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Hotfix release available: 2024-02-06b "Kaos". upgrade now! [55.2] (what's this?)
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[20:19] <DM_ToA> When last we joined our explorers – they had found the ruins of a camp in front of a tomb. Braving the traps and tricks…even at the peril of their lives…they have taken the sacred jug and rested. Now, as they come out into the sunlight, forces array to snatch their hard fought prize and tonights session begins!
[20:21] <Terres> (i think last time i perceptivised some baddies, i will make sure to point them out to the group if they have not seen them yet)
[20:21] <Ash> (Goblins)
[20:22] <Terres> (to bad we dont do those racial enemies thing, because those would be very high on my list)
[20:24] <Terres> “We have company and they dont look friendly!”
[20:24] <DM_ToA> You all see four goblinoids, wearing wooden masks approach you with clubs with glass like stones stuck on the edges.
[20:25] * Ash lets out a sigh.
[20:25] * Terres cast Mage Armor on himself getting ready fro trouble
[20:25] * Miri- just grins “bring it bitches” lights her great sword.
[20:26] <@Tolman> (We rested? Shirt or long?)
[20:26] <+Miri→ (short)
[20:26] <+Miri→ (so you'd have your animal forms back but not your spells)
[20:27] <DM_ToA> The goblins continue forward…now only ten feet away…
[20:27] <DM_ToA> “Give jug! Give jug or you die!”
[20:28] <Ash> “Go away!”
[20:28] <@Tolman> (Right)
[20:28] <DM_ToA> “Give us jug!”
[20:28] * Miri- would like to rage and attack.
[20:28] <Ash> “Why should we?”
[20:28] <Terres> (The propper response was “What Jug?”)
[20:29] <DM_ToA> “Give us jug! Let you live!”
[20:29] <Terres> “Why dont you go in there and get it yourself, we are not going back there!”
[20:30] <Ash> “We let you leave, you live. She will rip your limbs from your body and beat your dying bodies with them otherwise.”
[20:30] * Ash points to Miri
[20:30] <Ash> (Attempting to intimidate)
[20:30] * Miri- grins rather evilly.
[20:30] <DM_ToA> Ash roll intimidate, DC 11)
[20:31] <DM_ToA> (advanage since Miri is “helping”)
[20:31] <Ash> 1d20+3
[20:31] <PK> Ash throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+3) and gets 6.
[20:31] <Terres> (i was trying to deceive but i guess we are doing this route)
[20:31] <Ash> 1d20+3
[20:31] <PK> Ash throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+3) and gets 15.
[20:32] <DM_ToA> The goblin snarls and raises his club. “WE EAT TONIGHT!”
[20:32] <DM_ToA> (roll initiative, everybody)
[20:32] <+Miri→ 1d20
[20:32] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20) and gets 20.
[20:32] <+Miri→ (damn)
[20:33] <Terres> 1d20+1
[20:33] <PK> Terres throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+1) and gets 10.
[20:33] <Ash> (Uncool, I made my check)
[20:33] <Ash> 1d20
[20:33] <PK> Ash throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20) and gets 8.
[20:33] <Terres> (well you intimidated him, no idea how he would respond to that, fight or flight are both options)
[20:35] * Tolman_ ( has joined #grovewood
[20:35] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Tolman_
[20:35] <@Tolman_> 1d20+2
[20:35] <PK> Tolman_ throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+2) and gets 4.
[20:35] * Tolman_ is now known as Stolanimus
[20:36] <Ash> ~initload Miri: 20, Terres: 10, Ash: 8, Stolanimus: 4
[20:36] <PK> To see current initative /msg me the text ~init or ~initative
[20:36] <DM_ToA> (init order: Baker, Miri Charlie, Terres Ash and Able, Stolanimus Doghouse)
[20:36] <Ash> ~initload Baker, Miri Charlie, Terres Ash and Able, Stolanimus Doghouse
[20:36] <PK> To see current initative /msg me the text ~init or ~initative
[20:36] <Stolanimus> (Sorry, driving thru hills. Losing service )
[20:37] <DM_ToA> (well, that's what tampering with the laws of physics will do to you. Phasing through hills. Really?)
[20:38] <DM_ToA> one of the goblins roars and rushes to Miri As it closes in…you see an arrow zip out from the treeline.
[20:38] * @Tolman ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[20:38] <DM_ToA> (what's your AC, Miri?)
[20:38] <+Miri→ (now technically i already started raging, yes?)
[20:38] <+Miri→ (13)
[20:38] <Terres> (hmm why did Buckaroo Banzai pop into my mind when you mantioned phazing through hills …)
[20:38] <DM_ToA> (Yes, you are raging)
[20:39] <+Miri→ (hahahahahha awesome)
[20:39] <DM_ToA> …and teh arrow strikes you in the chest.
[20:39] <Stolanimus> ( on my init: cast Barksin, morph into Brown Bear. Multi Attack. Bite +5 1d8+4, Claws +5 2d6+4)
[20:39] <DM_ToA> (8 points of damage)
[20:40] <+Miri→ (half so 4)
[20:40] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[20:40] <DM_ToA> (Miri's up)
[20:40] <+Miri→ (while raging i'm resistant to all but psychic damage)
[20:40] <DM_ToA> (and psychic monkies)
[20:40] * Miri- takes her two attacks against the nearest goblin.
[20:40] <+Miri→ 1d20+6
[20:40] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+6) and gets 26.
[20:41] <Terres> (i only hope one of those attacks is with golblins own arm)
[20:41] <DM_ToA> (Well – that was poorly planned)
[20:41] <Stolanimus> (Posted in case 8 dq)
[20:41] <+Miri→ 1d20+6
[20:41] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+6) and gets 17.
[20:41] <+Miri→ (do both hit? and that one looks like a nat twenty)
[20:41] <DM_ToA> (two hits, roll damage…not that it matters since they're goblins)
[20:42] <+Miri→ 4d6+3 slashing
[20:42] <+Miri→ 2d6 fire
[20:42] <Terres> (oh please rip his arm out and then beat him with it…. dont make a liar out of ash)
[20:42] <+Miri→ (did i roll wrong mage?)
[20:42] <Ash> (LOL)
[20:42] <DM_ToA> 4d6+3
[20:42] <PK> <DM_ToA throws the numbered heads of dead players (4d6+3) and gets 18.
[20:42] <+Miri→ 4d6+3
[20:42] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (4d6+3) and gets 17.
[20:42] <Ash> (No stuff after your roll. PK is a simple bot)
[20:42] <+Miri→ 2d6
[20:42] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (2d6) and gets 7.
[20:42] <+Miri→ k
[20:42] <+Miri→ )
[20:43] <+Miri→ 2d6+3
[20:43] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (2d6+3) and gets 10.
[20:43] <+Miri→ 2d6
[20:43] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (2d6) and gets 9.
[20:43] <+Miri→ (43 all together)
[20:44] <DM_ToA> With a roar topping the goblin's – Miri swings her long sword. The smell of cooking sewage rolls out of the wound as the top half of the goblin is spun around like a badly made child's toy.
[20:44] <Terres> (was the one goblin that was talking , the same one that charged at Miri?)
[20:44] <DM_ToA> (five times the damage needed to kill it…)
[20:44] <DM_ToA> (nope)
[20:44] <+Miri→ (well i could always put the second attack on another goblin :P)
[20:45] <DM_ToA> (the next closest one is the one heading for Terres – you going to move to intercept?)
[20:45] <+Miri→ (sure, i got 40 feet of movement)
[20:46] <DM_ToA> Miri run for the goblin heading for Terres – madness shining in her eyes like a blood moon.
[20:46] <+Miri→ (and weapon of choice comes on my playlist lol)
[20:47] <DM_ToA> The goblin heading for Terres skids to a stop just short of slamming into the barbarian…
[20:47] <DM_ToA> …and another arrow wings Miri.
[20:47] <DM_ToA> 1d6+2
[20:47] <PK> <DM_ToA throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d6+2) and gets 7.
[20:47] <DM_ToA> (take 4, Miri)
[20:47] <+Miri→ (k)
[20:48] <DM_ToA> The goblin on the ground tries a half-hearted stab…
[20:48] <DM_ToA> …one of the glass like edges on the club manages to catch your flesh.
[20:49] <DM_ToA> 1d6+2
[20:49] <PK> <DM_ToA throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d6+2) and gets 8.
[20:49] <DM_ToA> (take 4, Miri)
[20:49] <+Miri→ (k)
[20:49] * Silverlion ( Quit (Connection closed)
[20:50] * Tolman ( has joined #grovewood
[20:50] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Tolman
[20:50] <Terres> (can we see the goblins lobin arrows at us?)
[20:50] <DM_ToA> (make a perception roll)
[20:51] <Terres> 1d20+3
[20:51] <PK> Terres throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+3) and gets 17.
[20:51] <DM_ToA> 1d20+6
[20:51] <PK> <DM_ToA throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+6) and gets 17.
[20:51] <DM_ToA> (nope)
[20:51] * Stolanimus ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[20:51] <+Miri→ (just realized i forgot extra rage damage, oh well lol)
[20:52] <DM_ToA> (He's Dead, Miri.)
[20:52] <+Miri→ (i know)
[20:53] <DM_ToA> (He's deader than dead. There isn't enough duct tape to put him back together.)
[20:53] <Terres> (nothing wrong with overkill)
[20:53] <DM_ToA> Terres doing anything?)
[20:54] <Terres> (do i see the goblin that was mouthing off at us earlier?)
[20:54] <DM_ToA> (He looks like he's angling for Ash)
[20:55] * Terres points at the goblins and casts Scorching Ray
[20:55] <@Tolman> (Note: I took the Sentinel, so one square away from anyone by me.
[20:55] <Terres> (its actually 2 rays )
[20:55] <Terres> 1d20+6
[20:55] <PK> Terres throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+6) and gets 23.
[20:55] <Terres> 1d20+6
[20:55] <PK> Terres throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+6) and gets 18.
[20:56] <@Tolman> … attacking not me I get an intercept attack)
[20:56] <+Miri→ (sentinel being the feat beau and yasha took, if that helps you know what he means )
[20:56] <DM_ToA> (both hit, roll damage)
[20:57] <Terres> 4d6
[20:57] <PK> Terres throws the numbered heads of dead players (4d6) and gets 12.
[20:57] <DM_ToA> (you're attacking hte one going for Ash?)
[20:57] <Terres> (yes)
[20:57] <DM_ToA> (You all are a bunch of Overkill fiends)
[20:57] <Terres> (the one going for me is currently dancing with miri)
[20:58] <+Miri→ (i'm built to bash things! and enjoy while i do it. what you expect?)
[20:58] <DM_ToA> The goblin screams as two golden beams flash out from Terres's palms. Flames race of from the point of impact, making what's left sizzle and pop with the scent of burnt rotten bacon.
[20:59] * Ash enchants his club with Shillelagh and then goes after the closest goblin.
[20:59] <Ash> 1d20+5
[20:59] <PK> Ash throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+5) and gets 17.
[20:59] <Terres> (who is left?)
[20:59] <Ash> 1d8+2
[20:59] <PK> Ash throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d8+2) and gets 7.
[21:00] <@Tolman> (If most are dead by my turn, I won’t morph)
[21:00] <Terres> (still have the bushwhackers with arros )
[21:00] <Terres> (arrows)
[21:00] <DM_ToA> Another arrow from the treeline whistles out, striking Terres.
[21:01] <DM_ToA> (AC?)
[21:01] <Terres> (14)
[21:01] <DM_ToA> 1d6+2
[21:01] <PK> <DM_ToA throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d6+2) and gets 8.
[21:01] <Terres> (can i try to see who is pelting me with arrows again)
[21:01] <DM_ToA> (take 8)
[21:01] <DM_ToA> roll perception
[21:01] <Terres> 1d20+3
[21:01] <PK> Terres throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+3) and gets 19.
[21:03] <Terres> (oh , one thing i forgot, if i reduce an enemy to 0 i get some temp HP i think)
[21:03] <DM_ToA> (You managed to reduce it far beyond zero)
[21:03] * Terres looks at the goblin that shot him and casts Hellish rebuke (reaction)
[21:03] <DM_ToA> (let me look at that…)
[21:03] <DM_ToA> (figure out your temp HP)
[21:04] <Terres> (yeah it was 7 temp hp so i lose that and an extra)
[21:04] <Terres> (its a 14 dc dex save for half dmg)
[21:07] <DM_ToA> You point at the goblin as he nocks another arrow. Gouts of sickly gree flame surround him, catching his body and mask on fire. He whimpers as he collapses.
[21:07] <DM_ToA> (I'm running out of flame-based smell metaphors, guys. How about change it up a little? Nothing wrong with ice.)
[21:07] <Terres> (is he dead?)
[21:07] <+Miri→ (green flame!)
[21:08] <DM_ToA> (Yep – roll 9 damage, needed a six)
[21:08] <Terres> (GREEN FLAME)
[21:08] <Terres> (so i get more temp HP)
[21:08] <DM_ToA> (Ash?)
[21:08] <DM_ToA> (only one left on the ground)
[21:09] <Ash> (Back to my turn already?)
[21:09] <Terres> (my thing was a reaction, i think we are top of ine again)
[21:09] <DM_ToA> (oh, sorry – it's Stol's turn)
[21:09] <Terres> (or Stol)
[21:09] * @Tolman moves into range and casts Prodice flame.
[21:10] <@Tolman> 1d20+6
[21:10] <PK> Tolman throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+6) and gets 18.
[21:10] <DM_ToA> (hits)
[21:10] <@Tolman> 1d8
[21:10] <PK> Tolman throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d8) and gets 3.
[21:11] <DM_ToA> The ball of flame hits him on the chest. He starts patting out the flames before they catch on his mask.
[21:11] <DM_ToA> The last living goblin lunges for the spellcaster that hurt him…
[21:12] <DM_ToA> …and slips on some ichor. His swing goes wide around Stol.
[21:12] <DM_ToA> (What is your current AC Stol?)
[21:13] <@Tolman> 16
[21:13] <DM_ToA> The arrow from the treeline is caught by a cross breeze and misses you.
[21:14] <DM_ToA> (back up top)
[21:14] <DM_ToA> An arrow whizzes by Miri.
[21:14] <DM_ToA> Miri up)
[21:14] <+Miri→ (there is one left on the ground?)
[21:14] <Terres> Miri grab a goblin arm and start a swingin!!!)
[21:14] <DM_ToA> (one left, yes)
[21:15] * Miri- swings at the one left on the ground.
[21:15] <+Miri→ 1d20+6
[21:15] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+6) and gets 9.
[21:15] * Miri- will try once more, getting even more angry that she missed such a simple creature.
[21:15] <+Miri→ 1d20+6
[21:15] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+6) and gets 21.
[21:15] <DM_ToA> Miri swings, but the goblin keens and drops down as the weapon whistles overhead.
[21:15] <+Miri→ 2d6+5
[21:15] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (2d6+5) and gets 12.
[21:15] <@Tolman> (Just told my wife that 12 seconds have passed since game started and she freaked out)
[21:15] <+Miri→ 2d6
[21:15] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (2d6) and gets 4.
[21:16] <+Miri→ (16 total points)
[21:16] <DM_ToA> The next one arcs down and snaps his back. He flops down the steps, his limbs landing in an unnatural angle.
[21:16] * Miri- will then start moving for what ever is in the tree line.
[21:16] <DM_ToA> (Terres)
[21:17] * Terres looks around for any more enemies
[21:17] <Terres> (who is left)
[21:18] <DM_ToA> (No one on the ground – everyone else is shooting you)
[21:18] * Terres tries again to spot a goblin shooting the group
[21:19] <Terres> 1d20+3
[21:19] <PK> Terres throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+3) and gets 16.
[21:19] <DM_ToA> (You don't see anything else in the treeline)
[21:19] * Terres takes a defensive position behind Miri
[21:20] <@Tolman> (Do we have a sense of how many unseen mobs are shooting at us?)
[21:20] <DM_ToA> (Ash?)
[21:20] * Ash looks for a goblin archer
[21:20] <Ash> 1d20+2
[21:20] <PK> Ash throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+2) and gets 7.
[21:21] <DM_ToA> (You know that there are two goblins for each of you.)
[21:21] * Ash doesn't see any, so heads towards the source of the last arrow he saw.
[21:21] <DM_ToA> (You don't see any, Ash)
[21:21] <DM_ToA> (Stol?)
[21:21] <DM_ToA> (Anyone moving to the treeline will get there in the next combat round)
[21:22] * @Tolman advances
[21:22] <@Tolman> (So no target this round?)
[21:23] <DM_ToA> (Nope – can I have you roll perception, DC 13, please?)
[21:23] <DM_ToA> (brb)
[21:23] <@Tolman> 1d20+6
[21:23] <PK> Tolman throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+6) and gets 8.
[21:30] <DM_ToA> The jungle is quiet, in spite of the carnage.
[21:31] <DM_ToA> An arrow is launched and strikes Stolanimus in the side.
[21:31] <DM_ToA> 1d6+2
[21:31] <PK> <DM_ToA throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d6+2) and gets 8.
[21:31] <DM_ToA> (ouch – 8 points of damage)
[21:33] <@Tolman> (Ouch)
[21:34] <DM_ToA> (top of the order)
[21:34] <DM_ToA> An arrow hits Miri in the shoulder.
[21:34] <DM_ToA> (6 points of damage
[21:34] <+Miri→ (halved to 3?)
[21:35] <DM_ToA> (yep)
[21:36] <DM_ToA> (Miri)
[21:36] * Miri- is at the tree line and looks for where the arrow just came from.
[21:36] <DM_ToA> (perception, dc 11)
[21:36] <+Miri→ 1d20
[21:36] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20) and gets 19.
[21:37] <DM_ToA> (You see a wooden mask bob down about 15 feet away)
[21:37] * Miri- moves the 15 feet and swings twice.
[21:37] <+Miri→ 1d20+6
[21:37] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+6) and gets 17.
[21:37] <+Miri→ 1d20+6
[21:37] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+6) and gets 23.
[21:39] <DM_ToA> (roll damage 2 times)
[21:39] <DM_ToA> (
[21:39] <+Miri→ 2d6+5
[21:39] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (2d6+5) and gets 11.
[21:39] <+Miri→ 2d6+5
[21:39] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (2d6+5) and gets 15.
[21:39] <+Miri→ 2d6
[21:39] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (2d6) and gets 5.
[21:39] <+Miri→ 2d6
[21:39] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (2d6) and gets 6.
[21:41] <DM_ToA> (Terres)
[21:41] * Terres tries to scan the treeline for any further Goblins after losing his Miri shield
[21:41] <Terres> 1d20+3
[21:41] <PK> Terres throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+3) and gets 9.
[21:41] <DM_ToA> (You don't see any others.)
[21:41] <Terres> (do i have any idea where the goblin as at?)
[21:42] <Terres> (and how far is the tree line from me?)
[21:42] <+Miri→ (miri shield, now avaiable at all your fine local retailers :P)
[21:42] <DM_ToA> (You see Miri spitroasting one with her blade…but since he's busy…)
[21:43] <Terres> (is the tree line within 30 feet from me?)
[21:44] <DM_ToA> (yes)
[21:45] <DM_ToA> (Screw it – burn down the whole friggin' jungle)
[21:45] <Terres> (i want to cast minor illusion to one side of where i suspect the goblin to be)
[21:45] <Terres> (want to flush him out)
[21:45] <DM_ToA> (What's your illusion?)
[21:45] <Terres> (just a sound of a bunch of those monkeys in the treeline where the goblin is hiding)
[21:46] <+Miri→ (brb)
[21:46] <DM_ToA> (ok)
[21:46] <Terres> (and thats it from me, hopefully it will spook it into revealing)
[21:46] <DM_ToA> (What's the spell DC?)
[21:47] <Terres> (not a spell check, the sound just happens i think)
[21:47] <DM_ToA> (they get a check to disbelieve)
[21:47] <Terres> (the creature must take action to examine the sound to figure out if its real)
[21:48] <Terres> (successful intl check dc 14)
[21:48] <DM_ToA> 1d20 DC 14
[21:48] <DM_ToA> 1d20
[21:48] <PK> <DM_ToA throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20) and gets 18.
[21:48] <DM_ToA> (Ash)
[21:48] <Terres> (the rest of you hear a bunch of monkeys)
[21:48] <Ash> 1d20+2
[21:48] <PK> Ash throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+2) and gets 10.
[21:49] * Ash looks around for goblins and monkeys at the tree line.
[21:49] <Terres> “Dont worry about the monkeys for now!”
[21:49] <DM_ToA> (Int check for the monkey sounds (advantage for Terres helping), perception for the goblins
[21:50] <Ash> (I rolled 10 for Perception)
[21:50] <+Miri→ (back)
[21:50] <DM_ToA> (You see the body of a goblin, he's not looking at you, but seems to be sizing up Stol)
[21:51] * Ash goes over to bludgeon him.
[21:51] <Ash> 1d20+5
[21:51] <PK> Ash throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+5) and gets 20.
[21:51] <Ash> 1d8+2
[21:51] <PK> Ash throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d8+2) and gets 10.
[21:51] <DM_ToA> (You get a surprise attack as he's not paying attention)
[21:51] <DM_ToA> (Which doesn't matter…)
[21:52] <DM_ToA> Ash brings his weapon down. The goblin skull cracks wide open, spraying black, chunky ichor on the leaves.
[21:52] <DM_ToA> (Stol?)
[21:52] <Terres> (so were the goblins undead?)
[21:54] <DM_ToA> (no, just disgusting)
[21:56] <@Tolman> (I’m at the tree line now right? Do I see a target?)
[21:56] <DM_ToA> (roll perception)
[21:56] <@Tolman> 1d20+6
[21:56] <PK> Tolman throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+6) and gets 9.
[21:57] <DM_ToA> (No other goblins there)
[21:58] <@Tolman> seeking cover behind tree at tree line til I have target
[21:59] <DM_ToA> (ok – you have your pick of trees)
[21:59] <DM_ToA> (back up top – round 6)
[22:00] <DM_ToA> (Miri?)
[22:00] * Miri- is gonn a look for another target to hit.
[22:00] <+Miri→ 1d20
[22:00] <PK> Miri- throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20) and gets 9.
[22:00] <DM_ToA> (none to be seen)
[22:00] <+Miri→ “Come face me you putrid cowards!”
[22:00] <+Miri→ (and that will be my turn)
[22:01] <DM_ToA> (Terres)
[22:01] * Terres tries to look for any more Goblins
[22:01] <Terres> 1d20+3
[22:01] <PK> Terres throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+3) and gets 7.
[22:02] * Terres tries to find some cover
[22:03] <DM_ToA> (You see a willing tree)
[22:03] <Terres> (lets give a close hug then)
[22:03] <DM_ToA> (ash)
[22:04] * Ash also looks some more, and moves around the perimeter if he doesn't see any initially.
[22:04] <Ash> 1d20+2
[22:04] <PK> Ash throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+2) and gets 20.
[22:04] <DM_ToA> (You see another masked goblin, trying to move around and outflank Miri It's 20 feet away)
[22:04] <Ash> 1d20+5
[22:04] <PK> Ash throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+5) and gets 23.
[22:05] <Ash> 1d8+2
[22:05] <PK> Ash throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d8+2) and gets 5.
[22:05] * Ash moves to intercept and clubs the little bastard.
[22:07] <@Tolman> (if Ash is melee with a target can I see it?)
[22:07] <DM_ToA> You strike and the goblin stumbles in a daze.
[22:07] <DM_ToA> (Yes)
[22:08] <DM_ToA> The goblin disengages and takes off.
[22:09] <@Tolman> (from arrows etc do we know how many are atracking?)
[22:09] <DM_ToA> (10 total)
[22:09] <+Miri→ (and we've killed how many?)
[22:10] <DM_ToA> (9)
[22:10] <+Miri→ (and the last one ran away? kewl)
[22:11] <Ash> (On my turn, attacking the fleeing one)
[22:13] <DM_ToA> (ok – your turn)
[22:14] * Ash will strike the fleeing goblin with a sacred flame.
[22:14] <Ash> (DC 13 Dex Save)
[22:14] <DM_ToA> 1d20+2
[22:14] <PK> <DM_ToA throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+2) and gets 13.
[22:15] <Ash> (boo)
[22:15] <@Tolman> Stol shoots a fa
[22:15] <DM_ToA> The sacred flame scorches overhead…so close.
[22:15] <DM_ToA> (roll to see if you fa hits, Stol)
[22:15] <@Tolman> Stol shoots a flame at fleeing goblin
[22:16] <@Tolman> 1d20+6
[22:16] <PK> Tolman throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d20+6) and gets 20.
[22:16] <DM_ToA> roll damage
[22:16] <@Tolman> 1d8
[22:16] <PK> Tolman throws the numbered heads of dead players (1d8) and gets 5.
[22:17] <DM_ToA> The goblin bursts into flames…staggers a few feet and them collapses on the ground. The damp leaves around him start to steam and smoke.
[22:17] <DM_ToA> (split up 400 xp between the lot of ya)
[22:17] <+Miri→ (so 100 xp each?)
[22:17] <Ash> (So 100 each)
[22:18] * Dylan ( has joined #grovewood
[22:19] <+Miri→ (you missed it, we all died :P)
[22:19] <DM_ToA> (yep)
[22:19] <Dylan> (oh oops)
[22:19] <DM_ToA> (What's your AC Dylan?)
[22:20] <Dylan> (lemme checl)
[22:21] <Dylan> (16)
[22:22] <DM_ToA> The only sounds you hear are of the various goblin corpses buring in the jungle and the temple opening.
[22:22] <@Tolman> looking around
[22:23] <DM_ToA> (burning goblin…burning goblin…half goblin…)
[22:24] * Ash takes a breather.
[22:24] <Dylan> (why are some people in character name and others not?)
[22:24] * Miri- cleans off her sword and sheeths it. “well…shall we attempt to get a proper rest back at camp?”
[22:25] <+Miri→ (tol is driving through the country and keeps loosing signal)
[22:25] <Ash> “Works for me.”
[22:25] * Miri- will move back into camp to find a place to kip for a long rest.
[22:26] <@Tolman> “yes lets proper camp”
[22:26] <DM_ToA> You all make it back to the ruined camp and manage to cobble together some shelter.
[22:27] * Miri- will take a watch.
[22:28] * Terres will take a second watch
[22:28] <@Tolman> will take middle watch
[22:29] * Ash will take a late night watch
[22:29] <@Tolman> or third then
[22:29] <@Tolman> ok middle
[22:29] * Dylan takes a watch
[22:31] <DM_ToA> The night passes without further incident.
[22:33] * @Tolman ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[22:33] * Tolman_ ( has joined #grovewood
[22:33] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Tolman_
[22:34] <@Tolman_> (pulling into campground nite)
[22:34] <Ash> (Night Tol)
[22:34] <+Miri→ (are we stopping here for the night dm?)
[22:35] <DM_ToA> (Yes, I do have to get ready for tomorrow. Everyone gets 500 XP on top of the XP for combat)

campaigns/harl_s_mad_temple_delight/session_15_-_7-22-2018.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/03 00:44 by