[19:43] <@MGyST> The morning sun rises quick to the East – a bloody eye exposing a bloodier night in the town of Grovewood, Florida. Welcome to the first chapter of “The Maddening Gyre” “O Death, Would You Spare Me Over Another?” [19:43] * Tolman is now known as Ben_Tolifyr [19:44] <@Ben_Tolifyr> (oh, also, if you add a modifier to a d10, then it ignores the WoD system, and just does a regular roll.) [19:44] <@Ben_Tolifyr> 1d10+3-2 [19:44] <TolBot> [Ben_Tolifyr's 1d10(4)+3-2]: 5 [19:44] <Julius> [he whispers back “No”,and pulls out your still-beating heart] [19:44] <Zephyrella> <lol> [19:44] * @Kya grabs the heart and eats it. [19:44] <@MGyST> [was hoping he'd whisper 'Hodor'] [19:44] * Crichton (Crichton@d3e43a24.hsd1.mi.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) has left #grovewood [19:45] * Dylan (Crichton@d3e43a24.hsd1.mi.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) has joined #grovewood [19:45] * @Kya shares with Lucinda. [19:45] <@MGyST> (Current game time, 9:45 AM) [19:47] <Dylan> 1) [19:47] <@MGyST> (Tuesday) [19:47] <Zephyrella> <one that ends in y> [19:47] <Dylan> 2) [19:48] <@MGyST> (What are you guys doing this Gosh-Awful early morning) [19:48] <Julius> [making breakfast] [19:49] <@Kya> /me in her fae form appears to be a little girl of roughly 12 years of age, with deathly white skin, lightly pointed ears, hair as black as night, and eyes that feel almost soulless. Bits of frost form where she touches, if only briefly. Most people don't even notice her, as if she didn't exist, like a ghost or one of those mythical very well behaved children you hear about in fairy tales. [19:49] <@Kya> With her is a hand-sewn white doll with stringy hair, and expressionless appearance, save for ruby red lips, surrounded by what looks like an attempt at red water color or Kool-Aid around the mouth. [19:49] <Zephyrella> <coffee, paper, and news> [19:49] <@Kya> (Well since I'm not sure where I'm living at the moment, I could be anywhere. [19:50] <@MGyST> (Yes, please throw out a description, or link of a picture) [19:50] <@MGyST> (There is a sizeable homeless population…some by choice, some by circumstance) [19:51] <Zephyrella> < http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/074/4/4/seductress_by_ardella-d3bopmh.jpg more pointy ears and big eyes for fae, lack of ivy for hooman> [19:51] <@Kya> (Well then I'd either be living with my Winter Court sponsor, or in a card board box somewhere near a fabric store.) [19:52] * @Akuma_Tokai stands roughly 6' tall, 250 pounds, and has short black hair, blue eyes that seem to change color, almost a military hair cut, dressed in a suit and tie, not looking very friendly. [19:54] <@MGyST> There is something off in the air today. The vibes in the city feel expectant. [19:54] <@Akuma_Tokai> (this is immediately following last sessions events yes?) [19:54] * Julius is of average height, around 5'8“, pale complexion with medium length brown hair. Very slender and lanky [19:54] * Dylan woke up a little later than he planned to but that didnt matter. It was his day off from tending the park. From there he went about a morning routine that he could follow blindfolded and asleep. Within the next 30minute he would have showered, and eaten breakfast while reading yesterday's news. It was yesterday's news because todays news always sucked. He lived in a small loft [19:54] * Dylan apartment within walking distance of his work. He was around 6'ft tall but looked much older than he really was thanks to the rough looking skin, a clear indication he worked long hours under the sun most f them time. He was a bit of a lanky sort with long arms, black hair and deep, emerald green eyes. [19:54] <@MGyST> (Couple days later) [19:55] <Dylan> 3) [19:56] <@Akuma_Tokai> (are we all in the same place?) [19:56] * Zephyrella gazes off into the winds perking at the strange anxiety floating through the air [19:56] <Dylan> 4) [19:57] <@MGyST> (I doubt it, but that particular little place is where the Summer Court tends to hold up) [19:57] <Dylan> 5) [19:57] <@Akuma_Tokai> (I'm summer court…) [19:58] <@MGyST> (Anyone here not Summer Court?) [19:58] <Julius> [winter court here] [19:58] <@Kya> (What season is it presently in game?) [19:58] <@Kya> (Winter here) [19:58] <@MGyST> (Summer) [19:59] <@MGyST> (10:00 AM) [19:59] <Zephyrella> <spring> [19:59] <@MGyST> (anyone here have some sort of police contacts?) [19:59] <Dylan> 6) [19:59] <@Akuma_Tokai> (besides me? well, i'm guessing mines higher than police) [20:00] <Dylan> 7) [20:01] <@Ben_Tolifyr> (I’m Sun court) [20:02] <@Kya> (I'm surrounded by a bunch of heat lovers… and Julius) [20:02] <Julius> [lol] [20:02] <Zephyrella> <XD what was dylan?> [20:02] <@Kya> (Summer) [20:02] <Dylan> 8) [20:03] <Zephyrella> <so 3 summers, 2 winters, and a spring> [20:03] <@Kya> (Walk into a bar…) [20:03] <Zephyrella> <pardon the pun, but i think we are going to have a fall-ing out> [20:03] <Julius> [the summers break it] [20:03] <Dylan> 9) [20:04] <@Kya> (3 summers? Other than Dylan, who was a summer?) [20:04] <Zephyrella> <ben> [20:04] <@MGyST> (The Courts here are… cooly civil with each other) [20:04] <@Kya> (He said sun earlier.) [20:04] <Zephyrella> <and akuma> [20:05] * Dylan on hearing the news over the old TV set he has, he slams his fist down before trying to get a hold of some of the others from his court to see if there was any other news about a homicide of one of their own. [20:05] <Zephyrella> <i read sum…derp> [20:05] <Dylan> 10) [20:06] <Zephyrella> <yea…sun is something else?> [20:07] * @Kya wanders the streets with her doll, looking for something to do on this dreadfully bright day. [20:08] * Zephyrella is strikingly curious by these strange feelings, and heads out to wander a bit to see where the strange wavelengths might just lead her. [20:09] <Tasso> (sorry, been running behind… also, Autumn Court ;) ) [20:09] <@Ben_Tolifyr> (did I mess up? I can switch to summer from sun) [20:09] * @Akuma_Tokai reads over some intelligence documents on his work PC, getting ready for the day ahead. [20:09] <@MGyST> (making final notes here – please list your court if you have such) [20:09] <Julius> [winter] [20:10] <Zephyrella> <Spring> [20:10] * Tasso is now known as Peter` [20:11] <@Kya> (Winter) [20:11] * @Ben_Tolifyr is clearly a sharpt guy, 5’10”, college professor and programmer prior to his abduction. (Wizened/Drudge/Sun) [20:11] * Peter` walks in, carrying a stack of books. “Sorry I'm late. Found some books at the Autumn Court library.” [20:13] <Zephyrella> <should we just give all so everyone has a base list of who is what?> [20:13] <@MGyST> (Yes) [20:14] <Zephyrella> <Spring Flowering Fairest> [20:14] <@Kya> (Darkling / Leechfinger / Winter / Creepy little girl) [20:14] <Julius> [darkling lurker winter] [20:14] <Dylan> 11) [20:15] <@Akuma_Tokai> (Ogre / Cyclopean / Summer/ Scary mo-fo) [20:15] <Dylan> 12) [20:15] <@MGyST> (Thanks) [20:15] <Peter`> (I am SO TIRED of my housemates… EVERY Sunday… problems…) [20:15] <Zephyrella> <shoot them all?> [20:16] <@MGyST> (bullets cost money) [20:16] <Zephyrella> <ill send you some of mine [20:16] <Julius> [burn them all?] [20:16] <@MGyST> (There's a Kickstarter) [20:16] <Peter`> (darkling antiquarian of the autumn court. 5'10”, 26 years old, 175 lbs, dark brown hair, blue eyes) [20:17] <Julius> [what are the backer tiers?] [20:17] <@MGyST> [Where's the one where I pull the trigger] [20:17] * @Akuma_Tokai tosses his sidearm into a desk drawer and throws his wallet/badge onto his desk, then rubs his eyes, tired of reading the same old dry documents. [20:17] <Zephyrella> <tier 1: bruised shin, tier 2: arrow to the knee, tier 3: flesh wound, tier 4: cap em like ole yeller> [20:18] <Dylan> 13) [20:18] <@Akuma_Tokai> 14) [20:31] <Zephyrella> <sounds good [20:33] <@MGyST> The King of the Summer Court steps out onto the small makeshift stage. The eldest of the Lost, he sits down in a ratty recliner. Even now, he looks older than even the cruelest of Durances. He clears his throat, scratches the growth on his cheeks and looks at the assembled crowd. [20:34] <@MGyST> “My children… we…we have lost one of our own. Crystal – she… she died. Jack Robin tells me it was murder, but I want to say this –” [20:34] <@MGyST> He stands up, growing in stature like a Prophet from the Old Testament. [20:36] <@MGyST> “We do not know who…or what did this. It will be easy to look to the other courts for answers, or even blame. This Court will not. Let our vengeance run hot as the sun, but let it fall on the guilty, not the unlucky.” [20:37] <@MGyST> “I will contact the other Courts and ask them for assistance. In the meantime, I ask all here to help in whatever way you can…but we must keep this away from the mortals. Am I clear?” [20:37] * Shaddow (me@14055af3.14055af5.206.128.imsk) has joined #grovewood [20:37] <@Akuma_Tokai> “Yes Sir.” [20:37] <@MGyST> The King nods. [20:38] <@Kya> (Hey Shaddow) [20:38] <@MGyST> “A good man. If you have friends of a similiar bend, beg their help and it will not go unnoticed by the Court. I give my word.” [20:40] * Dylan gives a firm nod, alreayd thinking bout his allie's contact number incase he could grab a little more information out of them for this issue. Crystal was a good person over all in his mind adn her death really ticked him off. [20:40] <Shaddow> (hi, sorry i'm late) [20:40] <Zephyrella> <its alright…ill just unf you extra later> [20:40] <@MGyST> (no problem – what court are you? I'm drawing a list.) [20:41] <@Kya> (You're forgiven if you brought cookies.) [20:41] <Julius> [especially if theyre girl scout cookies] [20:41] <Shaddow> (i'm sitting this game out :P *hands over cookies and sake to whelp*) [20:41] <@MGyST> (You'll be knighted if they're Red Velvet Fudge striped) [20:41] <@Kya> (/me glares at Akuma, who got all the cookies) [20:42] <Shaddow> (they are, also pumpkin, thin mints, chocolate chip, snicker doodle…) [20:42] <@Akuma_Tokai> (/me noms the cookies) [20:42] <@Kya> (/me continues to glare at Akuma) [20:42] <@MGyST> At 5:00, the King of the Winter Court comes out – a man of frenetic energy, he paces the stage. [20:42] <Zephyrella> </me steals the sake while he is busy witht he cookie> [20:42] * @Kya remains motionless and hidden in her balcony chair. [20:43] * Peter` spends time in the converted library before the Autumn Court is assembled. [20:43] <Shaddow> (*gives some to kya too, as akuma got sake :P) [20:43] <@Kya> (/me hugs Shaddow) [20:44] <Shaddow> (*hugs* now back to the story :P) [20:44] <@MGyST> “The Envoy to the Summer Court was killed. Naturally, the Summer Court howls for revenge and of course, they're going to look to us, first. So, we're going to head them off at the pass. If you can help, do so – but give nothing else. The less rope we feed them, the less they'll have to try to hang us with.” [20:45] <@MGyST> “But if you find something that's going to be damning to us…give it to me directly. I will not tolerate the death of one of our kind here, but I will tolerate the death of the Court even less.” [20:45] <@MGyST> The King snaps his fingers impatiently… [20:46] * Julius sighs and nods [20:46] <@MGyST> “Go! Go!” [20:47] * Julius leaves,looking around for Kya as he does so [20:47] <@MGyST> [20:47] <@MGyST> The Autumn Court gathers in a grassbare spot. The King scuffles in his worn shoes. [20:47] * @Kya sneaks up on Julius and tugs on his waistband. [20:48] <@Kya> “Hello Big Brother Julius” [20:48] <Julius> “Ah,there you are little one.” [20:48] <@Kya> “Yup” [20:49] <@MGyST> “The Summer Envoy is dead. The Summer Court is asking for help. I ask my subjects that we do everything we can. Set aside notions of rivalies and borders. Today, we are all Summer's Kin. Do what you can.” [20:50] <@MGyST> The Queen of the Spring Court sniffles once, dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief. Her beauty radiates even through the grief. [20:52] <@MGyST> “Suh…someone killed my sister. I…find them! Find who did this! Bring them to me! I want their fucking head! I want their fucking heart! DEAD OR ALIVE!” [20:52] <@MGyST> The grass wilts in a small path where she walks. [20:53] <@MGyST> (I think that's everyone – if not, well, you'll get pressed into it soon enough.) [20:53] * Peter` nods and goes to find his acquaintences from the other night. [20:54] <Zephyrella> “Yes Mistress…” [20:55] * @Ben_Tolifyr sits in the back of his court meeting, still new to life back from the Fae. [20:55] <@Kya> “So big brother Julius, I hope we can find who did this before anybody else, so none of our friends get hurt by the summer court.” [20:55] <@MGyST> At the Summer Court, you see Jack Robin – the Sheriff of the Court – and King Jacob talking. They stop and look at the PCs directly. Jack breaks away from the King and heads for them. [20:55] <Julius> “Yes,that would be preferable…” [20:55] * Zephyrella grins a vile grin as she turns to begin the hunt. “Soon enough your desires shall be had my Queen…Just leave this to me…” [20:55] <@MGyST> “Hey, yougottaminute?” [20:56] <Julius> “Come. Let us find our friends from yesterday.” [20:56] <@MGyST> Jack Robin fishes a can of energy drink out of his jacket pocket, and takes out a small pink packet. [20:56] <@Kya> “OK” [20:56] <Dylan> “Something else I can help with Sherrif?” [20:56] * @Kya skips along with her doll in tow. [20:56] <@MGyST> “Yeah, hangon.” [20:56] * @Akuma_Tokai looks at the Sheriff quietly [20:57] <@MGyST> Jack opens up the can, and rips open the packet, dumping the contents into the can and carefully swirling it around. [20:57] <@MGyST> “Wherewereyoulastnightandthismorningaroundsaytenoclock?” [20:58] <@MGyST> Jack drinks deep from the can. [20:58] <Zephyrella> <someones on a caffine rush> [20:59] <@MGyST> “Wereyouasleep?Pfft,sleep?Whohastimeforthat?” [21:00] <@MGyST> He takes another long pull, and pours in another packet. [21:00] <@MGyST> [21:00] <Dylan> “Stopped in here for a cup of joe, when home. Slept til 9:45 or.. Why?” [21:00] <@MGyST> “Thistuddgetsblandfastandflattoo.Wherewerey'all?” [21:00] * @Ben_Tolifyr siets down in front of Jack the Sherrif. [21:01] * @Ben_Tolifyr titls his head, confused. [21:01] <@Kya> (I don't think Ben would be in the Summer court) [21:01] <@Ben_Tolifyr> *tilts [21:01] <Dylan> 15) [21:01] <@MGyST> “That'swhenIsawthebodyanditlookedlikeshehadn'tbeendeadforverylong.Idon'tknowwho'dwanttokillCrystal.” [21:02] <@Ben_Tolifyr> (oh, sorry. though Harl told my Crystal was in my court, so I thought he moved or merged me) [21:02] <Dylan> 16) [21:02] * @Akuma_Tokai just eyes Jack, not saying a word, rage gently burning behind his eyes. [21:02] <@Kya> (Nah, you got a “you would eventually find out from your court” explanation) [21:03] <@MGyST> (true – but , yes this does circulate through the courts quickly. Crystal was the one person that everyone else seemed to at least tolerate) [21:03] <Dylan> “Im still missing the point where you asking us questions like this is helpful to you.” [21:04] <Dylan> “You also need to ether speak slower or lay off the sugar.” [21:04] <@MGyST> TheKingwantsmetoinvestigatethemurder,soI'maskingpeoplehereiftheysawanything.“ [21:05] <@MGyST> He takes another drink, rattles the empty can and puts it back in his pocket. [21:05] * Peter` goes to a local coffee shop (not the same one) and sends out a text to the others as he continues to read his current book. [21:05] <@MGyST> Jack leans in, looking one way and the other… [21:05] <Dylan> “I dont know anything, yet. I've got a friend I will be talking to to see if I learn anything new. When I get something You'll know.” [21:06] * @Kya looks at her pocket oddly. [21:06] <@Akuma_Tokai> “Do You,” he stresses the word you, “really think that if I saw something happening to her that I would have let it go?” he balls his hand into a fist, “I would have ripped whoever it was to shreds.” [21:06] <@MGyST> Jack Robin nods like a bobble-head on a jackhammer and sets off. [21:07] * @Akuma_Tokai restrains the urge to put his first through something. [21:07] <@MGyST> (to move things along a little – everyone is notified by everyone else and agrees to meet at the Coffee House) [21:07] <@MGyST> (talk amost yourself, I need to get some caffeine of my own) [21:07] <Zephyrella> <sounds good.> [21:09] * @Kya stops to pick up a penny on the sidewalk, and tucks it into her pocket. [21:09] * @Akuma_Tokai sits in his self-assigned chair, his mind going over contacts to poke [21:09] <Peter`> “I heard the news. Is there something we can do to help?” [21:10] * Zephyrella speaks with a few of the members of her court to see if there is anything she might learn of the event before receiving a message to meet at the coffee house. With a grin, she turns and begins following the winds to the meeting place, her eyes taking in every little detail while appearing to give no concern to anything around her as she takes up a seat. “So, it appears we have a bit [21:10] * Zephyrella of work ahead of us now.” [21:10] * @Ben_Tolifyr enters the coffee house and sits down. [21:11] <@MGyST> The barrista recognizes you all. [21:11] * Dylan along the way to the Coffee Shop he makes a call to his Ally, Stg. Baulista, to see if anything new was learned about Crystal's death. most likely he ended yp leavin a voicemail for the officer. THis call would probably make him the last to enter the coffee shop [21:11] * @Kya enters with the rather quiet Julius in tow. [21:11] * Julius sits down with everyone,mildly wary of the summer court folk “So.” [21:11] <@MGyST> “Hey, y'all…what do want? On the House.” [21:12] <@Kya> “Oooh, hot chocolate, with extra extra extra whipped cream” [21:12] <Julius> “Oh,coffee for me. Black.” [21:12] <@Kya> “And muffins!” [21:12] <Peter`> “Black coffee, thanks.” [21:12] <@Akuma_Tokai> “Coffee, strong, black.” [21:13] <Zephyrella> “Green Tea, honey, touch of cream. Thank you Dear.” [21:13] <@MGyST> The barrista yells at Dave to off his seat and work for a living as she takes the orders. [21:13] * Dylan ends up coming in as everyone is placing their orders. he joins them at their normal table and waits for a little dead air beofre ordering. “Pepermint Green tea.” [21:13] <@MGyST> “Comin' right up, y'all.” [21:14] <@MGyST> Dave shuffles out, wincing at the light and starts to pour the coffee and get the whipped cream out. [21:15] * @Kya turns back to the group, suddenly all serious faced. [21:15] * @Akuma_Tokai looks over the barrista, a habit he hasn't kicked [21:15] <@Kya> “So who did it?” [21:15] <Peter`> “My court knows little, but we are willing to provide aid where needed.” [21:16] * @Akuma_Tokai he glances over at the little one, “If I knew I wouldn't be sitting here, I'd be pluverizing them.” [21:16] * Zephyrella glances to the others with a tightly hidden frown trying to form on her plump red lips. “I do not know much yet…but I do intend to do everything in my power to assist in thes case.” [21:16] <Dylan> “And turning them into mulch” [21:16] <Julius> “We don't know much either…” [21:17] <Dylan> “I've reached out to a friend on the force. They called me this morning well before the court summons happened for us..” *motioned between the summer court members* “I asked him to keep me updated, whether wierd or not.” [21:18] <@Ben_Tolifyr> “I will help as I can.” [21:18] * @Akuma_Tokai makes a tight fist, trying to control the rage building in him, each knuckle popping loudly. [21:18] * @Ben_Tolifyr looks around timidly. [21:19] <@Kya> “If you don't know who did it, do you know where to look?” [21:20] <@MGyST> The barrista comes out with a tray laden down with goodies. She hands Kya the chocolate first with a tower of whipped cream as tall as the cup. Next comes the peppermint tea and the assorted cups of black coffee and the muffin is last. “If you want something, just ask for me.” She smiles and walks away quickly. [21:20] <Julius> “Thanks.” [21:20] * @Akuma_Tokai checks her out as she walks away, a nice distraction from the burning anger. [21:21] * @Kya eat the muffin ravenously before moving on to the hot chocolate. [21:21] <Zephyrella> “Anything that can be learned should be brought up to all, as we do seem to have a shared interest in the cause of this situation. But we must all remember to be careful as well. She may not be the only victim in the end if we dont resolve this soon.” She gives a small smile to the barrista in thanks taking her tea. [21:21] <@MGyST> A couple of college kids come in – no one special. [21:21] * @Kya feels her empty stomach gurgle in happiness. [21:22] <Dylan> “Thank you.” *takes the cup of pepermint tea in hand and drinks slowly. Letting it cool the embers for now.* “I would assume the crime scene….Something strange huh. Then what about the other day when we cracked some skulls here.” [21:23] * Zephyrella keeps track of those who enter and depart mentally as she sips her tea, flicking her long red hair back over her shoulder. [21:23] <Peter`> “If we make a list of things we know, we can then make a plan on how to find more information.” [21:23] <Julius> “What about the scene?” [21:24] <@Kya> “We could explore it. I'm good at being unseen.” [21:24] <Julius> “That you are.” [21:24] <Zephyrella> “Questioning those involved in examining the scene could give us some clues as to what they have uncovered thus far as well…' [21:25] <Dylan> “She was found at teh Silver Stripper. I know that much. Im sure its a strip club…” *He turns his gaze to Kya for a moment* [21:25] <Peter`> “At or outside?” [21:25] <Dylan> 17) [21:26] <Dylan> “At, thats what my contact said” [21:26] <Dylan> 18) [21:26] <Zephyrella> <hehe silver stripper…> [21:27] <Peter`> “Do they have a security system? They seem fairly popular these days.” [21:27] <@Kya> “A shoe store?” [21:27] <Julius> “Er,yes. They have shoes there.” [21:27] <@Kya> “Can I have a pair?” [21:27] <Dylan> “Its a seed bar from what I hear. Other than that we'll have to see for ourselves.” [21:27] <@MGyST> (Oh, God) [21:27] * Julius sputters into his coffee [21:28] <Dylan> 19) [21:28] <@MGyST> (pulling up a picture now…) [21:28] <Julius> “No,they dont have your size.” [21:28] <@Kya> “Oh” [21:28] * @Kya says rather dead-pan. [21:28] * Zephyrella grins [21:29] <Dylan> “I'd like to check the Hedge around there if someone wants to accompany me.” [21:29] <Zephyrella> “Well, that particular location ios a good place to cover up details of a murder no doubt…but we should do some looking of our own. I would love to accompany you in the search” [21:31] <@Akuma_Tokai> (Silver Slipper… haha, thats a real strip club.. about 30mi from here… xD) [21:31] * @Ben_Tolifyr glances at Peter, “I shoult be able to help with any security system.” [21:31] <Julius> [lol] [21:31] <Zephyrella> <you would know> [21:32] <@MGyST> (There's one in Louisville) [21:32] * @Akuma_Tokai glances at Ben, “I as well… ” [21:32] <@Akuma_Tokai> “Local police doing the investigation?” [21:32] * Dylan takes another drink from his tea and nods a yes to Akuma's question [21:33] <Peter`> “Just offering ideas. I'm no computer whiz, though I do enjoy my tablet and ebook readers.” [21:34] * Zephyrella gives a sly grin. “If we find anyone who needs a bit of persuasion for information…let me know…” [21:34] <@Akuma_Tokai> “Well, I have another trick up my sleeve I can play with the police if need be.” [21:34] * @Kya listens quietly as she cleans her cup clean of whipped cream. [21:34] <Dylan> “My contact is with the police. Im expecting a call from him eventually. I'll let you know what he comes up with” [21:35] <@Akuma_Tokai> “Think he is on scene currently? [21:35] <@Akuma_Tokai> ” [21:35] <Dylan> “Could be, not Im not sure.” [21:36] * Dylan stands up suddenly and reached for his phone. “It's Dylan.” and started to walk out of the coffee shop [21:37] <@MGyST> (huh, it was knocked down…I'm partially shocked…) [21:37] * Zephyrella continues sipping her tea, glancing around the shop whilst listening to suggestions.. [21:38] <Dylan> <to phone while outside> “Yeah I am. The Silver Slipper right?” [21:39] <Dylan> <to phone while outside> “What kind of art are we talking about?” [21:40] <Dylan> <to phone while outside> “Nope, she shouldnt have been into that.” [21:41] * Dylan grumbles to himself as he pockets his flip phone and walks back into the Coffee Shop and retakes his seat looking alitlte more pissed than before. [21:41] <Julius> “What happened?” [21:42] <@Kya> “Something bad by the looks of it.” [21:42] * @Akuma_Tokai pulls ou this phone after thinking for a few, and goes through his contacts before he finds the one he's looking for, 'Special Agent J. Richards, FBI' but holds dailing as Dylan walks back in the door. [21:42] <@MGyST> (Kya – roll your Intelligence+Occult, diff 8) [21:43] <@Kya> 3d10 8 [21:43] <TolBot> [Kya's 3d10 (8Tgt/10Agn) [ 3 6 5 ]: Failure ] [21:43] * Dylan leans in closer on the table and picks up his cup of tea. “That was my friend. Asked if she was into drugs of some kind. Also said there was some drawings on the wall out of an 80s heavey metal album.” [21:43] <@MGyST> (damn – that's some gourmet hot chocolate!) [21:43] * Zephyrella listens closely mentally taking notes [21:44] * @Kya holds up her empty cup, staring into it. [21:44] * Dylan after taking a drink he sets the cup down and through clinched teeth “Throat was cut too.” [21:45] * Zephyrella frowns a bit. “Anything else? Signs of a struggle or other injuries?” [21:45] <@MGyST> (Everyone roll Intelligence+Occult! Difficulty 8) [21:45] <Dylan> “Thats all he had time to give me.” [21:45] <@Kya> (I'm guessing not me) [21:45] <Julius> 4d10 8/10 [21:45] <TolBot> [Julius's 4d10 (8Tgt/10Agn) [ 7 1 3 1 ]: Botched result of -2 ] [21:45] <Zephyrella> 2d10 8 [21:45] <TolBot> [Zephyrella's 2d10 (8Tgt/10Agn) [ 6 10 2 ]: 1 Success ] [21:45] <Peter`> 5d10 8 9 [21:45] <TolBot> [Peter`'s 5d10 (8Tgt/9Agn) [ 10 9 6 6 1 7 1 ]: Failure ] [21:46] <Dylan> 5d10 8/10 Ocuclt+Intel [21:46] <TolBot> [Dylan's 5d10 (8Tgt/10Agn) [ 3 6 5 8 5 ]: 1 Success Ocuclt+Intel] [21:46] <Peter`> (okay, I failed from a 9again…) [21:46] <Zephyrella> <1 negates successes> [21:47] <Zephyrella> <you had 2 hits, and 2 fails, resulting in net 0> [21:47] <@Akuma_Tokai> 3d10 8/10 [21:47] <TolBot> [Akuma_Tokai's 3d10 (8Tgt/10Agn) [ 1 5 10 4 ]: Failure ] [21:47] <Peter`> (I see that) [21:47] * @Akuma_Tokai stands and walks outside as his phone dials [21:47] <Julius> [we are bad at virtual dice,it seems] [21:47] <@Ben_Tolifyr> (when you ask for an occult roll, if I have no points in it, does that mean -3?) [21:48] <Zephyrella> <i made sweet love to tolbot…its all good> [21:48] * TolBot shakes its head. [21:48] <Zephyrella> <yes ben. -3 to dice pool, INT - 3> [21:48] <@Ben_Tolifyr> 1d10 [21:48] <TolBot> [Ben_Tolifyr's 1d10 (8Tgt/10Agn) [ 5 ]: Failure ] [21:49] <Dylan> “I'v heard of something,..spilling blood to make the Hedge easier to cross… That thought makes me want to check out the Hedge over there.” [21:49] <Peter`> “I could research that.” [21:49] <Julius> “Huh..?” [21:50] * @Kya shrugs [21:50] <Zephyrella> “Yes…i do recall learning some about that…blood can make an easier crossing for those less intune with more traditional methods…” [21:50] <Dylan> 20) [21:50] <@MGyST> (Yes) [21:51] <Dylan> “Excuse me a moment. I want to give an update…” [21:51] <Zephyrella> “It is a rather horrible way to do such a thing…but if that is what it is being used for…we should all make note that everyone should be on high alert as they will strike again…” [21:52] * Dylan stands up and this time heads over to the bathroom. once inside he locks the door, making sure he's alone and calls up his King to relay some new information. [21:53] <@MGyST> 7d10 [21:54] <@MGyST> 7d10 8/0 [21:54] <@Kya> (GMs are not allowed to roll. House rule) [21:54] <Zephyrella> <slaps tolbot a bit> [21:54] * TolBot makes a 'shushing' sound. [21:54] * @MGyST pokes dicebot with a sharpened stick [21:54] <@Ben_Tolifyr> ( ? ) [21:54] <Zephyrella> 7d10 [21:54] <TolBot> [Zephyrella's 7d10 (8Tgt/10Agn) [ 9 10 5 2 10 5 2 8 7 ]: 4 Successes ] [21:54] <Zephyrella> <it really dun like you xD> [21:55] <@Ben_Tolifyr> (my fault… I was editing the preferences in my client) [21:55] <@Ben_Tolifyr> (try now) [21:55] <@MGyST> (That is not going to save you, Ben) [21:55] <@Kya> (So it doesn't prefer you.) [21:55] <@MGyST> 7d10 8/0 [21:55] <TolBot> [MGyST's 7d10 (8Tgt/noAgn) [ 8 9 2 3 6 4 10 ]: 3 Successes ] [21:58] * @Kya holds her empty cup upside down over her extended tounge, trying to get one more drop out of it. [21:58] <Dylan> 2d10 7/10 Pure Wits [21:58] <TolBot> [Dylan's 2d10 (7Tgt/10Agn) [ 3 2 ]: Failure Pure Wits] [21:58] <@MGyST> The barrista seems to appear out of nowhere when your tip up your cup. “Was that good?” [21:59] <@Ben_Tolifyr> (FYI: you don’t have to specify 10again… that’s the default) [21:59] <@Kya> “Very good. Can I have another please?” [21:59] <@Akuma_Tokai> 1d10 7/10 [21:59] <TolBot> [Akuma_Tokai's 1d10 (7Tgt/10Agn) [ 1 ]: Botched result of -1 ] [21:59] <@Akuma_Tokai> (wow…) [21:59] * @Kya makes the most pathetic face she can muster to envoke the most charm ridden guilt she can. [21:59] <@MGyST> The barrist takes the cup. “Same amount of whipped cream?” [22:00] <@Kya> “Oh yes please.” [22:00] * Dylan finished both types of business in the bathroom and returns to his seat. His tea was probably getting cold so he decided to just down the rest of it while the barrist was right there attending to the little girl. [22:00] <@MGyST> “I'll be right back, sweetie.” [22:00] <@Kya> “Thank you” [22:00] * @Kya says sweet and sugary [22:01] * Zephyrella snickers and gives Kya a grin before finishing off the last bit of her tea and jotting down a few notes. [22:01] * Peter` scans through a book on his ereader [22:01] <Dylan> “SK has been updated now with what we've pieced together. What is our plan now?” [22:01] * @Kya puts on the halo 'what?' look at Zephyrella. [22:02] * Zephyrella just smiles knowingly at Kya. “Oh nothing.” She glances up as Dylan returns. “I suppose next would be to investigate the scene and the crossings into the Hedge in that location for ourselves.” [22:04] <Julius> “Seems reasonable.” [22:04] <Dylan> “Who would like to join me in the Hedge there?” [22:05] <@Kya> “I don't like the hedge, that's where the closet man lures children. [22:06] * Dylan nods at Kya “That's why I go in there. So you dont have to worry about him.” [22:06] <Julius> “Indeed. I'd rather not make that venture,but if I must, I will.” [22:06] <Zephyrella> “I will join you. Its been a bit since my last crossing. It would be nice to breath the air again freely.” [22:06] <@MGyST> (…or to be snatched up by the Gentry…) [22:07] <@Kya> (Exactly) [22:07] <Peter`> “I'd be best suited researching past phenomena at the library. Similar murders and such.” [22:08] <@MGyST> (time is now 8:00 PM and it's starting to get dark) [22:08] <@Kya> “I can look around the place the murder happened for clues and signs of gates. [22:08] <Peter`> “perhaps they are following a similar path.” [22:09] <Dylan> 21) [22:09] <@Kya> (LOL) [22:09] <Dylan> “If we are going, we should go soon.” [22:09] <Zephyrella> <XD yep…sounds like a good combination> [22:10] <@Ben_Tolifyr> (what’s the hedge?) [22:10] <@MGyST> (The border between the Fae world and the Real world.) [22:11] <Zephyrella> “Sounds like a plan. Lets head out before it gets too…crowded over there…it is a club after all.” [22:11] <Dylan> 22) [22:11] <@MGyST> (Where it's thinnest you can cross in between worlds, or have things come in or out) [22:11] <@MGyST> 23) [22:11] <@Kya> (Accepted) [22:12] <Julius> [wednesday is infinitely more creepy than lydia] [22:12] <Zephyrella> <too cute, not enough monotone to be wednesday> [22:12] <@Kya> (Wednesday Lydia) [22:12] * @Akuma_Tokai walks back in, and sits back down in his chair to his now cold coffee [22:12] <@Kya> (Oh I can give you monotone, and school you in poker) [22:12] * Dylan looks to Akuma as he rejoins to group to see if he has anything new to add [22:13] <@Akuma_Tokai> “Called in a favor, playing the waiting game now.” [22:13] <Peter`> “text me if you find anything. I will go research.” [22:13] * Peter` heads to his librarian contacts for a late-night entry to the microfiche [22:14] <Zephyrella> “Will do. Everyone be sure to keep an eye on your surroundings…” [22:14] * Julius nods [22:14] * Dylan nods affirmative to Zephyrella “I've updated SK (summer king). We're about to go over there and take alook around.” [22:14] * Shaddow (me@14055af3.14055af5.206.128.imsk) Quit (warlock.hub.sorcery.net aesir.sorcery.net) [22:14] * @MGyST (Harlequin_@8f3f4332.swo.res.14056255.com.hmsk) Quit (warlock.hub.sorcery.net aesir.sorcery.net) [22:15] <@Akuma_Tokai> (uh ohs, net split) [22:15] <Dylan> 24) [22:15] * TolBot (TolBot@c50aa136.dyn.f88a4073.net.hmsk) Quit (warlock.hub.sorcery.net rivendell.hub.sorcery.net) [22:15] * @Ben_Tolifyr (Tol@c50aa136.dyn.f88a4073.net.hmsk) Quit (warlock.hub.sorcery.net rivendell.hub.sorcery.net) [22:15] <@Kya> (/me picks everybody's pockets) [22:15] <Dylan> 25) [22:16] <Dylan> 26) [22:16] * MGyST (Harlequin_@8f3f4332.swo.res.14056255.com.hmsk) has joined #grovewood [22:16] * Shaddow (me@14055af3.14055af5.206.128.imsk) has joined #grovewood [22:16] * TolBot (TolBot@c50aa136.dyn.f88a4073.net.hmsk) has joined #grovewood [22:16] * Ben_Tolifyr (Tol@c50aa136.dyn.f88a4073.net.hmsk) has joined #grovewood [22:16] * rivendell.hub.sorcery.net sets mode: +oo MGyST Ben_Tolifyr [22:17] <@Ben_Tolifyr> (net split?) [22:17] <Zephyrella> “Sounds good. Ill update the Spring Queen on the way. She has an invested interest in this murder as well…” [22:17] <@Kya> (yup) [22:17] <Zephyrella> <yep> [22:17] <@MGyST> (Not my fault) [22:17] <Julius> [i blame the gm. MUTINY!] [22:18] <Zephyrella> <server usurper!> [22:18] <@MGyST> (You blame me for everything. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying find something and stick with it) [22:19] <Julius> [this is literally the first time ive blamed you for a thing xD] [22:20] <Dylan> “Myself and Zephyrella will check out the Hedge once we get to the bar. What do you plan to do?” *His eyes focusing on Akuma* [22:20] <@Akuma_Tokai> “Just waiting on clearance.” [22:20] <@MGyST> (Peter, and Ben if he wishes to assist – roll Intelligence+Occult, diff 7/3 successes for more information about the Hedge in the Area) [22:20] * @Ben_Tolifyr goes to assist Peter. [22:21] <@Ben_Tolifyr> 1d10 7 [22:21] <TolBot> [Ben_Tolifyr's 1d10 (7Tgt/10Agn) [ 2 ]: Failure ] [22:21] <Peter`> 5d10 7 [22:21] <TolBot> [Peter`'s 5d10 (7Tgt/10Agn) [ 8 8 9 3 8 ]: 4 Successes ] [22:22] <Peter`> (woah, I made a roll!) [22:22] <Dylan> 27) [22:23] <@MGyST> (So, you two are reading up, and it's going to take an hour of research) [22:23] <@MGyST> (Question: Good stopping place?) [22:24] <Dylan> 28) [22:24] <Zephyrella> <sure?> [22:24] <@Kya> (I'm good for an extra 30 minutes) [22:24] <Zephyrella> <either way> [22:24] <@MGyST> (Akuma?) [22:25] <Julius> [doesnt matter to me] [22:25] <@Akuma_Tokai> (I'm good for 30min) [22:25] <@MGyST> (ok, thirty more minutes) [22:25] * @Ben_Tolifyr looks to Peter, “Good job. I’m not good with all the occult info. I was pretty much kept in the dark during my captivity.” [22:25] * @Kya patiently waits at the table for her second hot chocolate to top off her only meal of the day. [22:26] <@Ben_Tolifyr> “I never really learned where I was until the debriefing from the court when I got back.” [22:26] <@MGyST> The Barrista shows up with another cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream “Here you go, sweetie.” [22:26] <Peter`> “I was the embodiment of their library during my stay. I still remember bits, and more sticks with me than before.” [22:26] * @Akuma_Tokai looks at Kya, “Do they not feed you little one?” [22:26] * @Ben_Tolifyr nods. [22:27] * Peter` returns with the research [22:27] <@Kya> “Who's they?” [22:27] <@Akuma_Tokai> “Anybody?” [22:28] <@Kya> “I live alone or with Mr. Jones. He's the one who found me when I found my way back.” [22:28] <Peter`> “The news is grim, friends. The area is known for disappearances.” [22:28] <@MGyST> “I'm getting to it, Jerry! Jesus, man – hold your horses!” [22:28] <Zephyrella> “Oh?” [22:29] * @Kya turns her attention to the commotion, uninterested in her current conversation. [22:29] * @Akuma_Tokai fishes some cash out of his wallet and hands it to Kya, along with his card. “You need anything, give me a call alright? Can't let you be going hungry.” [22:29] * @Kya scoops up the cash and card and tucks it away, with her attention pre-occupied. [22:30] <@Kya> “Thanks” [22:30] * @Ben_Tolifyr enters behind Peter. [22:30] <@Akuma_Tokai> “Not a problem.” [22:32] * Dylan looks around to everyone else, not really understanding why they arent moving already but says nothing. he just mulls over the information given so far before speaking up. “You said that area has hhad alot of disappearences?” [22:33] <Dylan> 29) [22:33] <Zephyrella> “I might be able to discern a bit about the hedge itself if I can manage to snag a thorn from the particular area. It might point out something to help along the way.” [22:33] <@Ben_Tolifyr> “It also seems that there have been attempts to create a Hollow there.” [22:33] * Dylan nods over at Zephyrella “Me too.” [22:34] * Peter` enters after an hour or so has passed and tells the group about the disappearances in the area. [22:35] * Zephyrella grins. “Good to know another cares enough to keep the hedges trimmed” [22:35] <Dylan> “The other day though, when we bashed some skulls. The guy I dragged back, when I looked into his eyes I felt,..the pressence of an Other behind it…” [22:35] <@Kya> “A who?” [22:36] <Zephyrella> “Oh? Now that…is quite interesting…did you manage to sence anything of the other?”” [22:36] * @Akuma_Tokai sits quietly now, waiting for his phone to ring [22:36] <Dylan> “No, and this was just a human.” *he looks back to Kya* “one of those closet people” [22:37] * @Kya feels her skin crawl. [22:38] <Dylan> “I dont know if its connected to any of this…but I'd love to get the chance to beat on a Other minion.” [22:38] * Zephyrella gives a slight twitch. “Not a good sign…but I would agree with you there…taking one of them down would be a lovely bonus…” [22:39] <@MGyST> “Jerry…please…for the love of God – would you stop–” There's a crash of pots and pans from the back. [22:39] * Julius looks towards the commotion [22:39] * @Kya looks over again, realizing that she hasn't gotten her 2nd hot chocolate yet, and this “Jerry” might be the cause. [22:40] * @Kya quietly gets up and sneaks over to the source of the commotion. [22:40] <@Akuma_Tokai> (yes you have…) [22:40] * Zephyrella glances back to the kitchen. “That Jerry never seems to be able to do anything right…” [22:40] <Peter`> (she brought it over, Kya… at least I think so) [22:40] <Zephyrella> <you drank into it already :P> [22:40] <@MGyST> (she did – twice) [22:40] <@Kya> (Well I guess I was distracted by all the adults talking.) [22:41] * @Kya sneaks over to the back anyway, as that's the source of the magic of hot chocolate, and can't be threatened. [22:41] <@MGyST> (Or you're greedy.) [22:41] <Zephyrella> <all of the above> [22:41] <@Kya> (Am not greedy) [22:41] <@MGyST> (Is this a multiple choice answer?) [22:41] <@Kya> 31d10 6 [22:41] <TolBot> [Kya's 31d10 (6Tgt/10Agn) [ 10 6 2 4 6 3 9 2 2 2 2 5 4 4 1 1 6 6 5 9 9 7 3 1 5 9 3 6 8 10 1 7 3 ]: 10 Successes ] [22:42] <@Kya> 3d10 6 [22:42] <TolBot> [Kya's 3d10 (6Tgt/10Agn) [ 8 1 8 ]: 1 Success ] [22:42] * Zephyrella stands and peeks over the counter. “Everything all right back there Dear? You didnt hurt yourself did you?” [22:42] <@MGyST> (umm… yeah – gonna go with the second one…) [22:42] * Dylan just watches from his vantage point for now, with a clinched fist under the table. [22:43] <@Ben_Tolifyr> (lol… I was wondering what Mage was rolling that he had 31 points) [22:43] <@Kya> (Cutiness factor) [22:44] <@MGyST> The barrista speaks up from the back “No, ma'am – just having some problems with the help being too eager on the first day.” [22:45] <@MGyST> “Just let me get these things done, and I'll be back out to freshen y'alls coffee up.” [22:46] <Zephyrella> “No worries Dearie. Just making sure nothing happened to yall back there.” [22:48] <@MGyST> (ok – everyone filled in?) [22:48] * Dylan relaxes as much as he can at the moment and starts to grow alittle impatient. [22:49] <@MGyST> 4d10 [22:49] <TolBot> [MGyST's 4d10 (8Tgt/10Agn) [ 9 6 1 5 ]: Failure ] [22:49] * Zephyrella wanders back over to the table, pulling out her phone and shooting off a text to update her contacts within the court, her eyes twinging a bit sharing in dylan's impatience. [22:51] <@MGyST> (OK – since we're all going to head out to the hedge, let's save that for next week?) [22:51] * @Kya seems to have disappeared, though it probably went unnoticed. [22:51] <@Ben_Tolifyr> (ok) [22:51] <Zephyrella> kk [22:51] * Peter` sips on a refilled coffee as they prepare to head out. [22:52] <@MGyST> So, as our motley crew decides to brave the border between home and old torments, this episode of “The Maddening Gyre” comes an end…

day of the week?
well guess thats the day I need to drink
I probably would have confired with any Autum court or Summer court person that was at the coffe shop for that
before today i would have talked to those people
I would have shared what I noticed with my summer court brothers/sisters
I do
erm, actually he's an Allie
Im Summer Court
thought there was an autum?
Sun is in another book…..
Elemental Woodblood Summer Court
I'll copy this over to my notes and share it via library
tier 5 Predator
tier 6 Hog Farms.. tier 7: Global Thermonuclear War) [20:18] <@MGyST> (Everyone gets a notification from their Court) [20:20] <@Kya> (How do we receive notifications, magic message, a courier, telepathy?) [20:20] <Zephyrella> “Oh dear…looks like its time to do a little digging…” [20:21] * Peter` sets the pile of books down on the table and sits on a couch. [20:21] <Julius> “Well,shit.” [20:21] <@MGyST> (cell phone – who uses pagers?) [20:21] * @Akuma_Tokai sighs, and checks the time. “Acknowledged. 1600 hours.” [20:22] * @Kya looks at the cell phone she was given… confused for a moment that it's going off, before answering it how she was told to and listening to the voice on the other end, before putting it away into the pocket of her black dress, as she looks around wary. [20:23] <@MGyST> (It's now 11:00 AM – the gun stores are now officially open) [20:23] <@Kya> “Ooooh, I better go find big brother Julius.” [20:23] * @Kya skips off. [20:23] * Dylan answers his cell phone and grumbles an affermative before hanging “There goes my day.” [20:24] * @Akuma_Tokai grabs his sidearm and checks it out of pure habit, before clipping it back to his side, throwing his wallet/badge back into his pocket, and heads out of his office to inform his secretary that he will be heading out at 1400 to attend to some business. [20:24] * Peter` reads the notification on his tablet. [20:25] * @Ben_Tolifyr glances at his iPhone and then grabs his backpack and heads out the door. [20:25] * Zephyrella grins as she hangs up the phone and decides to go check and see if her order was in from the gun store. [20:26] <@MGyST> (Everyone getting a notification is told to attent their court at 4:00 PM, if they are members of the Court) [20:27] * Peter` sighs. “Couldn't tell me while I was searching the library…” [20:28] * @Kya skips and hums her way to the Winter Court early, since she has nothing better to do before hand. [20:28] <@MGyST> (The Winter Court – held in an old Theatre) [20:28] * Julius heads there as well [20:29] <@Kya> (How Macabre!) [20:29] <@MGyST> (The Spring Court – held in a Green Nursery) [20:29] * Dylan remains in his little loft and tends to a varity of plants he tends to while at home. Some were just pretty while others had medicinal uses too that he kept on hand just incase. [20:29] * @Kya finds a seat in the balcony and hides, so nobody notices her. [20:30] <@MGyST> (The Autumn Court – held in an old carnie site) [20:30] <@MGyST> (The Summer Court – held in an coffee house) [20:31] * Zephyrella pauses briefly to check on her orders before heading to the Nursury [20:31] <@MGyST> (I'm going to assume everyone is moving to their courts, so we'll jump ahead… [20:31] <Dylan> (( k
unless he wants to get bunchpressed
Silver Slipper
I assume that my King is on speed dial?
so Poison ivy and groot are going to check on the Hedge
/me dubs Kya Lydia, from Beetlejuice
I was thinking more like Wednesday Addams
and the players run amuck
I think warlock is throwing a tantrum
and did very well
up to everyone else
oh wait, they're not back with us yet…