is doing?”)
[22:37] <DM_ToA> Miri – that sword is starting to feel heavy)
[22:37] Miri takes two reckless attacks. One at M7 and one at M6.
[22:37] <Miri> 2#1d20+6 adv due to reckless
[22:37] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(5)+6]: 11
[22:37] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(7)+6]: 13
[22:37] <Miri> 2#1d20+6 adv due to reckless
[22:37] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(17)+6]: 23
[22:37] <DABot> Miri's 1d20(16)+6]: 22
[22:37] <Miri> 2d6+5 slashing
[22:37] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(2, 3)+5]: 10
[22:37] <DM_ToA> (M6 got hit)
[22:37] <Miri> 2d6 fire
[22:37] <DABot> Miri's 2d6(6, 2)+0]: 8
[22:38] <DM_ToA> Two stautes remain – one battered and one pristine.
[22:39] <DM_ToA> Round 8
[22:39] <DM_ToA> Kayalia
[22:40] <Kayalia> 1d20+8
[22:40] <DABot> Kayalia's 1d20(20)+8]: 28
[22:40] <DM_ToA> (yeah…I guess that it)
[22:40] <DM_ToA> (yeah…I guess that hit)
[22:40] <@StolbreTooth> (Q: I don�t see where any archers were given disadv for being adjacent to hostiles)
[22:40] Kayalia moves in and slams her blade down on the statue, almost angrily.)
[22:40] <DM_ToA> (roll damage)
[22:41] <Kayalia> 8d6+5 critical sneak attack????
[22:41] <DABot> Kayalia's 8d6(3, 6, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 5)+5]: 30
[22:41] <DM_ToA> Only one statue remains…
[22:41] Kayalia anihilates the statue
[22:42] <DM_ToA> it turns and aims at Kayalia…
[22:42] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6
[22:42] <DABot> <[DM_ToA's 1d20(10)+6]: 16
[22:42] Kayalia parries
[22:44] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (*picks up dust, and covers Kayalia in it*)
[22:42] <DM_ToA> The arrow is knocked aside.
[22:42] <Kayalia> (*cough, wheeze*)
[22:46] Xanthos_Beardhand puts his axe away knowing the others got the last one
[22:43] <DM_ToA> (Stol)
[22:44] <DM_ToA> (Stol?)
[22:44] <@StolbreTooth> (sorry. wife)
[22:47] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (Fuzzy-Stolskin!)
[22:45] <@StolbreTooth> 1d20+7
[22:45] <DABot> [StolbreTooth's 1d20(11)+7]: 18
[22:48] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (Wifes = #1 distraction, #2 = kids, and sports…)
[22:45] <@StolbreTooth> 2d6+6 slashing damage
[22:45] <DABot> [StolbreTooth's 2d6(4, 1)+6]: 11
[22:45] <@StolbreTooth> (kids are in bed now)
[22:47] <DM_ToA> StolbreTooth snarls and slaps down the last statue, crashing it into chunks of rock and dust.
[22:47] * @StolbreTooth licks his paw.
[22:47] <DM_ToA> (tastes like kitty litter)
[22:50] <Xanthos_Beardhand> “Well, that was fun”
[22:50] <Xanthos_Beardhand> (I want to know how <DM_ToA knows what Kitty-Litter tastes like…)
[22:47] <Dylan> (i dont)
[22:48] <Dylan> “It was … an experience”
[22:48] <Miri> “there were three cubes. Do we have all three?”
[22:48] <DM_ToA> (Well…I lived with cats)
[22:48] Kayalia sits on debris. “Whhhhewwwwww…..”
[22:48] Terres hears the commotion ending takes his time to look over the cube he grabbed
[22:49] <Kayalia> “Lets go home now. Hahaha.”
[22:51] Kayalia looks around at the piles of rubble, thinking to herself, a victory dance would be a nice way to elevate the mood, but everywhere just plain hurts right now.
[22:51] <DM_ToA> (a victory sit)
[22:51] Dylan looks over the party
[22:52] <Dylan> (how is everyone hp wise?)
[22:52] * @StolbreTooth moves to the front to guard the entrance. (I�m beat up HP-wise, but ignore cause will reform)
[22:52] <Miri> (i'm ok as long as we rest soon)
[22:52] <Terres> “We did great guys, now lets search this place and take a break before we continue onto anothre shrine!”
[22:52] <Dylan> “I've lost track of why we are going shrine to shrine..”
[22:52] <DM_ToA> (Stol – you see Terres fretting over a puzzle cube at the steps to the temple.
[22:53] Dylan takes the arrow out of his knee
[22:53] Dylan wines
[22:53] <Dylan> (winces)
[22:53] <DM_ToA> (whines?)
[22:53] <DM_ToA> (right)
[22:53] <Miri> “to get what we need to acomplish our task.” she pulls out all the arrows she got hit with like it's nothing.
[22:53] <Dylan> (or that)
[22:53] <Dylan> (wine is good too)
[22:53] <DM_ToA> (which reminds me, I have a bottle of red to finish soon)
[22:54] <DM_ToA> (anyways…)
[22:57] Xanthos_Beardhand starts to de-pincushion himself
[22:54] <Terres> (so whats the deal with multiple cubes here, do we have all of them to compare to the real cubes from other shrines?)
[22:55] <DM_ToA> (The other two cubes are still in their respective rooms)
[22:55] <DM_ToA> As everyone settled down among the dust and familiar confusion…this session of Tomb of Anhiliation comes to a close.