[20:18] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> Our story continues behind a collection of buildings surrounding a well. The air is a little moist and clammy, and the ground is worn from foot traffic. The air is still... a little too still, and there's a feeling of wrongness about this place. The door behind you just moments ago slammed shut, and the sounds of a beam or furniture can barely be heard being moved in front of the doorway. A reminder that friends can be easily lost \\ [20:18] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> As our session begins\\ [20:19] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Well...fine."\\ [20:20] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] puts in a percussion cap, and affixes his bayonet.\\ [20:21] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] tries to catch his breath\\ [20:22] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] walks towards the well with both Blades drawn\\ [20:22] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] moves to Tindai's right to keep a clear shot\\ [20:25] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The well is a simple stone well, fairly well built and of newer construction.\\ [20:25] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> “What next then?"\\ [20:25] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] peers into the well\\ [20:26] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "We check the water. If it's unpolluted, we can hole up here. It is impure, we need to find another source."\\ [20:26] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The well is dark, and the rope for what you assume to be a bucket winds down into the well.\\ [20:28] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> "Well, Kevoyan, we're at the well... What did you need from it?"\\ [20:28] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] shoulders his muskets.\\ [20:29] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Clean water."\\ [20:29] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (so i am barely alive, with low con . what exactly do i need to do to get back to 100% again?)\\ [20:29] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (Rest and healing)\\ [20:29] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (I can heal you in a minute)\\ [20:29] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> “You look in bad shape. We need to rest"\\ [20:30] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> "At least i am stil moving."\\ [20:30] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> "Well, make it quick," he stands guard and keeps his eyes open for any movement\\ [20:30] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] reaches out for the crank.\\ [20:31] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The crank is made of fresher wood that hasn't gotten that worn smoothness from years of use yet, but appears to be functional.\\ [20:31] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (Is the bucket down or up?)\\ [20:32] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (Down)\\ [20:32] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] cranks it up\\ [20:34] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The well creaks in slight protest, but you wind the crank until the bucket merges above the stone lip of the well.\\ [20:35] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] peeks in the bucket.\\ [20:36] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The water is murky, but doesn't appear to be harboring some horrific creature.\\ [20:36] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] sniffs it.\\ [20:37] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> It smells a bit stale.\\ [20:37] * @[[character:Ptolamir]] steps back, as he cares little for bodies of water.\\ [20:38] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "We might be able to boil it, keep from getting worse."\\ [20:38] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] pours the water back into the well.\\ [20:39] <+[[character:Animal]]> ([[character:Animal]] will start setting up camp when she gets to where she was going)\\ [20:40] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (ok)\\ [20:40] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Now, let's get these snotlings to open the door."\\ [20:41] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] keeps looking around at the buildings and windows for any signs of life\\ [20:42] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> It's eeriely quiet, you haven't even heard the sounds of children crying since dealing with the white grubs.\\ [20:42] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] looks around for another building that they may be able to hold up in\\ [20:43] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (Good...getting on my nerves anyways)\\ [20:43] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] bangs on the door with the butt of his musket.\\ [20:43] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> There are several buildings that connect to this back alley that you might be able to make camp in.\\ [20:43] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (how far are we from the church?)\\ [20:43] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (About 100 yards tops)\\ [20:44] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (did we see the doors when we cam this way , were they clsoed?)\\ [20:45] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (You did not see the doors)\\ [20:45] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> "Maybe we should check the church too."\\ [20:45] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> "Rest for now, hit the church after we have recovered."\\ [20:45] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] goes and checks the next building, keeping alert.\\ [20:46] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] follows Tindai, musket at the ready.\\ [20:46] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (brb)\\ [20:47] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> There are in total 4 buildings around this well, excluding the one you came from. The first door closest to the entrance to the temple where you fought the vines, appears to be locked.\\ [20:48] * @[[character:Ptolamir]] moves behind as well.\\ [20:48] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> “I agree, some of you need rest.”\\ [20:49] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] attempts to unlock the door\\ [20:49] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (Disable Device check if you are trained in it)\\ [20:50] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> "I am worried that some fo those buldings might hold more surprises just like the stables\\ [20:50] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> "\\ [20:50] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> (not trained in it, so dex check?)\\ [20:51] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> “And we’re not ready for another encounter."\\ [20:51] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (No, that's a skill you need to be trained in. I.E. picking locks. You have 3 other doors you can try if you want)\\ [20:51] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> (or I could simply break it open lol)\\ [20:52] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> "Anybody know how to unlock a door without a key... without destroying the door, as it would be useful to have."\\ [20:54] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Nope."\\ [20:54] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] nods at his musket.\\ [20:54] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] shakes his head\\ [20:54] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> (how sturdy does the door look?)\\ [20:55] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (This door, along with the other doors looks to be of average construction)\\ [20:55] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (anyone pick doors as favored enemy?)\\ [20:55] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] sheaths his blades, and slams his shoulder against the door in effort to open it by force\\ [20:56] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (Roll strength check)\\ [20:56] <+[[character:Animal]]> (no one on critical role did that's for sure)\\ [20:56] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> 1d20+4\\ [20:56] [[[character:Tindai_Edo]]'s 1d20(12)+4]: 16 \\ [20:56] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> THUNK\\ [20:56] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] sets his musket against the wall to help out.\\ [20:57] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> You start to hear the sounds of children crying in the distance...not from the building you left.\\ [20:57] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] growls\\ [20:58] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] looks in that direction.\\ [20:58] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] looks around trying to determine where the sounds are comming from\\ [20:58] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Should we attend them?"\\ [20:58] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> "We should but some of us are in no condition to do so"\\ [20:58] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The crying sounds like it is originating somewhat near the stables, and getting closer.\\ [20:59] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] picks his musket up.\\ [20:59] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] steps away from the door and draws his blade, "Get this door open, or move onto the next, this may be bad."\\ [20:59] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "I am not in favor of remaining."\\ [21:00] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> (**blades)\\ [21:01] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> (florishes his Katana in the direction of the door, 'Alohomora')\\ [21:02] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The crying is getting closer, and in time they will be in the alley way.\\ [21:03] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (are we blocked in?)\\ [21:03] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Rut it."\\ [21:03] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (meaning is this a bling alley with a well?)\\ [21:03] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (these doors have knobs right?)\\ [21:03] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (Yes)\\ [21:04] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] slams the butt of his musket against the knob on the door,\\ [21:04] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (No there are several alleys between the buildings that connect to this well area.)\\ [21:04] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (Roll str)\\ [21:04] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (Or sunder)\\ [21:04] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] looks at [[character:Ptolamir]] " Fire-man, maybe its time to heat up those hands again bcause i am no good like this"\\ [21:04] * @[[character:Ptolamir]] nods.\\ [21:05] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> roll 1d20+1\\ [21:05] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> 1d20+1\\ [21:05] [[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]'s 1d20(19)+1]: 20 \\ [21:05] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (Yes!)\\ [21:06] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (oh, wait -- here's sunder...+5... *sigh*)\\ [21:06] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The knob breaks under the butt of your musket and falls off the door "unlocking" it.\\ [21:08] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> "Careful getting in there"\\ [21:08] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] nudges it open with his foot.\\ [21:08] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> “There you go"\\ [21:08] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (Do I see anything?)\\ [21:09] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> Inside the building, is a medium sized kitchen that looks like it hasn't been dusted in a while.\\ [21:09] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (a woman covering up, anything liek that?\\ [21:09] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (dang, wrong door)\\ [21:10] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> A doorway continues past that kitchen, but it's contents aren't apparent at the moment.\\ [21:10] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Everybody in."\\ [21:10] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] goes in, keeping his blades at the ready\\ [21:10] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] follows the others inside\\ [21:11] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] looks for something to block the door closed.\\ [21:11] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The crying stops...very close by.\\ [21:11] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> There are a few chairs and a solid table in the kitchen.\\ [21:12] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (can we see whats making the noises?)\\ [21:12] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (Staying outside to look?)\\ [21:12] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (no, looking for a crack in the wall/window/keyhole)\\ [21:13] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Table and chairs. Wedge them against the broken door."\\ [21:13] * @[[character:Ptolamir]] peaks in.\\ [21:14] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> You get the last of your group inside and start barricading the door shut. Garun peers through the bottom of the door frame, and see tiny dirty child feet walk up to the door where the knob was.\\ [21:15] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> "There is a child outside"\\ [21:16] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The feet are about the size of a toddler's feet, and you hear scraping at the door.\\ [21:16] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "What does it want?"\\ [21:17] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> "Something is wrong"\\ [21:17] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> There's sobbing coming from the other side of the door as a second pair of dirty child feet arrive at the door.\\ [21:18] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "With the children?"\\ [21:18] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (any indication how old thery are? are they just sobbing or did they talk too?)\\ [21:18] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> “It is gettign annoying"\\ [21:19] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (Toddler age)\\ [21:19] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "What's wrong, child?"\\ [21:20] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> "So very hungry."\\ [21:20] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (Nope. NopeNopeNope.)\\ [21:20] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Eat some fruit."\\ [21:20] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (i dislike it when writers use children in horror movies for additional shock value)\\ [21:20] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> "The priests keep it all for themselves, and grow fat.\\ [21:21] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> "What would you like to eat child?"\\ [21:21] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> "You have food inside, yes?"\\ [21:22] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (I dislike children on general principle)\\ [21:22] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The voice is a child's voice, female and very timid sounding.\\ [21:22] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Go after the priests."\\ [21:23] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Bring a priest here and I'll convince him to give up the food."\\ [21:23] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> "They hide behind gates in their temple, with their grove."\\ [21:23] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (look at us brave adventurers shaking in fear from 2 toddlers)\\ [21:24] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (Because we've seen this before, and it ain't pretty)\\ [21:24] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The children sob some more.\\ [21:24] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (does this place have a 2nd floor?)\\ [21:25] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (You think you saw a second floor to this building, yes)\\ [21:25] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> "Where are your parents child?"\\ [21:25] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] looks for stairs up to the second floor\\ [21:25] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] looks to the other door.\\ [21:26] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> "I want to take a better look at those children, maybe a window on second floor has a better view"\\ [21:26] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The stairs to the second floor are not hard to find, and it's easy to get to the second floor, which is arranged with many small rooms for guests of the temple. A layer of dust covers everything.\\ [21:27] * @[[character:Ptolamir]] follows to the stairs\\ [21:28] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] stands at teh foot of the stairs\\ [21:28] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] stays near the doors, weapons at the ready\\ [21:29] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> You select a room that you believe stands over the doorway, and it does have a window.\\ [21:29] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> "Tindai, you hear a little noise from where the knob was under the table.\\ [21:30] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] glances towards it\\ [21:31] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> You peek under the table and see a small finger poking through the hole, probing the area.\\ [21:31] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] peaks out the window trying to get a better look at the children\\ [21:31] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> "Please let us in. We are hungry and this place is scary.\\ [21:32] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> You see two children at the door, one boy and one girl, both the size of toddlers. (Perception Check Garun)\\ [21:32] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> 1d20+3 perc\\ [21:32] [[[character:Garun_Degiron]]'s 1d20(8)+3]: 11 perc\\ [21:32] <+[[character:Animal]]> (am i the only going who is going in their head 'noooooooooooooope! burn this shit to the ground!')\\ [21:32] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (You are not)\\ [21:33] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> 2 1d20\\ [21:33] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> 2#1d20\\ [21:33] [[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]'s 1d20(1)]: 1 (Uh oh.)\\ [21:33] [[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]'s 1d20(17)]: 17 \\ [21:33] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (So -- my next character...)\\ [21:33] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The girl is poking her finger through the hole, but the boy starts to look up towards the window.\\ [21:34] * @[[character:Ptolamir]] shakes his head\\ [21:34] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] takes a step back\\ [21:34] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The finger stops probing the hole Tindai, and you think they are leaving.\\ [21:35] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (They look like normal kids to me?)\\ [21:35] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (Yes they do)\\ [21:35] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (Two words -- open and fire)\\ [21:35] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] moves downstairs again "They are just two hungry kids"\\ [21:36] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (too bad i didnt roll better perception)\\ [21:36] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (You might have saw something else in the area)\\ [21:37] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (oh i know its a trap, but Garun doesnt)\\ [21:39] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (Why do I have this feeling that a couple of guys in white shirts and black ties are watching this happen on a TV screen while placing bets on how soon we will die?)\\ [21:39] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "What's going on upstairs?"\\ [21:39] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (how do you know what mage is wearing?)\\ [21:39] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (Just your DM in a black t-shirt and beige shorts)\\ [21:39] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> “Is it more kids?"\\ [21:39] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (But you are taking bets, right?)\\ [21:40] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (Not yet. Though when you fought the grubs my roommate was interested in your progress)\\ [21:40] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> "Just saw the two kids, they look disheveled"\\ [21:40] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Did you see any others?"\\ [21:41] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> "No didnt see anything else but i was trying not to be seen"\\ [21:44] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> "We have no food to give, try to come through the door, and your head will lay upon the floor. Now begone," he looks to the others, "I have a feeling that no good will come from them. Else the other children would have already taken them in." \\ [21:44] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] yells to the kids on the other side of the door "Hey! Where are the other kids?"\\ [21:45] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> There is no answer from the other side of the door, it is as if they have left.\\ [21:46] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Are we safe?"\\ [21:47] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> ‘Hmm”\\ [21:47] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] makes sure the door is secure\\ [21:48] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] moves upstairs again and takes another look out of the window\\ [21:48] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The door seems secure, but you are not confident it would hold if somebody attempted to siege the place.\\ [21:49] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The area around the well and doorway appears to be clear.\\ [21:50] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] tries to get a better look at the alley\\ [21:51] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] does what he can to seal the door from the inside\\ [21:51] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The building does not afford much of a view of the area, but the alley itself looks empty and devoid of life at the moment.\\ [21:54] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> “What are we hoping to find?"\\ [21:54] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> You are fairly confident that the building should be secure enough to afford a safe night's rest.\\ [21:57] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] sheathes his blades, "We rest here."\\ [21:57] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "I'll take watch at night."\\ [21:57] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] goes back down and lets the others know the kids are gone\\ [21:57] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> "if we are going to rest here we should make sure that this place is secure and there are no other entrances"\\ [21:59] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Good idea."\\ [21:59] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The only other entrance appears to be the front door, which seems solid and locked.\\ [21:59] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] nods, and pulls out [[character:Lux]]'s belt and tries to determine what it is\\ [21:59] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> (and does)\\ [21:59] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] walks upstairs to see what's what up there. Defendable positions and the such\\ [22:01] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> “It looks secure."\\ [22:02] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> There are about 10 rooms on the upper level for guests of the temple. Each room has a bed, and a small table.\\ [22:05] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (What? No dark altar? Maybe I was wrong about those meddling kids)\\ [22:05] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The evening passes by without event. (Restore your level in HPs, and 1 point of attribute damage)\\ [22:05] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (didnt the other kids mention something about children of canibals?)\\ [22:05] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> (I think I have none, that right?)\\ [22:06] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (That might be right)\\ [22:07] <+[[character:Animal]]> (yay my con mod is now -3 lol)\\ [22:07] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> (I kept my distance from the grubs)\\ [22:08] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> (Assuming I have no luck in figuring out with [[character:Lux]]'s belt does lol. . .)\\ [22:09] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (Without identifying it, it's going to be trial and error)\\ [22:09] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (I have been advised to ask if anybody was wearing [[character:Lux]]'s bandages)\\ [22:10] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (nope)\\ [22:10] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> (indeed, thats why I was messing with it during the rest)\\ [22:10] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] looks into one of hte small rooms.\\ [22:10] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (brb, again)\\ [22:13] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (If you are wearing the bandages Tindai, your recovery is at x2)\\ [22:13] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] puts [[character:Lux]]'s belt on\\ [22:14] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The belt makes your waist look fat.\\ [22:14] <+[[character:Animal]]> (lol)\\ [22:14] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> (well, I'm wearing armor so I already look fat :P )\\ [22:14] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (and they don't match your shoes. Who dressed you? Helen Keller?)\\ [22:14] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> (lol)\\ [22:15] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (What will you be doing this morning?)\\ [22:15] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (haha)\\ [22:16] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> ( i am still too weak, so i am just following the others)\\ [22:21] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] sets his gear down and goes through the drawers, etc in the room to make sure it's clear.\\ [22:22] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> There are no drawers to go through, just a simple table and a bed... though the bed may have bed bugs if you are unlucky.\\ [22:24] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (...this AirBnB sucks)\\ [22:24] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] gathers up his things and heads back out to join the othes.\\ [22:26] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> "Are we ready to move?" \\ [22:26] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] nods\\ [22:26] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Yes...where are we going?"\\ [22:26] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> "The temple"\\ [22:28] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "Right."\\ [22:28] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] gets ready, making sure his ammo box is on his hip and his knife is in easy reach.\\ [22:29] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> (Sorry... http://mamabee.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/7-1.jpg )\\ [22:29] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> (that is sooo me)\\ [22:29] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> “Yes, lets"\\ [22:29] <@[[character:Ptolamir]]> (sorry i’m afk some off and on)\\ [22:32] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (How are you exiting, the front door or the back door towards the well?)\\ [22:33] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (The kids were at the front door?)\\ [22:33] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (back)\\ [22:33] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> (They were at the back door)\\ [22:34] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (Front)\\ [22:35] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "head out the front door"\\ [22:38] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] nods and heads towards the front door\\ [22:38] * [[character:Garun_Degiron]] follows\\ [22:39] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] follows Garun out\\ [22:39] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> You unlock the front door, a simple sliding latch and step out into the crisp morning air. From the forest, you hear the sounds of hooves on stone and the rattle of a wagon, while down the roadway you spy the inner gates leading to the temple.\\ [22:41] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "All right..."\\ [22:41] * @[[character:Tindai_Edo]] makes his way to the temple, slowly, cautiously, hands on the Tsuka's of his blades.\\ [22:42] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] has his musket up and ready to shoot\\ [22:42] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> The sound of the horses continues to get louder, until you spy a familiar wagon led by a familiar halfling.\\ [22:42] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> (its Boris the animal)\\ [22:43] <+[[character:Animal]]> (it's just animal, you people are evil :P)\\ [22:43] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (OPEN FIRE!)\\ [22:43] <@[[character:Tindai_Edo]]> ([[character:Animal]] is the offspring of Grog and Kaylie Shorthalt) \\ [22:44] * [[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]] raises up the musket.\\ [22:44] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "[[character:Animal]]?"\\ [22:44] <+[[character:Animal]]> "No, it's more grubs in disguise, what do you think!?"\\ [22:45] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> "That the grubs were more polite.:\\ [22:45] <[[character:Garun_Degiron]]> "Have you seen any more kids around here?"\\ [22:46] * +[[character:Animal]] snorts in Kevyan's direction. "I have not seen any, why?"\\ [22:46] <[[character:Dragoon_Kevoyan]]> (afk)\\ [22:47] * @[[character:Ptolamir]] shakes his head.\\ [22:49] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> As the group of strangers reunite, they prepare to head for the temple, and what may dwell within\\ [22:49] <@[[players:Magestar| GWRD]]> As our session comes to an end.